automatic transmission NISSAN VERSA 2016 1.G Towing Guide

NISSAN VERSA 2016 1.G Towing Guide VERSA 2016 1.G NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN VERSA 2016 1.G Towing Guide

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NISSAN VERSA 2016 1.G Towing Guide  2016 NISSAN Towing Guide    19
Therefore, when approaching a relatively sharp corner, begin braking sooner than you would 
when not towing. Do your braking in a straight line prior to the corner, and

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NISSAN VERSA 2016 1.G Towing Guide  2016 NISSAN Towing Guide    20
Tow Mode is recommended when towing a heavy trailer or hauling a heavy load, in stop-and-
go traffic, rolling terrain, or a busy parking lot. Dr