brake fluid BMW 540i 2000 E39 Workshop Manual
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001 General Warnings and Cautions
- Some repairs may be beyond your capability. If you lack the skills, - Catch draining fuel, oil, or brake fluid in suitable containers. Do
tools and equipment, or a suitable workplace for any procedure
not use
foodor beverage containers that might mislead someone
described in this manual, we suggest you leave such repairs to
drinking from them. Store flammable fluids away from fire
an authorized BMW dealer service department or other qualified
hazards. Wipe up spills at once, but do not store the oily rags,
shop. which can ignite and burn spontaneously.
. Do not reuse any fasteners that are worn or deformed. Many fas- Always observe good worRshop practices. Wear qoqqles when
teners are designed to be used only once and become
unreliable you operate machine tools or work with battery acid:kloves or
and mav fail when used a second time. This includes, but is not other
~rotective clothino should be worn whenever the iob re-
limited io, nuts, bolts, washers, self-locking nuts or bolts, clrclips yires' working with harmful substances.
and cotter pins. Always replace these fasteners with new parts.
Greases, lubricants and other automotive chemicals contain toxic
. Never work under a lifted car unless it is solidly supported on
substances, many of which are absorbed directly through the
desiqned for the purpose. Do not supeort a car on cinder
skin. Read the manufacturer's instructions and warninos careful-
blochs, hollow tiles orotherbrops that may drurnbie undercontin-
uous toad. Never work under a car that is supported solely by a
iack. Never work under the car
while the enqine is runninq. - -
If you aregoing to work underacaron the ground, makesure that
the ground is level. Block the wheels to
keep the car from rolling.
Disconnect the battery negative
(-) terminal to prevent others
from starting the car while you are under it.
- Never run the engine unless the work area is well ventilated. Car-
bon monoxide kills.
Rings, bracelets and other jewelry should be removed so that
they cannot cause electrical shorts, get caught in running ma-
chinery, or be crushed by heavy parts.
- Tie long hair behind your head. Do not wear a necktie, a scarf.
loose clothing, or a necklace when you work near machine tools
or running engines. if your hair, clothing, or jewelry were to get
caught in the machinery, severe injury could result.
DO not attempt to
work on your car if you do not feel well. You in-
crease the
danger of injuryto yourseliand others if you are tired,
uDset or have taken medication or anv other substance that mav
keep you from being fully alert.
Illuminate your work area adequately but safely. Use a portable
iy. Use hand and eye protection. Avoid direct skin conGct.
Disconnect the battery negative (-) terminal whenever you work
on the fuel system
orthe electrical system. Do not smokeorwork
near heaters or other fire hazards. Keep an approved fire extin-
guisher handy.
. Friction materials (such as brake pads or shoes or clutch discs)
contain asbestos fibers or other friction materials. Do not create
dust by grinding, sanding, or by cleaning with compressed air.
Avoid breathing dust. Breathing any
friclion material dust can
lead to serious diseases and may result in death.
giveoff explosive hydrogen gas during charging. Keep
sparks, lighted matches and open flame away from the top of the
battery. If hydrogen gas escaping from the cap vents is ignited, it
will ignite gas trapped in the cells and cause the battery to ex-
Connect and disconnect battery cables, jumper cables or a bat-
tery charger only wilh the ignition switched off. Do not disconnect
the battery while the engine is running.
Do not quick-charge the battery (for boost starting) for longer
than one minute. Wait at least one minute before boosting the
battery a second time.
. . safety lighiforworking lnsideor under the car. Make sure the bulb - Do not allow battery charging vollage to exceed 16.5 volts. If the
is enclosed bv a wire caoe. The hot filament of an accidentallv
batten! beoins ~roducina oas or boilino violentiv, reduce the
broken bulb can ignite spilled
fuel, vapors or oil. , - - - charglng rate. ~oostlng a sutfaled battery at a igh charging rate
can cause an
Continued on next page
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01 0-1 4
Specialty tool suppliers
Peake Research, Automotive Products Division
P.O. Box 28776
San Jose, CA 95159
[email protected]
Basic tool requirements
The basic hand tools described below can be used to accom-
plish most of the simple maintenance and repair tasks.
4 The common flat-blade type, Phillips type, and TorxO type
screwdrivers will handle almost all screws used on
Two or three different sizes of each type will be required,
since a screwdriver of the wrong size will damage the screw
4 Wrenches come in different styles, including open-end. 12
point box-end,
6 point box-end and flare nut. The basic open-
end wrench is the most widely used, but grips on only two
sides. The box-end wrench has better grip on all six sides of
a nut or bolt.
A 12 point box-end can loosen a nut or bolt where there is less
room for movement, while
a 6 point box-end provides better
grip. For hex fasteners on fluid lines, like brake lines and fuel
lines, a flare-nut wrench offers the advantages of a box-end
wrench with a slot that allows it to fit over the line.
The combination wrench is the most universal. It has one
open-end and one box-end. 10 mm and 13 mm wrenches are
the most common sizes needed.
A more complete set of
wrenches would include
6 mm through 19 mm sizes.
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Spare parts kit
Carrying a basic set of spare parts can prevent a rninorbreak-
down from turning into a major repair annoyance. The list be-
low is a good place to start.
Spare parts kit
- basic
Polyribbed drive
BMW engine oil: one or two quarts
BMW engine coolant:
1 gallon of premixed 50150 BMW
anti-freeze and water
Fuse assortment:
7.5A. IOA, 1 5A, 20A, 30A. 50A
Radiator hoses: upper and lower
Spare parts
kit - additional contents
Exterior lighting bulbs: headlight, bralte light, turn signal,
and taillight
* Wiper blades or blade inserts
Brake fluid: new, unopened bottle, DOT
4 specification
Main relay for DME system
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020 Maintenance
General ........................... .02 0.2
Special tools ........................ .02 0.2
Service Interval Indicator (Sll) ........... .02 0.3
Service Interval Indicator (Sll), resetting ... .02 0.3
Inspection I, Inspection 11 ............... .02 0.5
Maintenance Tables ................ .02 0.6
Fluid and Lubricant Specifications .. .02 0.9
Fluids and lubricants ................. .02 0.10
Engine Oil Service ................ .02 0.1 I
Engine oil. checking level ............. .02 0.12
Engine oil and filter. changing .......... .02 0-13
Engine Compartment Maintenance . .02 0.14
Accelerator and linkage ............... .02 0.14
Air filter. replacing ................... .02 0.1 4
Cooling system service ............... .02 0.15
Engine drive belt service .............. .02 0.16
Idlespeed .......................... 020-19
Catalytic converter and oxygen sensors .. .02 0.19
Power steering fluid, checking level ..... .02 0.20
Spark plugs ........................ .02 0.20
Spark plugs, replacing ................ .02 0.21
Interior ventilation microfilter, replacing ... .02 0.22
Other Mechanical Maintenance ..... .02 0.22
Battery, checking. cleaning. and replacing .02 0-22
Brake fluid. replacing ................. .02 0-24
Brake pad 1 rotor wear. checking ........ .02 0.24
Brake system, inspecting ............. .02 0.25
Parking brake. checking ............... 020-25
Clutch fluid. checking ................. 020-26
Differential oil level. checking ........... 020-26
Drive axle joint (CV joint) boots. inspecting 020-27
Exhaust system. inspecting ............ 020-27
Fuel filter. replacing .................. 020-27
Fuel tank and fuel lines. inspecting ...... 020-28
Suspension. front. inspecting ........... 020-29
Suspension. rear. inspecting ........... 020-29
Tires. checking inflation pressure ........ 020-29
Tires. rotating ....................... 020-29
Transmission service. automatic ........ 020-29
Transmission service. manual .......... 020-30
Transmission fluid. checking and filling
(manual transmission)
................ 020-30
Wheels. aligning ..................... 020-30
Body and Interior Maintenance ..... 020-31
Body and hinges. lubricating ........... 020-31
Exterior washing ..................... 020-31
Interior care ........................ 020-31
Leather upholstery and trim ............ 020-31
Polishing ........................... 020-32
Seat belts .......................... 020-32
Special cleaning ..................... 020-32
Washing chassis ..................... 020-32
Waxing ............................ 020-32
Windshield wiper blade maintenance ..... 020-33
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Table b. Inspection I Service (continued)
Checlt transmission and differential for
external lealts.
Check CV joint boots for damage or leaks.
check fuel tank, fuel lines, and
connections for
New parts
Tools Required required
Check condition, position, and mounting
exhaust system. Visually check and adjusl
if necessary.
Check power steering system for lealts.
Check power steering
fluid level and adjust
if necessary.
Check steering racidbox and tie rods for
tightness. Checit condition of front axle
joints, steering
linkage, and steering shaft
Check overall thickness of front and rear
bralte pads using
BMW special tool. If
replacement is necessary:
Examine brake disc surface.
Clean brake pad contact points in calipers
Grease wheel centering hubs.
Checlt thickness of parking brake linings
only when replacing rear brake shoes.
Checit operation of pariting brake and
adjust as necessary.
Checlt front control arm bushings for
damage or wear.
Check brake system connections and
for leaks, damage, and incorrect
positioning Warm
(~ealer service Irepair , required recommended lnformat~on
Check parking braite actuator. Adjust if
Check ail tire pressure (including spare)
and correct if necessary.
Checlt condition of tires (outer tread
surface), tread wear pattern: in case of
uneven wear, perform wheel alignment.
inspect entire body according to terms of
rust oerforation limited warrantv. (Must be
2 ~ perfdrmed at least every two years). I
Read out on-board diagnostic (OBD 11) fault
Checkengine coolant
system1 heater hose
connections for
Checit coolant level and antifreeze
protection level. Add coolant as necessary.
* 100113010BD
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--- -
Table c. Inspection II Service
New parts Warm engine Dealer service repair
Tools required required required recommended information
Engine compartment maintenance
Replace air filter element. (Note: reduce
replacement intervals in dusty operating
Replace brake
fluid every 2 years (time
interval begins from vehicle production
Cooling system service
Spark plug service
system maintenance
Replace coolant every 3 years (time
interval begins from vehicle production
Replace oxygen sensor every 160,000
(1 00,000 miles).
Oxygen sensor service
Spark plugs:
1 M62 engine:
Replace every 60,000 itm (48.000 miles).
TU I M54 1 M62 TU engine:
Replace every 160,000
ltm (100.000
< Engine oil viscosity (SAE grade) vs. operating temperature
range for the BMW engines covered in this manual.
Fluid and lubricant capacities and specifications are listed be-
low. See
Fluids and lubricants.
The use of fluids that do not meet BMW" specifications may
impair performance and
reliabilitl: and may void warranty
* 020
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020-1 1
Table g. Differential oil
(Lifetime fluid; no fluid change required)
/Approximate. capaclty (in~t~al fill) I Spec~f~cat~on , , .
G 1.6 liter
(1.7 US
at) I
188 Compact I .O liter BMW SAF-XO
(1 .I US ql) synthetic oil
liler 220 1215 Compact US qt) I
Table h. Engine Coolant
Year, model
latent heater:
V-8 13.5 liter
i. Brake fluid
Bralte system fiuld BMW hlgh
performance, DOT 4
9.9 liter (10.5 US qt)
11.4 liter (12.0 US qt)
With the introduction of synthetic oil and extended oil change
intervals, a new oil filterwith improved filter paper design was
introduced. The new filter paper resists deterioration caused
by high oil temperatures over an extended time.
Use BMW specified oil to top off the engine oil level between
oil changes.
BMW recommends the following engine oils:
j. Engine Oil Specification
IOii description I BMW part no.
1999 and later mineral
HP 5W-30
svnthetic oil 07
51 0 017 866
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tions. In general, replacement batteries should always be
rated equal or higher than the original battery.
The battery is held in place by a single hand screw and plate.
A secure battery hold-down is important in order to prevent
vibrations and road shoclt from damaging the battery.
Prior to disconnecting the baitem read the battery discon-
nection cautions given in
001 General Cautions and
Always disconnect the negative (-) cable first, and connect
it last. While changing the battery, clean away any corro-
sion in or around the battery tray
More battery and charging system information is in 121
Battery, Alternator, Starter.
Brake fluid, replacing
Brake fluid absorbs moisture easily, and moisture in the fluid
affects bralte performance and reliability. This is why
strictly recommends replacing the bralte fluid every two
years. When replacing or adding bralte fluid, use only new
fluid from previously unopened containers. Do not use brake
fluid that has been bled from the system, even
if it is brand
new. Use only DOT
4 brake fluid.
See 340 Brakes for brake fluid flushing procedures.
Brake pad 1 rotor wear, checking
Disc brakes are fitted at all four wheels. Although the brakes
are equipped with a brake pad warning system, the system
only monitors one wheel per axle. Pad thickness should be
checked whenever wheels are off or brake
worlt is being
4 Disc brake pad wear can be checked through opening in
Measure distance
(A) of brake pad "eai' to bralte rotor.
340 Brakes. Compare to specification below.
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7 Maintenance
< Unbolt caliper from steering arm to properly inspect:
Brake pad thickness
Brake rotor
Condition of caliper seal
Condition of caliper slider bolts (C)
Brake caliper removal and installation procedures are given
340 Brakes.
Brake pad lining minimum thickness
A 3.0 mm (0.12 in)
Brake system, inspecting
Routine maintenance of the brake system includes maintain-
ing the brake fluid in the reservoir,
checking bralte pads for
wear, checking parking brake function, and inspecting the
system for fluid lealts or other damage:
- Check that bralte hoses are correctly routed to avoid chafing
- lnspect unions and brake calipers for signs of fluid leaks.
- lnspect rigid lines for corrosion, dents, or other damage.
- Inspect flexible hoses for cracking
- Replace faulty hoses or lines as described in 340 Brakes.
Incorrect installation or overtightening hoses, lines, and
unions may cause chafing
orlealage. This can lead to partial
Parking brake, checking
The parking brake system is independent of the main braking
system and may require periodic adjustment depending on
use. Adjust the parking brake if the brake lever can be pulled
up more than
8 clicks. Check that the cable moves freely. A
description of the parking brake and
parlting bralte adjust-
ment can be found in
340 Brakes.
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The parking brake may lose some of its effectiveness if it is
not used frequently This is due to corrosion build-up on the
parking brake drum. To remove corrosion, apply the parking
brake just until it begins to grip, then pull the lever up one
more stop (click). Drive the car approximately 400 meters
ft.) and release the brake. To recheck the adjustment
of the parking brake see
340 Brakes.
Clutch fluid, checking
In cars equipped with manual transmission and clutch, the hy-
draulic clutch and the brake system share the same reservoir
and the same bralte fluid. Clutch fluid level and brake fluid lev-
el are checked at the same time.
* See 340 Brakes for more information.
210 Clutch for information on the clutch and the
hydraulic clutch operating system.
Differential oil level, checking
The E39 differential is filled with lifetime oil that ordinarily
does not need to be changed.
BMW recommends using only
a specially formulated synthetic gear oil
(SAF-XO) that is
available through an authorized
BM\N dealer parts depart-
ment. For additional information on this lubricant and any
other lubricants that may be compatible, contact an
BMW dealer service department.
< Check rear differential oil level at filler plug (arrow).
- Check lubricant level with car on a level surface:
Level is correct when fluid just reaches edge of filler hole.
If necessary, top up fluid.
Replace filler plug sealing ring.
Install and tighten oil filler plug when oil level is correct.
Use either a 14 mm or 17 mm Allen socket to remove the
drain plug.
If the car is raised in the air, it should be level when
checking or filling final drive fluid level.
Tightening torque
Filler plug to final drive housing 70 Nrn (52 it-lb)