SKODA OCTAVIA 2012 2.G / (1Z) Columbus Navigation System Manual

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Navigacní systém anglicky 05.2012
Navigation system Columbus
Operating instructions : Superb, Octavia, Yeti

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You have chosen a ŠKODA vehicle, which is fitted with a Columbus navigation system (hereafter called the
radio navigation system) - we thank you for your confidence in us.
We recommend that you read these operating instructions carefully so that you can quickly become familiar
with your radio navigation system.
Should you have any questions or problems with your radio navigation system, please do not hesitate to con-
tact your authorised ŠKODA Service Partner or importer.
Any national legal provisions which vary from the information contained in this Instruction Manual, have pri-
ority over the information contained herein.
We hope you enjoy using your radio navigation system and wish you pleasant motoring.
Your ŠKODA AUTO a.s. (hereinafter referred to as ŠKODA)

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Table of Contents
General information
Operating instructions 3
Explanation of symbols 3
Important information 3
Product Overview 4
Switching the unit on and off 4
Adjusting the volume 5
Screen operation 5
Input screen with keypad 6
Voice control of the radio
navigation system
Introductory information 7
Voice commands 7
SETUP mode
Main menu SETUP 9
Setup Radio 9
Media Set-Up 9
Setup Telephone 9
Setup System 10
Setup Display 10
Setup Map 10
Setup Navigation 10
Traffic information 11Setup Voice control 11
Setup Video 11
Setup TV 11
RADIO mode
Main menu RADIO 13
Traffic Programme TP 13
MEDIA mode
Main menu MEDIA 14
Introductory information about CD/DVD mode 15
Introductory information about the MP3 mode 16
Memory card 16
External sources 17
Hard drive (HDD) 18
Video mode 18
TV mode 20
PHONE mode
Main menu TELEPHONE 22
Telephone book 22
Telephone calls and functions during a call 23
SMS menu 23
TONE mode
Tone settings 25 MAP mode
Map display 26
Function key “Navigation” 27
Function key “Split-screen” 28
NAV mode (Navigation)
Introductory information 29
Navigation data and the navigation DVD 29
Input screen for route guidance 30
Main menu Navigation 30
Function key “New dest.” 32
Route guidance with a destination 33
Tour mode 34
Waypoint mode 35
Manually excluding stretches of the journey 35
Dynamic route guidance with TMC use 36
TMC mode
Displaying TMC traffic reports 37
2 Table of Contents

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General information
Operating instructions
These operating instructions describe all possible equipment variants without
identifying them as special equipment, model variants or market-dependent
Consequently, this vehicle does not need to contain all of the equipment compo-
nents described in these operating instructions.
The scope of equipment for your vehicle is described in the sales documentation
you were given when purchasing the car. For more information, contact your local
ŠKODA retailer. ÐExplanation of symbols
Ð End of a section.
 The section is continued on the next page.
→ Transition to next button. ÐImportant information
Safety instructions
■ Concentrate fully at all times on your driving! As the driver you are fully re-
sponsible for road safety. Only use the system so that you are in full control of
your vehicle in every traffic situation - risk of accident! ■ Adjust the volume to ensure that acoustic signals from outside, e.g. sirens
from vehicles which have the right of way, such as police, ambulance and fire
brigade vehicles, can be heard at all time. ■ High volumes can cause hearing damage. Ð Warranty
The equipment warranty terms and conditions apply to this unit just like to new
vehicles - see the service schedule. Ð Screen
■ Do not use solvents such as benzine or turpentine, which may damage the
screen surface.
■ Treat the screen with care, as finger pressure or contact with sharp objects may
cause dents and scratches on the surface. Note
The screen can be cleaned with a soft cloth and alcohol if necessary. Ð Signal receipt
Car parks, tunnels, tall buildings or mountains can disrupt the radio and GPS sig-
nal even causing it to fail completely. Ð Anti-theft protection
The anti-theft coding of your radio navigation system prevents an operation of
the system after a voltage interruption, e.g. during a vehicle repair or after theft.
After disconnecting the battery, disconnecting the radio navigation system from
the on-board voltage of the vehicle or after a fuse failure, the code must be en-
tered before the system can be used again. The code number can only be called
“online” via the ŠKODA system, as this guarantees even more effective anti-
theft protection. Please contact your authorised ŠKODA Service Partner, if neces-
Enter code
If a keypad appears after switching on with the command to enter the code, the
unit must be unlocked by entering the correct four-digit code.
› Enter the four-digit code using the function keys
0 to
9 . The digit is accepted
in the entry line. 
General information

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After a four-digit order has been entered, the group of digits will turn grey (inac-
tive) and no further digits can be accepted in the entry line.
› To delete the digits in the entry line from right to left, press the function key
on the screen.
› When the correct code is displayed in the entry line, press the function key
OK .
Incorrect code number
If an incorrect code is confirmed after entry of the code, the procedure can be re-
peated once again . The number of attempts is shown in the bottom screen line.
If the code is entered incorrectly a second time, the unit will be blocked for ap-
prox. one hour. It is possible to enter again the safety code after one hour has ex-
pired, when the unit and the ignition have been switched on.
If two invalid attempts are then made again, the radio navigation system will be
blocked again for one hour. Note
The code is normally saved in the instrument cluster memory. This ensures that it
is automatically decoded (convenience coding). Manual input of the code is nor-
mally not necessary. ÐScreen display
The screen of the unit displays information such as from the Climatronic, the vehi-
cle distance to an obstacle if the
“parking aid” has been activated, etc. ÐProduct Overview
 -
Setting up button
› for switching the equipment on and off (press)
› for volume adjustment of audio source currently being played /
voice control (turn) 5
RADIO - Radio operation 13
MEDIA - MEDIA operation 14
PHONE - Phone mode 22
TONE - tone and volume settings 25
MAP - Map display 26
NAV - Navigation operation 291
- Displaying TMC traffic alerts 37
SETUP - Settings in the individual operating modes 9
 and
 - buttons for moving forwards/backwards
› RADIO-Mode
- for the selection of the stations from the preset
› MEDIA-Mode - for the selection of the previous or following
› TV-Mode
- for the selection of the TV stations.
CD/DVD case 14
Display 5
 - Eject CD/DVD 15
 - Switch on voice control 7
Menu button
› RADIO mode
- turn for manual station adjustment; press briefly
to start/stop the automatic play (Scan).
› MEDIA-Mode - turn to change track; press briefly to start/stop
the automatic play (Scan) when in audio mode.
› Turn map display (MAP)
- in order to change the map scale;
press briefly for repeating a navigation announcement during
active route guidance.
› Navigation (NAV) - press briefly to repeat a navigation an-
nouncement during active route guidance.
Memory card case 16
Ð Switching the unit on and off
› To switch the unit on/off, press button 1
After switching on the unit, the last audio source that was active before switch-
ing off will be played.
If the key is pulled out of the ignition lock while the unit is switched on, the unit
will switch off automatically.
If your vehicle is fitted with the KESSY system, the unit will switch off automati-
cally after the engine is turned off and the door opened. If you open the door be-
fore turning off the engine, the unit will not switch off until the vehicle is locked.
When the ignition is switched off, the system switches off automatically after ap-
prox. half an hour (discharge protection of the vehicle battery). Ð 8
General information

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Adjusting the volume
› To increase the volume, turn button 1
› To decrease the volume, turn button 1
The volume change is displayed on the screen of the unit.
If the volume is reduced to 0, the speakers are muted. The following symbol will
appear on the screen .CAUTION
High volumes can cause hearing damage. ÐScreen operation
Fig. 1
Setup mode SETUP: Main Menu Setup / Setup Radio
The screen of the unit is a so-called “touch screen” (touch-screen). Fields circled
in colour on the screen are presently “active” and are operated by touching the
Some of the functions of the navigation button can be operated using the multi-
function steering wheel, refer to the Owner's manual for your vehicle.
“Function keys” on the screen
› Active fields, which call up a function or a menu, are called “function keys”.
› For example, in the main menu
Setup, press the function key Radio » Fig. 1 to
open the menu Setup Radio C
» Fig. 1. The title lines A
and C
indicate the
menu you are currently in.
› By using the function keys
 B
and D
, you can change back from each menu
to the previous menu. “Sliding regulator”

Press the sliding regulator E
» Fig. 1 and move it up or down (or touch the
function keys  and
 ) to move within the current menu.
› The sliding regulator in the setting bar
 can also be moved by pressing the
function key - or
+ , e.g., for the DVD mode setup.
“Pop-up window

› Pressing the function key F
opens a so-called “pop-up window” with addition-
al menu items.
› Briefly press one of the available menu points. The pop-up window will disap-
pear and the newly selected menu point is displayed in the function key.
To close the pop-up window without changing the setup, press the function key  in the pop-up window .
“Check box

Some functions can only be switched on or off. There is a “checkbox” G
» Fig. 1 in
front of a function which can only be switched on or off.
 - Function is switched on.
 - Function is switched off.
› To switch a function on or off, briefly press the corresponding function once.
If none of the function keys are displayed on the touch-screen when the unit is
switched on (e.g. when a DVD is playing), press briefly on the touch-screen so
that the currently available function keys are shown.
Sample menu in the Instruction Manual
Press the keys ABC →
DEF - these keys must be pressed one after the other.
■ XYZ - Description of a function key in the first menu level
■ XYZ - Description of a function key in the second menu level
■ XYZ - Description of a function key in the second menu level
■ XYZ - Description of a function key in the first menu level
General information

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Input screen with keypad
Fig. 2
Example of an input screen with keypad/input screen with numbers
The input screen with keypad appears when entering a new line, searching for a
point of interest or a telephone number, for instance.
If you press a function key with a character on the keypad, this character appears
in the input line in the upper part of the screen.
You can also delete or change the string in the entry line and add special charac-
The available characters are context-dependent.
Further input possibilities:   - Displaying the entries matching the selection. The function key moves to
the list of entries matching the selection.
 - returns from any menu point to the previous menu point
 - Displaying the entries matching the selection.
 - changes from upper case to lower case and vice versa.
 - switches to the input screen for numbers and special characters
A..Z - switches to the input screen for letters
- Enter a space
 - switches to the Cyrillic script
ABC - switches to the Latin script

 - moves the cursor in the entry line - to the left or right.  – deletes characters in the entry line starting from the position of the charac-
ter input mark from right to left
OK - confirms the text entered in the entry line
Selecting letters based on specific characters
In the input screen, some characters are marked with the symbol
“ ”. Pressing
the character identified in this way for a long period of time allows you to choose
special characters for the selected language.
Some specific characters can be “written out”. The radio navigation system will al-
so recognise the character sequence “AE”, “UE” and “OE” instead of the German
specific characters “Ä”, “Ü” and “Ö”. Other specific characters can be ignored, for
example instead of “É”, “Ê” or “È” a normal “E” will be accepted by the navigation
system. Ð6
General information

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Voice control of the radio navigation system
Introductory information
The voice control is only possible in the following languages: Czech, English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Italian .
You can use the voice control in the operating modes RADIO, MEDIA, PHONE, MAP
and NAV .
Switch on voice control (dialogue)
› Press the button
 .
› The long or short dialogue can be selected by pressing the key
 on the unit
and by speaking the voice command “Long dialogue ”
(the system outputs the
message completely without shortening it) or “Short dialogue ” (the system
shortens some messages or substitute them with an acoustic signal (gong),
which accelerates the control) or in manual mode SETUP» page 11, Setup
Voice control .
Interrupt messages › The message just given can be finished by pressing the button
 on the unit.
This allows you to speak another voice command earlier.
Switch off voice control (dialogue)
› After executing the voice command, voice control switches off automatically.
› By pressing one of the buttons which are located on the side of the touch-
screen of the unit or by touching the touch-screen (unless the function key Hide help is not pressed in the help display).
› By speaking the voice command “Cancel

› If the system does not receive a voice command or does not recognise the voice
command, although dialogue is switched on, it responds with the question “Par-
don? ” and allows you to speak another voice command. If the system does not
receive a voice command even the second time, you will be offered help. If the
system does not receive a voice command even the third time, you receive the
message “Cancel ” and the voice control switches off.
Optimum understanding of the voice commands depends on several factors:
› Speak with a normal tone of voice without intonation and excessive pauses.
› Avoid a bad pronunciation.
› Do not use abbreviations – always speak the whole voice command. ›
Do not speak when the system makes an announcement. As long as the system
has not finished the announcement, it will not react to an additional voice com-
› Close the doors, windows and sliding roof, in order to avoid disturbing influen-
ces of the environment on the understanding of the voice commands.
› During the dialogue, limit additional noise in the vehicle, e.g. simultaneously
talking occupants.
› The microphone for voice control is directed to the driver as well as to the front
passenger. Therefore the driver and the front passenger can operate the unit. Ð Voice commands
The system only recognises 30
000 entries (i.e, it will only recognise 30 000 of
the largest cities for the selected country, for example, in the operating mode
NAV . If the desired city is not included in the 30 000 entries, it cannot be spoken
normally, but it must be entered by spelling it out.
Call up the general information for the voice control by briefly pressing the button  on the unit and by speaking the command “Instructions

. Then you hear a
message that the instructions are divided into seven parts. If you want more de-
tailed information about individual parts of the instructions, then, for example,
speak the voice command “Tutorial Part 2 ”.
Call up the general help for individual operating modes by briefly pressing the
button  on the unit and by speaking the command “Help Quick Commands”.
Voice command
Help can be called up by speaking the command “ Help”. Depending on the operat-
ing mode in which you are, the help given will offer different possibilities. If the
options offered are not sufficient, speak the voice command “Further options”.
Changing between the operating modes
If you wish to change between the operating modes after switching on the voice
control, always speak the name of the operating mode to which you wish to
change. This means, if you are in the operating mode RADIO and you wish to
change into the operating mode MEDIA, speak the voice command “Media”. Al-
ways speak the names of the operating modes PHONE, MAP, NAV as “telephone,
map, navigation ”.
In each operating mode, you can also use the voice commands for other operating
modes - the unit automatically switches between the different operating modes. 
Voice control of the radio navigation system

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Help display
If you want the help to be displayed on the display of the unit, you only need to
activate it manually in the operating mode SETUP (afterwards deactivate
page 11, Setup Voice control .
Voice recording
In the operating modes PHONE, NAV and RADIO, a short voice recording can be
made; after speaking the recorded term, the desired voice command is carried out
(e.g. in the operating mode PHONE , a voice recording can be set up for a tele-
phone contact and after speaking it, the system carries out the dialling). Ð8
Voice control of the radio navigation system

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