wiring RENAULT TWINGO RS 2009 2.G Engine And Peripherals Multimedia Connection Unit Workshop Manual

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86D -2V1 MR-413-X44-86D000$010.mif
Vdiag No.: 14
This document presents the fault finding method applicable to all computers with the following specifications:
Documentation type
Fault finding procedures (this manual):
–Assisted fault finding (integrated into the diagnostic tool), Dialogys.
Wiring Diagrams:
Type of diagnostic tools
Special tooling required
Fault finding procedure
To run fault finding on the vehicle computers, switch on the ignition.
Depending on the type of vehicle equipment, proceed as follows:
To cut off + after ignition feed, proceed as follows:Vehicle(s): CLIO III and NEW TWINGOComputer name: MULTIMEDIA CONNECTION
Function concerned: MULTIMEDIA
Special tooling required
Diagnostic tool
Elé. 1681 Universal bornier
For vehicles with key/radio frequency remote control, use the key to switch on the ignition.
For vehicles with Renault cards,
–with the vehicle card in the card reader,
–press and hold the start button (longer than 5 seconds) with start-up conditions not fulfilled,
connect the diagnostic tool and perform the required operations.
For vehicles with key/radiofrequency remote control,use the key to switch off the ignition.
For vehicles with Renault cards,
Press the Start button twice briefly (less than 3 seconds),
Ensure that the + after ignition feed has been cut off by checking that the computer warning lights on the instrument
panel have gone out.
Fault finding – Introduction

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86D -5V1 MR-413-X44-86D000$010.mif
Fault finding – Introduction86D
Vdiag No.: 14
4.1. Wiring check
Fault finding problems
Disconnecting the connectors and/or manipulating the wiring may temporarily remove the cause of a fault.
Electrical measurements of voltage, resistance and insulation are generally correct, especially if the fault is not
present when the analysis is made (stored fault).
Visual inspection
Look for damage under the bonnet and in the passenger compartment.
Carefully check the fuses, insulators and wiring harness routing.
Look for signs of oxidation.
Physical inspection
While manipulating the wiring harness, use the diagnostic tool to note any change in fault status from stored to
Make sure that the connectors are properly locked.
Apply light pressure to the connectors.
Twist the wiring harness.
If there is a change in status, try to locate the source of the fault.
Checking earth insulation
This check is carried out by measuring the voltage (multimeter in voltmeter mode) between the suspect connection
and the 12 V or 5 V. The correct measured value should be 0 V.
Checking insulation against + 12 V or + 5 V
This check is carried out by measuring the voltage (multimeter in voltmeter mode) between the suspect connection
and the earth. In the first instance, the earth may be taken on the chassis. The correct measured value should be 0 V
Continuity check
A continuity check is carried out by measuring the resistance (multimeter in ohmmeter mode), with the connectors
disconnected at both ends. The expected result must be between: 0 ΩΩ Ω Ω
< X < 2 Ω for every connection. The line must
be fully checked, and the intermediate connections are only included in the method if this saves time during the fault
finding procedure. The continuity check on the multiplex lines must be carried out on both wires. The measured
value must be between: 0 ΩΩ Ω Ω
< X < 2 ΩΩ Ω Ω
Checking the supply
This check may be carried out using a test light (21 W or 5 W depending on the maximum authorised load)
4.2. Connector check
Carry out each requested check visually. Do not remove a connector if it is not required.
Repeated connections and disconnections alter the functionality of the connectors and increase the risk of poor
electrical contact. Limit the number of connections/disconnections as much as possible.
The check is carried out on the 2 parts of the connection. There may be two types of connection:

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86D -6V1 MR-413-X44-86D000$010.mif
Fault finding – Introduction86D
Vdiag No.: 14
1. Visual inspection of the connection:
–Check that the connector is connected correctly and that the male and female parts of the connection are
correctly coupled.
2. Visual inspection of the area around the connection:
–Check the condition of the mounting (pin, strap, adhesive tape, etc.) if the connectors are attached to the
–Check that there is no damage to the wiring trim (sheath, foam, adhesive tape, etc.) near the wiring.
–Check that there is no damage to the electrical wires at the connector outputs, in particular on the insulating
material (wear, cuts, burns, etc.).
Disconnect the connector to continue the checks.
3. Visual inspection of the plastic casing:
–Check that there is no mechanical damage (casing crushed, split, broken, etc.), in particular to the fragile
components (lever, lock, sockets, etc.).
–Check that there is no heat damage (casing melted, darker, deformed, etc.).
–Check that there are no stains (grease, mud, liquid, etc.).
4. Visual inspection of the metal contacts:
(The female contact is called CLIP. The male contact is called TAB).
–Check that there are no bent contacts (the contact is not inserted correctly and can come out of the back of
the connector). The contact comes out of the connector when the wire is gently pulled.
–Check that there is no damage (folded tabs, clips open too wide, blackened or melted contact, etc.).
–Check that there is no oxidation on the metal contacts.
Visual inspection of the sealing:
(Only for watertight connectors)
–Check for the seal on the connection (between the 2 parts of the connection).
–Check the seal at the back of the connectors:
–For unit seals (1 for each wire), check that the unit seals are present on each electrical wire and that they
are correctly positioned in the opening (level with the housing). Check that plugs are present on openings
which are not used.
–For a grommet seal (one seal which covers the entire internal surface of the connector), check that the seal
is present.
–For gel seals, check for gel in all of the sockets without removing the excess or any protruding sections (it
does not matter if there is gel on the contacts).
–For hotmelt sealing (heat-shrink sheath with glue), check that the sheath has contracted correctly on the rear
of the connectors and the electrical wires, and that the hardened glue comes out of the side of the wire.
–Check that there is no damage to any of the seals (cuts, burns, significant deformation, etc.).
If a fault is detected, consult Technical Note 6015A, Repairing electrical wiring.

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AFTER REPAIRCarry out another fault finding check on the system.
Clear the stored faults using command RZ001 Fault memory.
Deal with any other faults.
V1 MR-413-X44-86D000$090.mif
Fault finding – Interpretation of faults86D
Vdiag No.: 14
1.DEF: Excess voltage
2.DEF: Undervoltage
NOTESConditions for applying fault finding procedures to stored faults:
The fault is declared present after the multimedia system has been switched on.
Special notes:
The undervoltage fault appears if the computer feed voltage is less than or equal to
7.5 V for at least 1 second.
The overvoltage fault appears if the computer feed voltage is greater than or equal to
18.5 V for at least 1 second.
Use the Wiring Diagrams Technical Note for Clio III or New Twingo.
For a vehicle equipped with a Navigation computer, use component 1714, Multimedia
connection unit, for fault finding on the Multimedia interface unit.
Otherwise use component 653, display computer.
Check the battery and perform an alternator supply test (see 16A, Starting, Charging).

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AFTER REPAIRCarry out another fault finding check on the system.
Clear the stored faults using command RZ001 Fault memory.
Deal with any other faults.
V1 MR-413-X44-86D000$090.mif
Fault finding – Interpretation of faults86D
Vdiag No.: 14
Remove the card from the reader or the key from the ignition, then check the condition of the battery.
Check the battery: leaks, incorrectly fitted, loosened battery terminal, and corrosion.
Check the earth connections of the vehicle: battery/chassis, engine/chassis, starter/engine, alternator/engine,
If the fault is detected, resolve the abnormal contact fault.
Check the battery and perform an alternator supply test (see 16A, Starting, Charging).
Check the condition of fuse F48 (15 A) for New Twingo or fuses F14 (5 A), F2 (20 A), and unit fuse 710 (15 A) for
Clio III.
Check the connection and condition of the connectors of the display computer, component code 653 or of the
multimedia connection unit computer, component code 1714, depending on the vehicle equipment.
If the connectors are faulty and if there is a repair procedure (see Technical Note 6015A, Repairing electrical
wiring, Wiring: Precautions for repair), repair the connector, otherwise replace the wiring.
Disconnect the computer connector and check the conformity of the following connections:
–BCP4 between components 260 and 653 or 1714,
–BPT between components 645 and 653 or 1714,
–BPT3 between components 260 and 653 or 1714,
–NAM between component 653 or 1714 and earth.
If the connection or connections are faulty and there is a repair procedure (see Technical Note 6015A, Electrical
wiring repair, Wiring: Precautions for repair), repair the wiring, otherwise replace it.

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AFTER REPAIRCarry out another fault finding check on the system.
Clear the stored faults using command RZ001 Fault memory.
Deal with any other faults.
V1 MR-413-X44-86D000$090.mif
Fault finding – Interpretation of faults86D
Vdiag No.: 14
CO : Open circuit
CC.0: Short circuit to earth
CC.1: Short circuit to + 12 V
NOTESFault finding procedure application conditions:
The fault is declared present after:
The + after ignition feed is activated, then the multimedia system was switched on using
the on/off button.
The fault is declared stored after the vehicle is completely shut off (1 minute after
If the fault is present, the multimedia functions do not operate.
For a vehicle equipped with a Navigation computer, use component 1714, Multimedia
connection unit, for fault finding on the Multimedia interface unit.
Otherwise use component 653, display computer.
Use the Wiring Diagrams Technical Note for Clio III or New Twingo.
For a vehicle equipped with a Navigation system:
Check the connectors of the multimedia connection unit, component code 1714, of the radio, component
code 261, of the mobile connectivity computer, component code 1959 (depending on equipment), and of the
navigation computer, component code 662.
For a vehicle not equipped with a Navigation system:
Check the connectors of the display, component code 653, of the radio, component code 261, and of the mobile
connectivity computer, component code 1959 (depending on equipment).
If the connectors are faulty and if there is a repair procedure (see Technical Note 6015A, Repairing electrical
wiring, Wiring: Precautions for repair), repair the connector, otherwise replace the wiring.

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AFTER REPAIRCarry out another fault finding check on the system.
Clear the stored faults using command RZ001 Fault memory.
Deal with any other faults.
V1 MR-413-X44-86D000$090.mif
Fault finding – Interpretation of faults86D
Vdiag No.: 14
Check the insulation to earth and to +12 V, the continuity, and the absence of interference resistance of the
following connection:
For a vehicle equipped with a Navigation system:
●34HU between components 1714 and components 261, 662, and, depending on equipment, 1959.
For a vehicle not equipped with a Navigation system:
●34HU between components 653 and components 261 and, depending on equipment, 1959.
If the connection or connections are faulty and there is a repair procedure (see Technical Note 6015A, Electrical
wiring repair, Wiring: Precautions for repair), repair the wiring, otherwise replace it.
If the fault is still present, contact your Techline.

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AFTER REPAIRRepeat the conformity check from the start.
V1 MR-413-X44-86D000$120.mif
Vdiag No.: 14
STATUS DEFINITIONPRESSED: This means that the button is pressed.
RELEASED: This means that the button is released.
NOTESThere must be no present or stored faults.
Note: ET009 Repeat button is not present on the New Twingo.
For a vehicle equipped with a Navigation computer, use component 1714, Multimedia
connection unit, for fault finding on the Multimedia interface unit.
Otherwise use component 653, display computer.
Use the Wiring Diagrams Technical Note for Clio III or New Twingo.
Check the condition and connection:
●of the radio control satellite connector, component code 1519 (for Clio III) or component code 325 (for New
●of the display connector, component code 653, or the multimedia connection unit connector, component code
1714, depending on the vehicle equipment.
If the connectors are faulty and if there is a repair procedure (see Technical Note 6015A, Repairing electrical
wiring, Wiring: Precautions for repair), repair the connector, otherwise replace the wiring.
BIC_V14_ET009 / BIC_V14_ET011 / BIC_V14_ET012 / BIC_V14_ET020 / BIC_V14_ET023 / BIC_V14_ET024 / BIC_V14_ET025
Fault finding – Interpretation of statuses

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AFTER REPAIRRepeat the conformity check from the start.
V1 MR-413-X44-86D000$120.mif
Fault finding – Interpretation of statuses86D
Vdiag No.: 14
Using the universal bornier, check the insulation, continuity and the absence of interference resistance on
the following connections:
●34AT between components 1519 (or 325) and 653 (or 1714),
●34AR between components 1519 (or 325) and 653 (or 1714),
●34AS between components 1519 (or 325) and 653 (or 1714),
●34AQ between components 1519 (or 325) and 653 (or 1714),
●34AU between components 1519 (or 325) and 653 (or 1714),
●34AP between components 1519 (or 325) and 653 (or 1714).
●34AO between components 1519 and 653 (or 1714) (only for Clio III).
If the connections are faulty and if there is a repair procedure (see Technical Note 6015A, Electrical wiring
repair, Wiring: Precautions for repair), repair the wiring, otherwise change the wiring.
Replace the radio control satellite (see MR 392 (Clio III) or MR 411 (New Twingo), Mechanical, 86A, Radio,
Radio satellite control: Removal - Refitting).
If the vehicle is equipped with a Navigation computer (only on Clio III), replace the multimedia connection unit (see
MR 392, Mechanical, 83C, On-board telematics system, Multimedia network interface unit: Removal -
If the vehicle is not equipped with a Navigation computer, replace the display (see MR 392 (Clio III) or MR 411
(New Twingo), Mechanical, 86A, Radio, Display: Removal - Refitting).
If the fault is still present, contact Techline.

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AFTER REPAIRRepeat the conformity check from the start.
V1 MR-413-X44-86D000$120.mif
Fault finding – Interpretation of statuses86D
Vdiag No.: 14
STATUS DEFINITIONDownwards: This means that the wheel is turned downwards.
Upwards: This means that the wheel is turned upwards.
Inactive: This means that there is no action on the wheel.
NOTESThere must be no present or stored faults.
For a vehicle equipped with a Navigation computer, use component 1714, Multimedia
connection unit, for fault finding on the Multimedia interface unit.
Otherwise use component 653, display computer.
Use the Wiring Diagrams Technical Note for Clio III or New Twingo.
Check the condition and connection:
●of the radio control satellite connector, component code 1519 (for Clio III) or component code 325 (for New
●of the display connector, component code 653, or the multimedia connection unit connector, component code
1714, depending on the vehicle equipment.
If the connectors are faulty and if there is a repair procedure (see Technical Note 6015A, Repairing electrical
wiring, Wiring: Precautions for repair), repair the connector, otherwise replace the wiring.
Using the universal bornier, check the insulation, continuity and the absence of interference resistance on the
following connections:
●34AT between components 1519 (or 325) and 653 (or 1714),
●34AR between components 1519 (or 325) and 653 (or 1714),
●34AS between components 1519 (or 325) and 653 (or 1714),
●34AQ between components 1519 (or 325) and 653 (or 1714),
●34AU between components 1519 (or 325) and 653 (or 1714),
●34AP between components 1519 (or 325) and 653 (or 1714).
●34AO between components 1519 and 653 (or 1714) (only for Clio III).
If the connections are faulty and if there is a repair procedure (see Technical Note 6015A, Electrical wiring
repair, Wiring: Precautions for repair), repair the wiring, otherwise change the wiring.

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