HONDA CROSSTOUR 2012 1.G Navigation Manual

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Navigation System1
2NX_Accord Crosstour 31TP6800
2NX_Accord Crosstour 31TP6800
Table of Contents
Introduction .................................. 4
Manual Overview ............................ 4
System Overview ............................ 4
Accessories Precautions .................. 5
Important Safety Information .......... 5
Map Overview ................................. 6Current Street .................................... 6
Verified/Unverified Street .................. 6
User Agreement ............................8
Getting Started ........................... 10
System Controls ............................ 10
Voice Control Basics ..................... 13Using the Voice Control System ...... 14
Improving Voice Recognition .......... 14Selecting an Item (Button) on the
Screen ......................................... 15
Selecting an Item in a List ............. 15
Entering Information ..................... 16
System Start-up ............................. 17
Bluetooth ® HandsFreeLink®........ 18
Map Screen Legend ....................... 19
Map Screen Description ................ 20Zoom In/Out..................................... 20
Map Scrolling .................................. 20Displaying Current Location .........20
System Function Diagram ............. 21
Entering a Destination ..............22
By Address .................................... 23Selecting the State or Province ........ 23
Selecting the City ............................. 23
Selecting the Street .......................... 25
Entering the Street Number ............. 27By Address Book ...........................27Adding Addresses to the Personal
Address Book ................................ 28By Places ....................................... 28Finding the Place by Category ........ 29
Finding the Place by Name.............. 33
Finding the Place by Phone Number ......................................... 33
Finding the Place by Zagat 2011..... 34By Intersection...............................35Selecting the State or Province ........ 35
Selecting the City ............................. 35
Selecting the Street .......................... 37By Previous Destinations...............39
By Map Input ................................. 40Showing the Map of Current
Position......................................... 40
Showing the Map of City.................. 41
Showing the Map of State ................ 42
Showing the Map of Continental USA............................................... 43
By Today’s Destinations................ 43Editing Today’s Destinations List.... 44
Adding Destinations to the List........ 44By Go Home ..................................45
Driving to Your Destination .....46
Driving to Your Destination .......... 46
Calculate Route to Screen.............. 46Changing Routing Method ............... 47
Viewing the Routes........................... 48
Viewing the Destination Map .......... 49Map Screen ....................................49Route Line ........................................ 49
Voice Guidance Prompts ................. 50
Map Screen Legend ......................... 51Guidance Screen ............................52Guidance Screen Legend ................. 52Distance and Time to
Destination .................................. 53
Map Menu...................................... 53
Direction List ................................. 54EXIT INFO
(Freeway Exit Information) .......... 54Guidance Mode.............................. 55
Map Scale ...................................... 56
Map Orientation ............................. 57
Destination Icon ............................. 57
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Navigation System Manual00X31-TP6-8200

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Navigation System
Table of Contents
2NX_Accord Crosstour 31TP6800
Landmark Icons .............................58Showing Icons on the Map............... 60
Icon Options .................................... 60Going Off the Route ......................62
Off-road Tracking ..........................62
Viewing/Saving the Current
Location ...................................... 63
Pop-Ups and Disclaimers .............. 64
Changing the Route ....................... 65MENU Screen (Route) ..................... 65
Cancel Route.................................... 65
Change Method................................ 65
Search Waypoint .............................. 66
Delete Waypoint .............................. 67
Back to Route ................................... 67
Avoid Street...................................... 67
Detour .............................................. 67Changing Your Destination ...........68Find Nearest (Voice command) ....... 68
Go Home (Voice command) ............ 68
Using Interface Dial to Change Destination ................................... 68
Entering a Destination from the Menu Screen (while en route) ................ 69Continue Trip Screen..................... 69
Information Features ................70
Information Screen ........................ 70
Cellular Phone ............................... 70
Trip Computer ............................... 70
Calendar ......................................... 71Entering Your Schedule ................... 72Calculator.......................................73Unit Conversion ............................... 73Voice Command Help ...................74
Map Legend ................................... 75
Key to Zagat Ratings ..................... 75
System Setup ..............................77
SETUP Mode................................. 77
SETUP Screen (Main Setup) ......... 77Brightness ........................................ 77
Contrast ........................................... 77
Black Level.... ............................ .......77
Volume ............................................. 78
Interface Dial Feedback .................. 78
Guidance Prompts ........................... 78SETUP Screen (Other) ..................79
Personal Information ..................... 79Address Book ................................... 79
Home Address .................................. 83
PIN Number ..................................... 83
Previous Destinations ...................... 84
Basic Settings.................................85Units (mile or km) ............................ 85
Voice Recognition F eedback ...........85
Auto Volume for Speed .................... 85Routing & Guidance ......................86Rerouting ......................................... 86
Unverified Area Routing .................. 87
Edit Avoid Area................................ 91
Edit Waypoint Search Area.............. 93
Guidance Mode ................................ 94Clock Adjustment ..........................94Auto Daylight ................................... 95
Auto Time Zone ................................ 95
Daylight Saving Time (DST) Selection (Change DST Schedule) ............... 96
Time Adjustment .............................. 96Vehicle ...........................................96Off-road Tracking ............................96
Correct Vehicle Position.................. 97Color ..............................................98Map Color ........................................ 98
Menu Color ...................................... 99
Switching Display Mode Manually .. 99
Switching Display Mode Automatically.............................. 100System Information ..................... 101
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Navigation System3
Table of Contents
2NX_Accord Crosstour 31TP6800
Rearview Camera ....................... 101Visible Range of the Rearview
Image .......................................... 101
Rearview Camera Brightness Adjustment .................................. 102
System Initialization .................103
System Initialization .................... 103
Entering the Security Code.......... 103
GPS Initialization ........................ 104
Map Matching ............................. 104
System Limitations ...................105
Database Limitations ............... 107
Customer Assistance ................ 109
Reporting Errors .......................... 109
Honda Automobile Customer Service ...................................... 109
Visiting Your Dealer ................... 110
Obtaining a Navigation Update DVD ......................................... 110
Changing the DVD ...................... 111
PC Card ....................................... 111
Coverage Areas .........................112
Map Coverage ............................. 112U.S. Detailed Coverage Areas....... 112Canada Detailed Coverage
Areas........................................... 117
Operation in Alaska and
Hawaii....................................... 126Alaska ............................................ 126
Hawaii............................................ 126
Shipping a Vehicle To or From Hawaii ........................................ 127
Frequently Asked Questions...128
Troubleshooting ....................... 135
Glossary .................................... 137
Glossary ....................................... 137
Voice Command Index ............140
Global Commands ....................... 140
Navigation General
Commands ................................ 140
Navigation Display Commands ................................ 141
Find Place Commands ................. 142
Climate Control Commands ........ 143
Temperature Voice Commands ... 144
Radio Voice Commands .............. 144
CD Voice Commands .................. 145
AUX Voice Commands ............... 146Information Screen Voice
Commands ................................ 146
SETUP Screen (Main Setup) Commands ................................ 146
On-Screen Commands ................. 147
On-Screen Spelling Assist .............. 147
Index .........................................151
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In dex
Ta ble of ContentsNa vigation
Ke y
Section - 1st page
2012 Crosstour

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Navigation System
2NX_Accord Crosstour 31TP6800
IntroductionManual OverviewThe manual is divided into the
following sections:
 Getting Started - A basic introduction that discusses the co ntrols and how to
communicate with the system.
 Entering a Destination - How to enter an address or locate a point of interest
 Driving to Your Destination - An explanation of the map features,
guidance, and cautions.
 Information Features - Cellular Phone, Trip Computer, Calendar,
Calculator, Voice Command Help,
Map Legend, and Key to Zagat
 System Setup - How to set up and tailor the system for your personal
use and use the Address Book. The back of this manual contains:
 Map Coverage (page
 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (page 128)
 Troubleshooting Guide (page 135)
 Glossary of Terms (page 137)
 Voice Command List (page 140)
 Operation Specific to Alaska and Hawaii (page 126)
System OverviewYour navigation system is a highly
sophisticated location system with voice
control that uses satellites and a map
database to show you where you are and
to help guide you to a desired
The navigation system receives signals
from the global positioning system
(GPS), a network of 24 satellites in orbit
around the earth. By receiving signals
from several of these satellites, the
navigation system can determine the
latitude, longitude, and elevation of
your vehicle. In addition, a gyroscopic
yaw sensor and a vehicle speed sensor
in your vehicle keep track of the
direction and speed of travel at all times.
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Navigation System5
2NX_Accord Crosstour 31TP6800
The navigation system applies location,
direction, and speed information to the
maps and calculates a route to the
destination you enter. As you drive to
that destination, the system provides
map and voice guidance.
The navigation system is easy to use.
The locations of many places of
business and entertainment are already
entered in the system. You can select
any of them as a des tination by using the
Interface Dial or voice control.
There are several ways to enter a
destination, such as by point of interest
(POI), by address, by phone number,
and by selecting it from the map. The
last 50 destinations are saved for reuse
at a later date. The system also allows
you to store a home address to simplify
returning home from your destination.
Accessories PrecautionsIf you have rear window tinting
installed, be aware that if the tint has
metallic properties, it can seriously
degrade or prevent GPS reception. This
is because the GPS antenna is located
under the dashboard.
If you plan to install electronic
components, such as radar detectors,
vehicle tracking devices, remote
starters, additional amplifiers, or other
audio components, ensure that they are
not located near the navigation control
unit in the right side floor storage
compartment of the cargo area, near the
navigation display in the dash, or near
the GPS antenna under the dashboard.
Signal noise emanating from these
devices can cause intermittent
disruption of the navigation system.
Important Safety InformationThe navigation system can distract your
attention from the road if you focus on
the screen or operate the system’s
controls while driving.
Enter as much information as possible
into the system before you begin
driving, or when the vehicle is stopped.
Then, as you drive, listen to the audio
instructions and use voice commands
when possible.
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Navigation System
2NX_Accord Crosstour 31TP6800
While driving, do not look at the screen
or operate the system controls for more
than a second or so at a time, and only
after deciding you can do so safely. Pull
to the side of the ro ad if you need more
time to look at the screen or operate the
controls. The navigation system is designed to
provide route information to help you
reach your destinatio
n. However, this
route guidance may sometimes conflict
with current road conditions such as
street closures, road construction,
detours, and out-of-date map data.
Additionally, the system itself has
certain limitations (see page 105).
Therefore, you must verify the audio
and visual route information provided
by the system by carefully observing the
roadway, signs and signals, etc. If you
are unsure, proceed with caution.
Always use your own good judgment,
and obey traffic laws while driving.
Map OverviewCurrent StreetThe current street on which your vehicle
is located appears at the bottom of the
map screen (see page 19). A message
saying “Not on a digitized road” may
appear instead when you drive half a
mile away from a mapped road. For
more details, see Off-road Tracking on
page 62.Verified/Unverified StreetYour navigation system has two kinds
of streets: verified (dark colored) and
unverified (light colored). The
differences between the two types of
streets are contrasted in the chart on
Using the navigation system
while driving can take your
attention away from the road,
causing a crash in which you
could be seriously injured or
Follow all operating instructions
and safety information in this
“Unverified” Road
“Verified” Road
Introduction00 2NX_Accord 6 ページ 2011年6月23日 木曜日 午後5時2分
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Navigation System7
2NX_Accord Crosstour 31TP6800
Verified streets (dark colored) Unverified streets (light colored)
displayed These roads are found within metropolitan areas, and
include interstate freeways and major roads connecting
cities. These roads are found in rural areas, and typically include
residential streets away from the center of a town.
Street color Shown on daytime
map screen as black or red, such as
interstate freeways. Shown on the daytime
map screen as light brown.
Map quality The database vendor has verified these streets.
Information like turn rest
rictions, average speed, and
whether it is a one-way street have been gathered and
used when creating your route to a destination. These streets have not been verified by the database vendor.
The system does not contain in
formation on one-way streets,
turn restrictions, or the road’s average speed. They are shown
on the map for reference and may have errors in map location,
naming, and address range.
differences While driving to your destination, the displayed route
line is solid blue. The system provides voice and map
guidance to your destination. Your route line is either a blue dotted “vector line,” or a dashed
pink/blue line. For information on selecting this option, and the
routing differences, see
Unverified Area Routing on page87.
Cautions There are no pop-up boxes urging extra caution during
a route. However, because
roads constantly change,
you are urged to use common sense, and always obey
posted traffic restrictions. Regardless of whether the user chooses route guidance, there
are cautionary screens before and during the route urging the
user to be extra cautious, and obe
y all traffic restrictions. See
Unverified Area Routing on page87.
voice Voice guidance issues instruct
ions such as “In a half-
mile, make a right turn.” The phrase “if possible” is added
to each guidance instruction.
For example: “In a half-mile, ma ke a right turn, if possible.”
Time and
“to go” The time and distance “to go,”
displayed while en route
to a destination, is based on the average speed and
distance for the roads used for your route. Because the average speed of thes
e roads is not known, the time
and distance “to go” is based on a fixed average speed of
25 mph for these roads.
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Navigation System
2NX_Accord Crosstour 31TP6800
User AgreementIn using this DVD “Satellite Linked
Navigation System” (the “DVD”),
which includes HONDA MOTOR CO.,
LTD. software, ALPINE
NAVTEQ database contents, INFO
ZAGAT SURVEY database contents,
and ZENRIN CO. database contents
(hereinafter referred to as “Licensors”),
you are bound by the terms and
conditions set forth below.
By using your copy of the DVD, you
have expressed your Agreement to the
terms and conditions of this Agreement.
You should, therefore, make sure that
you read and understand the following
provisions. If for any reason you do not
wish to be bound by the terms of this
Agreement, please return the DVD to
your dealer.  The DVD may not be copied,
duplicated, or otherwise modified, in
whole or in part, without the express
written permission of the Licensors.
 The DVD may not be transferred or sublicensed to any third party for
profit, rent or loan, or licensed for
reuse in any manner.
 The DVD may not be decompiled, reverse engineered or otherwise
disassembled, in whole or in part.
 The DVD may not be used in a network or by any other manner of
simultaneous use in multiple systems.
 The DVD is intended solely for personal use (or internal use where
the end-user is a business) by the
consumer. The DVD is not to be used
for commercial purposes.  The Licensors do not guarantee to the
customer that the functions included
in the DVD meet the specific
objectives of the user.
 Licensor shall not be responsible for any damages caused by the use of the
DVD to the actual user or to any third
 The warranty on the DVD shall not extend to an exchange or refund due
to misspelling, omission of letters, or
any other cosmetic discrepancy in the
contents of the DVD.
 The right to use the DVD shall expire either when the user destroys the
DVD or software, or when any of the
terms of this Agreement are violated
and the Licensors exercise the option
to revoke the licen se to use the DVD
or software.00 2NX_Accord 8 ページ 2011年6月23日 木曜日 午後5時2分
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Navigation System9
2NX_Accord Crosstour 31TP6800
User Agreement
 The terms and conditions hereof
apply to all subsequent users and
owners as well as to the original
 The logos of oil companies, hotels, convenience stores, and other
businesses are displayed for your
information and convenience, and in
no way imply any sponsorship,
approval or endorsement of these
companies, or their products. The
logos are trademarks of their
respective owners. The user shall indemnify and save
harmless the Licensors, and their
officers, employees and agents, from
and against any claim, demand or
action, irrespective of the nature of the
cause of the claim, demand or action,
alleging loss, costs, expense, damages
or injuries (including injuries resulting
in death) arising out of the use or
possession of the DVD or software.
Use, duplication, or disclosure of this
DVD by or on behalf of the United
States government is subject to
“Restricted Rights” as set forth at FAR
52.227-14, -19 or DFARS 252.227-
7013, as applicable. Manufacturers are
the Licensors, including HONDA
MOTOR CO., LTD., 2-1-1 Minami
Aoyama Minato-Ku Tokyo 107-8556
JAPAN., Alpine Electronics, Inc., 20-1
Yoshima Kogyodanchi, Iwaki,
Fukushima 970-1192 JAPAN.,
NAVTEQ Corporation, 222
Merchandise Mart, Suite 900, Chicago,
IL, 60654, INFO USA
CORPORATION, 5711 South 86th
Circle, Omaha, NE 68127.,
Zagat Survey, LLC, 4 Columbus Circle,
New York, NY, 10019., and ZENRIN
CO., LTD., 1-1-1 Muromachi,
Kokurakita-ku, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka
803-8630, JAPAN.00 2NX_Accord 9 ページ 2011年6月23日 木曜日 午後5時2分
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Navigation System
2NX_Accord Crosstour 31TP6800
Getting StartedSystem Controls
CANCEL button
SETUP button
INFO button Interface Dial/
ENTER button
MENU button
AUDIO button MAP/GUIDE button Lower Display ScreenDisplay Mode
Passenger’s Temperature
Driver’s Temperature Time (set by navigation system)
Cancels the current screen and returns to
the previous screen display.
The NAVI BACK button on the
steering wheel performs the same basic
MAP/GUIDE button
Displays the map. When en route,
switches between the map and
guidance screens. See page 19 or 51.
MENU button
Displays the “Enter destination by”
options on the MENU screen. When en
route, displays the “Route” options on
the MENU screen. See page 22 or 65 .
SETUP button
Displays the SETUP screen where you
can customize information in the
system. See page 77.
INFO button
Displays the scre en for selecting
Cellular Phone , Trip Computer ,
Calendar, Calculator , Voice
Command Help , Map Legend, and
Key to Zagat Ratings . See page70.
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