key RENAULT CAPTUR 2016 1.G Owners Manual

RENAULT CAPTUR 2016 1.G Owners Manual CAPTUR 2016 1.G RENAULT RENAULT RENAULT CAPTUR 2016 1.G Owners Manual

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RENAULT CAPTUR 2016 1.G Owners Manual 1.2
The RENAULT card is used 
– locking/unlocking the doors and tailgate (doors, tailgate) and the fuel 
filler flap (see the following pages);
–  switch on the vehicle lighting remo- tely (r

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RENAULT CAPTUR 2016 1.G Owners Manual 1.3
Integrated key 5
The integrated key is used to lock or 
unlock the front left-hand door if the 
RENAULT card does not work:
–  when the RENAULT card battery is drained, flat battery, etc.
–  u

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RENAULT CAPTUR 2016 1.G Owners Manual 1.5
Unlocking/locking the 
luggage compartment only
Press button 4 to unlock/lock the lug-
gage compartment.
RENAULT card not detected 
If you open a door while the engine 
is running and the c

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RENAULT CAPTUR 2016 1.G Owners Manual 1.9
Special features
The vehicle will not lock if:
–  a door or the tailgate is open or not properly closed;
–  a card is still in zone  6 (or in the card 

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RENAULT CAPTUR 2016 1.G Owners Manual 1.11
Opening from the inside
Pull handle 4.
Lights-on reminder buzzerIf you have switched off the ignition 
and left the lights switched on, a re-
minder buzzer will sound when a door 
is opened.

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RENAULT CAPTUR 2016 1.G Owners Manual 1.13
Locking the doors manually
Turn screw 2 with the door open (using 
the end of the key) and close the door.
This means that the doors are then 
locked from the outside.
The doors may then only be

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RENAULT CAPTUR 2016 1.G Owners Manual 1.14
Door and tailgate status 
With the ignition on, the warning light 
integrated in switch  3 informs you of the 
locking status of the opening elements:

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RENAULT CAPTUR 2016 1.G Owners Manual 1.51
ON-BOARD COMPUTER: general information (1/2)
On-board computer 1
Depending on the vehicle, this includes 
the following functions:
– distance travelled;
– journey settings;
– information me

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RENAULT CAPTUR 2016 1.G Owners Manual 1.52
ON-BOARD COMPUTER: general information (2/2)
Resetting the trip mileage
With “trip mileage recorder” selected on 
the display, press button 2 or 3 until the 
mileage recorder resets to zero.

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RENAULT CAPTUR 2016 1.G Owners Manual 1.58
Examples of messagesInterpreting the display selected
« PARKING BRAKE ON »   Indicates that the parking brake has been applied.
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