transmission oil BMW 540i 2000 E39 Workshop Manual
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01 0-20
more information on the Check Engine Light and the on-
board diagnostic system.
The cars covered by this manual should be towed with a tow
truck using wheel lift or flat bed equipment. Do not tow the car
on all four wheels except
forvery short distances to move it to
a safe place.
Do not tow with sling-type equipment The front spoilers and
b~m~er covers may sustain damage.
4 To access threaded towing eye socltet, pry open trim on front
or rear bumper.
A towing eye is provided in the luggage compartment tool lcit.
The towing eye can be screwed into the front or rear bumper.
4 Install towing eye into threaded hole.
- Standard transmission: Do not tow with rear wheels on
ground unless absolutely necessary.
- Automatic transmission: Have rear wheels placed on dollies,
or use flat bed truck. Use towing eye for winching vehicle on
flat bed.
Automatic transmission fluid (ATF) does not circulate when
I the car is towed. Severe transmission damage may result.
Be sure transrnission fluid has been topped off before
starting tow.
Always tow car with transrnission lever in
N (neutral).
. ATF draining and filling is covered in 240 Automatic
Be sure to read the filling and draining pro.
cedure, as special service equipment is required to
the fluid level.
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020 Maintenance
General ........................... .02 0.2
Special tools ........................ .02 0.2
Service Interval Indicator (Sll) ........... .02 0.3
Service Interval Indicator (Sll), resetting ... .02 0.3
Inspection I, Inspection 11 ............... .02 0.5
Maintenance Tables ................ .02 0.6
Fluid and Lubricant Specifications .. .02 0.9
Fluids and lubricants ................. .02 0.10
Engine Oil Service ................ .02 0.1 I
Engine oil. checking level ............. .02 0.12
Engine oil and filter. changing .......... .02 0-13
Engine Compartment Maintenance . .02 0.14
Accelerator and linkage ............... .02 0.14
Air filter. replacing ................... .02 0.1 4
Cooling system service ............... .02 0.15
Engine drive belt service .............. .02 0.16
Idlespeed .......................... 020-19
Catalytic converter and oxygen sensors .. .02 0.19
Power steering fluid, checking level ..... .02 0.20
Spark plugs ........................ .02 0.20
Spark plugs, replacing ................ .02 0.21
Interior ventilation microfilter, replacing ... .02 0.22
Other Mechanical Maintenance ..... .02 0.22
Battery, checking. cleaning. and replacing .02 0-22
Brake fluid. replacing ................. .02 0-24
Brake pad 1 rotor wear. checking ........ .02 0.24
Brake system, inspecting ............. .02 0.25
Parking brake. checking ............... 020-25
Clutch fluid. checking ................. 020-26
Differential oil level. checking ........... 020-26
Drive axle joint (CV joint) boots. inspecting 020-27
Exhaust system. inspecting ............ 020-27
Fuel filter. replacing .................. 020-27
Fuel tank and fuel lines. inspecting ...... 020-28
Suspension. front. inspecting ........... 020-29
Suspension. rear. inspecting ........... 020-29
Tires. checking inflation pressure ........ 020-29
Tires. rotating ....................... 020-29
Transmission service. automatic ........ 020-29
Transmission service. manual .......... 020-30
Transmission fluid. checking and filling
(manual transmission)
................ 020-30
Wheels. aligning ..................... 020-30
Body and Interior Maintenance ..... 020-31
Body and hinges. lubricating ........... 020-31
Exterior washing ..................... 020-31
Interior care ........................ 020-31
Leather upholstery and trim ............ 020-31
Polishing ........................... 020-32
Seat belts .......................... 020-32
Special cleaning ..................... 020-32
Washing chassis ..................... 020-32
Waxing ............................ 020-32
Windshield wiper blade maintenance ..... 020-33
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The information given in this repair group includes the routine
checlts and maintenance steps that are both required by
BMW under the terms of the vehicle warranty protection and
recommended by BMW to ensure long and reliable vehicle
Aside from keeping your car in the best possible condition,
proper maintenance plays a role in maintaining full protection
BMW's new car warranty coverage. If in doubt about
the terms and conditions of your car's warranty, an autho-
rized BMW dealer should be able to explain them to you.
Special tools
Some special tools are required for performing engine main-
tenance tasks. Be sure to have the necessary equipment on
hand before starting any job.
4 Hand pump for manual transmission lifetime oil
71 (Tool No. BMW 002 080)
4 Cooling fan counterhold wrench
(Tool No. BMW 11 5 030)
I I 4 Coolina fan wrench
4 Service position hood props
(Tool No. BMW 51 2 160)
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020-1 0
Maintenance Fluids and lubricants
Table d. Engine oil with filter change
BMW part no.
07 510 017 868
5W-30 synthetic oil
BMW part no.
07 51 0 017 866
- 1998
15W-40 mineral oil
6-cylinder models
Table e. Manual transmission oil
liters (6.9 US qt)
Getrag S5D 250G 1 .I liters (1.2 US
quarts) BMW
part no.
83 22 408 942
S6S 420G 11.9
liters (2.0 US
Table f. Automatic transmission fluid
Lifetime fluid (drain and refill)
(Additional fluid required when installing dry torque converter)
Approximate I , , . Transmission Icapacity Spec~flcatlon
1.3 liters (1.4 US . .
A5S 31 02
Trell~~2634) Total 9.7 liter volume: (10.2 US qt)
Oil change volume:
4.0 liter (4.2 US qt)
A5S 360R /~otal volume:
7.8 liter (8.2 US qt)
Oil change volume:
3.3 liter (3.5 US
(Exxon LT 71141) -.
BMW 83229407 807
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The parking brake may lose some of its effectiveness if it is
not used frequently This is due to corrosion build-up on the
parking brake drum. To remove corrosion, apply the parking
brake just until it begins to grip, then pull the lever up one
more stop (click). Drive the car approximately 400 meters
ft.) and release the brake. To recheck the adjustment
of the parking brake see
340 Brakes.
Clutch fluid, checking
In cars equipped with manual transmission and clutch, the hy-
draulic clutch and the brake system share the same reservoir
and the same bralte fluid. Clutch fluid level and brake fluid lev-
el are checked at the same time.
* See 340 Brakes for more information.
210 Clutch for information on the clutch and the
hydraulic clutch operating system.
Differential oil level, checking
The E39 differential is filled with lifetime oil that ordinarily
does not need to be changed.
BMW recommends using only
a specially formulated synthetic gear oil
(SAF-XO) that is
available through an authorized
BM\N dealer parts depart-
ment. For additional information on this lubricant and any
other lubricants that may be compatible, contact an
BMW dealer service department.
< Check rear differential oil level at filler plug (arrow).
- Check lubricant level with car on a level surface:
Level is correct when fluid just reaches edge of filler hole.
If necessary, top up fluid.
Replace filler plug sealing ring.
Install and tighten oil filler plug when oil level is correct.
Use either a 14 mm or 17 mm Allen socket to remove the
drain plug.
If the car is raised in the air, it should be level when
checking or filling final drive fluid level.
Tightening torque
Filler plug to final drive housing 70 Nrn (52 it-lb)
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Suspension, front, inspecting
Inspection of the front suspension and steering includes a
check of all moving parts
forwear and excessive play. Inspect
ball joint and tie-rod rubber seals and boots for cracks
that could allow the entry of dirt, water, and other
contaminants. See
310 Front Suspension.
Suspension, rear, inspecting
Differential and rear drive axle service consists of checking
and changing the gear oil, inspecting for leaks, and checking
the drive axle
CV joint boots for damage.
The areas where
lealts are most likely to occurare around the
drive shaft and drive axle mounting flanges. For more infor-
mation on identifying oil leaks and theircauses, see
330 Rear
Suspension and
331 Final Drive.
Tires, checking inflation pressure
Correct tire pressures are important to handling and stability,
fuel economy, and tire wear. Tire pressures change with tem-
perature. Pressures should be
checked oRen during season-
al temperature changes. Correct inflation pressures can be
found on the driver's door pillar and in the owner's manual.
Note that tire pressures should be higher when the car is
more heavily loaded.
Do not inflate any tire to a pressure higher than the tire's max-
imum inflation pressure listedon the sidewall. Use care when
adding air to warm tires. Warm tire pressures can increase as
much as
4 psi (0.3 bar) over their coldpressures.
Tires, rotating
BMW does not recommend tire rotation. Due to the car's sus-
pension design, the front tires begin to wear first at the outer
shoulder and the reartires begin to wearfirst at the middle of
the tread or inner shoulder. Rotating the tires may adversely
affect road handling and tire grip.
Transmission service, automatic
The automatic transmissions installed in E39 models are
filled with special automatic transmission fluid. The transmis-
sion lubricant type can be found on the "type-plate" on the
side of the transmission. The recommended lubricants are
listed earlier in this repair group. See Fluids and lubricants.
If in doubt, consult an authorized BMW dealer for alternate
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fluid use and the most-up-to-date information regarding
transmission operating fluids.
The automatic transmission is not equipped with a dipstick.
Therefore, checking the ATF level is an involved procedure
which includes measuring and maintaining a specified ATF
temperature during the checking procedure.
For more complete
ATF service information, including
ATF level and ATF filter replacement procedures,
240 Automatic Transmission.
Transmission service, manual
Manual transmission service consists of inspecting for leaks
and checking the fluid. Evidence of transmission leaks is
ly to be seen around the driveshaft mounting flange and at the
bottom of the bellhousing.
For more information on identifying oil
leaks and their
causes, see 230 Manual Transmission and210 Clutch.
Transmission fluid, checking and filling
(manual transmission)
Tne manual transmss'on inslalleo 'n rne E39 models s f;lled
with a special liierime iluid (ivlTF-LT-I). oi. ordinarily
not need to be changed.
< Check manual transmission oil level at transmission filler plug
(A). Make sure car is on level surface.
NOTE- Transmission fluid level
checking and replacement
procedures are covered in 230 Manual Transmission.
Wheels, aligning
BMW recommends checking the front and rear alignment
once a year and whenever new tires are installed.
See 320 Steering and Wheel Alignment for a more detailed
discussion of alignment requirements and specifications.
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I Engine Removal and Installation
Use extreme caution when draining and disposing of engine
coolant. Coolant is poisonous andlethal to humans andpets.
Pets are attracted to coolant because of its sweet smell and
taste. Seek medical attention immediately if coolant is ingest-
Working at rear of intake manifold:
Disconnect brake booster vacuum line (A).
Disconnect fuel tank vent line
Disconnect hoses (C and D) at coolant manifold
- Remove transmission harness support (E).
- Remove oil filter housing assembly from fender:
- Remove oil filter housing mounting fasteners.
Use stiff wire to secure oil filter housing to engine.
Do not disconnect oil lines from filter housing.
4 Disconnect supply and return fuel lines (where applicable) at
or near fuel rail. Plug open fuel lines.
BMW uses three styles of fuel line connections; a slngle use
clamp, a locking fitting that uses special tool
16 7 050 to re-
lease, and a
quiclc release sleeve (arrows) that disconnects
the line when depressed.
Fuel In fuel line is under pressure (approx. 3 - 5 bar or45 -
75 psi) and may be expelled. Do not smoke or worlc near
heaters or other fire hazards. Keep a fire extinguisher
handy. Before disconnecting fuel hoses, wrap a cloth
around fuel hoses to absorb any lealcing fuel. Catch and
dispose of escaped fuel. Plug all open fuel lines.
. Always unscrew the fuel tank cap to release pressure
in the tank before worlcing on the tank or lines.
< Remove air filter housing and mass air flow sensor:
Disconnect mass air flow sensor (A) and
intalte air temper-
ature sensor
(6) electrical harness connectors.
. Remove air filter housing mounting fastener (arrow).
Loosen intake hose clamp (C).
M62 engine: Remove hose at idle air stabilizer.
Remove air filter housing with mass air flow sensor.
Remove intalte hose from throttle body.
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11 0-20
Engine Removal and Installation
Working at right side of transmission bellhousing, disconnect
electrical harness connections (arrows) from starter. Re-
move starter retaining bolts and remove starter from trans-
mission mount.
M62 TU engine: Disconnect electrical harness connector
for right oxygen sensor from retaining clip and remove re-
taining clip from transmission.
- Working underneath engine compartment at left side:
Unclip positive battery cable from oil pan.
. Remove alternator cooling duct.
4 M62 engine: Remove fastener A and plug connector B from
- M62 TU engine: Remove electrical harness connectors from
front of water cooled alternator.
- Remove exhaust system and transmission. See 180 Ex-
haust System and 230 Manual Transmission or 240 Auto-
matic Transmission.
- Working at front of engine:
Remove upper and lower hoses from radiator.
D~sconnect expansion tank hose from coolant pump.
- Remove belt-driven cooling fan:
Counterhold fan with special tool
11 5 050.
Turn fan mounting nut (32 mm) clockwise (left hand
threads) to loosen.
Rotate fan clockwise to remove.
Remove cooling fan shroud:
Disconnect electrical connectors from coolant level sensor
(B) and coolant temperature sensor (C).
. Remove expansion rivets (A) from each side of shroud
Remove coolant hose
Slide fan shroud with expansion tank up. Remove radiator
overflow tube from spout of expansion tank. Remove radi-
ator fan shroud with expansion tank.
Remove radiator. See
170 Radiator and Cooling System.
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-- Engine Removal and installation' -
Remove polyribbed A/C compressor belt:
Mark direction of belt travel if belts are to be reused.
Loosen bolts
Turn adjusting lug (B) clocltwise to release belt tension.
Working beneath car, remove power steering pump and air
conditioner compressor. Suspend from body using stiff wire.
Remove exhaust manifolds. See
180 Exhaust System.
< lnstall engine lifting device (BMW 11 0 000 or equivalent) to
front and rear engine supports and raise engine until it's
weight is supported. Detach engine mounts.
a Watch carefully for hoses and electrical wires that might
- installation is reverse of removal:
Replace all gaskets, O-rings and seals.
V-8 engine mounts have two sets of mounting holes. E39
cars use front most mounting holes.
* On cars with automatic transmission, use new O-rings at
ATF cooler lines.
Use new alignment sleeves when installing transmission.
Be sure engine drive belts properly engage pulley grooves.
When installing belt, preload tensioner to stop (toward
belt), then tighten tensioner clamping nut.
lnstall front exhaust pipes using new gasltets and copper
paste and new mounting hardware. See
180 Exhaust
Change engine oil and filter. Check all other fluid levels as
described in
020 Maintenance.
Refill and bleed cooling system as described in
170 Radi-
ator and Cooling System.
Do not interchange knoclc sensor harness connectors. Seri-
ous engine damage may result