warning BMW 540i 2000 E39 Owner's Guide
[x] Cancel search | Manufacturer: BMW, Model Year: 2000, Model line: 540i, Model: BMW 540i 2000 E39Pages: 1002
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Engine Removal and lnstallationl
BMW uses three styles of fuel line connections; a one-time
single use clamp, a locking fitting that uses special tool
16 1
050 to release, and a quick release sleeve (arrow) that dis-
connects the line when depressed.
Fuel may be expelled under pressure. Do not smoke or work
near heaters or other fire hazards. Keep a fire extinguisher
handy Before disconnecting fuel hoses, wrap a cloth around
fuel hoses to absorb any leaking fuel. Plug all
oDen fuel lines.
< M52 engine: Remove throttle valve and ASC throttle
Disconnect ASC throttle cable
Remove ASC throttle housing mounting fasteners (El).
Clamp off, disconnect, and plug coolant hoses (C).
Disconnect throttle and cruise control cables (D).
Remove throttle housing mounting hardware and throttle
M52 TU, M54 engine: Throttle body is removed with intake
< M52 TU engine: Pull throttle cable out of rubber retainer (A)
and unloclc ball end of cable (6) from throttle actuator.
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Engine Removal and installatid
4 Remove cylinder head top cover:
Remove plastic trim caps
Remove cover retaining fasteners and lifl off cover.
- Remove alternator cooling tube.
4 Drain engine coolant and remove coolant hoses:
* Remove expansion tank cap on coolant reservoir.
Place a
3 gallon pail beneath engine to capture coolant,
* Remove coolant drain plug located on exhaust side of
2 of engine block (arrow).
Drain plug for M52 TU and M54 engine shown. Plug for M52
located between cylinders 4 and 5.
Drain radiator by removing plastic drain plug (arrow) from
bottom of radiator.
Use extreme caution when draining and disposing of engine
coolant Coolant is poisonous andlethal to humans andpets.
Pets are attracted to coolant because of its sweet smell and
taste. Seek medical attention immediately if coolant is ingest-
Catch and dispose of drained coolant according to local,
state, and federal laws.
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Engine Removal and Installation
Engine removal procedures are similar for all V-8 models.
When differences exist, they are noted at the beginning of
each step. Engine are referred to by engine code. If neces-
sary, See
100 Engine-General for engine code andappli-
cation information.
Be sure to cover all painted surfaces before beginning the
removal procedure. As an aid to installation, label all com-
ponents, wires and hoses before removing them. Do not
reuse gaskets, O-rings or seals during reassembly
Due to risk ofpersonal injury, be sure the engine is cold be-
fore beginning the
removal procedure.
- Disconnect negative (-) cable from battery.
Prior to disconnecting the battery, read the battery discon-
nection cautions given in
001 General Cautions and
- Remove engine hood or place hood in service position. See
410 Fenders, Engine Hood.
intake manifold cover, version 1:
Remove plastic trim caps (arrows).
Remove cover mounting fasteners and
lift off cover.
Remove intake manifold cover, version
Press down on locking pins (arrows) to release locks
Lifl cover straight
up to remove.
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I Engine Removal and Installation
Use extreme caution when draining and disposing of engine
coolant. Coolant is poisonous andlethal to humans andpets.
Pets are attracted to coolant because of its sweet smell and
taste. Seek medical attention immediately if coolant is ingest-
Working at rear of intake manifold:
Disconnect brake booster vacuum line (A).
Disconnect fuel tank vent line
Disconnect hoses (C and D) at coolant manifold
- Remove transmission harness support (E).
- Remove oil filter housing assembly from fender:
- Remove oil filter housing mounting fasteners.
Use stiff wire to secure oil filter housing to engine.
Do not disconnect oil lines from filter housing.
4 Disconnect supply and return fuel lines (where applicable) at
or near fuel rail. Plug open fuel lines.
BMW uses three styles of fuel line connections; a slngle use
clamp, a locking fitting that uses special tool
16 7 050 to re-
lease, and a
quiclc release sleeve (arrows) that disconnects
the line when depressed.
Fuel In fuel line is under pressure (approx. 3 - 5 bar or45 -
75 psi) and may be expelled. Do not smoke or worlc near
heaters or other fire hazards. Keep a fire extinguisher
handy. Before disconnecting fuel hoses, wrap a cloth
around fuel hoses to absorb any lealcing fuel. Catch and
dispose of escaped fuel. Plug all open fuel lines.
. Always unscrew the fuel tank cap to release pressure
in the tank before worlcing on the tank or lines.
< Remove air filter housing and mass air flow sensor:
Disconnect mass air flow sensor (A) and
intalte air temper-
ature sensor
(6) electrical harness connectors.
. Remove air filter housing mounting fastener (arrow).
Loosen intake hose clamp (C).
M62 engine: Remove hose at idle air stabilizer.
Remove air filter housing with mass air flow sensor.
Remove intalte hose from throttle body.
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11 3-6
Cylinder Head Removal and Installation
- Disable ignition system by removing DME main relay. See
610 Component Locations for relay location.
. The ignition system produces high voltages that can be fa-
tal. Avoid contact with exposed terminals and use
caution when working on a car with the ignition switched on
or the engine running.
Do not touch or disconnect ignition
components while
the engine is running or being cranked by the starter.
Failure to remove the DME main relay or attempting to
bie the fuel andignition systems by other methods may result
in damaoe to the enoine control module
- - Remove plastic cylinder head cover(s)
,,I . ,. .*,.,,&- - Remove coil grounding straps.
I nition system components. I
- Remove coils.
- Remove spark plugs from all cylinders.
Check the spark plugs for oil deposits that may indicate poor
cylinder sealing, then set them aside in order. Used spark
plugs should be reinstalled in the same cylinder from which
they were removed.
4 Install compression gauge in first cylinder spark plug hole,
tight enough to form a good seal.
- With parking brake set, transmission in PARK or NEUTRAL,
and accelerator pedal pressed to floor, crank engine with
starter. Record highest value indicated by gauge.
* The compression gauge reading should increase with
each compression stroke and reach near its maximum
reading in about
4-6 strokes.
All cylinders should reach maximum compression in the
same number of
strolces. If a cylinder needs significantly
more strokes to reach
maximum compression, there is a
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[cylinder Head Removal and Installation 1
Cylinder leak-down test
The most conclusive diagnosis of low compression symp-
toms requires a cylinder leak-down test. Using a special
tester and compressed air, each cylinder, in turn, is pressur-
ized. The rate at which the air leaks out of the cylinder, as well
as where the air leaks out, can accurately pinpoint the magni-
tude and location of the leakage.
Before attempting any repair that requires major engine dis-
assembly, use a leak-down test to confirm low compression.
Due to rislc of personal fnjur~: be sure the engine is cold be-
fore beginning the removal procedure.
Cylinder head removal and installation is a time consuming
repair procedure requiring multiple special
service tools.
Read the entire procedure before beginning the repair.
This procedure includes the following steps:
Cylinder head, removing,
M52 engine
Cylinder head, installing,
M52 engine
Cylinder head, removing, M52 engine
- Disconnect negative (-) cable from battery in luggage com-
Prior to disconnecting the battea read the battery discon-
nection cautions in 001 General Cautions and Warnings.
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Cylinder Head Removal and Installation
4 Working above engine, disconnect the following:
Vent line from cylinder head cover
. Oxygen sensor connectors (B).
Electrical harness connector from VANOS solenoid
Electrical harness connectors at throttle valve position
(D), ASC valve position switch (E), fuel injector har-
(F) and vent valve (G).
Be sure to mark oxygen sensor harness connectors so that
they can be reassembled correctly Do not interchange con-
4 Where applicable, remove schraeder valve cap (arrow) from
air connection on fuel rail. Using a tire chuck, blow fuel back
through feed line using a brief burst of compressed air (max-
imum of
3 bar or 43.5 psi).
. Fuel in fuel line is underpressure (approx. 3 - 5 bar or 45 -
75 psi) and may be expelled. Do not smoke or work near
heaters or other fire hazards. Keep a fire extinguisher
handy Before disconnecting fuel hoses, wrap a cloth
around fuel hoses to absorb any leaking fuel. Catch and
dispose of escaped fuel. Plug open fuel lines.
- Always unscrew the fuel rank cap ro release pressure
;n the tank before working on the tank or lines.
Disconnect fuel lines by sliding locking collar in (arrows) and
pulling lines apart.
BMW uses three styles of fuel line connections; a one-time
clamp; a locking fitting that uses BMWspecial tool 16 1
050 to release; and a quick release sleeve (above) that dis-
connects the line when depressed.
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Cylinder Head Removal and Installation / -
< Use a spanner tool to rotate exhaust sprocket until stop on in-
take sprocket is contacted.
- Slide VANOS control unit forward to remove
Remove primary chain tensioner (arrow)
Remove tensioner slowly - it is under spring pressure. I
- Working at the intake side of cylinder 1 :
Detach electrical harness connector for camshaft position
sensor and remove sensor.
Detach electrical harness connector for coolant tempera-
ture sensor.
- Remove exhaust manifolds. D~scard nuts. See 180 Exhaust
Disconnect heating system hoses (arrows) from back of cyl-
inder head.
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1 13-22
Cylinder Head Removal and Installation
Due to risk ofpersonal injur)c be sure the engine is cold be-
beqinning the removal procedure.
Cylinder head removal and installation is a time consuming
repair procedure requiring multiple special service tools.
Read the entire procedure before beginning the repair.
This topic includes the following procedures:
* Cylinder head, removing, M52 TU and M54 engines
Cylinder head, installing,
M52 TU and M54 engines
Cylinder head, removing,
M52 TU and M54 engines
Allow engine to cool before beginning this procedure.
- Disconnect negative (-) cable from battery.
Prior to disconnecting the battery, read the battery discon-
nection cautions in
001 General Cautions and Warnings.
4 Remove left and right interior ventilation ducts (left side
Release ventilation filter cover latch
(A) and remove cover.
Release plastic locking tab
(6) or release locking tabs on
top of duct (later models).
= Turn duct counterclocltwise to unlock from bullthead and
remove (arrow).
Disconnect electrical harness from hood switch (C).
Release spring lock fastener
- Slide filter housing away from inner fender to remove.
Removal of right side ventilation
Remove rear bulkhead panel:
Lift off rubber sealing
gasket (arrow)
- Remove 3 mounting clips (A).
Remove 4 retaining screws (6).
Lift off panel.
: is similar
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. .- -
Cylinder Head Removal and Installation
- Working at side of intake manifold near left strut tower, dis-
connect intake manifold resonance valve electrical harness
4 Disconnect fuel injector electrical harness connectors from
- Use small screwdriver to pry out wire lock clip on fuel injec-
1 connector.
Repeat for remaining injectors.
Release harness conduit fasteners from injector rail.
- Disconnect intake air temperature sensor electrical har-
ness connection (between intake runners for cylinders
and 4).
Lift off connector assembly and lay aside.
4 Where applicable, remove schraeder valve cap (arrow) from
ra~l. Using a tire chuck, blow fuel back through feed line
using a brief burst of compressed air (maximum of
3 bar or
43.5 psi).
Fuel is underpressure (approx. 3 - 5 bar or 45 - 75psi) and
may be expelled. Do not smoke or
work near heaters or
other fire hazards. Keep a fire extinguisher handy Before
d~sconnecting fuel hoses, wrap a cloth around fuel hoses
to absorb any leaking fuel. Catch and
dfspose of escaped
fuel. Plug all open fuel lines.
Always unscrew the fuel tank cap to release pressure
I in the tank before working on the tank or lines.
Disconnect manifold vacuum line (arrow)
Raise car and support in a safe manner,
Make sure the car is stable and well supported at all times.
Use a professional automotive lift
orjack stands designed for
the purpose. A
floorjack is not adequate support.
Remove protective engine splash guard from below engine.