coolant level NISSAN 370Z COUPE 2015 Z34 Owners Manual

NISSAN 370Z COUPE 2015 Z34 Owners Manual 370Z COUPE 2015 Z34 NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN 370Z COUPE 2015 Z34 Owners Manual

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NISSAN 370Z COUPE 2015 Z34 Owners Manual �������
�> �(�G�L�W� ����� �� �� �0�R�G�H�O� �=���� �@
2. Turn off the air conditioner. Open all thewindows, move the heater or air conditioner
temperature control to maximum hot

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�> �(�G�L�W� ����� �� �� �0�R�G�H�O� �=���� �@
8 Maintenance and do-it-yourself
Maintenance requirement...
........................................................ 8-3

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�> �(�G�L�W� ����� �� �� �0�R�G�H�O� �=���� �@
Windshield defroster:Check that the air
comes out of the defroster outlets properly and
in sufficient quantity when operati

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�> �(�G�L�W� ����� �� �� �0�R�G�H�O� �=���� �@
8-6Maintenance and do-it-yourself
GUID-AC78F4C5-074B-4FD0-8070-61F7D0EF17ACWhen performing any inspection or mainte-

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�> �(�G�L�W� ����� �� �� �0�R�G�H�O� �=���� �@
CHECKING ENGINE COOLANT LEVELGUID-8D88E26B-6554-4240-9753-2F3C8FB26D07Check the coolant levelin the reservoir when

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�> �(�G�L�W� ����� �� �� �0�R�G�H�O� �=���� �@
freeze or equivalent.
.Do not substitute engine anti-freeze
coolant for window washer solution.
This may result in

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�> �(�G�L�W� ����� �� �� �0�R�G�H�O� �=���� �@
9-2Technical and consumer information
GUID-80082F43-58D6-4C2E-8F86-1E99B1A7B004The following are approximate capacities. Th

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�> �(�G�L�W� ����� �� �� �0�R�G�H�O� �=���� �@
CoolantCapacities and
recommended fluids/lubricants ...
............................ 9-2
Changing engine coolant ...