mirror AUDI A3 2015 Owners Manual
[x] Cancel search | Manufacturer: AUDI, Model Year: 2015, Model line: A3, Model: AUDI A3 2015Pages: 288, PDF Size: 71.46 MB
Page 4 of 288

2 Table of contents Vehicle literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
About this Owner's Manual . . . 6
Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Cockpit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Overview illustration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Instruments and indicator
lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 0
Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Indicator lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Driver information system . . . 26
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Efficiency program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
On-Board Diagnostic system (OBD) . . . 29
Opening and closing . . . . . . . . . . 31
Central locking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Luggage compartment lid . . . . . . . . . . 37
Child safety lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Power windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Panorama sunroof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lights and Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2
Exterior lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Inter ior light ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
V1s 1on . .. ............... .. .. .. . .
Windshie ld wipers .......... .. ... .
Mirrors ......... ......... ... ... .
Digital compass ............ .. ... .
Seats and storage ....... .... . .
General information ....... ... ... .
Front seats ............... ... ... .
Head restraints ............ .. ... .
Socket . ................. .. .. ... .
Storage .............. ........ .. .
Roof rack .. ................ ... . .
Luggage compartment
Warm and cold ............... .
C limate control system .... .. .. .. . .
5 2
Driving ....... .. .......... ... ... 70
Steering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Ig nition lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Starting and stopping the engine
(vehicles with an ignition lock) . . . . . . 70
Starting and stopping the engine
(vehicles w ith a convenience key) . . . . 73
Driver messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
El ectromechani cal parking brake . . . . 76
Hill hold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Speed warning system . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Cruise control system . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Audi adaptive cruise control .. 82
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Adaptive cruise control . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Driver messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Audi pre sense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Audi pre sense basic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Audi pre sense front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Driver messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Audi active lane assist . . . . . . . . 94
Lane assist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Audi side assist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
S ide assist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Audi drive select . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Driving settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Automatic transmission . . . . . . 105
S tronic -transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Parking systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Rear parking system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Parking system plus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Rearviewcamera .............. .. . 116
Adjusting the display and the warning
tones.... ..... .. .. ..............
Error messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Page 38 of 288

36 Opening and closing
anyone beh ind in the vehicle, es pecially
(D Tips
Your vehicle is lo ck ed aut om atically at a
spee d of 9 mph (15 km/ h)
c> page 31. Yo u
can unloc k the vehicle a gain us ing the
open ing funct ion in the power l ock ing sys
tem sw itch.
Setting central locking
App lies to vehicles: with driver informat ion system
Va rious settings can be adjusted in the MMI :
Adjusting door unlocking
You can dete rm ine which doo rs s hou ld unl ock
when opening the vehicle .
.. Se lect :
System control butt o n or Car sys
> Vehicle settings > Central locking >
Door unlocking .
Selecting All and pres sing th e ~ button on
the remote cont ro l key un lo ck s the en tire ve
hi cle .
S elec ting
On /Driver and pres sing th e ~ but
ton o n the rem ote co ntrol k ey once unlocks
on ly the driver 's doo r. In vehicles wi th a con
ve nience key, only the front doo r whose han
dl e you pull will u nloc k. If you press the~
button twice , the enti re vehicle will unlock . If
you press the~ button, t he ent ire vehicle will
a lways lock.
Adjusting Auto Lock
.. Se lect : Systems contro l button or Car sys
> Vehicle settings > Lock when driv ·
If yo u selec t On, the en tire vehicle will lock
automatically when the speed reaches 9 m ph
(15 km/h) .
Folding the exterior mirrors
.. Se le ct: Sy stems con tro l b utt on or Car Sys
> Vehicle settings > Central locking >
l ) Thi s func tion is not available in all co untr ies.
Fold mirrors . Fo r more information, see
c::> page 48, Adjusting the exterior mirrors .
If yo u se le ct On , the ou tside mir ro rs will fo ld
in aut omaticall y when you press the~ button
o n the remote cont ro l key
c::> page 48 .
Tone when locking
.,. Sele ct: Systems control butto n or Car sys
tems > Vehicle settings > Central locking
Tone when lo cking .
When ch ecked off./, a to ne will sound w hen
yo u loc k the vehicle .
If you p ress the
I@ b utton twice, the entire ve
hicle will loc k. There is a lock ing tone at the
same t ime
1> .
Electronic immobilizer
T he immobilizer helps to prevent unauthor
ized use of your vehicle .
A compute r chi p in side your key automatically
deact ivates the elect ro ni c immobilizer when
t h e key is ins ide the veh icle . W hen you remove
the key from the vehicle , the elect ron ic immo
bili zer is au toma tically acti vated once ag ain.
Alw ays t ake the key wi th you whe n you
l e ave the vehicle. The key can d is ar m the
e lectronic en gine immobilize r and permi t
an una uthorized person t o start the engi ne
and enable o peration of the vehicle sys
tems such as power w indow o r power su n
r oof leading to se rious pe rsonal injury .
(D Tips
- The ve hicl e cannot be started if an una u
thorized key is used . The vehicle may not
start i f anot he r radio device s uch as a k ey
f o r another ve hicle o r a transponder is
located on t he key rin g.
- Fo r Declaration of Comp liance to Unite d
States FCC and Ind ustry Canada reg ula
t io ns, see
c> pag e 2 71 .
Page 45 of 288

deactivate adaptive light in the MMI
¢ pag e 44.
When swi tched on, adapt ive light adjusts to
curves depend ing on the vehicle speed and
steering whee l ang le . This provides b etter
lighting through the curve. The system oper
ates in a speed range from approx imately 6
mph (10 km/h) to 68 mph (110 km/h) .
Static corner ing light * (vehicles with adaptive
light) -the cornering light switch es on auto
mat ica lly when the steer ing whee l is turned at
a certa in angle at speeds up to approximately
44 mph (70 km/h) and when the tu rn signal is
activated at speeds up to approximately 25
mph (40 km/h) . The area to the s ide of the ve
h icle is illuminated bette r when turning .
Speed dependent ligh t dis tributi on* -The
speed dependent light distribution adapts the
light in towns and on h ighways o r express
ways . Inte rsect io ns can also be illuminated on
veh icles w ith a navigation system* .
Highway light function*
(Vehicles wi th adap tive light or LED head
lights) -T his function adapts the light ing for
h ighway driving based on vehicle speed .
-Automatic headlights* are only intended
to assist the dr iver. They do not relieve
the driver of responsib ility to check the
headlights and to turn them on ma nually
according to the current light and visibili
ty conditions . For examp le, fog cannot
be detected by the light sensors. So al
ways switch on the low beam under
these weather conditions and when driv
ing in the dark
io .
-Crashes can happen when you cannot see
the road a head and when you cannot be
seen by other motorists . Always turn on
the headlights so that you can see ahead
and so that others can see your car from beh ind.
- Please obse rve lega l regulations when
using the light ing systems descr ibed . Ligh
ts and Visi on 4 3
(D Note
The rear fog lights shou ld only be turned
on in accordance with traffic regu lations,
to prevent glare for traffic behind your ve
{!) Tips
- The light sensor for the automatic head
lights* is in the rearview mirror mount.
Therefore , do not place any stickers in
this area o n the windshield .
- Some funct ions of the exterior lighting
can be adjusted
c:> page 44.
- If you turn off the ignition while the ex
terior lights are on and open the door,
you will hear a warning to ne.
- In some countries, the tail lights do not
switch on when the daytime runn ing
lamps switch on.
- In cool or damp weather, the inside of
the headlights, turn signals and tail
lights can fog over due to the tempera
t u re difference between the inside a nd
outside. They w ill clear shortly after
switching them on . This does no t affect
the serv ice life of the lighting.
- In the event of a light senso r malfu nc
ti on, the dr iver is notified in the instru
ment cl uste r display ¢
page 25.
Emergency flasher
Fig. 30 Ins trume nt panel : emer gency flash er butt on
The emergency flashers makes other dr ivers
aware of your veh icle in dangerous situat ions .
.,. Press the~ but ton to swi tch the emergency
flashe rs on or off.
Page 48 of 288

46 Lights and Vi sion
Sun visors
(..___ __ _.)
Fig . 35 Left side: su n visor
The sun visors can be moved out of their
brackets and turned toward the doors
(D .
The mirror l ight switches on when the cover
over the vanity mirror* @opens.
Windshield wipers
Switching windshield wipers on
Fig. 36 Windsh ie ld wipe r lever : operati ng the front
was her system
Requirement : The ignition must be turned on.
Move the windshield wiper lever to the corre
spond ing position:
@ -Front wipers off
(D -Interval mode. To increase/decrease the
wiper intervals , move the switch @ to the
left/right. In vehicles with a light/rain sen
sor*, the wipers turn on when it is raining,
when the vehicle is stationary and the lever is
tapped in the ® position, or once the vehicle
speed exceeds approximate ly 2 mph (4 km/h) .
The higher the sensitivity of the rain sensor is
set (sw itch @ to the right), the earlier the windshield wipers react to moisture on the
@ -Slow w iping
@ -Fast wip ing
@ -Single wipe . If you ho ld the lever in this
position longer, the wipers switch from slow
wiping to fast wiping .
® -Clean the windshield. To elim inate water
droplets, the windshield wiper performs one
afterwipe after several seconds in tempera
tures above 39 °F (4 °() . You can switch th is
function off by moving the lever to pos it ion ®
within 10 seconds after the afterwipe . The af
terwipe function is reactivated the next time
you sw itch the ignition on.
- The rain sensor is only intended to assist
the driver. The driver is still responsib le
for manually switching the wipers on ac
cording to the visibility conditions .
- The windshield may not be treated with
water-repelling windshield coating
agents. Unfavorable conditions, such as
wetness, darkness or low sun, can result in increased glare. Wiper blade chatter is
also possible .
- Properly functioning windshield wiper
blades are requ ired for a clear view and
safe driving
c::> page 47, Replacing
front windshield wiper blades .
(D Note
-In case of frost, make sure the w ind
shield wiper blades are not frozen to the
w indshield . Switching on the windshield
w ipers when the blades are frozen to the
windshield can damage the wiper blades.
- Pr ior to using a car wash, the w indshield
w iper system must be sw itched off ( lever
in posit ion 0). This prevents unintention
al swi tchi ng on and damage to the wind-
shield wiper system. ..,_
Page 50 of 288

48 Lig hts an d Vi sion
paint on the hood or th e windshield wip
er motor.
- You should not drive your vehicle or
press the windshield wiper lever when
the wiper arms are folded away from the
windshield . The windshield wipers would
move back into their original position
and could damage the hood and w ind
shield .
- To help preven t damage to the wiper sys
tem , always loosen blades which are fro
zen to the windsh ield before ope rat ing
wipers .
- To he lp prevent damage to w iper blades,
do not use gasoline, ke rosene, pa int
th inner, or other so lvents on or near the
wiper blades.
- To he lp prevent damage to the wiper
arms or other components , do not at
tempt to move the wipers by hand .
(D Tips
-Commercial hot waxes applied by auto
matic car washes affe ct the cleanability
of the wi ndshield .
- You can also use the servic e pos ition, for
example , if you want to pro tect the
winds hield from i cing by using a cover .
- You cannot activate the service posit ion
when the hood is open.
Adjusting the exterior mirrors
F ig. 38 Driver's door: knob for th e exteri or mirro rs (e x·
amp le )
Turn the knob to the desired position : Q/P
-In this pos ition, yo u can adjust the
driver 's and front passenger 's exter ior mi rrors
by turning the knob in the desi red d irection.
4ill -The m irrors a re heated* depending on the
outside temperature and driv ing speed.
8 -The exter io r mir rors a re fo lded in* .
Front passenger's exterior mirror tilt
T o he lp you see the curb when backing into a
parking space, the surface of the mir ror can
be ti lted s light ly. The knob must be in the P
pos ition for this to happen.
You can adjust the tilted m irror surface by
tu rning the knob in the desired d irect ion.
When you move out of reverse and into anoth
er ge ar, the new m irror position is s tored and
assigned to the key you a re using.
T he m irror goes ba ck into its orig inal position
once you drive forward fas te r than 9 mph
(15 km/h) o r turn the ignition off .
Folding mirrors in and out
To fold the mir ro rs in with the knob, turn the
k nob in the 8 position .
To fold the m irrors ou t, turn the knob in the
Q or P or O pos ition .
Applies to vehicles with MMI: You can adjust if
t h e mirrors fold when locking the vehicle
c> page 36. When you lock the vehicle, the
mir rors fo ld in. When you start the ignition,
t h e mirrors fold out .
-Curved mirror surfaces (convex o r asph e-
r ic *) enlarge the field of v is ion. However,
they ma ke objec ts in the mirror appe ar
smaller and fart her away . Your may es ti
mate incorrect ly when you use t hese mir
rors to gauge yo ur distance from the
vehicles beh ind yo u when changing lanes -
accident r isk!
Page 51 of 288

CD Note
-For vehicles with power folding exterior
mirrors *:
If the m irror housing was
moved by outside forces (such as an im
pact w hen maneuvering), you must use
the power folding function to fold the mirro r all the way out. You will hear a
l oud noise when the mirrors are latched
back in place . T he mirror housing must
no t be moved back into place by hand
because th is would affe ct the mirror
- Applies to vehicles witho ut powe r fold
ing exterior mirro rs :
If the mirror hous
i ng was moved by o utside forces (s uch as
i n impact d uring maneuvering), you
must move the mirror housing back into
place by hand.
- If you wash the ve hicle in an automatic
car wash, you must fold the exterior m ir
ro rs in to reduce the r isk of damage to
the mirrors . Never fold power foldi ng ex
te rior mirrors by hand . Only fold them in
and out using the power cont ro ls.
(D Tips
If the power adjustment fails, both mir
rors can be adjusted by hand by pressing
on the edge of the mi rror surface.
Dimming the mirrors
Your vehicle is equipped with a manual or au
tomatic* dimming rearview mirror .
Fig. 39 Au toma tic d imm ing rea rv iew mirr or•
Ligh ts and Visi on 49
Manu al dimming rearview mirror
.,. Pull the lever on the bottom of the m irror
Automatic dimming rearview mirror*
.,. Press the button @. The indicator light @
t urns on . Th e rea rv iew and dr iver's exterior*
m irrors dim automatically when lig ht shines
on them, for ex ample from head lights on a
vehicle to the rear.
Electro lyte fluid can leak from automatic
d imming mirrors if the glass is broken .
Electrolyte fluid can irritate skin, eyes and
respirato ry system.
- Repeated or prolonged exposure to e lec
trolyte can cause irr itation to the respira
tory system, especially among people
with asthma or o ther resp iratory condi
tions. G et fresh air immediately by leav
ing the vehicle o r, if that is no t possib le,
ope n w indows and doors all the way.
- I f ele ctrolyte gets into the eyes, flush
them thorough ly with large amou nts of
clean w ate r for at leas t 15 minu te s;
medical at tention is recommended.
- If electroly te con tacts skin, fl ush affect
ed are a with clean wa ter fo r at le ast 15
minutes and then wash affected area
with soap and water ; medical attention
is recommended. Thoroughly wash af
fected clothing and shoes before re use .
-If swallowed and person is conscious,
rinse mouth with water for at least 15
minutes. Do not induce vomiting unless
instructed to do so by med ica l professio
nal. Get medical attention immediately .
CD Note
If the glass on an a utomat ic dimming mir
ror breaks, electro lyte can leak out. This
li q ui d damages plastic surfaces. C lean this
l iqu id as qu ickly as possible with a wet
sponge .
Page 52 of 288

50 Lights an d Vi sion
@ Tips
- If the light reaching the rearview mirror
i s obstructed, the automatic dimming
mirror will not function correctly,
- The automatic dimming mirrors do not
dim when the interior lighting is turned
on or the reverse gear is selected .
Digital compass
Switching the compass on and off
Applies to vehicles: with digital compass
Fig. 40 Re arv iew m ir ro r: d igit al c om pass act ivated
"To turn the compass on or off, press the but
ton @unt il the compass in the mirror ap
pears or disappears .
The digi tal compass only works when the igni
tion is turned on. The directions are indicated
with abbreviations :
N (north), NE (northeast),
E (east), SE (southeast), S (south), SW (south
W (west), NW (no rthwest) .
You must recalibrate the compass if it does not display the correct direction¢
page 50,
Calibrating the compass .
(D Tips
To prevent inaccurate compass readings,
do not bring any remote controls, electri
cal devices or meta llic objects nea r the
m irror.
Adjusting the magnetic zone
Applies to vehicles: with digital compass
The magnetic zone mu st be adjusted correctly
for the compass to read accurately .
Fig. 41 North A meri ca: m agnet ic zo ne m ap
• Press and hold the button @ ¢ page 50,
fig . 40
until the number of the magnetic
zone appears in the rearv iew mirror .
• Press the button @ repea tedly to se lect the
correct mag netic zone . The se lec tion mode
off after a few seconds .
Calibrating the compass
Applies to vehicles: with digital compass
You must recalibrate the compass if it does
not display the correct direction.
• Press and hold the button @ ¢ page 50,
fig . 40
u nti l a C appea rs in the rearview mir
• Drive in a circle at about 5 mph (10 km/h)
until a direction is displayed in the rearv iew
m irror.
-- To avoid endangering yourse lf and other
drivers, calibrate the compass in an area
where there is no traffic .
Page 100 of 288

98 Audi side assist
Audi side assist
Side assist
App lies to vehicles: with Audi side assist
Fig . 85 Se nsor detect ion ra nge
Fig. 86 Display o n the exte rior mirror
Side assist helps you monitor your blind spot
and traffic behind your vehicle. Within the
limits of the system, it warns you about
vehicles that are coming closer or that are
traveling with your within sensor range@
c:> fig. 85: if a lane change is classified as criti
cal, the display@in the exterior mirror
c:> fig. 86 turns on.
The display in the left exterior mirror provides
assistance when mak ing a lane change to the
left, while the display in the right exterior mir
ror provides assistance when making a lane
change to the right.
Information stage
As long as you do not activate the turn signal,
side assist
informs you about vehicles that are
detected and class ified as critical. The display
in the mirror turns on, but is dim. The
display remains dim in the information
stage so that your view toward the front is not
disturbed .
Warning stage
If you activate the turn signal, side assist
warns you about vehicles that are detected
and class ified as critical. The display in the re
spective mirror blinks brightly. If this hap
pens, check traffic by glancing in the rearview
mirror and over your shoulder
c:> .&. in General
information on page 99.
(D Tips
- You can adjust the brightness on of the
display on the rearview mirror
c:>page 100.
Page 101 of 288

General information
Applies to vehicles: with Audi side assist
Fig . 87 Driving situations
Fi g. 88 Rear of the vehicle: sensor posit ions
Side assist functions at speeds above approx i
mately 19 mph (30 km/h).
@ Vehicl es th at ar e approaching
In certain cases, a vehicle will be classified as
cr itical for a lane change even if it is still
somewhat far away. The fas ter a vehicle ap
p roaches, t he sooner the display in the exteri
or m irror will t urn on.
@ V ehicles traveling with you
Vehicles traveling w ith you are indicated in the
exterior m irror if they are classified as cr itical
for a lane change. All vehicles detec ted by
side assist are indicated by the time they en
t er your "blind spot", at the latest.
Audi side assist 99
© Veh icles left behind
If you s low ly pass a vehi cle that s ide assist has
detected (the difference in speed between the
vehicle and you r vehicle is less than 9 mph or
15 km/h), the display in the exterio r mir ro r
turns on as soon as the vehicle enters your blind spot.
T he disp lay will not t urn on if you quickly pass
a vehicle that side assist has detected (the dif
ference in speed between the veh icle and your
vehicle is greater than 9 mph or 15 km/h).
Functional limitations
The radar sensors are designed to detect the
left and right adjacent lanes when the road
lanes are the normal width. In some sit ua
tions, the d isp lay in the exterior mirror may
turn on even though there is no ve hicle locat
ed in the area that is cr itical for a lane cha nge.
For example:
- If the lanes are narrow or if your are driving
on the edge of your lane.
If this is the case,
the system may have detected the vehicle in
another lane that is
not adjacent to you r
current lane .
-If you are dr iving through a curve . S ide as
sis t may react to a vehicle that is one lane
over from the adjacent lane.
- If side assist reacts to other objects (such as
high or d isp laced guard rails) .
- In poor weather conditions. The side assist
functions are limited .
Do not cover the radar sensors
c> fig. 88 with
stickers, depos its, bicycle wheels or other ob
jects, because this will affect the funct ion. For
information on cleaning, see
c> page 201 .
-Always pay attention to traffic and to the
a rea a round your ve hicl e. Side assi st can
not repla ce a d river's attention. The driv
er a lone is always responsible for la ne
cha nges and s imilar dr iv ing ma ne uvers.
- In some si tua tions, the system may not
function or its function may be limited.
F or examp le:
Page 102 of 288

100 Audi side assist
-If vehicles are approaching or being
left behind very quickly. The display
may not turn on in time.
- In poor weather conditions such as
heavy rain, snow or heavy mist.
- On very wide lanes, in tight curves, or if
there is a rise in the road surface.
Vehicles in the adjacent lane may not
be detected because they are outside
of the sensor range.
- Side assist cannot detect all vehicles un
der all conditions- danger of accident!
- Please note that side assist indicates
there are approaching vehicles, or
vehicles in your blind spot, only after
your vehicle has reached a driving speed
of at least 19 mph (30 km/h).
- In certain situations, the system may not
function or its function may be limited.
For example:
- if vehicles are approaching or being left
behind very quickly. The display may
not turn on in time.
- in poor weather conditions such as heavy rain, snow or heavy mist.
- on very wide lanes, in tight curves or if
there is a rise in the road surface.
Vehicles in the adjacent lane may not
be detected because they are outside
of the sensor range.
The sensors can be displaced by impacts or damage to the bumper, wheel housing and
underbody. This can affect the system. Have your authorized Audi dealer or quali
fied repair facility check their function.
(D Tips
-If the window glass in the driver's door
or front passenger's door has been tint
ed, the display in the exterior mirror may
be misinterpreted.
- For Declaration of Compliance to United
States FCC and Industry Canada regula
tions, see
9 page 271.
Switching on and off
Applies to vehicles : wi th Audi side ass ist
The system and be switched on and off in the
"'Select: !MENUI button> Systems control
button or
Car systems > Driver assistance >
Audi side assist. With off, the system is
switched off.
An activated system will signal every time the ignition is switched on by turning the displays
in the exterior mirrors on briefly.
Adjusting the display brightness
App lies to vehicles: wi th Audi s ide ass ist
The brightness can be adjusted in the MMI.
"'Selec t: !ME NUI button> Systems control
button or
Car systems > Driver assistance >
Audi side assist .
The display brightness adjusts automatically
to the brightness of the surroundings, both in
the information and in the warning stage . In
very dark or very bright surroundings, the dis
play is already set to the minimum or maxi
mum level by the automatic adjustment. In
such cases, you may notice no change when
adjusting the brightness, or the change may
only be noticeable once the surroundings
Adjust the brightness to a level where the dis
play in the information stage will not disrupt
your view forward. If you change the bright
ness, the display in the exterior mirror will
briefly show the brightness level in the infor
mation stage. The brightness of the warning
stage is linked to the brightness in the infor
mation stage and is adjusted along with the
information stage adjustment.
(D Tips
- Side assist is not active while you are
making the adjustment.
- Your settings are automatically stored
and assigned to the remote control key
being used.