battery VOLVO XC90 TWIN ENGINE 2018 Owners Manual

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Activating and deactivating climatecontrol for the third-row seats*229
Parking climate230
Starting and stopping preconditioning231
Preconditioning timer settings232
Adding and editing timer setting forpreconditioning233
Activating and deactivating precondi-tioning timer settings233
Deleting preconditioning timer settings234
Climate comfort retaining function234
Switching on and off the climateretaining function when parking234
Parking climate symbols and messages236
Lock indication238
Lock confirmation settings239
Remote key239
Locking and unlocking using theremote key241
Settings for remote and inside doorunlock242
Unlocking the tailgate using theremote key243
Remote key range243
Replacing the remote key's battery244
Ordering additional remote keys248
Red Key - restricted remote key*248
Red Key* settings249
Detachable key blade250
Locking and unlocking with detacha-ble key blade251
Electronic immobilizer252
Start and lock system type designations252
Keyless and touch-sensitive surfaces*253
Keyless locking and unlocking*254
Keyless unlock settings*256
Keyless tailgate unlock*256
Antenna locations for the start andlock system257

Locking and unlocking from insidethe vehicle257
Unlocking the tailgate from insidethe vehicle259
Activating and deactivating childsafety locks259
Automatic locking when driving261
Opening and closing the power tailgate*261
Setting a maximum height for thepower tailgate*264
Foot movement tailgate operation*265
Private Locking266
Activating and deactivating privatelocking267
Arming and disarming the alarm269
Foreign Component Detection*270

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Activating/deactivating Steeringassistance during collision risks withoncoming vehicles
Limitations of steering assistanceduring collision risks from oncomingtraffic
Steering assistance during collisionrisks from behind*377
Activating/deactivating Steeringassistance during collision risks frombehind*
Limitations of steering assistanceduring collision risks from behind378
Symbols and messages for steeringassistance during collision risks380
Park Assist*381
Park Assist front, rear and sides382
Activating/deactivating Park Assist383
Park Assist limitations383
Recommended maintenance forPark Assist384
Park Assist symbols and messages385
Park Assist Camera*386
Park Assist Camera views387
Park Assist Camera trajectory lines388
Sensor field from Park Assist forPark Assist Camera390
Starting the Park Assist Camera391

Park Assist Camera limitations391
Recommended maintenance of thePark Assist Camera393
Park Assist Camera symbols andmessages394
Park Assist Pilot* 395
Types of parking with Park Assist Pilot395
Parking with Park Assist Pilot 396
Leaving a parking space with ParkAssist Pilot399
Park Assist Pilot* limitations 400
Recommended maintenance forPark Assist Pilot402
Park Assist Pilot* messages403
General information about Twin Engine406
Charging the hybrid battery407
Charging current408
Charge cable409
Charging cable residual current device410
Charging cable temperature monitoring411
Opening and closing the chargingsocket cover411
Initiating hybrid battery charging412
Charging status in the vehicle'scharging socket414
Charging status in the chargingcable's charging module415
Charging status in the instrument panel416
Stopping hybrid battery charging418
Twin Engine symbols and messagesin the instrument panel419
Long-term storage of vehicles withhybrid batteries421

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Starting the vehicle424
Switching off the vehicle426
Ignition modes427
Selecting ignition mode428
Brake functions429
Brake Assist System431
Braking on wet roads431
Braking on salted roads431
Maintenance of the brake system432
Parking brake432
Activating and deactivating the park-ing brake433
Settings for automatically activatingthe parking brake434
Parking on a hill434
Parking brake malfunction435
Auto-hold brakes436
Activating and deactivating Auto-hold at a standstill436
Hill Start Assist437
Braking assist after a collision437
Gear selector positions for automatictransmissions439

Using the steering wheel paddles* toshift441
The kickdown function442
Gear indicator*442
All Wheel Drive (AWD)443
Drive systems443
Starting and stopping the combus-tion engine in Twin Engine vehicles444
Drive modes445
Changing drive mode449
Leveling control* and suspension450
Leveling control settings*453
Low Speed Control453
Activating and deactivating LowSpeed Control using the function button454
Hill Descent Control454
Activating and deactivating HillDescent Control using the functionbutton
Economical driving456
Using the electric motor only457
Factors affecting electric motor range458
"Hold" and "Charge" functions459
Preparing for a long trip460
Winter driving461

Driving through standing water462
Opening/closing the fuel filler door462
Octane rating465
Emission controls467
Overheating of engine and transmission468
Battery drain469
Jump starting using another battery469
Detachable towbar*471
Driving with a trailer472
Trailer Stability Assist*474
Checking trailer lights475
Towing using a towline476
Attaching and removing the towing eyelet476
Programming HomeLink®*479
Using HomeLink480
Type approval for HomeLink®*481
Activating and deactivating the compass482
Calibrating the compass482

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Passenger compartment interior580
Tunnel console581
Electrical outlets582
Using the electrical outlets584
Using the glove compartment585
Sun visors586
Cargo compartment586
Loading recommendations586
Roof loads and load carriers588
Grocery bag holders588
Load anchoring eyelets589
Installing and removing the cargocompartment cover*589
Operating the cargo compartment cover*590
Installing and removing the steelcargo grid*592
Installing and removing the cargo net*593
Volvo's service program598
Data transfer between vehicle andworkshop over Wi-Fi600
Download Center601
Handling system updates via Down-load Center601
Vehicle status602
Scheduling service and repairs603
Sending vehicle information to theworkshop604
Hoisting the vehicle605
Opening and closing the hood607
Climate control system service608
Replacing a windshield with head-updisplay*608
Engine compartment overview609
Engine oil610
Checking and filling engine oil611
Refilling coolant612
Replacing bulbs613
Bulb specifications614
Start battery615
Hybrid battery619
Battery symbols620
Fuses and fuseboxes620
Replacing fuses621

Fuses in the engine compartment622
Fuses under the glove compartment626
Fuses in the cargo compartment629
Cleaning the interior633
Cleaning the center display633
Cleaning the head-up display*634
Cleaning fabric upholstery and ceil-ing liner635
Cleaning the seat belt635
Cleaning floor mats and inlay mats635
Cleaning leather upholstery636
Cleaning the leather steering wheel637
Cleaning interior plastic, metal andwood surfaces638
Cleaning the exterior638
Polishing and waxing639
Hand washing639
Automatic car washes641
High-pressure washing642
Cleaning the wiper blades642
Cleaning exterior plastic, rubber andtrim components643
Cleaning rims644
Corrosion protection644

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* Option/accessory.28
goal. In addition to continuous environmentalrefinement of conventional gasoline-poweredinternal combustion engines, Volvo is activelylooking at advanced technology alternative-fuelvehicles.
When you drive a Volvo, you become our partnerin the work to lessen the vehicle's impact on theenvironment. To reduce your vehicle's environ-mental impact, you can:
•Maintain proper air pressure in your tires.Tests have shown decreased fuel economywith improperly inflated tires.
•Follow the recommended maintenanceschedule in your Warranty and ServiceRecords Information booklet.
•Drive at a constant speed whenever possible.
•See a trained and qualified Volvo servicetechnician as soon as possible for inspectionif the check engine (malfunction indicator)light illuminates, or stays on after the vehiclehas started.
•Properly dispose of any vehicle-related wastesuch as used motor oil, used batteries, brakepads, etc.
•When cleaning your vehicle, please use gen-uine Volvo car care products. All Volvo carcare products are formulated to be environ-mentally friendly.

Twin Engine vehicles
•If possible, precondition the vehicle with thecharging cable before driving.
•If preconditioning is not possible in coldweather, use the seat and steering wheelheating primarily. Avoid heating the entirepassenger compartment, which reduces thehybrid battery's charge level.
•Choose the Pure drive mode to help mini-mize electric power consumption.
•In hilly terrain, put the gear selector in modeB to utilize the electric motor's braking func-tion when the accelerator pedal is released.This helps charge the hybrid battery.

Related information
•Economical driving (p. 456)
•Starting and stopping preconditioning(p. 231)
•The Owner's Manual and the environment(p. 23)
•Air quality (p. 204)
IntelliSafe - driver support
IntelliSafe is Volvo Cars' philosophy regardingvehicle safety. IntelliSafe consists of a number ofsystems, both standard and optional, that aredesigned to help make driving safer, preventaccidents and protect passengers and otherroad users.
IntelliSafe includes driver support functions suchas Adaptive cruise control* which helps the driverto maintain an even speed combined with a pre-selected time interval to the vehicle ahead.
Pilot Assist4 helps the driver keep the vehicle inthe current traffic lane by providing steeringassistance and maintaining an even speed and aset time interval to the vehicle ahead.
Park Assist Pilot* helps the driver pull into andout of parking spaces.
Other examples of systems that can help thedriver are the Active main beam, Cross TrafficAlert (CTA)* and Blind Spot Information (BLIS)*systems.

City Safety is a function intended to help preventaccidents. The function can help prevent or miti-gate a collision with pedestrians, cyclists, largeanimals or other vehicles. Light, sound and pulsa-tions in the brake pedal are provided to alert of a
4Depending on market, this function can be either standard or optional.

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If your vehicle has become water-damaged inany way (e.g., soaked floor mats/standingwater on the floor of the vehicle), do notattempt to start the engine. This may causeairbag deployment, which could result in seri-ous injury. Volvo recommends towing thevehicle directly to an authorized Volvo work-shop.
Before attempting to tow the vehicle:
1.Switch off the ignition for at least 10minutes and disconnect the battery.
2. Follow the instructions for manually over-riding the shiftlock system.

Deployed airbags
If any of the airbags have deployed:
•Do not attempt to drive the vehicle. Haveit towed to an authorized workshop.
•If necessary, seek medical attention.

Related information
•Safety (p. 42)
•Driver/passenger-side airbags (p. 53)
•Side airbags (p. 60)
•Inflatable curtain (p. 60)
Driver/passenger-side airbags
As a supplement to the seat belts, the vehicle isequipped with driver and passenger side frontairbags.
Driver/passenger side front airbags.
In a frontal collision, the airbags help protect thedriver's and passenger's head, face and chestand the driver's knees and legs.
A collision of a sufficiently violent force will trig-ger the sensors and one or more airbags willinflate. The airbag helps cushion the initial impactof the collision for the passenger. The airbagdeflates when compressed by the collision. Asmall amount of powder will also be releasedfrom the airbag. This may appear to be smokeand is normal. The entire process, from inflationto deflation of the airbag, occurs within tenths ofa second.
The sensors react differently depending onthe circumstances of the accident andwhether or not the seat belt is used. Does notapply to all belt positions.
In some accident situations, only one (ornone) of the airbags will be deployed. Thesensors monitor the impact of the collisionand react accordingly to deploy one, severalor no airbags.

The seat belt and the airbag work together. Ifthe seat belt is not used or is used incorrectly,the airbag may not provide the intended pro-tection in a collision.
To help prevent injury in the event the airbagis deployed, passengers should sit as uprightas possible, with their feet on the floor andtheir backs against the seat backrest.

Volvo recommends contacting an authorizedVolvo workshop for repairs. Incorrectly per-formed repairs to the airbag system couldimpair function and lead to serious injury.

The front airbag system
The front airbag system includes gas generatorssurrounded by the airbags, and deceleration sen-

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* Option/accessory.
84 Instrument panel
The instrument panel displays information rela-
ted to the vehicle and driving. The instrument panel contains gauges, indicators
and monitoring and warning symbols. What is
shown in the instrument panel varies depending
on the equipment, settings and functions cur-
rently active.
The instrument panel is activated as soon as a
door is opened, i.e. in ignition mode 0. The panel
will power down after a short period of time if it is
not used. To reactivate it, do one of the following:
• Depress the brake pedal.
• Activate ignition mode I. •
Open one of the doors.
WARNING If the instrument panel is not functioning
properly, information about brakes, airbags or
other safety-related systems may not be dis-
played. The driver will then not be able to
check the status of the vehicle systems or
receive relevant warnings and information.
If the instrument panel turns off, does not
activate when the ignition is switched on, or
part/all of the panel cannot be read, do not
drive the vehicle. Consult a workshop immedi-
ately. Volvo recommends an authorized Volvo
Location in the instrument panel:
Left side
In the centerRight side

Indicator and warning symbols Tachometer/Hybrid gaugeA
Trip odometer Ambient temperature sensorGear indicator
Odometer B
Clock Drive Mode
(Hybrid, Off Road, Pure, Power or AWD)
Cruise control/speed limiter information Message (also graphics in some cases) Fuel gauge
Road sign information* Door and seat belt status
Hybrid gauge
– Hybrid battery's charge levelDistance to empty tank

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85Left side
In the centerRight side
– Media player

Distance to discharged battery
– Navigation system mapCurrent fuel consumption
– PhoneApp menu (activated using steering wheel keypad)
– Voice Control–
– CompassA
Depends on selected drive mode.
B Total distance.
Dynamic symbolDynamic symbol in basic mode. In the center of the instrument panel is a dynamic
symbol that changes appearance according to
the type of message displayed. The severity of
the control or warning symbol is indicated by an
amber or red marking around the symbol. An ani-
mation may be used to change the symbol into a
larger image in order to graphically depict the
location of a problem or to clarify information.
Example with indicator symbol.
Related information

Instrument panel settings (p. 86)
• Warning symbols in the instrument panel
(p. 97) •
Indicator symbols in the instrument panel
(p. 94)
• Trip computer (p. 89)
• Messages in the instrument panel (p. 105)
• Handling the App menu in the instrument
panel (p. 104)

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Hybrid gauge
In Hybrid and Pure drive modes, the instrument panel will display a hybrid gauge, which can help
the driver achieve optimal driving economy. The hybrid gauge shows the ratio between the
electric motor's current power consumption and
the remaining available power. This information is
shown in various ways.
Symbols in the hybrid gaugeIndicates the current available power
from the electric motor. A solid symbol
indicates that the electric motor is
being used.
A hollow symbol indicates that the
electric motor is not being used. Indicates the power level when the
internal combustion engine starts. A
solid symbol indicates that the internal
combustion engine is being used.
Indicates the power level when the
internal combustion engine will start. A
hollow symbol indicates that the inter-
nal combustion engine is not being
used. Indicates that the hybrid battery is
being charged, e.g. by lightly pressing
the brake pedal.
Driver-requested powerThe hybrid gauge displays the amount of power
requested (utilized) by the driver through pres-
sure on the accelerator pedal. The higher the
reading on the scale, the more power utilized in
the current gear. The mark between the lightning
symbol and the drop symbol indicates the point
at which the electric motor will switch off and the
internal combustion engine will take over.
For example:
The vehicle has been started, but is stationary and no
power is being requested.
The electric motor cannot supply the requested power
and the internal combustion engine will start.

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The vehicle is generating current to recharge the battery,
e.g. during light braking or engine braking on a down-
Related information

Drive modes (p. 445)
• Instrument panel (p. 84)
• Brakes (p. 429)
• Using the electric motor only (p. 457)
• Starting and stopping the combustion engine
in Twin Engine vehicles (p. 444) Hybrid gauge
The hybrid battery gauge shows how much cur-
rent is left in the hybrid battery. The current in the hybrid battery is used to power
the electric motor, but can also be used to heat
or cool the vehicle. The trip computer calculates
an approximate driving distance with the remain-
ing current in the hybrid battery.
Symbols in the hybrid battery gauge The symbol in the hybrid battery gauge indi-
cates that the Hold function is activated. The symbol indicates that the
Charge function
is activated.
Related information
• Instrument panel (p. 84)
• Charging the hybrid battery (p. 407)
• "Hold" and "Charge" functions (p. 459)

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