warning BMW 540i 2000 E39 User Guide
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Do not rely on the transmission or the parking brake to
keep the car from rolling. They are not
a substitute forpos-
itively bloclcing the opposite wheel.
work undera car that is supported only by a jaclc.
Use jack stands designed to support the car. See
Working under car
- Disconnect negative (-) cable from battery so that car cannot
be started. Let others know what you will be doing.
CAUTION-- Prior to disconnecting the battery, read the battery discon-
nection cautions given in
001 General Cautions and
- Raise car slowly as described above.
- Use at least two jack stands to support car. Use jack stands
designed for the purpose of supporting a car. See Tools.
* A jaclc is a temporary lifting device and should not be used
alone to support the car while you are under it.
Do not use wood, concrete
blocks, or bricks to support
ca,: Wood may split Blocks and bricks, while strong,
are not designed for that kind of load, and may break or
- Place jaclc stands on firm, solid surface. If necessary, use a
flat board or similar solid object to provide a firm footing.
- Lower car slowly until its weight is fully supported by jack
stands. Watch to
make sure that the jack stands do not tip or
lean as the car settles on them.
- Observe all jacking precautions again when raising car to re-
move jack stands.
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The tips that follow are general advice to help the do-it-your-
self BMW owner
periorm repairs and maintenance taslts
more easily and more professionally.
Planning ahead
Know what the whole job requires before starting. Read the
procedure thoroughly, from beginning to end, in
orderto know
just what to expect and what parts will have to be replaced.
Workshop practices
Keeping things organized, neat, and clean is essential to do-
ing a good job. When working under the hood, iender covers
will protectthe finish from scratches and otherdamage. Make
sure the car finish is clean so that dirt under the cover does
not scratch the iinish.
Any repair job will be less troublesome if the parts are clean
For cleaning old parts, there are many solvents and parts
cleaners commercially available.
For cleaning parts prior to assembly, commercially available
aerosol cans of parts cleaner or brake cleaner are handy to
use, and the cleaner will evaporate completely.
Most solvents used for cleaning parts are highly flammable
as well as toxic, especially in aerosol form. Use with extreme
care. Do not smoke. Do not use these products indoors or
near any source of heat, sparks or flame.
Non reusable fasteners
Many fasteners used on the cars covered by this manual
must be replaced with new ones once they are removed.
These include but are not limited to: bolts, nuts (self-locking,
nylock, etc.), roll pins, clips and washers. Genuine BMW
parts should be the only replacement parts used for this pur-
Some bolts are designed to stretch during assembly and are
permanently altered, rendering them unreliable once re-
moved. These are known as torque-to-yield fasteners. Al-
ways replace fasteners where instructed to do so. Failure to
replace these fasteners could cause personal injury
cle damage. See an authorized BMW dealer for applications
and ordering information.
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General Tightening fasteners
When tightening the bolts ornuts on acomponent, it is always
good practice to tighten the bolts gradually and evenly to
avoid misalignment or over-stressing any one portion of the
component. For components sealed with gaskets, this meth-
od helps to ensure that the
gasket will seal properly.
Table a: General bolt tightening torques in Nm (max.
permissible) is
a general reference only The values listedin
the table are not intended to be usedas a substitute for tor-
ques specifically called out in the text or in manufacturer's in-
4 Where there are several fasteners, tighten them in a se-
* Metric bolt classes or grades are rnarlced on the bolt head.
* Do not confuse wrench size with bolt diameter. Fora listing
of the common wrenches used on various bolt
see Basic tool requirements.
quence alternating between opposite sides of the compo-
nent. Repeat the sequence until all the bolts are evenly
tightened to the proper specification.
For some repairs a specific tightening sequence is
sary, or particular order of assembly is required. Such special
conditions are noted in the text, and the necessary sequence
is described or illustrated. Where no specific torque is listed,
a: General bolt tightening torques in Nm (max. per-
missible) can be used as a general guide for tightening fas-
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BMW special tools
Many repairs covered in this manual call for the use of BMW
special tools. Many of the BMW special tools mentioned in
this manual are simply the best thing to use to do the job cor-
rectly. In these cases, the tool is identified with a
BMW parl
number. See your authorized BMW dealer parts department
for information on how to order special tools.
There are some jobs for which expensive special tools are es-
sential, and not a cost-effective purchase for a one time repair
by the do-it-yourself owner. This manual includes such re-
pairs for the benefit of those with the necessary experience
and access to tools. For the do-it-yourselfer, the need for spe-
cial tools is noted in the text, and whether or not BMW dealer
service is recommended.
Changing a tire
- Stop car on as flat a surface as possible, in a place where you
can be easily seen by other drivers. Avoid stopping just over
the crest of a hill.
If a tire goes flat while driving, pull well off the road. Changing
a tire on a busy slreet or liigliway is very dangerous. If
essag drive a short distance on the flat tire to get to a safe
place. It is much better to ruin a tire or rim than to
risk being
- Turn on emergency flashers, and set out flares or emergency
markers well behind car.
Choclc wheel (wheel chock located
in trunk) diagonally opposite to the one being changed. Pas-
sengers should get out of car and stand well away from road.
- Take jaclc and tools from tool area beneath trunk mat. Re-
move spare tire from tire storage tray.
- Loosen wheel bolts while car is on ground, but leave them a
little snug.
< Place jack in lifting point nearest wheel being changed. Use
a board to provide a firm footing for jack if ground is soft.
Raise car only far enough so that the wheel is fully off ground
and then remove wheel nuts and wheel.
- Install spare wheel. Install wheel nuts and tighten them hand
tight using lug nut wrench.
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Cars with discharged or dead batteries can be jump-started
using the good battery from another car. See owner's manual
for proper instruction on jump starting. When jump-starling
the engine, always note the following warnings.
4 Lower car. With all wheels on ground, fully tighten nuts in a
* Battery acid (electrolyte) can cause severe burns, and will
damage the
cal; clothing, and you. If electrolyte is spilled,
wash the surface with large quantities of water.
M itgets into
eyes, flush them with water for several minutes and call a
Batteries produce explosive and noxious gasses.
Keeps sparks and flames away. Do not smoke near
Do notjump-start the engine
ifyou suspect that the bat-
tery is frozen. Trappedgas may explode. Allow the bat-
tery to thaw first.
Do not quick-charge the battery (for boost starting) for
longer than one minute, and do not exceed
16.5 volts
at the battery with the boosting cables attached. Wait at
least one minute before boosting the battery a second
crisscross pattern.
Torque wheel nuts when installing wheel.
Check inflation pressure of spare tire.
Tightening torque
Wheel to wheel hub 120 Nm (89 ft-ib)
Jump starting
Indicator and warning lights
Many vehicle systems are self-monitored for faults while driv-
ing. Generally,
a red warning lamp that comes on during driv-
ing should be considered serious. If you cannot immediately
determine the seriousness of the warning light, stop the vehi-
cle in a safe place and turn the engine off as soon as possible.
Consult the owner's manual for additional information on the
warning lamp and the recommended action.
If the Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL)
(Check Engine or Ser-
vice Engine Soon warning light) comes on orflashes, it indi-
cates that an emissions-related fault has occurred. Faults
such as a bad oxygen sensor or a dead fuel injector can
cause the exhaust or evaporative emissions to exceed a
specified limit. When these limits are exceeded, the MIL will
be turned on. The engine can be safety driven with the light
on, although the emission systems should be
checked as
soon as possible. See OBD On-Board Diagnostics for
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--- -
Table c. Inspection II Service
New parts Warm engine Dealer service repair
Tools required required required recommended information
Engine compartment maintenance
Replace air filter element. (Note: reduce
replacement intervals in dusty operating
Replace brake
fluid every 2 years (time
interval begins from vehicle production
Cooling system service
Spark plug service
system maintenance
Replace coolant every 3 years (time
interval begins from vehicle production
Replace oxygen sensor every 160,000
(1 00,000 miles).
Oxygen sensor service
Spark plugs:
1 M62 engine:
Replace every 60,000 itm (48.000 miles).
TU I M54 1 M62 TU engine:
Replace every 160,000
ltm (100.000
< Engine oil viscosity (SAE grade) vs. operating temperature
range for the BMW engines covered in this manual.
Fluid and lubricant capacities and specifications are listed be-
low. See
Fluids and lubricants.
The use of fluids that do not meet BMW" specifications may
impair performance and
reliabilitl: and may void warranty
* 020
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4 If oil level is low, add oil by removing oil filler cap (arrow) on
top of cylinder head
(6-cylinder oil cap shown, V-8 is sirnilar).
- Add only amount needed to bring oil level to upper mark on
dipstick, using an oil of correct viscosity and grade.
Engine oil and filter, changing
A complete oil change requires new oil, a new filter insert kit,
and a new drain plug sealing washer. The tools needed, a
mm drain plug socket or box wrench, a 36 mm socket or
wrench, and a drain pan (8
- 10 US qt. capacity), are de-
scribed in
010 General.
If using a "fast 1ube"service facility for oil changes, make sure
the technician hand-starts and torques the engine oil drain
plug using hand-tools. Power tools can strip the threads of
the plug and the oil pan.
Run engine for afew minutes to warm engine oil. Shut engine
With car on level ground, place drain pan under oil drain plug.
Using a
36 mm socket, loosen and remove oil filter housing
cover (arrow). Remove filter cartridge and discard any
rings (V-8 engine oil filter housing shown, 6-cylinder oil filter
housing is sirnilar).
Using a socket or box wrench, loosen drain plug at oil drain
pan. Remove plug by hand and let oil drain into pan
(V-8 en-
gine oil drain plug shown, 6-cylinder drain plug is similar).
Pull the loose plug away from the hole quicldy to avoid being
scalded by hot oil. It will run out
quiclcly when the plug is re-
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020-1 4
- When oil flow has diminished to an occasional drip, reinstall
drain plug with a new metal sealing washer and torque plug.
Tightening torque Engine oil drain plug to oil pan
25 Nrn (1.8 ft-lb)
6-cylinder oil filter assembly
r------ 1
< Working at oil filter housing (1):
Lubricate and install new oil filter O-rings (3, 4).
Install a new filter cartridge (5).
lnstall and tighten housing cover (2).
6-cylinder oil filter assembly shown, V-8 is similar.
Tightening torque Cover to oil filter housing
25 Nm (1.8 it-lb)
- Refill crankcase with oil. Approximate oil capacity is listed in
Tabled. Engine oil with filter change. Use dipstick to
check correct oil level.
- Start engine and check that oil pressure warning light
immediately goes out.
- Allow engine to run fora few minutes to circulate new oil, then
check for leaks at drain plug and oil filter. Stop engine and re-
check oil level
The section describes other routine maintenance done in the
engine compartment. Information on engine oil service is
enkar~ier inthis group.
For these procedures, it is not necessary for the car to be
raised and supported off the ground.
Accelerator and linkage
The accelerator and linkage at the throttle housing should be
lubricated periodically. Use ageneral purposeoil on the joints
and bearings of the linkage. Use a multipurpose grease on
the bearing points of the throttle plate.
Air filter, replacing
The specified replacement intervals forthe air filter are based
on normal use. If the car is operated primarily in dusty
conditions, the air filter should be serviced more frequently.
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020-1 6
loose, hose is damaged, or connection is dirty or corroded.
Dried coolant has achalky appearance. Hoses should be firm
and springy. Replace any hose that is cracked, has become
soft and limp, or has been contaminated by oil.
4 As a preventive measure, replacement of the cooling system
hoses every four years is recommended. The illustration
shows examples of damage to coolant hoses. Any of these
conditions is cause for replacement (illustration courtesy of
/ Abrasion Damaged Hose Heat Damaged Hose 1 Gates Rubber Company, I~c.).
Engine drive belt, replacing
Drive belts and pulleys transfer power from the engine crank-
shaft to various accessories.
E39 models use two polyribbed
(serpentine) belts:
The outer belt turns the
NC compressor.
0 The inner, longer belt turns the alternator (generator), cool-
ant pump and power steering pump.
Inspect drive belts with the engine off. If the belt shows signs
of wear, cracking, glazing, or missing sections, it should be
immediately. To reduce the chance of belt failure
while driving, replacement of the belts every four years is
Observe care when replacing belts. Personal injury could
result if a tensioner springs back into position uncontrolled.
Mark drive belt rotation direction if removing and reusing an
old belt.
When belts are replaced with new ones, store the old set in
the trunk for emergency use.
All models, use
BMW special tools 11 5 030 and 11 5 040 to
loosen and remove cooling fan and clutch from coolant
32 mm cooling fan nut has left-hand threads
If necessary, remove fan cowl from radiator.
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- To remove battery corrosion:
Disconnect battery cables. Disconnect negative (-)cable
* Remove battery from trunk
Clean terminal posts and cable clamps with a wire brush.
Clean main chassis ground terminal next to battery.
Corrosion can be washed away with a
baking soda and
water solution that will neutralize acid.
Reinstall battery and reconnect cable clamps, positive
cable first.
Lightly coat outside of terminals, hold down screws, and
clamps with petroleum jelly, grease, or a commercial
battery terminal corrosion inhibitor.
Battery acid is extremely dangerous. Take care to keep it
from contacting eyes, skin, or clothing. Wear eye protection.
Extinguish all
smolihg materials and do not work near any
oaen flames.
Prior to disconnecting the batteg read the battery discon-
nection cautions given in
001 General Cautions and
The original equipment battery in E39 models is mainte-
nance free. The original electrolyte will normally last the
entire service life of the battery under moderate climate con-
Battery electrolyte should be maintained at the correct level
just above the battery plates and theirseparators. The correct
level is approximately
5 mm ('14 in.) above the top of battery
plates or to the top of the indicator
marks (if applicable). The
battery plates and the indicator marks can be seen once the
fillercaps are removed.
if theelectrolyte level is low, replenish
it by adding distilled water only.
4 The original equipment BMW battery is equipped with a
built-in hydrometer "magic eye"
(arrow). Battery condition is
determined by the color of the eye:
Green: Adequate charge
* Black: Inadequate charge, recharge
Yellow: Defective battery, replace
Batteries are rated by ampere hours (Ah), the number of
hours a specific current drain can be sustained before com-
plete discharge, or by cold cranking amps (CCA), the number
of amps available to crank the engine in cold weather