ESP FORD TAURUS 2009 5.G Quick Reference Guide

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(IFEQUI PPED)Turn thecontrol oneposition
to th erigh t toturn onthe
pa rk in g la m ps, in str u me nt
pan ellamps, license plate
la mps andtaillamps. Tu rn
th e control tothesecon d
position ontherigh t to
tu rn on theheadlamps. Tu rn
th e control oneposition to
th e left toactivate the
autolam pfeatu re (if eq uippe d),
w hich automatically turn sth e
ex terior lamps onandoff,
based onavailable daylight.
Pull th econtrol towards you
to activate thefog lamps, if
equipped. (Thefog lamps will
notoperate when thecon trol
is turn edoff( )or wh en the
high beams areon).
PAN ELDIMME RUsethis con troltoadju stthe
brightn essoftheinstru men t
panelan dall applicable
switch esintheveh icle du ring
headlamp andparkin glamp
operation .Move thecon trol
tothefu lluprigh tposition ,
pastthedeten t,to turn on
theinterior lamps.
HO OD RELE ASETo open thehood, pullthe
hood release han dle under
th e bottom oftheinstru ment
pan elnear thesteerin g
colu mn .Go tothefron tof
th e vehicle andrelease the
au xiliary latchlocated und er
th e fron tcen terofthehoo d.
Use the prop rodtosupport
th e raised hood. Lift thepr op
rod bythesleeve, not the
bare metal.
Rotate theend ofthe control
uptoincrease thespeed of
thewipers androtate down
todecrease thespeed ofthe
wipers. Brieflypresstheend
ofthe stalk forasingle swipe
ofthe wipers without washer
fluid. Aquick pushandhold
results inthree swipes with
washer fluidwhile alonger
push andhold activates the
washpattern foruptofive
se conds. A‘courtesy wipe’
willautomatically occurafter
thewashing cycletoensure
that anydrips havebeen
cleared fromyourwindshield.
For better visibility, your
ve hicle willalso automatically
turnonyour headlights
(during daylight) ifyour
windshield wipersand
autolamps (ifequipped)
are on. Toturn onthe
highbeams, pushthelever
away from you. Pullthelever
toward youtodeactivate.
Pull thelever towards you
brieflytoactivate the‘flash to
pass’ feature.
To set the speed control,
press andrelease ON.
Accelerate tothe desired
speed. Pressandrelease
theSET +co ntrol. Take
your foot offthe accelerator
pedal. Thespeed control
in d ic ato rli g ht will
illum inate inthe cluster. To
se t a higher speed: press
and hold SET+ untilthe
desired speedisreached,
or briefly pressSET+to
increase thespeed by
sm all amounts. Toset a
low erspeed: pressand
holdSET\b untilthedesired
speed isreached, orbriefly
press SET\btodecrease the
speed bysmall amounts.
Press RSMtoreturn tothe
previously setspeed. To
turnspeed control off,
depress thebrake pedalor
pressOFF orCNCL (Cancel).
MESSAGE CENTERThemessage centerdisplays
important vehicleinformation
th ro ug h aco nsta n tm onit o rin g
of vehicle systems. The
system willalso notify youof
potential vehicleproblems
withadisplay ofsystem
warnings followedbylong
indicator chime.Pleaserefer
toyour Owner’s Guidefor
(IF EQUIPPED)The appearance and
functionality ofyour vehicle’s
steering wheelcontrols may
va ry according toyour option
package. Refertoyour
Owner’s Guidefora
complete description ofall
possible options. Press–
VOL +to decrease/increase
the volume. Press–SEEK +
to access theprevious/next
strong station orCD track.
Press MEDIA repeatedly to
sc roll through allpossible
media sources (AM,FM\f,
FM2, CD...etc). Press
MUTE tomute theplaying
media. Press againtoreturn
to the playing media.
To adjust thesteering wheel,
push theadjustment lever
down tounlock thesteering
column. Whilethelever is
down, tiltthe steering column
to your desired position.
Then, while holding the
steering column inplace,
pull the lever uptoits original
position tolock thesteering
column. Donot adjust
while driving.
SERVICE ENGINESOONTheService Enginesoonlight
illuminates brieflywhenthe
ignit ion is tu rn ed on.If it rem ain s
o n oris bli n ki ng aft e r th e en g in e
is started, theOnBoard
Diagnostics System(OBD\bII)
hasdetected amalfunction.
Drive inamod erate fashion
and have yourvehicle
se rv ic e d im med ia te ly by
an au th orize ddeale r.
A BS WARNING LIGHTTheABS lightilluminates
briefly whentheignition is
turnedon.Ifthe ABS light
remains onorcontinues to
fla sh, amalfunction hasbeen
detected. Havethesystem
se rviced immediately byyour
authorized dealer.Normal
braking (lessABS) isstill
functional unlessthebrake
warning lightisalso
TheThrottle control/
transmission lightilluminates
when apowertrain oran
AW D fa u lt h as been dete cte d .
Contact yourauthorized
dealer assoon aspossible.
You rve h ic le is eq uip p ed wit h a
te mp orar ysp are tir e ,w hic h is
lo cate d und er th e cargo cov er
in th e tr u nk. Fo rco m ple te
in fo rm ation on ho w to ch an g e
you rtir e ,re fe r to th e
R o\b dsid e Eme r\fe ncie s
ch \bp te r in you rO w ner’s G uid e.
F USESIf your electrical compo nents
are not working properly, a
fuse may have blown.
For more informat ion, ple ase
consult yourOwner's G uide .FUEL PUMP
This devic e sto ps th e ele c tr ic
fu elp um pfr o m se n di ng fuel
to theen g in e when yo ur
ve h ic le has had asu bs tan tia l
jo lt. Aft e r an accid en t, ifth e
en gi ne cran ks bu td oes no t
star t, th is sw itc hm ay hav e
been ac tiv ate d. The fu elp um p
sh u t\bo ff sw it c h is lo cat ed in
th efrontpa ss e n g er fo o twe ll
area in th e rig htu p per co rn er.
Dep end ing on wheth er yo u
have aFro nt WheelD riv e
(F W D)o rA ll W heelD riv e
(A W D)ve h ic le and if yo ur
ve h ic le has a sp ecia l
e m is s io ns pac ka g e,yo ur fue l
ta nk cap ac it y w ill e it h er b e 20
g allo ns (7 5.7 L)o r2 0.5 gallo ns
(7 7.6 L). Yo ur ve h ic le is
d esig ne dto us e“R eg ul ar”
u nle ad ed gaso li ne wit h an
o cta ne ra ting of8 7. D o no tus e
gaso line la b ele d as “R eg ul ar”
in hig h alt it ud eare as th at are
s o ld wit h octa ne ra ting sle ss
th an 87. Yo ur ve h ic le was no t
desig ne dto run on E85 fue ls
t h at are ble nd ed wit h a
m axim um of8 5% eth ano l.
T IRE PRESSUREYour tirepressure isproperly
se t at th e deale rs h ip ac co rd in g
to the recommended
specifications foundon
theSafety Compliance
Certification LabelorTire
Label located onthe B\bPillar
orthe edge ofthe driver’s
door. Check yourtire
pressure atleast once a
month andbefore longtrips
(in clu d in g sp are ). A s an ad ded
sa fety feature, yourvehicle
hasbeen equipped witha
\bire Pressure Monitoring
illuminates alow tirepressure
warning lightwhenone
ormore ofyour tiresis
significantly under\binflated.
Improperly inflatedtir e s can
affe ctveh ic le hand li n g an d can
fa il s u d den ly , p oss ib ly
re sulting inloss ofvehicle
control. Refertothe Tires,
Wheels \bndLo\bdin\f
ch\bpter inyour Owner’s
Guide formore details and
sa fety information.RO ADSIDE ASSISTANCEYour new Ford Taurus co me s
with theassuranc eand
su p p ort o f2 4 \bh o ur em erg enc y
ro ad sid e assis ta nc e.R oad sid e
assistance includes suc h
se rv ic es as:lo cko uta ssi sta nce,
limited fueldelive ry,bat te ry
jump starts, changing aflat
t ir e ,to w in g ,a n d win ch out. To
re ceive roadside assis tanc e
inthe United State s, call
\f (800) 24\f\b3673 .In Canada,
call \f (800) 665\b2006. Fo r
m ore in fo rm atio n on co ve ra g e
period anddetails ofse rv ice,
re fer toyour Roads ide
Assistance information card.S .O .S. POST CRASH
Yo ur ve h ic le isequippe dwith
th e S.O .S .P ost C ras hAle rt
sys te m. This sys te m pro vide s
audible andvis ual alarms in
th e eve nt ofa cras hwhic h
caus es th e de plo yme ntof
air b ag s orth e ac tiv a tio n ofth e
sa fe ty be ltpre te ns ione rs.T he
turn sig nals will flas hand th e
ho rn will so und. To de activ at e
th e sys te m, pre ss th e hazard
fla sh er co nt ro lo r yo ucan
pre ss th e butto n on
yo ur remo te trans mitte r.
(IFEQUIPPED)Press toactivate theVoice
recognition system.Referto
your SYNC supplement (if
eq uip ped) fo rm ore inf orm atio n.
Press toanswer acall if
equipped withSYNC. Press
and hold toend acall. Refer
toyour SYNC supplement for
moreinformation. PressOK
toconfirm menuselections.
Yo ur ve h ic le m ay be eq uip ped
w it h All W hee lD riv e (A W D).
T he AW D sys te m is alw ays
a c tiv e an d use s all fo ur w hee ls
t o pow er th e ve h ic le .T his
i n cre ase s tr a c tio n,e n ab lin g
yo u to driv e ove r te rra in an d
ro ad co nd it io ns th at a
co nve n tio naltw o\bw hee ld riv e
v e h ic le can no t. R efe r to yo ur
O wner’s G uid e fo rm ore
in fo rm atio n.N ote :If yo ur
ve h ic le is eq uip ped wit h AW D,
a sp are tir e ofa dif fe re n tsiz e
(o th er th an th e tir e pro vid ed )
sh o uld neve r b e use d .U sin g
a dif f e re n tsiz e co uld cau se
th e AW D sys te m to sto p
fu nctio nin g an d defa u lt to
fr o ntw heeld riv e .Yo ur ve h ic le
is no tin ten ded fo ro ff \br o ad use .
You rne wFord Taurus speaks volume swithout sayingaword.
No to nl ydoe sth e Tau rus surround you with sleek, trim goo d
looksand unexp ecte d luxu ry,but itsurr ounds youwith safety
to o. Wi nni ng the Highw ayTraffic Saf ety Administration’s highest
5star rati ng for fro nt an d sid ecra sh te sts, your newFordTaurus
is rate das the safest ful l–si zecar in Ame ric a. No wthat’s
some thing .It’s list ing as a‘top safety pick’ isno surprise with
fe ature slike the Safety Cano py™ syste m,the Personal Safety
system™ ,op tio nal AllW he elDri ve and AdvanceTrac™ with
elec tro nic sta bilit y co ntr o l, the S.O. S. Post Crash AlertSystem as
well a s the SPACE ™arc hite cture (Side Protection andCabin
Enha nceme nt);whic hutiliz es adv ance dcrash force management
techn ique sto helpchan nelimp actforc es around andaway from
the passeng er cab in.Al lo fthis adds up tocomplet e5\bstar
pro tectio n in the spacious and comforta bleTaurus family
sedan. The allnew Fo rd Taurus, safety and sophistication all
rolled int oone .
Use extre mecauti on whe nusing any dev ice or feature thatmay
take your atte ntio noff the roa d.Your primary respo nsibility isthe
sa fe op era tion ofthe vehicle .Onl yuse non\bessential features and
device swhe nit is saf eto do so.