start stop button YAMAHA EX 2017 Manuale duso (in Italian)

YAMAHA EX 2017 Manuale duso (in Italian) EX 2017 YAMAHA YAMAHA YAMAHA EX 2017 Manuale duso (in Italian)

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YAMAHA EX 2017  Manuale duso (in Italian) –8–
Exercise 2: Starting and stopping engine
Drill 1: Starting the engine
1. Attach the engine shut-off cord 1 to your wrist. Insert the clip 2, under the engine shut-
off switch 3. Make sure to k

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YAMAHA EX 2017  Manuale duso (in Italian) –9–
Exercise 2: Starting and stopping engine
Drill 2: Stopping the engine
1. Release the throttle lever and let the engine slow to idle.
2. Push the engine stop switch 1 (red button). The ignition