LINCOLN NAVIGATOR 2008 Customer Assistance Guide

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Itis m ore than the gra tific ation ofow ning aLincoln
ve hicle. The Linc olnComm itm ent®is acompr ehensi ve
owner bene fits pa cka gedesi gned to provide youwith
servi cesto support yourevery dri ving need.
When you took delive ryofyour new Lincoln\b youdrove
offwi th m ore than afine luxury vehic le–you also took
with you the many bene fitsof the Linc olnCommitment
We encour ageyou torea dthi sbookle t\bbecome fam iliar
with the bene fits of the Linc olnComm itment
®\band then
ta ke fulladvant ageofthe m. Ifyou have any questions or
conce rns\bplease call 18\f\f 392 3673.
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Transport ation Assi stance 3
Roadside Assist ance 4
New Vehi cleLi mited Wa rranty 6
Linc oln Com plim ent ary Ma inte nance 7
Linc oln Cust om erRe lationshi pCent er 9
Linc oln Owner Card 1\f
Important Inform ation 11
Offic es 14
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Should your \bincol nre quir ew arr ant yse rvice,
\fr ansport ati on Assi stance give syou peace ofmind
knowi ngthat alterna te transport ation will be provided
f or you. Notonlytha t,\fr ansport ation Assistance will
hel pof fset the cost ofalter natetranspor tation, andmay
e ve ncover the cost compl ete ly. Wit hoptions suchasa
l oane rvehi cleor shuttle servic e,conve nience ,cost
sa vings and confi denc eare all yours.
Pl ease schedul ease rvice appoint ment in advance to
hel pensur eava ila bi lity. Conta ctyour deale rfor
c om pletede ta ils.
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Requ iremen tsfor
\bo vera ge
Items \bovered
TheLinc olnCom mitme ntgive syou the peace ofmind
know ingthat Roadside Assistance willco me toyour
rescue 24hour sa day\b 365days ayea r\bwhe rever youarein
the U.S.\b Cana da\b and Mexi co.So if you run out ofgas\b
have aflat tire or dead bat tery\b lockyours elf out ofyour
car\b orneed towi ng\b you' re cover ed(warra nt y\b
non warranty\band collision). Ifassist ance isneeded\b call
18\f\f 3923673 anytimeandselect the first prom ptfor
Roa dside Assist ance.
1 Expense sfor Roadside Assi sta ncem us tbe incurr edon
the regi ster ed vehi cle.
2The vehiclem ust beowne d*orlease d(12month lease
orlonger) bythe mem ber.
3Roadsi deAssi stanc eis avai lable for6ye ars or7\f\b\f\f\f
miles (whi cheve rocc ursfir st ).
Fl at tire change with agood spare
Bat tery Jum pSt art
Lock outAssist ance (key repla cem entcost isthe
cust omer'sresponsi bility)
Fue lD elivery –Indepe ndentServi ce Contractors\b ifnot
prohi bited by state \bloc alor muni cipal law shall deliver
upto2.\f gallons (7.5L) ofgasoli neor5gallons (18.9L)
ofdiesel fuelto adisabl edvehic le.F ue ldelivery service
is lim ite d to two noc harge occurr enceswithin a
12monthpe riod.
Wi nch out–avai lable within one hund red(1\f\f) feet of a
pave dor count ym aintai nedroad.
Tow ing–El igi ble Linc olnvehi cles willbe tow edtoa
Lincol n\bFord orMe rcury dealer within thirtyfive (35)
m iles of the disa ble ment loca tion orto the near est
qual ifi ed Lincol n\bFor dor Me rcury dealer. If a member
4.*Kans asresidents arenot limited toowned vehicles.
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requeststo be towe dto aFord/ Mer cury /Lincoln dealer
more than thi rtyfi ve(35) miles from the disablement
locat ion\b the mem ber shal lbe responsi bleforany
mileage cost sin exc ess ofthirtyf ive (35) miles.
Tr ailers –towi ngoftrai lers willbe covered upto$2\f\f if
the disabl edeligi blevehi clere quir esservice atthe near
estqual ifi ed dealer .If the trai leris di sa bled\b but thetow
ing vehicleis ope ra tional \bthe traile rdoes notquali fy for
any Roadsi deservi ces.
Pa rts\b gas (in addi tion tothe servi cecalldeli very
provi sion not ed above) \brent alof tow in g equipment\b
storage fees\b tire repa iror any labor perfor medat a
gara georser vic efa cili ty.
Par tsinvol vedin loc kout servi ce.
Any form ofimpound towingortowi ngbyanything
other than alic ensed servicestation orgarage .
Shouldbe sent to Lincol nCom mitment
®Headquart ers
(addr essonthe back ofthis bookl et)w ithin 2\fdays of
the disabl ement.
Shoul dincl ude:
Acom pleted claim form\b includi ngyour Vehic le
Ident ifi ca tion Num ber(VI N).
An origina lpa id rece iptfrom an ident ifiable
Roa dside servicefac ilityde tailing the nature ofthe
servi ce and acopy ofthe dealerre pai ror der
(if appl icabl e).
To obtain acl aim form\b please call1 8\f\f 392 3673 and
select Roadsi deAssistance whenprompted. Acustomer
servi ce repre sentative will suppl yone toyou.
Items Not\bovered
AllReimb ursement
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For ade taile d desc ription ofwha tis covered and what is
notcove redbyyour vehic le’s Ne wVehi cleLimi ted
Warranty \brefe rto the Warr antyGui dethat isprovided to
youalong with your Owne r’s Gui de.
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Linc oln Com mitm ent®he lps you drive with the
confi denc eof knowing thatyour vehic leisge tting the
proper maint ena nce.Your vehicle w illperform attop
le vel sand you'l lprotec tyour invest ment byfollowing
the Sche duledMai ntena nceGuide .
Linc oln covers allnormal schedul edmain tenanc eas
out lined in your Scheduled Maintena nceG uide forthe first
year or 15\b\f\f\f mile s(whi chever occurs first) ofowne rship
onall vehi cle s sold inthe U.S .C over agebegins withthe
origi nalinse rvice date (wa rranty star tdate )and zero
milea ge. Norm alSchedule dMa intena nce provides
maintenanc eservi cesat 7\b5\f\f mile int ervals or6months
(w hicheve rocc urs first).
Mainte nanc eshoul dbe perf orm edanyt ime within 1\b\f\f\f
miles bef ore orafterthe sche dul ed se rvice intervals.
*Linc oln Complimentary Maintenanceappliestooriginal owner
only–not transferable. Fleet salesareexcluded. Sch edu led
Mai ntena nce*
The 2000M ile
Wi ndow
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Mostim port antly\b Linc oln Com plime ntary Maintena nceis
backe dby Lincol nand honor edatany oneofthe more
tha n1\b35\f Lincol ndea lers in the U.S.
To he lp ensur eyou rLin colnve hicledelivers thehigh
le vel ofperfor manc eit was design edtoprovide, please
follow this easy maint enancesch edule :
\b,500 \files
C han geengine oil andfil te r
Pe rfor mmu ltipoin tinsp ection
R otate tires
15,000 \files
C han geengine oil andfil te r
Pe rfor mmu ltipoin tinsp ection
R otate tires
C abi nairfilter (ifeq uip ped)Ba cke dby \fin coln
Ma \bntena nce
Sched \fle
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Ifyou ever have any quest ionsregar ding your Lincolnor
Linc oln Com mitm ent\b pleasecallthe Linc oln Cust omer
Relationshi pCent erat 1 8\f\f 392 3673. OurCustomer Care
Represe ntative sare availabl eMonday through Friday\b
8:\f\f am to 5:\f\f pmyour localtime .For your afterhours
conveni ence\bwe also offe ronl ine support at
w ww.c ustom ersaskfor\baconver sational applica tion
tha tcan answe rm any quest ionsrega rdi ng your vehicle\b
warra nties\b and deale rs.
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YourLinc oln Owner Card is your keyto receiving the
many benefi ts out line din thi sbookl et.Th iscard\b loc ated
in the bac kof thisbookle t\b cont ains the information and
phonenumbe ryou need whe nca lling for Roadside
Assist ance orneed tospe ak to aCust omer Care
Represe ntative atthe Linc olnCustom erRelationship
Ce nte r. O ur phone number is 1 8\f\f 392 3673.
1\f .
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