FORD CAPRI 1974 Workshop Manual

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AcknowlecS Th,lnkS alc duilllp ion Sp~lking Plug Cornpilny limited who supplied the i ShOWI~lg the spa rk plug conditions. Ccrt<llll othe r -lIuSll~lf copyrlijht of Ford MOlOr Company L"lHted ,lnd ~(e u~e\cil permission, Thanks arc illso due to $ykcs·Pick avPpIIC d somo 01 lhe. workshop tools, ,md 10 "II those peaplf'old who helped In the production of IIH5 nl<lnual.
© Hayncs1g Group 1987
A book i n IS Owners Workshop Manual Series
Printed b·vnes & Co. Ltd . $parldord. Nr Veovil. Somerset'. England
All rights No PMI of this book tllilY be reproduced o r transmit'Y form or by any means, electronic o r mcchaniding photocopying, recording or by <ln y infor~lape or retrieval system, without permission in writi~e copyright holder,
ISBN .y97
Britishataloguing in Publication Data
L egg . A. FOTc" III) 2.8 and 3.0 owners worpa!. -(O w ners Worksh op Manua ls). 1. c;obile I . r elies 62' TL215 .C 3<1 &#39;S~-309. 7
Whil(lra is taken to onsure that the information in this I correct, no liability can be accepted by the authllishers for loss. damage or injury caused by any
"';;";0", "om. ,h. ;ofo,m";o,, g;",".

Page 3 of 205

Capri II
Models covered
Cnpri 28 InJcc.tioll. InJec.tion Specia l ,llld 280; 2792 cc
Cnpri 3.0 GT. S ,mel G lli,l: 2994 cc
()Ot'S 1101 CIIVI:I 28 Til/1m COIIVeHIIIIJ
Havnes Publis hing Group
Spa rk ford Nr Ycovit
Somerset BA22 7 JJ England
Haynes Publications. Inc
86 1 Lnwrcncc Drive
Newhury Park
C(lli forni<J 91320 USA
...... , ~ .. ,.

Page 4 of 205

Introductory pages
About th is manual 5
Introduction to the Capri VB 5
General dimensions, weights and capacities 6
Jacking and towing 7
Buying spare P M 'S and vehicle identification numb ers 8
G en eral rep air procedures 9
Tools and workrllU facilIties 10
Safety f irs t! 12
Routine main tenance
Recommended lullricants and flUids
Conv ersion !,I CIOIS
F aull dlilgn osis
Chapter 1
C[Hlple r 2
Coolin\) system
Ch<lptcr 3
Fue l ,mel exhaust sy~telll
Chapter 4
Ignition sys!Cm
Chapter 5
Chllptcr 6
Manllill IJCil,hox a nd 'llltonlil!'!.: lrililsn&#39;IS~IOII
Chopler 7
Propeller shalt
Ch(liltcr 8
IlCilr ilxl<:
Chapter 9
l3ulklilU sy~lem
Chapter 10
Suspension ilnd SluCIIIIU
Chapter 1 1
Bodyw or k and trl1il19S
Chapter 12
Electrical s y s!Cm
In de x
12 8
1 [is

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Ford Capri 2.8 luj(luioli
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Foul C,tl'" 3 0 Glli"

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About this manual
Its aim The OIUll 01111'$ 111,11111;,1 IS 10 hel l} you lid the l}cS I v~llIe from yOl" vchicl.:!. 11 Cilll do SO III seve.;)1 ways II eml hOllp you dccllh~ wh,,! work Illust be done (eyell should YOIi chou$u 10 III!! 1 duno by OJ IF"Il\lu). pro v ide ulfo'Ill.1100tl 011 touiU1C Il"HIlICIl;UICU ;)lId SCfVIC&#34;\~. "lid give 11 lo Uic .. 1 f01USC u l :'C I'OII nlld d"'!J"OSIS whe n ,,1Ildom f<lult s oceul Howcvc •. "'S h OIIC\llhm YOli wdl usc the ,,\lUlu,,1 hy 1.,eldonu the wo.k yuurself. On S""ph,H lol>s II mily (:11(:11 he (,ulcke . 1II,In booklllU the til' Illio .1 !J,"<lye .. ",t! HOII'!I 1h,,,e tWice. 10 ICiIVC ;md collCCI U. PClh;ll)S mOSI lIuporlan!. ;1 101 of mOlley Cim be s:lVcd hv ;wo,(/mg the COS1S" O;lf"IJc Il1l1S1 ch ... uc 10 cuver liS r .. bOUf ,IIlU ovcrhCi1(ts. The In<1nu<11 h ilS d,,,wIIlUs nnd (ICSc"pllons 10 show Ihe lunC1Ion 01 Ihe V;:lriOliS componcnts ~() Ih"t thell 1,IyoIII r.,lll be (lI1d eI5100( 1 Theil Iho wsks mc d esc"hed "1Il 1 phO loUI"phed 111 iI ste p · by· step se(l"encc so Ih<11 even " novice C,ll1 do Ihe wOlk
Its arr.1ngemellt T he 1I1,1I1Uili is dll/lded 11110 twelve Ch,lt)lels. cilch cOI/Ollng illogic .. 1 suu·dil/ision 01 Ihe 1/(lI .. dc The Ch"lllels ,lIe encll dll/illed 11110
SCCtlons. numuClcd wllh slll\lle IlyUles. eg 5. and the Sec tion s "ltO p",ag'ilphs (01 sub·seCllons). wllh Occll11,,1 numbels following 011 110111 Ihe Sociion Ih ey nlc III . <)1.1 5 1. 5 2. 5 3 elc . h IS froely illusltnted. espccl"lIy III those paris where Ihele is il delalled sequcnce of opel allons 10 be carricd ou1. Thelo ilre Iwo fo rm s
of IILUS";I\IOII 1r!IUfeS ;111f1 ph(lt<lO,"phs The 11~lur~ .IIt: ,,"mhered In sequencc wllh clecl"';11 nlllllllcl~. ;rcr.ord1ll! 1 In Iii"" I'OSllllll1 III Ihe
Ch;1pler c!J Fill G II IS Ihe 10lllih !I&#34;l\VIII!J/IIIII~Ir<1llnn III Ch"plc! G
1'1>010g'"ph 5 C,lllY Ihe s,"lle ",""llO' (ell hOI rrld ,v l{h lollly 01 III 'el"led Uroups) '"S Ihc Sec lion 0' $1I1I,s(lCIIO" 10 which Ihey rel"I". There IS (III illph(lllcllCillllidex ;lllhe of Ihe I11"nuill;1S well , 's il COl1lell iS Irs t ill Ihe !r OIll E.1Ch Chilplel IS ilho 1}leceded hy liS own rn(lrl/rdu(ll coments IrSI Rclerence~ 10 the ·Ie ft· or &#39;tI~h&#34; 01 Ihe III;h ,r;le arc III Ihe sensc 01 n person In Ihe (Irll/er's scm filCIIIO lorw,lrds. Unless olhclwlsc stilted. nulS ilrld holls ;lIe rcrllow,d hv '<11111119 nntl·clockwlse. "lid lighlclled hy l",n"'\1 r;i {){ :kwls,) Vehicle 1lI11Iwl" clu.ers conllnually 1Il., ke chilll!Jcs to spcr;lloco1llUIIS ~lId reCO IIIIllCl1d lltloIiS. (l1I(t Ihese. wiron notified. ,,'e IIlCO rPOI(lI"d 11110 our rll""Uills ill Ihc eilrlrest oppOllunlly Whils t el/ery care is la ken to ensure Ihnl the in lorrnillion in this mant"'! is correct. no liilbility can be ilecelHed by Ihe auth ors o r publishers fo r loss. dam~ge o r injury cilused by any errors in. or omissions from. the inlorma tion gil/en.
Proje ct veh icle The vehic le u se d In the prep,lfillion aflhis mo1nu~l . and ilppcnrinu in Illilny of Ihe phO IOIJr"phiC sequences. \V,lS a Ford Cilj)ri 2.8 InJeCllon.
Introduction to the Capri V6
Tile C(lpri It mode ls wcrc lirs t Introduccd '" Ihe UK in February 1974 uSing il Wide rilflUC of engrncs prcl/iously used on olher Ford I/chicles. T he mod(lls cOl/ered III Ihls ","llu,,1 usclhe V6 3.0 hlrc Esse~ alld V6 2 8 litre Cologne engines The restyled Sories III models were Introduced in Marc h 1978 W,lh a Ironl spoll!;:r (Ind 10Ul headlilnlps. and lollowrng Ihls Ih e 2.8InJCCIIOfl vers.on was launchcd on July 1981. Seplernl»e r 1984 saw Ihe Inlroductloll 0 1 the high pcrlolJ.l1(1nce 28 Injection Special which
leatwed a IrnHwd shp d,f!elcI1tlal. lockilble spoked alloy whecls (Ind il higher lel/el 01 Inlellor III'" In 1987 Ihe lilS I CilprrS w ere mildo .. Ihe limiled edllrOI) 280 The Cilr 1$ conl/cnilonai III IlIcch"nlCilllayoul. dlil/e from Ihe ellgille being trnnstllilled 10 Ihe re"r ilxle IhrOllgh iI II or 5·speed nl;111Uill gearbox or alternatll/ely Oil S(llies II JIIodels. a 3 ~Jlecd (Iulomat>c IransmlSSlon

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General dimensions, weights and capacities
Dimensio ns (t y pic .. )) Ov"",11 lo'I1(llh Ov,,,,,11 wIdth Ov",;,11 IlI:!!lill Wh""IIJo1S() Tlack F,on1-30 h(I(!. 28 hire. ReiH. 3.0 !olle 2 .8 litre TlJJnOll(J circle (he1wccll ke,l>s) 30 hire 28 litre
Weights (typical ) 30 S Manl!~1 IIo1I1SI11;%IOI1 . Autulll"j,{; llimsmj~s&#39;on 30 Gill;] . Mallual 1,~nsrnISSIOll Automm,e tl""Slllission 2 8 IllJCClio 'l Roof ",d 10<1d
Ca pilcities (typiCill) EIlB"l(), 3 0 htH) . With tiller
Wrthout filter 28 litre : Wrth frller . Without frlter . COOI"l\1 system 3 0 li tre , 2 8 litre
Fuel sys tem . TrJnsrlllssion
M'III(rJI. 4·speed .
5 ·speed .
Automatic (JPprox)
Rear Jxle. Stee ring geM: MJrlU.11 Power·Jssistcd.
GeJr 001 Fluid Sr:p.lrate rese rvoir Imellr,, 1 reservoir
Series II 4340mm (1709 in). 1698 Illll) «(}(;,9 in) 1357 Ilun (53.4 in) 2559 ""11 (100.7 in)
1353 IlUll (53.3 in)
1384 mOl (54 5 in)
1155 kg (2546 Ib) 11 <15 kU (2524 Ib)
1185kg (2612 11)) 1174 kg (2588 Ih) 1190 kg (2623 Ib) 75 kg (165 Ib) max
5.0 Irtre
(8.8 pint) 4.25 htre (7.5 pin1)
4.25 litre (7.5 pint) 4 .0 l i tre (7.0 pint)
9 .3 htre (16.4 pin1) 8 .7lotre (15.3 pin1) 58 litre (1 2.7 gal)
2 .0 litre (3. 5 pim) 1.9 Iotre (3.3 pim) 7 .5 litre (13 .2 pim) 1.1 litr e (1. 9 pint)
0.15 litle (0.26 pint)
0 .20 litre (0.35 p int)
2.2 litre (3 .87 Plllt) 0 .50 litre (0.88 pin1)
Series III 4439 mm (174.810) 11398 111m (66.9 in) 1323 mm(521 in) 2563 mill (1009 in)
1353 mm (53.5 in) 1400 mm (55.1 in)
1384 mm (54.5 in) 1431 mm (56.3 in)
98 m (32.2 II) 99111 (325 It)

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Jacking and towing
Jilckillg poillls To chan!IC ,I WhUt:1 111 ,11 ,-,"W'!ICIICY. usc the t:]ck slIpplled wilh the ve'lIe!!.!. Ensurf! 1hal the Hhldwh,:cl nuIS;OH! ,ciC;lSCd Imlole Ii, cklll\j up thO ca. and make SlUe Ih;u the .lOIn of the 1,1Ck IS luU.,. cnua\Jcd wI,h the body bracket and thatlhe hase allhe Jilek IS st;lIldlt '!J on a 111111 surface. The Jilek supplied w!lh lhe vehIcle IS 1101 $",,;,l)le lor lISC when laislflg the ve!.iclc lor U\;J",l()II;IIlCC or 'Cp,1If up,:r;J110ns. For this walk, use a trol ley. hyd'ilui,c Of screw-Iype tad IOCille(1 und!:. thO f,OIll crOSSlllcmbcr. bodylrame s,(ic-mcmbcls 01 ,ea, il~le cnsing, .1$ ,UuSlr<llcd AlwilyS supplcl11ullt the I.lck wilh axlc-Sl.1llds or blocks t)Cfo,e cfilwhnu bC'H!.11h the em
Usin g the lilling jnck
Fronl IOwin9 pain I S (ll • • owed )
Towing poillls II you/ vehIcle ,s bCIIl9 IOWl;d, m,lke SUfe lhal the lOw rope IS auached to Iho 110111 cmssmembcr or, where Ilued. the towlog eye auachcd 10 Iho 11001 ClOssmember II Ihe vehicle IS equipped wilh atilOma llC Iraosrlllsslon, the d.slanCe lowed rnuSI nOI exceed 15 miles (24 km). 00' Ihe speed 30 mph (48 km/h), olhe.wise sefious damage 10 Ihe Ir<rnsmiSSIOII rnny .estili. If Ihese IlinilS arc likely 10 be exceeded disconneC I and remove Ihe propeller shnh.
I f you me lowrnn another vehicle, minch a lOW rope 10 Ihe lowc. shock absorber mounting brilCkct at thc axlc lube or, If fined, Ihc rCilf
10Wlflg eye.
, 'I I -J ' ,;
: .. ': .... 111"'"' ..... _-.___ •• _...:. __ ... ,
Jacking l)oinl S
Rear towing I)oio \s (arrowe d )

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Buying spare parts and
vehicle identification numbers
Bllyillg spare parts Sp;'1rc p"rlS ;lre ilwul.1!Jlc from momy sources. Jo. exam ple FOHI uar"gcs. oliler gil':lgCS ,-mtl ncccssu.y shOIIS. im(i mOlor ';.elms 0", a<iv IC(! rcga.d'l1l) SPillC pill 1 sources IS ;.s follows Ollici,lllV ,11lI'Olll/cd FQI(I y,l&#39;,&#39;Y~S Th,s IS the be:.! SOUfeu of IlilllS which me j>(!CUh,1' 10 you. C,l' ;'1n($ ilfe olil(),w lsc 110( \jClll:;,;)liy aViul,li)le (cg complC1C cylll,!ie. he;]!!s. Ill'Crololl !Jcn,tJOK components. hadU"s. mlelio •• ,,'" CIC ). IllS alS(lllm only pl,rcc a[ wluch you should buy PiUIS If you. C;'l, IS SI,II lIIuhn W<1"<1l1ly nun Ford 1:0"'11011""15 111,''1' tnvahdalC lhe W.l"'lIlIy To h e Sllte uf ulllau""H Ih. ) C(ln"U P;lIlS " wIll nlwilys he neccss:lty to \)'VC the Sl0rw",lIl YOIII CilO'S "dllcl.) ,dcn.,tica\lon l1umh.1" ;mll .1 IIOSS.lJlc , 10 toke the 'old' pail ;.lol1g 10 '
I idenlil leallol1, Bumcml)C. ,h;'1 .,,;,ny p;rrlS illt) ;'Yirrl;.hle on a InelOry exclHlnge schelllC illly PililS .elurne(1 should nlw,1ys he clennl II obviously makes oood snnse 10 go S\""Uhl \0 Ihn SIICel.1hsts on you. CM lor this Iype 01 PMI as Ihey n.e besl equipped Il) supply you O/hef yM,'yes Im.1 m:cesSOlr shops These a.e ollen ye'Y goot! plnces 10 buy Illate".lls al1<l eomponems needed 10. the IllnUlienallCe 0 1 you. en. (eu 011 IlltCIS, SI)ilrk plugs, lJulbs, drove belts, 0115 iHlt!
\J.caS(lS, louch-up p;um, lilie. pilstC etc) 1 hcy also 51'11 !
ileccssoflcs, uSlIillly l \.lye conyenlent opcnUlU hours, Ch.11Ue I, prices and can often be lound nOI la. hom home MOlor 1,7C(0IS ~ Good lacto.s will stock illl Ihe mOle Illlp,,, comllOnen lS which wea. oul .elilhycly qUI ckly ((..'9 Clutch COIllI,cm. PISIOI1S. villyes. e~hilusl systems. IJr;lku cyhnlie<s/p'lK:s hoses I ... , shoes alld pads elc). MotOr faClOls Will often ploYlrie I\/:V. .ccondlhoned components on a pall eXCh,lrlue hilSIS IllIs tilll Sd consule'ilhle amO\UlI 01 money!
Vehicle itlenlificc1l;OIl numbers Altholl!lh milny uuhviduill 1md ill some cases sub-ass/:mlo III a lIU1nlJm 01 dlflerent models II IS dallge,ou$ 10 a ssUllle tll;1 \JCCilU5e they look the 5,lIn e, Ihey a.e the same. Dillelences n.e nlwilys e.1sy 10 detect excepl l.Iy serial numtJCrs Make su.e the.e th;otille ilPI),op"ale identify number for the mode! or known .1n(l Quoled when a spare PMt is obtained. '"c v(!/m;fc irlCl!lrfrc.lfioll "IMe is mounted on the rIght-hand tr Will\! ilpron on SCries II models or on the righl·hand Side of Ihe f, Cfossmemher on Selles III models.
Vehiclo ident ifictltion philO location (Series III)

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General repair procedures
Whenever scrvie,,,U. repair or overhaul work ,$ c;nric<i out Oil the eM or its components, ,t IS nl:c",ss;uy In nUsc."o the lollowtll\j procedures (Iud ulslruct'{JIlS. Ttus w,lI assis t III ca"ylll(j out Ihe opcrJlion eff Iciently ,1nd to " p,()lcsslollal slanlia,d of workmimstup
Joinl mating ftlces ,7l1d gaskets Where 1'1 gasket IS lIsed tmlwl:CIl the ",,,,ill\1 [<lees 01 two components, OnSlIr(l Ih;)t It IS renowed un Icassclllhly. Bnd 111 it dry unless O(IHJlwise Slaled III the rcp;Hr plOGcdw() Milke SlUe that the nmling (<lees nrc cle;m [lnd dry with "II II,lees of uld \Ja~;kCl rClllov ct1 When cleaning 11 tOnH j<lCC. use il 1001 which,s not likely to scorc Or dalllil(lC the l<lcu, [l1ll1 reillove <lny 1>I'''s or nIcks wnh an oilstone or hno Ide.
Make SUfi) lh,,[ tnppcd holes nrc ciedncd WIth il pI pc clcilncr, and kcep thcm flcc 01 101l1llng compound If tillS IS helll\) used unless
speCIfIcally Instructed otherWIse Ensure that "II ollfrtes. (:hannels 0 1 pIpes ,lie Clt'ill ilnd blow thlough Ihelll. p,eleriluly llsing compressed ill(
ai/ seal s
Wheneve, nn od sCill is removed flom its wOlkll1\1 10Ciliion, eIther mdlvidu"lly or "s p"rt of iln assemhly, It should be lencwcd The very finc sc"lIng IIp of the sei'll IS e"slly dama\Jcd and WIll not seal If the surface it COI11<1(:15 IS not completely c lean and free frOlll
SCHl\ches, nicks 0' grooves. If the o'iginal scaling surfi'lce of the COlnponern cannOI he restorCd, Ihe component shoul d he renewed, PrOlect lhe lips of the scal from any surlace which mi'lY damage them in the course of fmlng. Usc wpe or a conical sleeve where POSSIble, LUb ricate the senl lips WIth 011 befole fruing and, on dual lipped se"ls, fill the space be twcen the hps With grease. Unless otherwise stated. all seills must be hlled with then sealing hps toward the lubricilrH to he seillcd Use iI\ubuli'l' <111ft 01 block 01 wood 01 the npploprime sIze to II1sta ll
) I he scal ilnd, lithe sCi,1 housing IS ~houldeleu. drive the seill down to the shoulue,. If the scal hOUSIng is unshouldcred, the seal Should be fItted with its lace flush W ith the hou$lIlg top face,
Screw IhrCiU/s and lasleoings Always cnsurc that a blind t"pped hole is completely free from orl. U
wilte, or other flUId hcfore instatllng the hott a' stud. Fililu'e 10 do tillS could C,luse thc housm\) to c"lck due to the hydrilulic <1ction of the bolt or slud ilS It IS sc,ewed '" When tluhtenlllU ,1 cilswllilled nut to ilCCCpt iI spht pin, tIghten the nut to the speCIfIed torque, whele ilpphcilh le, and then lIghten furthe, to the next split pin hole Ncver slilckenlhe nulla "lrgn a spirt pin hole unless ~t<l1ed III the ,epil" plocedure When checkIng or retlghwnlllg il nut or holt 10 ,1 specified 10'Que setUIlg. slilcken the nul o r bolt iJy a qua'ter of a turn. "nd then retighten to the speclflcd setting
Locknuts, /ockt.1bs and wasliers Any fo1SlC(1Ong which wdl rotate agaillst a cO!llponen! or hO\ lsing in the course of lI\)hlemng shmrld illways hilve a wilsher between it ilnd the relevil"t component 0' hOllSlllg Sprm<J or spirt w.1she,s should illwilyS be rencwcd when they ilre uscd to lock a c'"trcnl con'ponem such n5.1 blg·end beillmg letalll"'g nut 0' bolt. Locktilbs which il'e fohied over to re t;1in a nut or bolt should illwilyS b e renewed. Self -lockIng nU1S c<ln be reused in non-crit'cal il reJS, p roviding reSlstJ l1Ce Ciln be felt when t he lockmg portion passes ove, the bolt or stud th,eild. Spht pillS must always be ,eplaced with new ones 01 the correct size lor the hole.
Special tools Some repal( procedures III this manuill enWil the lise of special 100ls such ilS il p,ess, two or t hree-legged pulle,s, spring compressors etc Wherever pOSSIble, suitJble ,eildrly ilvailable altcrnatlves 10 the manul(lctu,ers special tools a,e descrrbed, and are shown in u sc. III
SOllle Inswnces, where no a lterniltlve IS poss ible. II hilS been necessary 10 resort to the use of a manufilclurer"S tool and thIS has been done for reilsons of safety as well as Ihe eHlcien! completion of the repair
operation. Unless you are highly Skilled ilnd hilve a thorough unde,standlng of the procedure desc(lbed, neve, " tWlllpl to bypass the use of any specl,,1 tool when the procedure descrIbed specllies ils use, Not only IS I here a ve,y great risk of pe,sonal Injury, but expensive dillllage could be causJd 10 Ihe components involved

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