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NISSAN GT-R 2014 R35 Multi Function Display Owners Manual GT-R 2014 R35 NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN GT-R 2014 R35 Multi Function Display Owners Manual

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NISSAN GT-R 2014 R35 Multi Function Display Owners Manual 1-10About Multi function display system
Push the source select switch to change the
mode in the sequence of AM, FM, XM, iPod
CD, DVD, USB memory and Bluetooth streaming

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NISSAN GT-R 2014 R35 Multi Function Display Owners Manual 3-14Audio system
.UPDATING (When the satellite radio sub-
scription is not active)
SCAN tuning:
Push <SCAN> to tune from low to high
frequencies and stop at each broadcasting
station/channel for 5 sec

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NISSAN GT-R 2014 R35 Multi Function Display Owners Manual 3-16Audio system
DVD (Digital Versatile Disc) PLAYER
Start the engine when using the DVD entertain-
ment system.
Movies will not be shown on the front display
while the vehicle i

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NISSAN GT-R 2014 R35 Multi Function Display Owners Manual item from the displayed video. When the
operation screen is being shown, use the center
dial or touch screen to select an item from the
displayed menus.
Select [
]to pause the DVD. To resume

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NISSAN GT-R 2014 R35 Multi Function Display Owners Manual 3-20Audio system
There are some options available during play-
back. Select one of the following options that
are displayed on the screen if necessary. Refer
to the following information for eac

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NISSAN GT-R 2014 R35 Multi Function Display Owners Manual 4-2Bluetooth®Hands-Free Phone System
.Use a phone after stopping your
vehicle in a safe location. If you
have to use a phone while driving,
exercise extreme caution at all
times so full atten

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NISSAN GT-R 2014 R35 Multi Function Display Owners Manual The image files in the USB memory will be
1. Press<SETTING>.
2. Select [Others] and press <ENTER>.
3. Select [Image Viewer] and press <ENTER>.
The image of the selected file is displayed on

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NISSAN GT-R 2014 R35 Multi Function Display Owners Manual 8-4Voice recognition
Useful tips for correct operation
It is possible to display useful speaking informa-
tion that may help the system to accept a voice
command correctly.
1. Highlight [Help on Speak

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NISSAN GT-R 2014 R35 Multi Function Display Owners Manual 2. The voice guide demonstrates the steps thathave to be performed.
3. When the tutorial is completed, the system automatically switches to the Menu screen.

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NISSAN GT-R 2014 R35 Multi Function Display Owners Manual Command List
Navigation Command:
Home Sets a route to your home location.
Address Sets a route to the street address that you specify (for continental U.S. and Canada only) .
Places Sets
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