wheel FORD ECOSPORT 2020 Owners Manual
[x] Cancel search | Manufacturer: FORD, Model Year: 2020, Model line: ECOSPORT, Model: FORD ECOSPORT 2020Pages: 448, PDF Size: 16.57 MB
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Steering Wheel
Adjusting the Steering Wheel....................71
Audio Control...................................................71
Voice Control...................................................72
Cruise Control.................................................72
Information Display Control......................72
Heated Steering Wheel...............................72
Wipers and Washers
Windshield Wipers........................................74
Windshield Washers....................................76
Rear Window Wiper and Washers...........77
General Information.....................................78
Lighting Control.............................................78
Instrument Lighting Dimmer....................80
Headlamp Exit Delay..................................80
Daytime Running Lamps.............................81
Front Fog Lamps............................................81
Direction Indicators......................................82
Interior Lamps................................................82
Ambient Lighting...........................................83
Windows and Mirrors
Power Windows............................................84
Exterior Mirrors...............................................85
Interior Mirror..................................................86
Instrument Cluster
Warning Lamps and Indicators...............89
Audible Warnings and Indicators............92
Information Displays
General Information.....................................93
Trip Computer................................................96
Information Messages................................96
Climate Control
Principle of Operation...............................106
Air Vents.........................................................106
Manual Climate Control - Vehicles With:Electronic Manual TemperatureControl (EMTC)........................................107
Automatic Climate Control - VehiclesWith: Electronic AutomaticTemperature Control (EATC).............108
Hints on Controlling the Interior Climate- Vehicles With: Electronic AutomaticTemperature Control (EATC)..............110
Hints on Controlling the Interior Climate- Vehicles With: Electronic ManualTemperature Control (EMTC)...............111
Heated Rear Window - Vehicles With:Electronic Automatic TemperatureControl (EATC)...........................................111
Heated Rear Window - Vehicles With:Electronic Manual TemperatureControl (EMTC).........................................112
Heated Exterior Mirrors...............................112
Cabin Air Filter................................................112
Remote Start..................................................112
Sitting in the Correct Position..................115
Head Restraints.............................................115
Manual Seats..................................................117
Power Seats...................................................119
Rear Seats.......................................................122
Heated Seats.................................................125
Auxiliary Power Points
Auxiliary Power Points................................127
Storage Compartments
Center Console.............................................129
Glasses Holder..............................................129
EcoSport (CBW) Canada/United States of America, Vehicles Built From: 17-06-2019, LN1J-19A321-ZFA enUSA, Edition date: 201904, First-PrintingTable of Contents
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Starting and Stopping theEngine
General Information...................................130
Ignition Switch..............................................130
Push Button Ignition Switch.....................131
Starting a Gasoline Engine.......................133
Engine Block Heater...................................134
Automatic Engine Shutdown..................135
Unique Driving Characteristics
Fuel and Refueling
Safety Precautions.....................................138
Fuel Quality - Gasoline..............................138
Fuel Filler Funnel Location.......................139
Running Out of Fuel...................................139
Fuel Consumption.......................................143
Engine Emission Control
Emission Law................................................145
Catalytic Converter.....................................146
Automatic Transmission..........................149
Four-Wheel Drive
Using Four-Wheel Drive............................153
General Information....................................157
Hints on Driving With Anti-Lock Brakes.........................................................................158
Parking Brake................................................158
Hill Start Assist.............................................158
Traction Control
Principle of Operation...............................160
Using Traction Control..............................160
Stability Control
Principle of Operation.................................161
Using Stability Control...............................161
Parking Aids
Principle of Operation................................162
Rear Parking Aid...........................................162
Rear View Camera......................................163
Cruise Control
Principle of Operation................................167
Using Cruise Control...................................167
Driving Aids
Blind Spot Information System.............169
Cross Traffic Alert........................................170
Load Carrying
Luggage Anchor Points..............................174
Rear Under Floor Storage.........................174
Luggage Covers............................................174
Roof Racks and Load Carriers.................175
Load Limit.......................................................176
Towing a Trailer.............................................181
Trailer Sway Control....................................181
Recommended Towing Weights...........182
Essential Towing Checks..........................183
Towing Points...............................................185
Transporting the Vehicle..........................186
Towing the Vehicle on Four Wheels......187
Driving Hints
Economical Driving.....................................188
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Cold Weather Precautions.......................188
Driving Through Water..............................188
Floor Mats......................................................189
Roadside Emergencies
Roadside Assistance.................................190
Hazard Flashers............................................191
Fuel Shutoff....................................................191
Jump Starting the Vehicle........................192
Post-Crash Alert System..........................195
Customer Assistance
Getting the Services You Need..............196
In California (U.S. Only).............................197
The Better Business Bureau (BBB) AutoLine Program (U.S. Only).....................198
Utilizing the Mediation/ArbitrationProgram (Canada Only).......................199
Getting Assistance Outside the U.S. andCanada.......................................................199
Ordering Additional Owner's Literature.........................................................................201
Reporting Safety Defects (U.S. Only).........................................................................201
Reporting Safety Defects (Canada Only).........................................................................201
Fuse Box Locations....................................203
Fuse Specification Chart.........................203
Changing a Fuse..........................................210
General Information....................................212
Opening and Closing the Hood..............212
Under Hood Overview - 1.0L EcoBoost™.........................................................................213
Under Hood Overview - 2.0L...................214
Engine Oil Dipstick - 1.0L EcoBoost™.........................................................................215
Engine Oil Dipstick - 2.0L..........................215
Engine Oil Check..........................................215
Oil Change Indicator Reset......................216
Engine Cooling Fan......................................217
Engine Coolant Check................................217
Automatic Transmission Fluid Check.........................................................................221
Brake Fluid Check........................................221
Washer Fluid Check....................................222
Fuel Filter........................................................222
Changing the 12V Battery........................223
Checking the Wiper Blades.....................224
Changing the Wiper Blades....................225
Adjusting the Headlamps........................225
Removing a Headlamp.............................227
Changing a Bulb..........................................228
Bulb Specification Chart..........................236
Changing the Engine Air Filter................237
Drive Belt Routing - 2.0L..........................238
Drive Belt Routing - 1.0L EcoBoost™........................................................................238
Vehicle Care
General Information..................................239
Cleaning Products......................................239
Cleaning the Exterior.................................240
Cleaning the Engine...................................242
Cleaning the Windows and Wiper Blades........................................................................242
Cleaning the Interior..................................243
Cleaning the Instrument Panel andInstrument Cluster Lens......................243
Cleaning Leather Seats............................244
Repairing Minor Paint Damage.............244
Cleaning the Wheels.................................244
Vehicle Storage...........................................245
Body Styling Kits.........................................247
Wheels and Tires
General Information..................................248
EcoSport (CBW) Canada/United States of America, Vehicles Built From: 17-06-2019, LN1J-19A321-ZFA enUSA, Edition date: 201904, First-PrintingTable of Contents
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Your vehicle has electronic control unitsthat have data recording functionality andthe ability to permanently or temporarilystore data. This data could includeinformation on the condition and status ofyour vehicle, vehicle maintenancerequirements, events and malfunctions.The types of data that can be recorded aredescribed in this section. Some of the datarecorded is stored in event logs or errorlogs.
Note:Error logs are reset following a serviceor repair.
Note:We may provide information inresponse to requests from law enforcement,other government authorities and thirdparties acting with lawful authority orthrough a legal process. Such informationcould be used by them in legal proceedings.
Data recorded includes, for example:
•Operating states of systemcomponents, for example fuel level,tire pressure and battery charge level.
•Vehicle and component status, forexample wheel speed, deceleration,lateral acceleration and seatbeltstatus.
•Events or errors in essential systems,for example headlamps and brakes.
•System responses to driving situations,for example airbag deployment andstability control.
•Environmental conditions, for exampletemperature.
Some of this data, when used incombination with other information, forexample an accident report, damage to avehicle or eyewitness statements, couldbe associated with a specific person.
Service Data
Service data recorders in your vehicle arecapable of collecting and storingdiagnostic information about your vehicle.This potentially includes information aboutthe performance or status of varioussystems and modules in the vehicle, suchas engine, throttle, steering or brakesystems. In order to properly diagnose andservice your vehicle, Ford Motor Company(Ford of Canada in Canada), and serviceand repair facilities may access or shareamong them vehicle diagnosticinformation received through a directconnection to your vehicle whendiagnosing or servicing your vehicle.Additionally, Ford Motor Company (Fordof Canada, in Canada) may, wherepermitted by law, use vehicle diagnosticinformation for vehicle improvement orwith other information we may have aboutyou, (for example, your contactinformation), to offer you products orservices that may interest you. Data maybe provided to our service providers suchas part suppliers that may help diagnosemalfunctions, and who are similarlyobligated to protect data. We retain thisdata only as long as necessary to performthese functions or to comply with law. Wemay provide information where requiredin response to official requests to lawenforcement or other governmentauthorities or third parties acting withlawful authority or court order, and suchinformation may be used in legalproceedings. For U.S. only (if equipped), ifyou choose to use connected apps andservices, you consent that certaindiagnostic information may also beaccessed electronically by Ford MotorCompany and Ford authorized servicefacilities, and that the diagnosticinformation may be used to provideservices to you, personalizing yourexperience, troubleshoot, and to improveproducts and services and offer you
EcoSport (CBW) Canada/United States of America, Vehicles Built From: 17-06-2019, LN1J-19A321-ZFA enUSA, Edition date: 201904, First-PrintingIntroduction
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products and services that may interestyou, where permitted by law. For Canadaonly, for more information, please reviewthe Ford of Canada privacy policy atwww.ford.ca, including our U.S. datastorage and use of service providers inother jurisdictions who may be subject tolegal requirements in Canada, the UnitedStates and other countries applicable tothem, for example, lawful requirements todisclose personal information togovernmental authorities in thosecountries.
Event Data
This vehicle is equipped with an event datarecorder. The main purpose of an eventdata recorder is to record, in certain crashor near crash-like situations, such as anairbag deployment or hitting a roadobstacle; this data will assist inunderstanding how a vehicle’s systemsperformed. The event data recorder isdesigned to record data related to vehicledynamics and safety systems for a shortperiod of time, typically 30 seconds or less.
The event data recorder in this vehicle isdesigned to record such data as:
•How various systems in your vehiclewere operating;
•Whether or not the driver andpassenger seatbelts werebuckled/fastened;
•How far (if at all) the driver wasdepressing the accelerator and/or thebrake pedal; and
•How fast the vehicle was traveling; and
•Where the driver was positioning thesteering wheel.
This data can help provide a betterunderstanding of the circumstances inwhich crashes and injuries occur.
Note:Event data recorder data is recordedby your vehicle only if a non-trivial crashsituation occurs; no data is recorded by theevent data recorder under normal drivingconditions and no personal data orinformation (e.g., name, gender, age, andcrash location) is recorded. However,parties, such as law enforcement, couldcombine the event data recorder data withthe type of personally identifying dataroutinely acquired during a crashinvestigation.
To read data recorded by an event datarecorder, special equipment is required,and access to the vehicle or the event datarecorder is needed. In addition to thevehicle manufacturer, other parties, suchas law enforcement, that have such specialequipment, can read the information if theyhave access to the vehicle or the eventdata recorder.
Comfort, Convenience andEntertainment Data
Your vehicle has electronic control unitsthat have the ability to store data basedon your personalized settings. The data isstored locally in the vehicle or on devicesthat you connect to it, for example, a USBdrive or digital music player. You can deletesome of this data and also choose whetherto share it through the services to whichyou subscribe. See Settings (page 355).
Comfort and Convenience Data
Data recorded includes, for example:
•Seat and steering wheel position.
•Climate control settings.
•Radio presets.
EcoSport (CBW) Canada/United States of America, Vehicles Built From: 17-06-2019, LN1J-19A321-ZFA enUSA, Edition date: 201904, First-PrintingIntroduction
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WARNING: Airbags do not inflateslowly or gently, and the risk of injuryfrom a deploying airbag is the greatestclose to the trim covering the airbagmodule.
WARNING: All occupants of yourvehicle, including the driver, shouldalways properly wear their seatbelts,even when an airbag supplementalrestraint system is provided. Failure toproperly wear your seatbelt couldseriously increase the risk of injury ordeath.
WARNING: Even with advancedrestraints systems, properly restrainchildren 12 and under in a rear seatingposition. Failure to follow this couldseriously increase the risk of injury ordeath.
WARNING: Do not place your armson the airbag cover or through thesteering wheel. Failure to follow thisinstruction could result in personal injury.
WARNING: Keep the areas in frontof the airbags free from obstruction. Donot affix anything to or over the airbagcovers. Objects could become projectilesduring airbag deployment or in a suddenstop. Failure to follow this instructioncould result in personal injury or death.
WARNING: Airbags can kill orinjure a child in a child restraint. Neverplace a rear-facing child restraint in frontof an active airbag. If you must use aforward-facing child restraint in the frontseat, move the seat upon which the childrestraint is installed all the way back.
WARNING: Do not attempt toservice, repair, or modify thesupplementary restraint system orassociated components. Failure tofollow this instruction could result inpersonal injury or death.
WARNING: Several airbag systemcomponents get hot after inflation. Toreduce the risk of injury, do not touchthem after inflation.
WARNING: If a supplementaryrestraint system component hasdeployed, it will not function again. Havethe system and associated componentsinspected as soon as possible. Failure tofollow this instruction could result inpersonal injury or death.
The airbags are a supplemental restraintsystem and are designed to work with theseatbelts to help protect the driver andright front passenger from certain upperbody injuries. Airbags do not inflate slowly;there is a risk of injury from a deployingairbag.
Note:You will hear a loud bang and see acloud of harmless powdery residue if anairbag deploys. This is normal.
The airbags inflate and deflate rapidlyupon activation. After airbag deployment,it is normal to notice a smoke-like, powderyresidue or smell the burnt propellant. Thismay consist of cornstarch, talcum powder(to lubricate the bag) or sodiumcompounds (for example, baking soda)that result from the combustion processthat inflates the airbag. Small amounts ofsodium hydroxide may be present whichmay irritate the skin and eyes, but none ofthe residue is toxic.
EcoSport (CBW) Canada/United States of America, Vehicles Built From: 17-06-2019, LN1J-19A321-ZFA enUSA, Edition date: 201904, First-PrintingSupplementary Restraints System
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While the system is designed to helpreduce serious injuries, contact with adeploying airbag may also cause abrasionsor swelling. Temporary hearing loss is alsoa possibility as a result of the noiseassociated with a deploying airbag.Because airbags must inflate rapidly andwith considerable force, there is the risk ofdeath or serious injuries such as fractures,facial and eye injuries or internal injuries,particularly to occupants who are notproperly restrained or are otherwise out ofposition at the time of airbag deployment.Thus, it is extremely important thatoccupants be properly restrained as faraway from the airbag module as possiblewhile maintaining vehicle control.
Routine maintenance of the airbags is notrequired.
WARNING: Do not place your armson the airbag cover or through thesteering wheel. Failure to follow thisinstruction could result in personal injury.
WARNING: Keep the areas in frontof the airbags free from obstruction. Donot affix anything to or over the airbagcovers. Objects could become projectilesduring airbag deployment or in a suddenstop. Failure to follow this instructioncould result in personal injury or death.
WARNING: Airbags can kill orinjure a child in a child restraint. Neverplace a rear-facing child restraint in frontof an active airbag. If you must use aforward-facing child restraint in the frontseat, move the seat upon which the childrestraint is installed all the way back.
The driver and front passenger airbags willdeploy during significant frontal and nearfrontal crashes.
The driver and passenger front airbagsystem consists of:
•Driver and passenger airbag modules.
•Front passenger sensing system.
· Crash sensors and monitoringsystem with readiness indicator.See Crash Sensors and AirbagIndicator (page 47).
Proper Driver and Front PassengerSeating Adjustment
WARNING: National HighwayTraffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)recommends a minimum distance of atleast 10 in (25 cm) between anoccupant's chest and the driver airbagmodule.
To properly position yourself away fromthe airbag:
•Move your seat to the rear as far as youcan while still reaching the pedalscomfortably.
•Recline the seat slightly (one or twodegrees) from the upright position.
EcoSport (CBW) Canada/United States of America, Vehicles Built From: 17-06-2019, LN1J-19A321-ZFA enUSA, Edition date: 201904, First-PrintingSupplementary Restraints System
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![FORD ECOSPORT 2020 Owners Manual ABOUT 911 ASSIST
911 Assist is a SYNC system feature thatcan call for help if you’re in an accident. Ifa crash deploys an airbag (excluding kneeairbags and rear inflatable seatbelts [ifequipped]) or FORD ECOSPORT 2020 Owners Manual ABOUT 911 ASSIST
911 Assist is a SYNC system feature thatcan call for help if you’re in an accident. Ifa crash deploys an airbag (excluding kneeairbags and rear inflatable seatbelts [ifequipped]) or](/img/11/40639/w960_40639-52.png)
911 Assist is a SYNC system feature thatcan call for help if you’re in an accident. Ifa crash deploys an airbag (excluding kneeairbags and rear inflatable seatbelts [ifequipped]) or activates the fuel pumpshut-off, your SYNC-equipped vehicle maybe able to contact emergency services bydialing 911 through a paired and connectedBluetooth-enabled phone. You can learnmore about the 911 Assist feature, byvisiting:
Not all crashes will deploy an airbag oractivate the fuel pump shut-off (thetriggers for 911 Assist). If a connected cellphone sustains damage or loses itsconnection to SYNC during a crash, SYNCwill search for and try to connect to apreviously paired cell phone; SYNC willthen attempt to call the emergencyservices.
Before making the call:
•SYNC provides a short window of time(about 10 seconds) to cancel the call.If you fail to cancel the call, SYNCattempts to dial 911.
•SYNC says the following, or a similarmessage: "SYNC will attempt to call911, to cancel the call, press Cancel onyour screen or press and hold thephone button on your steering wheel."
If you do not cancel the call, and SYNCmakes a successful call, a pre-recordedmessage plays for the 911 operator, andthen the occupant(s) in your vehicle is ableto talk with the operator. Be prepared toprovide your name, phone number andlocation immediately, because not all 911systems are capable of receiving thisinformation electronically.
During an emergency call, the systemtransmits vehicle data to the emergencyservice. See Data Recording (page 9).
WARNING: Do not wait for 911Assist to make an emergency call if youcan do it yourself. Dial emergencyservices immediately to avoid delayedresponse time which could increase therisk of serious injury or death after acrash. If you do not hear 911 Assist withinfive seconds of the crash, the system orphone may be damaged ornon-functional.
WARNING: Always place yourphone in a secure location in your vehicleso it does not become a projectile or getdamaged in a crash. Failure to do so maycause serious injury to someone ordamage the phone which could prevent911 Assist from working properly.
WARNING: Unless the 911 Assistsetting is set on before a crash, thesystem will not dial for help which coulddelay response time, potentiallyincreasing the risk of serious injury ordeath after a crash.
EcoSport (CBW) Canada/United States of America, Vehicles Built From: 17-06-2019, LN1J-19A321-ZFA enUSA, Edition date: 201904, First-Printing911 Assist
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WARNING: It is extremelydangerous to ride in a cargo area, insideor outside of a vehicle. In a crash, peopleriding in these areas are more likely to beseriously injured or killed. Do not allowpeople to ride in any area of your vehiclethat is not equipped with seats andseatbelts. Make sure everyone in yourvehicle is in a seat and properly using aseatbelt. Failure to follow this warningcould result in serious personal injury ordeath.
WARNING: Make sure that youfully close the tailgate to preventexhaust fumes from entering yourvehicle. If you are unable to fully closethe tailgate, open the air vents or thewindows to allow fresh air to enter yourvehicle. Failure to follow this instructioncould result in personal injury or death.
WARNING: Make sure that youfully close the tailgate to preventpassengers and cargo from falling out.Failure to follow this instruction couldresult in personal injury or death.
Note:Be careful when opening or closingthe tailgate in a garage or other enclosedarea to avoid damaging the tailgate.
Opening the Tailgate
tailgate release button.A
Note:Vehicle without Intelligent Access,you must unlock your vehicle in order toopen the tailgate.
Note:Vehicle with Intelligent Access youcan unlock your vehicle in order to open thetailgate or if an intelligent access key iswithin 3.3 ft (1 m) of the tailgate, thetailgate unlocks when you press the tailgaterelease button even if the vehicle is locked.
Note:For vehicles with a spare wheel, whenyou unlatch the tailgate and pull the exteriorhandle, the mechanism fully opens thetailgate. When closing, the mechanismslowly closes the tailgate.
Press the release button located on thetailgate right-hand tail lamp.
EcoSport (CBW) Canada/United States of America, Vehicles Built From: 17-06-2019, LN1J-19A321-ZFA enUSA, Edition date: 201904, First-PrintingDoors and Locks
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WARNING: Do not adjust thesteering wheel when your vehicle ismoving.
Note:Make sure that you are sitting in thecorrect position. See Sitting in the CorrectPosition (page 115).
1.Unlock the steering column.
2.Adjust the steering wheel to the desiredposition.
3.Lock the steering column.
Select the required source on the audiounit.
You can operate the following functionswith the control:
Volume up.A
Seek up or next.B
EcoSport (CBW) Canada/United States of America, Vehicles Built From: 17-06-2019, LN1J-19A321-ZFA enUSA, Edition date: 201904, First-PrintingSteering Wheel