ESP AUDI A5 COUPE 2016 Owners Manual
[x] Cancel search | Manufacturer: AUDI, Model Year: 2016, Model line: A5 COUPE, Model: AUDI A5 COUPE 2016Pages: 264, PDF Size: 66.92 MB
Page 8 of 264

About this Ow ne r's Manual
This manua l contains important information,
tips, suggestions and warnings for using your ve h icle.
Keep this manua l in yo ur vehicle at all times. This
is especially important if yo u loan your vehicle to
others or sell it.
This owner's manua l describes the
rang e
specified for this mode l at the time of
printing. Individual equipment options described
may on ly be available at a later date or may on ly
be offered in certain countries.
Some se ct ions in this manua l do not apply to all
vehicles. When this is the case, the beginning o f
the section indicates the
va lidity , for example
"Applies to veh icles: with Audi s ide ass ist" . Op
tional or vehicle-spec ific equ ipment is a lso identi
fied with an asterisk"*".
illu st ration s are designed as a general guide
and on your vehicle may look s light ly different
than what is illustrated.
There is a
Table of Content s at the beginning of
this owner's manua l that lists a ll of the topics
covered in this book in the order that they ap pear. There is also an alphabetical
Inde x at the
end of this owner's manual.
direct ion s, such as "left", "right", "front" and
"rear", are based on the vehicle's direct ion of
* Optiona l or vehicle -specific equipment
.,._ The section conti nues on the next page.
~ .&. Cross reference to a "WARNING"within a
section. If a page number is indicated, the
WARN ING is located o uts ide of the section.
T ex t with this sy mbol con tains info rmation
about safety and how to reduce the risk of se
rious persona l injury or death .
([) Note
Text with th is symbol contains info rmation
about reducing the risk of damage to your ve
® For the sake of the environment
Text with this symbol contains information on protecting the envi ronment .
@ Tips
Text with this symbol contains additional use
ful information.
Page 18 of 264

Instruments and indicator lights
-Always keep in min d that afte r severa l brake
applications, you will need greate r pressure
on the brake pedal t o stop you r vehicle. Do
not re ly on strained brakes to respond w ith
ma ximum stopping power in c rit ical situa
t ions. You must allow for increas ed braki ng
di stan ces. The e xtra dist ance used up by
fa din g brak es c oul d lead to a n accid ent.
:ill.IC®) Electromechanical parking brake
The warning/indicator light monitors th e elec
trome chanical parking brak e.
If the ind icator lig ht . (USA models) ;II (Cana
da models) t urns on , the park ing brake was set .
The warning/indicator light will go o ut when the
pa rking brake is re leased.
• (USA models ) /. (Canada models) Cau
tion: Vehicle parked too steep
If th e ind ic ator lig ht blinks and t he message ap
pea rs, there is not eno ugh bra king power to keep
the vehicle from ro llin g. The bra kes have over
heate d. The vehicle could ro ll away even on a
sma ll incline .
Press brake pedal to release parking brake
To re lease the pa rk ing bra ke, press the bra ke
pe dal and pr ess t he bu tton<®) or start driv ing
w ith s tarti ng assis t at the s ame t ime
¢ page 78 .
Please release parking brake
To re lease the park ing brake ma nually, press the
b rake pedal and press the button<®> at the same
time . The parking brake o nly re leases automati
cally if the dr iver's safety be lt is fastened.
El Parking brake!
If the El indicato r light turns on and this mes
sage appears, there is a pa rking brake mal func
tion. D rive to your authorized Aud i dealer or
qua lified workshop immed iate ly to have the mal
f u nction co rrected .
~ Safety belts
This warning/indicator light reminds you to put
on your safety belt.
The . warn ing/ indicator light illum inates when
the ignit io n is switched on to rem ind t he driver
and (o n USA models on ly) any front passenge r to
put on t he safety be lt . Additionally, a n aco ust ic
w arning (gong) w ill also so und.
Fo r more Information
¢ page 121 , Safety belt
warning light .
f::::l Battery
The. war ning/ indica to r li ght illum inates when
yo u s witch on the ig nition an d m ust go out afte r
th e e ngine h as st arte d.
• Alternator fault : Battery is not being charg
If the indicato r light turns on and the message
appears, the re is a ma lfu nction in t he generator
o r vehicle e lectr ica l system .
D rive to your authorized A udi dealer or qualified
workshop immediately . Because the vehicle bat
tery is d ischa rging , tur n off all unnecessa ry elec
trical eq uipme nt such as the rad io . Seek p ro fes
s io na l assis tance if the battery charge leve l is too
l ow.
(•) Low battery: Battery will be charged while
If the indicato r light turns on and the message
appears, there may be limited sta rting ability.
If this message t urns off after a little w hil e, t he
ba tte ry c harge d enough while dr iv ing .
I f the mess age does no t turn off, h ave yo ur au
thorized Audi dea le r or qualified wor ks hop co r
r ect the ma lf u nction .
Page 19 of 264

9:::1: Engine oil pressure
The red engine oil pressure warning symbol re
quires immediate service or repair . Driving with a
low-oil-pressure indication is likely to inflict se
vere damage to the engine.
• Turn off engine! Oil pressure too low
If the indicator lig ht t urns on and the message
appears, the oi l pressu re is too low.
~ P ull off the road.
~ Stop t he vehicle .
~ Turnoff the engine.
~ Check the engine oil level¢ page 195 .
~ If the engine oil leve l is too low, add engine oi l
page 195. Make sure that t he oil pressure
warning symbol. appears no longe r in the
display before you s ta rt driving ag ain.
~ If the engi ne oil leve l is cor rect and t he i ndic a
tor lig ht still tur ns on, turn t he eng ine
off and
do not continue driving . Seek p ro fessional as
s istance .
(D Tips
- The engine oil pressure symbol. is not
an indicator for a low engine oil level. Do
not rely on it. Instead, check the oil level in
your engine at regular intervals, preferably each time you refuel, and always before
going on a long trip.
- The yellow oil level warning indication
requires oil refill or workshop service with
out delay . Do not wait until the red oil
pressure warning. starts to flash before
you respond to the low oil level warning
Ill . By then , your engine may already have
suffered serious damage .
~ . Engine oil level
• WARNING: Please add oil immediately
If the indicator lig ht and the message ap pear,
a dd engine o il i mm edi ate ly
¢page 193.
;::; Ill Add oil, max XX XX l. You may cont. driv .
~ When the symbol II and driver message appea r, ,....,
~ add the amount of oi l appea ring in the display at
:;;: the next opportunity
¢ page 193. ,....,
Instruments and ind icator lights
-L Eng ine cooling system
A malfunction in the engine cooling system must
be repaired as soon as possible .
• Turn off engine and check coolant level
If the indicator light turns on and the message
appea rs, the coo lant tempe rat ure is too high o r
t h e coo lant leve l is too low.
~ Pull off the ro ad.
~ Stop the vehicle.
~ Tur noff th e engine.
~ Check coolant leve l ¢ page 19 7 .
~ Add coo lant if necessary¢ page 198 .
~ Continue dr iv ing only afte r the e ngine coolant
warni ng/ indicator light goes out .
~ Contact your authorized Audi dealer for assis-
t ance if necessa ry.
If the engi ne coo lant level is correct , then t he ra
dia to r f an may be the cause of t he mal func tion .
• Coolant temperature! Let engine run with
vehicle stationary
If the indicator lig ht tur ns on and the messa ge
appea rs, let the engine run a t idle for a few mi
nutes to c ool down.
-- If yo ur vehicle should break down for me
cha nica l o r ot her reasons, park at a safe dis
t ance from mov ing t raff ic, t urn off t he e n
g in e a nd turn on the haz ard warning lights
¢ p age 46, Em ergency fla she rs.
- N ever open t he hood if you see o r hear
s te am or coo lant esca p in g fr om th e engine
co mpartm ent - you ris k being scald ed . W ait
un til yo u can no longe r see or hear steam or
coo lant escapin g.
- T he engi ne compart ment of an y vehicl e is a
d anger ous are a. B efore y ou perfo rm any
wo rk in the eng ine com partment, t urn of
the eng ine a nd a llow it to cool. Follow t he
warn ing stickers
¢page 191.
(D Note
Do not con tinue dr iv in g if the . symbol i llu-
minates. The re is a malf u nction in the engine
Page 21 of 264

.... N
0 I-co ....
This warning/i ndicator light monitors the ABS
and the electronic differential lock (EDL) .
The warning/indicator light fIE) (USA models)/
ti] (Canada models) wi ll come on for a few sec
onds when the ig nition is switched on. The ligh t
w ill go out after an au tomatic check sequence is
comp leted.
There is a malfunction in the ABS when :
-The warning/indicator lig ht does not ill uminate
when you switch the ig nition on .
- The warning/indicator light does not go out af
ter a few seconds.
- The warning/indicator lig ht ill uminates wh ile
driv ing .
The ESC indicator light a lso ill uminates if the re is
a ma lf u nction in the ABS. The message
tion control (ESC ): Fault! See owner's manual
als o appears in the inst rument cluste r display
and a warn ing tone sounds.
The brake system will still respond even with
out the assistance of the ABS system. See your
authorized Audi dealer as soon as possible to re
store full braking performance.
For mo re infor
mat io n regarding the ABS
c::> pag e 170.
M alfunction in the brake system
If the b rake warning light c::> page 15 and the ABS
warn ing illuminate
together there may be a ma l
function in the ABS , and there may also be a ma l
function in the b rake system itse lf
c::> .&. . The ABS
will not work and you will notice a change in braking respon se and performance.
In the event of a malfunction in the brake sys
the warn ing/ indicator light 1111 (USA mod
e ls)/ . (Canada models) in the instrument clus
ter f lashes
r:::;, page 15 .
Malfunction in the electronic differential
lock (EDL)
The EDL works toget he r with the ABS . The ABS
war ning light w ill come on if there is a ma lf u nc
tion in the ED L sys tem
c::> page 1 70 . See your au
t h oriz ed A udi de aler as soon as poss ib le .
Instruments and ind icator lights
- If the fIE) (USA mode ls)/ tl] (Canada mod
els) warning light does not go out, or if it
comes on while dr iv ing, the A BS system is
not working prop erly. The veh icle can t hen
be s toppe d only wi th the s ta nd ard brake s
(wit hou t A BS). Y ou will no t have the pro te c
t ion A BS provi des . Cont act your aut hor ized
Au di deale r as soon as possible.
- US A mode ls: I f th e 1111 warning light and
9 warn ing ligh t come on togethe r, the
rear w heels could lock up fi rst under hard
braking . Rear wheel lock- up can cause loss
of vehicle contro l and an acc ident. Have yo ur
veh icle repaired immediately by your au
thorized A udi dealer or qualified workshop .
Drive s low ly an d avoid sudd en, hard brak e
ap pli catio ns.
- Canada models : If the brake warn ing light
• and t he A BS warning ligh t
tlJ come on
toge ther, th e re a r wh ee ls cou ld loc k up first
un der hard b raking. Rea r whee l lo ck- up can
c a use l oss of ve hicle con trol and a n acci
dent . Have your ve hicl e repaired immedia te
ly by your a uthorized Audi dea ler or q uali
fied workshop. D rive slowly and avoi d sud
den, ha rd brake applications.
tli I !i: Safety systems
The fl (USA models)/ EI (Canada mode ls) indi
cator lig ht monitors the safety systems (e.g. a ir
bags, pretens ione rs) and illum inates fo r a few
seco nds each time you swi tch the ignition on.
If the
II (USA models) tEI (Canada models) in
dicator light does not go out, o r if it ill uminates
wh ile you a re dr iv ing, or if it sta rts to b link, t hen
t h ere is a malfunct io n somewhere in the system .
If the ligh t does not illum inate wh en yo u sw itc h
t h e igni tion o n, t his a lso means there is a mal
funct ion.
If yo u have a ma lf u nct ion in the safe ty sys-
tems, contact your authorize d Au di d ealer im
mediately. Ot herwise the safety systems may
not wor k properly in an accident .
Page 23 of 264

.... N
0 I-co ....
appears, there is a malfunction in the tank sys
Drive to your authorized Audi dealer immediately
to have the malfunction corrected.
Ci:> Windshield washer flu id level
ra, Please refill washer fluid
If the symbol illuminates, add windshield washer
fluid to the washer system and also to the head
light washer system*
~ page 204.
~ Windshield wipers
El Windshield wiper defective
There is a malfunction with the windshield wip
Drive to your authorized Audi dealer immediately
to have the malfunction corrected.
~/ }D 10$ Defective light bulb warning
If the r.:I indicator light turns on, a bulb has
failed. The message indicates the location of the
- If the Im indicator light also turns on, then a
fog light has failed. The position of the indica
tor light corresponds with the location on the
- If the II indicator light also turns on, then a
rear fog* light has failed. The position of the in
dicator light corresponds with the location on
the vehicle.
This warning can also occur if the light switch is
in an unengaged position between two symbols.
Vehicle lights: System fault!
If the message appears, there is a malfunction in
the headlights or light switch.
Drive to your authorized Audi dealer immediately
to have the malfunction corrected.
Instruments and indicator lights
-Light bulbs are pressurized and could ex
plode while they are being changed causing
serious personal injury.
- Work with due care when handling the high
voltage section of gas discharge (xenon)
lights*. Failure to do so could result in death
or serious injury.
@ Tips
Have the bulb replaced or the connection re
paired by your authorized Audi Service depart
i,0 Headlight range control
Applies to vehicles: with headlight range control
B Headlight range control defective !
If the symbol B illuminates, the dynamic head
light range control is no longer working properly .
Have the system checked and repaired at your au
thorized Audi dealer.
§0 Adaptive Light
Applies to vehicles: with adaptive light
r!J Audi adaptive light: defective
If the indicator light turns on and this message
appears, there is a malfunction in the adaptive
light system. The headlights still function.
Go to an authorized dealership to have the head
lights or the control unit for the adaptive light re
@. o Light/rain sensor
Applies to vehicles: with light/rain sensor
II Automatic headlights/ automatic wipers
If the indicator light turns on and this message
appears, the light/rain sensor is not functioning
For safety reasons the low beams are turned on
permanently with the switch in
AUTO. However, .,.
Page 25 of 264

,-1 N
0 1-CX)
rl I.Cl U"I
,-1 I.Cl ......
Driver information
The Driver information display inside the instru
ment cluster provides you, the driver, with im
portant information.
Fig. 7 Instrument cluster: ce nter display
Fig. 8 Wipe r lever: contro ls for the menu display
Center display
With the ignition on, the display in th e Driver In
formation System shows the following informa
tion :
- CD* inserted or Radio* station set
- Outs ide temperature*: At temperatures below
41 °f (+S
(), a snowflake symbol appears in
front of the temperature display¢ ,1,. .
- Warning if one of the doors, front lid or engine
compartment lid is not closed.
Additional functions
You can open the following functions in the Driv
er Information System display by pressing the
I RESETI button¢ fig. 8 one or more t imes :
Digital speedometer*
Tire pressure monitoring*
¢pag e222
Driver in forma tion system
Trip computer ¢page24
Efficiency program* ¢page26
Service interval display ¢page28
Speed warning ¢page 79
Gearshift selector posit ions Au -i=>page83
tomatic transm ission
Adaptive cruise control*
¢ page89
Auto Check Control
Some functions and vehicle components are
scanned for their operating status when you
switch the ignition on and while you are driving. Malfunctions or required service procedures are
signaled audibly and indicated by red and yellow
illum inated symbols and reminders in the dis
- Never rely exclus ively on the outside tem
pe rature display to determine if a road sur
face is icy or not. Keep in m ind that road
surfaces, especially bridges and overpasses,
could be ice covered and slippery even at an
outside temperat ure above 41 °f (+S °C).
- Always remember, even if the "snowflake"
symbol (ice warning) does not appear in the
display, black ice could be on the road.
- Always reduce your speed and dr ive with
specia l care in cold weather conditions when
the chance of encountering icy road surfaces
(j) Tips
If the vehicle is stationary, or if you are driv
ing at a very low speed, the temperature
shown in the disp lay might be slightly higher
than the actual outside temperature. This is
caused by the heat being radiated from the
Page 34 of 264

Opening and clo sin g
- If the power locking system should fail, you
can still open the fuel tank flap in an emer
gency ¢
page 190.
-You are well advised not to keep val uables
inside an unatte nded vehicle, v is ible or not.
Even a properly locked vehicle cannot pro
v ide the security of a safe.
- If the LED in the upper edge of the driver's
door panel comes on for about 30 seconds
after t he vehicle is locked, there is a mal
funct ion in the power lock ing or the anti
theft warning system . Have the malf unct io n
cor rected by an authorized Audi dealership
or q ualified repair facility.
Key set
F ig . 18 Key set
m 0 ±
@ Remote control key with mechanical key
You can centrally lock and unlock your veh icle
and start the engine w it h the master key with re
mote cont rol. A mecha nical key is i nteg rated in
the master key ¢
page 33.
@ Eme rgency key
The emergency key is not intended for constant
use . It shou ld only be used in an emergency, for
example, in place of the ign ition key
page 74 . Ke ep it in a safe place and do not
car ry it on yo ur key r ing.
Key replacement
If you lose a key, contact your author ized Audi
dealer immediately to have the
lost key disab led .
Be s ure to bring all your keys with you .
Number of keys
You can chec k the number of assigned keys to
your vehicle
r=;, page 11 . This a llows yo u to make
sure yo u have received all of the keys when you
purchase a used vehicle .
Data in the master key
During driving, serv ice and maintenance-re levan t
da ta is cont inuo usly stored on your master key.
You r A udi service adviser can read out this data
and te ll yo u about the work you r vehicle needs.
This applies also to veh icles with convenience
key* .
Personal comfort settings
If two people use one vehicle, it is recommended
that each person always uses "their own" maste r
k ey . W hen the ignit ion is turned off or when the
vehicle is loc ked, personal conven ience settings
for the following systems are stored and as
signed to the remote master key.
- Climate control
- Power locking system
- Sea t memory *
- Park ing system*
-Adaptive cr uise control*
- Side assist*
- Drive select*
The stored settings are a utomat ica lly rec alled
when you unlock t he vehicle, when yo u ope n the
doo rs or when yo u turn on the ignition.
- Do not leave you r vehicle unattended with
the key in the ignition lock. Entry by una u
thor ized persons could endanger you or re
sult i n theft o r damage the vehicle .
- Do not leave childre n unattended i n the ve
hicle, especially with access to vehicle keys .
Ungua rded access to the keys provides chil
dren t he oppor tunity to start the engine
an d/or activa te ve hicl e sys tems s uch as the
powe r windows etc. Unsupervised ope ration
of any vehicle system by children c an res ult
in ser ious injury.
Page 37 of 264

,-1 N
0 1-CX)
rl I.Cl U"I
,-1 I.Cl ......
"'To lock the vehicle, close the door and touch
the sensor in the door hand le
on ce ~ fig. 22
~ A in General description on page 31 . Do not
reach inside the door handle .
The vehicle can be locked and un locked at any
door . The remote control key cannot be more
than 1.5 m away from the door handle. It makes
no difference whether the master key is in your
jacket pocket or in your brief case .
If you grip the door handle while locking, this can
adversely affect the locking function.
It is not possible to re-open the doo r for a b rief
period directly after closing it. This allows you to
ensure that the doors are properly locked .
It depends on the settings i n the rad io or MMI*
whether the entire vehicle is unlocked or one of
the doors
~ page 36.
Read and follow all WARNINGS~&. in Gener
al description on page 31.
@ Tips
If your vehicle has been standing for an ex
tended period, please note the following:
- The proximity sensors are deactivated after
a few days to save power . You then have to
pull on the door handle once to unlock the
vehicle and a second time to open the vehi
- To p revent the battery from being d is
charged and to preserve your vehicle's abili
ty to start for as long as possible, the ener
gy management system gradua lly switches
off unnecessary convenience functions. It is
possible that you w ill not be ab le to unlock
your vehicle using these convenience func tions .
- Fo r Decla ration of Comp liance to Un ited
States FCC and Industry Canada regu lations
~ page 247.
Op enin g an d clos ing
Locking and unlocking the vehicle from
Fig. 23 Drive r's door; power lock ing sw itch
"' Press the button@ to lock the vehicle ~ &,.
"' Press the button 63 to un lock the veh icle
~ fig. 23.
If you lock the veh icle using the power lock ing
switch , please note the following:
- If a door is open, the veh icle cannot be locked
using the power locking system switch .
- You cannot open the doors or the rear lid from
outside (increased security, for example
when you are stopped at a red light) .
- The diodes in the power locking switch illumi
nate when a ll the doors are closed and locked .
- You can unlock and open the doors from the in
side by pulling on the door handle .
- If you have a crash and the airbag is act ivated,
the doors automatically unlock .
-- The power locking switch works with the ig-
n ition off and automatically locks the ent ire
veh icle when it is actuated.
- On a vehicle locked from the outs ide the
power locking system switch is inoperative .
- Locked doors make it more difficult for emergency workers to get into the vehicle,
which puts lives at r isk. Do not leave anyo ne
behind in the vehi cle, especially children.
@ Tips
Your vehicle is locked automatically at a
speed of 9 mph (15 km/h) (Auto Lock)
~ page 31. You can un lock the vehicle again
3 5
Page 40 of 264

Opening and clo sin g
- After closing the rear lid, a lways pu ll up on
it to make sure that it is properly closed.
Otherwise it co uld open suddenly when the
vehicle is mov ing.
- To help prevent poisonous exhaust gas from
being drawn into the veh icle, always keep
the rear lid closed while driving. Never
transport objects larger than those which fit
completely into the luggage area, because
then the rear lid cannot be fully closed .
- Never leave yo ur vehicle unattended espe
c ially w ith the rear lid left open . A child
could crawl into the car through the luggage
compartment and p ull the lid shut, becom
ing t rapped and unable to get ou t. To re
duce the r is k of persona l injury, never let
childre n play in or around your vehicle. Al
w ays keep the rear lid as well as the vehicle
doors closed when not in use.
- Always ensure that no one is within range of
th e rear lid when it is moving, in particular
close to the hinges -fingers or hands can be
(D Tips
When the vehicle is locked, the rear lid can be
o pened separately by p ressing the button
on the master key. When you close the rear
lid again, it locks automatically.
Trunk escape handle
In cas e of an emerg ency, th e luggage compart
men t lid can be opened from the inside using the
t runk escape handle .
Fig . 2 8 Trunk escape han dle: view from in sid e th e closed
r e a r lid
To open luggage compartment lid
.,. Pull the handle down towards t he b umper
o::> fig. 28 .
The trunk escape hand le inside the luggage com
partment lid is made of fl uo rescen t ma teria l to
glow in the dark .
The trunk escape handle is to be used only in
an emergency .
{!) Tips
The eme rge ncy re lease leve r should never be
use d as a h and le for clos ing the lugg age com
partment lid.
Power Windows
The driver can operate the window regulator for
the driver's door with the left switch and the win
dow regulator for the passenger's door with the
right switch .
Fig . 29 D river 's doo r: controls
The power w indow switches have a two-position
fun ction :
Opening the windows
.,. Press the swi tch to the fir st stop and hold it un
t il the w indow re aches the desired position .
.,. Press the switch briefly to the
s econd sto p to
automatically open the window .
Closing the windows
.,. Pull the sw itch to the fir st st o p and hold it until
the window reaches the desired posi tion .
Page 46 of 264

Light and Vision
Light and Vision
Exterior lighting
Switching the lights on and off
Fig. 36 Instrument panel : headlig ht co ntrol sw itch
Light switch ·'t/;
T u rn the switch c::> fig. 36 to the co rresponding
position . When the lights are switched on, the :
symbo l turns on.
O -The lights are off or the daytime r unning
lights are on :
-USA mode ls: The daytime running lig hts are
activated when the light switch
c:) fig . 36 is in
O pos it ion or the AUTO position (only in
daylight cond it ions) . The daytime runn ing
l igh ts fu nction can be turned on a nd off in the
r ad io or MM I* menu
Exterior lighting
c:) page 45, c::> & .
-Canada mo del s: T he daytime runn ing lights are
activ ated when t he lig ht switch
c:) fig . 36 is in
o pos it ion, :oo : position or the AUTO pos i
tion (only in daylight condit ions). The dayt ime
runn ing lights fu nction cannot be tur ned off
c> & .
AUTO * -Automatic headlights switch on and off
depending on brightness, for example in twilight,
du ring ra in or i n tunne ls
c::> & .
;o o: -Side marker lights
fD -Low beam headlights
Fog lights /rear fog light (s)*
Press the appropriate button c::> fig. 36 :
}0 -Fog lights
O* -Rear fog light(s)
adaptive light*
When switched on , adap tive ligh t ad apts to
curves in the roa d depending on the vehicle
speed and the steering ang le. Th is prov ides bet
ter light ing th rough the curve. The system oper
ates at speeds between approximately 6 mph (10 km/h) and 68 mph (110 km/h).
Static cornering light* (veh icles with adaptive
li ght) -the corne ring light switches on at speeds
up to approximately 25 mph (40 km/h) when a
ce rtain steering wheel angle is reached or when a
turn signal is act ivated . The area to the side of
the veh icle is illuminated better when turning .
T he adaptive light and the cornering light only
funct ion when the switc h is in the AUTO position
(automat ic head lights*) .
- Daytime r unning lights and au toma tic head
lights* are o nly intended to ass ist the d river .
T h ey do not relieve the drive r of his res pon
sibility to check t he headlig hts and to tur n
t hem on m anually acco rdi ng to the curren t
light and visibili ty cond itions. For example,
fog cannot be detected by t he light sen
sors*. So a lways switch on the headlights
unde r these weather conditions and when
driving in the dark .
- Crashes can happen when you cannot see
the road ahead and when you cannot be
seen by ot her motorists. Always tur n on the
headlights so that yo u can see ahead a nd so
that others can s ee yo ur ca r from the back .
- Please obey all laws w hen us ing the lighting
sys tems described here.
(D Note
The rear fog lights* shou ld only be turned on
i n accordance with traffic regu lation, as the
lights are bright for following traff ic.
{!) Tips
- The light sensor* for headlight contro l is lo
cated in the rear view m irror mount. You
should the refore not apply any stickers to .,.