fuel consumption VOLKSWAGEN TRANSPORTER 2011 Owners Manual
[x] Cancel search | Manufacturer: VOLKSWAGEN, Model Year: 2011, Model line: TRANSPORTER, Model: VOLKSWAGEN TRANSPORTER 2011Pages: 486, PDF Size: 69.28 MB
Page 21 of 486

r-T'n First read and observe the introductory L-J,:.,U information and safety warnings & on page 19.
The types of information displayed in the instru-ment cluster=:. Fig. 14@ vary according to the ve-hicle's equipment level:
• Warning and information messages
• Mileage displays
• Time
• Outside temperature
• Compass display
• Selector lever positions =:.page 260
• Gear-change indicator =>page 260
• Multifunction display (MFD) and menus for vari-ous settings =>page 24
Type of message Symbol Explanation colour
• Service interval display =:.page 22
• Second speed (Settings menu =>page 24)
• Fuel gauge =:.page 340
• Start/stop system status display =:.page 22
Warning and information messages
The system runs a check on certain components and functions in the vehicle when the ignition is switched on or while the vehicle is in motion. Func-tional faults are indicated by red and yellow sym· bols with warning and text messages in the instru-ment cluster display (warning and indicator lamps =>page 16). An acoustic warning is also given in certain cases. Different instrument cluster designs will have different displays.
Priority 1 warning message. Red
The symbol flashes or lights up (sometimes together with a signal tone). te Do not drive onl Danger=:.&,! Check the fault and correct the cause. Seek expert assistance if neces-sary.
Priority 2 warning message. Yellow
The symbol flashes or lights up (sometimes together with a signal tone). Your vehicle could be damaged or break down if there is a fault or if service fluids are running low Check the fault as soon as possible. Seek expert assistance if necessa-ry.
Information mes-sage. Information about various procedures within the vehicle.
Mileage displays
The odomelerregisters the total distance travelled by the car.
The trip recorder(trip) shows the distance travel-led since the trip recorder was last reset. The last digit of the trip recorder indicates distances of 100 metres or tenths of a mile.
Outside temperature display
If the outside temperature falls below +4 ·c (+39.F), the temperature display also shows a "snowflake symbol"{(-. This symbol flashes and then remains constantly lit until the outside temper-ature rises above +6•c (+43.F)
If the vehicle is stationary, the supplementary heat-ing system (=>page 332) is on or the vehicle is travelling at very low speeds, the temperature dis-played may be slightly higher than the actual out-side temperature due to heat radiated from the en-gine.
The measuring range lies between -4o•c (·40.F) and +so•c (+122°F).
Compass display
When the ignition and navigation system are switched on, the instrument cluster display shows the current direction of travel.
Selector lever position
The gear selected is displayed on the side of the selector lever and on the display in the instrument cluster. The display may also show which gear has been selected if the lever is in D or 5, or in Tiptron-ic mode.
Gear-change indicator
While the vehicle is in motion, the instrument clus-ter may show which gear should be selected to re-duce fuel consumption =>page 260. .-
Instrument cluster 21
Page 25 of 486

Accidents and injuries can occur if the driver is distracted.
• Never open the menus on the instrument cluster display while the vehicle is in motion.
r::l After starting the engine with a discharged l!..J vehicle battery, or after the battery has been changed, system settings (time, date, personal
Overview of the menu structure
nl1 First read and observe the introductory 1-J,::.JJ Information and safety warnings & on page 24.
The following menu structure shows how the Volkswagen information system menus on the in-strument cluster display are structured. The size and layout of the Volkswagen information system menu depends on the vehicle electronics and the level of vehicle equipment.
MFD (multlfunctlon display) 28
• Travel time
• Curr. consum. (current fuel consumption)
• Av. consum. (average consumption)
• Fuel range
• SCR range (Ad Blue® remaining range)
• Distance
• Av. speed (average speed)
• Digit. speed (digital speed display)
• Digital oil temp. (digital oil temperature display)
• Speed warning
ACC =>page 298
Audio Radio, provision for mobile telephone, infotainment system, navigation system
Navigation Radio, provision for mo-bile telephone, infotainment system, navigation system
Telephone Radio, provision for mo-bile telephone, infotainment system, navigation system
Vehicle status 21, Displays and 22, Service Interval display
convenience settings and programming) may have been changed or deleted. Check and correct the settings as necessary once the vehicle battery has been sufficiently charged.
• Assist systems
-Side Assist
System on/off
-Front Assist
System on/off
Acoustic warning/advance warning
Dist. warn. (distance warning)
Basic sett. (basic settings)
• Language
• MFD data
-Travel time on/off
-Current consumption (current fuel consump-tion) on/off
-Av. consum. (average consumption) on/off
-Distance on/off
-Av. speed (average speed) on/off
-Digital speed (digital speed display) on/off
-Digital oil temp. (digital oil temperature dis-play) on/off
-Speed warn. (speed warning) on/off
• Convenience
-ATA confirm on/off
-Central locking (central locking system)
Auto lock (automatic locking) on/off
Auto unlock (automatic unlocking) on/off
Instrument cluster 25
Page 29 of 486

Possible displays
Menu Function
Travel time Driving time in hours (h) and minutes (min) that has elapsed since the lgni-tion was switched on.
While the vehicle is motion, current consumption is displayed in 11100 km Curr. consum. (mpg). When the engine is running and the vehicle is stationary it is meas-ured in litres/hour (gallons/hour).
The average fuel consumption will be shown in 1/100 km (mpg) after a dis-
Av. consum. tance of approximately 100 metres has been travelled. The display will show dashes until this point. The displayed values will be updated approxi-mately every 5 seconds.
Approximate calculation of the distance in km (miles) that can still be trav-
Fuel range elled with the current fuel level under the current driving conditions. One factor used for calculating this figure is the current level of fuel consump-tion.
Approximate distance (In km) that can be travelled with the remaining quantity of Ad Blue® under current driving conditions. This information is SCR range shown only when the remaining range is less than 2,400 km. The AdBiue® remaining range cannot be deselected in the Settings sub-menu.
Distance The distance travelled in km (miles) since the ignition was switched on.
The average speed will be shown after a distance of approximately 1 00 Av. speed metres has been travelled. The display will show dashes until this point. The displayed values will be updated approximately every 5 seconds.
Digital speed Current vehicle speed displayed digitally.
Digital oil temp. Current temperature of the engine oil displayed digitally.
If the saved speed (within the range of 30 km/h (18 mph) and 250 kmlh Speed warn. (155 mph)) is exceeded, an acoustic and, if necessary, visible warning will be emitted.
Switching between displays Deleting memory 1 or 2 manually
• Vehicles without a multifunction steering wheel: press the rocker switch on the wiper lever.
• Vehicles with a multifunction steering wheel: press button or@.
Saving a speed for the speed warning
• Select the Speed warn. display.
• Press the @ button to save the current speed and activate the warning system.
• If necessary, use the rocker switch on the wiper lever or the or@ buttons on the multifunction steering wheel within approximately 5 seconds to set the required speed. Then press@ again or wait a few seconds. The speed is now saved and the warning Is activated.
• To deactivate, press @. The stored speed will be deleted.
• Select the memory that you wish to delete.
• Press and hold the @ button for approximately 2 seconds.
Personal selection of displays
In the Settings menu, you can specify which of the MFD displays should be shown In the Instru-ment cluster display. You can also change the units of measurement for the display =*page 30.
Page 139 of 486

Loading the roof carrier
ill1 First read and observe the introductory L-l.:.l.l information and safety warnings & on page 137.
Loads can only be attached securely when the roof carrier system is fitted correctly &.
Maximum permissible roof load
The maximum permissible roof load for vehicles with a normal roof is 150 kg and for vehicles with a pop-up roof it is 50 kg. The roof load limit refers to the combined weight of the roof carrier and the load carried on the roof &.
Each mount can bear a maximum load of 50 kg if the weight of the load is evenly distributed over the entire length of the mount.
Ensure that you know the weight of the roof rack and the items to be transported on the roof, and weigh them if necessary. Never exceed the maxi-mum permissible roof load.
However, you will not be able to carry the maxi-mum roof load if you are using a roof carrier with a lower weight rating. In this instance, do not exceed the maximum weight limit for the roof carrier. This weight limit is listed in the fitting instructions.
Distributing the load
Distribute the load evenly and secure it correctly
Checking the fittings
After the mounts and roof carrier have been at-tached, check the bolted connections and fasten-ings once you have travelled a short distance and then at regular intervals.
Towing a trailer
o:n Introduction
This chapter contains information on the following subjects:
Technical requirements . . . . . . . . . . 141 Fitting the removable ball coupling 142
Removing the ball coupling . . . . . . . . . 144
Hitching and connecting the trailer . . . 144 Loading the trailer . . . . . . . . . .. . . 146 Towing a trailer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Trailer stabilisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Retrofitting a towing bracket............... 149
Accidents and vehicle damage can occur if the maximum permitted roof load is excee-ded.
• Never exceed the quoted roof load, the maximum permissible axle loads, and the permissible gross vehicle weight for the vehi-cle.
• Do not exceed the weight rating of the roof carrier, even if the maximum roof load has not been reached.
• Secure heavy objects as far forwards as possible and distribute the load evenly.
Loose and Incorrectly secured loads can fall off the roof carrier and cause accidents and injuries.
• Always use suitable and undamaged se-curing straps.
• Secure loads properly.
The additional load will affect the durability, fuel consumption and performance of the vehicle and, in certain circumstances, could shorten the service intervals.
Driving with a trailer not only places an extra load on the vehicle, but also requires increased concen-tration on the part of the driver.
Transporting items 139
Page 255 of 486

Fault Possible cause Solution
2. The feed plug is not connected prop-2. Check the connection between the vehi-erly. cle and the mains.
3. Mains power failure. 3. Inform the electricity company if necessa-ry.
4. The residual current circuit breaker 4. Switch the residual current circuit breaker has tripped. back on.
Problem with the 1. The waste water tank is full. 1. Drain the waste water tank in a suitable waste water sys-location. tem
2. The water level sensor for the waste 2. Have the water level sensor checked by a water tank is malfunctioning. qualified workshop.
Problem with the 1. The fresh water tank is empty. 1. Fill the fresh water tank. fresh water sys-tem
2. The water level sensor for the fresh 2. Have the water level sensor checked by a water tank is malfunctioning. qualified workshop.
Refrigerator box 1. There is a defective fuse 1. Replace fuse 249. does not cool. 429 and 249.
2. Battery voltage too low. 2. Charge the battery using the battery charger or by running the engine.
3. The central control panel is not 3. Switch on the central control panel. switched on.
The electric pop-1. The central control panel is not 1. Switch on the central control panel. up roof does not switched on. open or close or does not open or close fully.
2. The ignition is not switched on. 2 Switching on the ignition
3. The overheating protection on the 3. Wait a few minutes before you attempt to hydraulic pump is activated. open or close the pop-up roof.
4. Battery voltage too low. 4. Charge the battery using the battery charger or by running the engine.
5. There is a defective fuse 5. Replace fuse 249. 429 and 249.
6. There is a temporary malfunction. 6. Press the button for 5 seconds.
7. The electrical system for the pop-up 7. Close the electric pop-up roof manually roof is malfunctioning. 221 and have the electrical system checked by a qualified workshop.
8. The child proof lock has been activa-8. Wait at least 7 minutes before you again led due to the electric pop-up roof hav-attempt to open or close the electric pop-up ing been opened and closed repeatedly roof. within a short period of time.
Technical data, living area
cu First read and observe the Introductory information given on page 252.
Supplementary heating system
Maximum heating output: 2.5 kW
Fuel consumption: 0.3 lfh
Equipment, California I 255
Page 259 of 486

0 "' <(
"' ::;
oc "' N
The steps should only be carried out In the specified order.
Step Vehicles with a manual gearbox I Vehicles with dual clutch gearbox DSG ®
2a. Shift the gear stick to a neutral position. I Shift the selector lever to position P or N.
3. Only vehicles with diesel engines: to preheat the engine, turn the vehicle key to position 217 G). The indicator lamp mr lights up in the instrument cluster.
4. Turn vehicle key to position 217 ®-do not depress accelerator.
5. Release the vehicle key once the engine has started.
6. If the engine does not start, stop the procedure and repeat it after approximately one minute.
7. Release the handbrake if you wish to pull away =>page 269.
Never leave the engine running if you leave the vehicle unattended, particularly not if a gear or driving mode has been selected. The vehicle could move suddenly or something unexpected may happen that may cause damage, fire or serious injuries.
Start boosters may explode or suddenly cause the engine to run at high revs.
• Never use a start booster.
• The starter and the engine could be dam-aged if you attempt to start the engine while the vehicle Is In motion or if the engine is started again immediately after it has been switched off.
Stopping the engine
• When the engine is cold, avoid high engine speeds, driving at full throttle and overloading the engine.
• Do not push-start or tow-start the vehicle. Unburnt fuel can damage the catalytic convert-er.
&-, Do not warm up the engine by running it W while the vehicle is stationary. Instead, pull off as soon as there is good visibility through the win· dows. This helps the engine to reach operating temperature more quickly and reduces emissions.
m Components with a high power consumption L!:J are switched off temporarily when the engine is started.
m When starting from cold, the engine may be a L!:J little noisy for the first few seconds. This is quite normal, and no cause for concern.
m At outside temperatures of less than L!:J +5oC (+41°F), fumes may be detected under a vehicle with a diesel engine if the fuel-powered supplementary heater is switched on.
The steps should only be carried out In the specified order.
1. The vehicle must be completely stationary => &.
2. Press the brake pedal. Keep it held down until step 4 has been completed.
3. In vehicles with a dual clutch gearbox DSG®, shift selector lever to position P.
4. Apply the handbrake =>page 269.
5. Turn the vehicle key to position =>Fig. 217 @.
6. In vehicles with a manual gearbox, select the first gear or the reverse gear =>page 263. .,.
Starting the engine, changing gear and parking I 259
Page 264 of 486

Dual clutch gearbox DSG®
r-('n First read and observe the Introductory L-.lo:on Information and safety warnings & on page 260.
The DSG® dual clutch gearbox is a gearbox which uses dual-clutch technology to change gear automatically. it uses a dual clutch and two independent gearboxes to enable very fast gear changes with no loss of torque. The DSG® dual clutch gearbox thus combines the performance and economy of a manual gearbox with the com-fort and convenience of a conventional automatic transmission.
How the system works
Engine power is transferred to the drive shafts via the gearbox. In order to change gears, the power transmission between the engine and the gearbox has to be interrupted. This is what the clutch is for.
With the DSG® dual clutch system with its two complementary gearboxes, one gearbox is always connected under load to the engine. When one gear is engaged, another gear is always preselec-
led in the other gearbox. The clutch on the non-driven gear is closed and the other is opened at the same time. This is what makes very fast gear changes possible.
The DSG® dual clutch gearbox is designed to be more efficient than an automatic gearbox. In an au-tomatic gearbox, the torque converter is constantly in use, whereas in the DSG® dual clutch system the idle clutch can be opened, thus saving fuel. With its efficiency, low weight and intelligent control system, the DSG® dual clutch system usually ena-bles fuel consumption equal to or lower than a manual gearbox.
like the manual gearbox, the clutch in the DSG dual clutch system is subject to wear. Regular maintenance is necessary, varying accord-ing to what type of DSG® dual clutch system is in-stalled. For more information see the service schedule. In the DSG® dual clutch system, if one gearbox malfunctions it is deactivated and the oth-er gearbox functions alone *page 267. If this happens, have the system checked as soon as possible by a qualified workshop.
Fig. 221 Selector lever for automatic gearbox with lock button (arrow) in left-hand drive vehicles. The controls are mirrored for right-hand drive vehicles.
264 I While driving
r-('n First read and observe the Introductory L-.lo:on Information and safety warnings & on page 260.
The selector lever is equipped with a selector lever lock. When changing the selector lever position from P to a driving gear, depress the brake pedal and push the lock button in the selector lever in the direction of the arrow *Fig. 221. To move the se-lector lever out of position N to position D or R, first depress and hold the brake pedal.
The current selector lever position or the selected gear will be shown in the instrument duster display if the ignition is switched on. .,..
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In all cases the automatic gearbox should be checked by a qualified workshop Immediately.
Overheating of the DSG® dual clutch gearbox
The dual clutch gearbox can overheat when the vehicle pulls off regularly, travels at a crawl for long periods, or in stop and go traffic. Gearbox over-heating is indicated by the warning lamp (j) and in some cases by a text message in the instrument cluster display. A signal tone may also be given. Stop the vehicle and allow the gearbox to cool down
The vehicle will not move forwards or backwards even though a gear has been selected
If the vehicle will not move in the required direc-tion, the system may have selected the position in-correctly. Depress the brake pedal and reselect the position.
Gear-change indicator
r--f"'n First read and observe the Introductory L-lo:.l.l information and safety warnings & on page 260.
Depending on the vehicle equipment level, the in-strument cluster may indicate the gear which you should select in order to reduce fuel consumption while the vehicle is in motion.
Display Meaning
• The current gear is optimal.
f A higher gear is recommended.
! A lower gear is recommended.
In vehicles with a manual gearbox the recommen-ded gear will be indicated in the form of a number and a recommendation to shift up or down into the recommended gear will be displayed in the form of an arrow 263.
In vehicles with a OSG® dual clutch gearbox if the selector lever is in the Tiptronic position, the cur-rent gear will be indicated in the form of a number and a recommendation to shift up or down a gear will be displayed in the form of an arrow 266.
268 While driving
If the vehicle still does not move in the required di-rection, there is a system fault. Seek expert assis-tance and have the system checked.
• If the display Indicates that the gearbox Is overheating for the first time, the vehicle will have to be parked safely or driven faster than 20 kmlh (12 mph).
• Safely park the vehicle immediately and switch the engine off if the text message and signal tone are repeated approximately every 10 seconds. Allow the gearbox to cool down.
• In order to prevent damage to the gearbox, you should not drive on until the acoustic warning stops. You should not pull away or drive the vehicle at very low speeds while the gearbox is overheated.
The exhaust management system detects when a diesel particulate filter is filling up and aids the fil-ter's self-cleaning process by recommending the most suitable gear when driving. This may mean driving with Increased engine speed in exceptional cases 407.
The gear-change Indicator Is only designed to assist the driver and cannot replace the driver's own judgement.
• The driver has full responsibility for se-lecting the correct gear In all situations (e.g. when overtaking, driving up and down hills and when towing a trailer).
Driving in the correct gear can help to reduce fuel consumption.
m On vehicles with a dual clutch gearbox W DSG®, the information on the gear-change indicator disappears when disengaging from the Tiptronic position.
m On vehicles with a manual gearbox, the dis-W play on the gear-change indicator will disap-pear when the clutch pedal is depressed.
Page 278 of 486

A WARNING (Continued)
of braking power, considerably increase brak-ing distance and can cause the brake system to fail completely.
• Please ensure that the correct brake fluid is used. Only use brake fluid that Is explicitly compliant with VW standard 501 14.
• Any other brake fluid or a low-quality one can affect the functioning of the brakes and reduce their effectiveness.
• If a brake fluid compliant with VW stand-ard 501 14 Is not available, use a high-quality brake fluid compliant with DIN ISO 4925 CLASS 4 or the US standard FMVSS 116 DOT 4, but only in exceptional circumstances.
• The refilled brake fluid must be new .
Brake fluid is toxic.
• In order to reduce the risk of poisoning, never use bottles or other containers to store brake fluid. These containers could encour-age other people to drink out of them, even if they are labelled otherwise.
• Brake fluid must always be stored in its original sealed container and kept out of the reach of children.
Brake fluid that has leaked or been split can damage the vehicle palntwork, plastic parts and tyres. Brake fluid that has leaked or been split should be cleaned off the vehicle paint-work and other components Immediately.
& Brake nuid can pollute the environment. Any W spilt service nuids must be cleaned up and disposed of properly.
o:::n Introduction
This chapter contains information on the following subjects:
An economic driving style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
Saving fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
Fuel consumption, environmental impact and wear on the engine, brakes and tyres depend largely on three factors:
• Personal driving style.
• Conditions of use (weather, road surface).
• Technical conditions.
An economic driving style
i""1"'n First read and observe the introductory L-J,:.U information and safety warnings & on page 278. .,.
278 I While drivmg
A few simple measures can help save fuel by up to 25%, depending on how you drive.
Adapt your speed and distance from the vehi-cles ahead to suit visibility, weather, road and traffic conditions.
Page 279 of 486

Changing gear earlier
In principle, the highest gear is always the most economical gear. A rule of thumb for most vehicles: at a speed of 30 kmlh (19 m ph} drive in third gear, at 40 km/h (25 mph) in 4th gear and at 50 km/h (31 mph) In 5th gear.
If the traffic and driving situation allows it, skipping gears when changing up a gear will also save fuel.
Do not drive gears to their upper limit. Use first gear only for pulling away then quickly change up to second gear. Avoid using the kickdown func-tion in vehicles with a DSG® dual clutch gearbox.
Vehicles with a gear display help to improve fuel economy by indicating the optimum time to change gear.
Rolling to a stop
Taking your foot off the accelerator will interrupt the supply of fuel to the engine and decrease fuel con-sumption.
Therefore, in situations such as approaching a red traffic light, let the vehicle roll without applying the accelerator.
Only press on the dutch pedal to disengage if the vehicle becomes too slow or if the stopping dis-tance is longer. The engine will then run at idling speed 263.
Switch off the engine in situations when the vehicle might be stationary for a long time, e.g. at a level crossing. In vehicles with an active start/stop sys-tem, the engine will switch off automatically when the vehicle Is stationary.
Thinking ahead when driving, and driving with the flow of traffic
Applying the brake and accelerator too often will significantly increase fuel consumption. If you think ahead when driving and maintain a sufficient dis-tance from the vehicle in front, simply keeping your foot off the accelerator should stop the speed from fluctuating. This means that active braking and ac-celerating is not always necessary.
Driving smoothly and evenly
Smoothness is even more important than speed. The more evenly you drive, the lower your fuel consumption will be.
When driving on a motorway, it is much more ef-fective to drive at a constant moderate speed than to drive with constant acceleration and braking. As a rule, driving with a constant style will get you to your destination just as quickly.
The cruise control system will help you to maintain a constant driving style.
Using additional equipment in moderation
lt is always important to be comfortable in your ve-hicle, but it is also important to consider the envi-ronment.
Some equipment will increase fuel consumption when switched on:
• The cooling function of the air conditioning sys-tem: if the air conditioning system is set to a very high or low temperature it will require a lot of ener-gy, which is generated by the engine. Therefore the temperature setting in the vehicle should not vary too much from the outside temperature. lt may be a good idea to air the vehicle before setting off and then to travel a short distance with the win-dows open. The air conditioning system should then be switched on once the windows have been closed. Keep the windows closed when driving at high speeds. Having the windows open increases fuel consumption.
• Switch the seat heating off as soon as it has served its purpose.
• Switch the windscreen and rear window heating off as soon as the windows have defogged and are clear of ice.
• Do not leave the supplementary heating system on when the vehicle is moving 332.
Other factors that Increase fuel consumption (examples):
• Fault in engine management.
• Driving in hilly regions.
• Driving with a trailer.