audio NISSAN SENTRA 1999 B14 / 4.G Owners Manual

NISSAN SENTRA 1999 B14 / 4.G Owners Manual SENTRA 1999 B14 / 4.G NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN SENTRA 1999 B14 / 4.G Owners Manual

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NISSAN SENTRA 1999 B14 / 4.G Owners Manual Table of
ContentsSeats, restraints and supplemental air bag systems
Instruments and controls
Pre-driving checks and adjustments
Heater, air conditioner and audio systems
Starting and driving
In case o

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NISSAN SENTRA 1999 B14 / 4.G Owners Manual The theft warning system provides visual
and audio alarm signals if parts of the
vehicle are disturbed.
How to activate the theft warning
1. Close all windows.
2. Remove the key from the igniti

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NISSAN SENTRA 1999 B14 / 4.G Owners Manual 4Heater, air conditioner and audio systems
Ventilators ..............................................................4-2
Heater and air conditioner......................................4-3
Controls ..

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NISSAN SENTRA 1999 B14 / 4.G Owners Manual Side ventilators
You can open or close the side ventilators
by using the dial located at the side of the
ventilators. Adjust air flow direction by mov-
ing the ventilator slide.
:This symbol indicates

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NISSAN SENTRA 1999 B14 / 4.G Owners Manual WARNING
cThe air conditioner cooling function
operates only when the engine is
cDo not leave children, unreliable
adults, or pets alone in your vehicle.
On hot, sunny days, temperatures in

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NISSAN SENTRA 1999 B14 / 4.G Owners Manual Air recirculation button
(if so equipped)
The air recirculation feature is available
only on those vehicles equipped with air
OFF position (indicator light off):
Outside air is dra

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NISSAN SENTRA 1999 B14 / 4.G Owners Manual 2. Move the fan control dial to the desired
3. Move the temperature control dial to the
desired position between the middle and
the hot position.
cIf it is difficult to defog the windshield

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NISSAN SENTRA 1999 B14 / 4.G Owners Manual For quick cooling when the outside tem-
perature is high, push thebutton to the
ON position. Be sure to return the air recir-
culation button to the OFF position for nor-
mal cooling.
Dehumidified hea

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NISSAN SENTRA 1999 B14 / 4.G Owners Manual AHA1097
Heater, air conditioner and audio systems4-7

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NISSAN SENTRA 1999 B14 / 4.G Owners Manual AHA1098
4-8Heater, air conditioner and audio systems
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