Cvt transmission HONDA CIVIC 1998 6.G User Guide
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Page 110 of 2189
Engine Removal/lnstallation
Installation (cont'd)
Except CVT:
12 x 1.25 mm64 N.m (6.5 kgd.m,
Tighten the bolts/nut on the left front mount in thenumbered sequence shown {O - @).
(t 12 x 1.25 mm83 N'm (8.5 kgf.m,61 tbt.trl
/+4 N.m 14.5 kgf.m,33 lbt.trl
O 12 r 1.25 mm59 N.m 16.0 kgt.m,43 tbt.rtlSeplace.
7. Perform the following:
. Clean the areas where the driveshaft(s) and theintermediate shaft contact the transmission (dif_ferential) thoroughly with solvent or carburetorcteaner, and dry with compressed air.. Check that the set rings on the ends of the drive_shaft and intermediate shaft click into place.CAUTION: Use new set rings,. Adjust the shift cable (see section 14).. Adjust the throttle cable (see section 11).. Adjust the cruise control cable (see section 23).. Refill the engine with engine oil (see page 8-6).. Refill the transmission with fluid (see section 13,14).
. Refill the radiator with engine coolant (see page10-7).
. Bleed air from the cooling system with the heatervalve open (see page j0-7).
. Clean the battery posts and cable terminals withsandpaper, assemble them, then apply grease toprevent corrosaon.. Inspect for fuel leakage (see section j l).After assembling the fuel line, turn on l) the igni_tion switch (do not operate the starter) so that thefuel pump runs for approximately two secondsand the fuel line pressurizes. Repeat this opera_taon two or three times, then check for fuel leak_age at any point in the fuel line,
Page 373 of 2189
PGM-FI System
System Description
MAP Sensor
IAT SensorTP SensorEGR Valve Lift Sensor*'Primary H02SSecondary HO2SVSSBARO SensorELD*'KS€Starter SignalALT FR SignalAir Conditioning SignalA/T Gear Position SignalBattery Voltage {lGN.1}Erake Switch SignalPSP Switch SignalFuel Tank Pressure Sensor*iVTEC Pressure Switch*5Clutch Switch Signal*6Countershaft Speed SensornBMainshaft Speed Sensorrs
----t /
F;ilrr j"-----fi-tri-'r.;l
Fb"t."'i" d" c;;il
EaM/PcM B""k-p F"""till
Fuel IniectorsPGM-Fl Main Belay {Fuel Pump)MILIAC Valve!y'C Compressor Clutch RelayRadiator Fan Relay*,Condenser Fan RelayALT*'lcMEVAP Purge Control Solenoid
Primary HO2S HeaterSecondary H02S HeaterEGR Control Solenoid Valve*rEGR valve*6EVAP Bypass Solenoid Valve*'EVAP Control Canister Vent Shut
VTEC Solenoid Valve*5DLCLock-up Control Solenoid Valve*aShift Control Solenoid Valve*3Linear Solenoid Valve*3
*1: Dl6Y5 engine*2: USA model*3: CW (D16Y5 ensine), D16Y8 engine and 81642 ensine*4: '96 D16Y8 engine lcoupe),'97 Dl6Y7 engine (coupe: KL model, sedan: KL (LX) model),'97 D16Y8 engine {coupe: all models, sedan: KLmodel),'98-all models,'99'all models,'00-all models+5: D16Y5, D16Y8,816A2 engine*6: M/T (D16Y5 enginei*7: CVT 1D'l6Y5 engine)+8: A/T (D16Y7, D16Y8 engine)*9: '96 D16Y5 engine,'96 D16Y7 engine,'96 Dl6Y8 engine (sedan),'97 D16Y5 engine,'97 Dl6Y7 engine (coupe: KA, KC models, sedan:KA, KC, KL (LX) models, hatchback: all models),'97 D16Y8 engine (sedan: KA, KC modelsi
PGM-FI Sy3lem
The PGM-Fl system on this model is a sequential multipon fuel injection system.
Fuel iniector Timing and Duration
The ECM/PCM contains memories for the basic discharge durations at various engine speeds and manifold air flow rates.
The basic discharge duration, after being read out from the memory. is further modified by signals sent from various sen-
sors to obtain the final discharge duration.
ldle Air Control
ldle Air Control Valve llAC Valve)
When the engine is cold. the A,/C compressor is on, the transmission is in gear, the brake pedal is depressed, the P/S load
is high, or the alternator is charging, the ECM/PCM controls current to the IAC Valve to maintain the correct idle speed.
lgnition Timing Control
. The ECM/PCM contains memories for basic ignition timing at various engine speeds and manifold air flow rates.
lgnition timing is also adjusted for engine coolant temperature.
. Aknockcontrol system was adopted which sets the ideal ignition timing for the octane rating ofthegasoline used.*3
Othgr Control Funqtions
1. Starting Control
When the engine is started, the ECM/PCM provides a rich mixture by increasing fuel injector duration.
2. Fuel Pump Control
. When the ignition switch is initially turned on, the ECM/PCM supplies ground to the PGM-Fl main relay that sup-plies current to the fuel pump for two seconds to pressurize the fuel system.. When the engine is running, the ECI\4PCM supplies ground to the PGM-FI majn relay that supplies current to the fuel
. When the engine is not running and the ignition is on, the ECM/PCM cuts ground to the PGM-FI main relay which
cuts current to the fuel pump.
Page 485 of 2189
ldle Control System
Automatic Transaxle (CVTI Gear Position Signal
('96 -98 D16Y5 engine with CW)
This signals the ECM when the transmission is in @ or @ position.
Check the operation oI the A/Tgear position switch:1. Turn the ignition switch ON flt).2. Observe the A/T shift positionindicator and select each position separately.
See lhe A/T gear position indica-tor insp€ction {see sec{ion l/tl.
Check tor a short in the wir6 (ATpNP line):1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the 14P connectorIrom the gauge assembly.3. Disconnect the 26P connectorfrom the TCM.4. Turn the ignition switch ON fll).5. Measure voltage between ECMconnector terminals A9 andc29.
Check for a short in the wire lATpNP linell1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the ECM connector C (31P).
3. Check for continuity betweenbody ground and ECM connector terminal C29.
ls there approx. 5 V?
Check for an open in the wire lATpNP lina):1. Turn the ignition switch OFF_2. Beconnect the 14P connectorto the gauge assembly.3. Reconnect the 26P connectorto the TCM.4. Sta rt the engine.5. Measure voltage betweenECM connector terminals A9and C29 with the transmission in E and E posationt
Repair short in the wire betweenthe ECM {C291 and the gaugeassemblv,
Substitute a known-good ECMand recheck. lf prescribed volt-age is now avrilable, replace theo.iginalECM.
Wire side ot female terminals
(To page 11'217)
Page 492 of 2189
'98 - 0O D16Y5 ongine with CvT
Adjust the idle speed using a Honda PGM Tester if pos-
sible. lf not, use the following procedure:
. Leave the IAC valve connected.
. Before s€tting the idle speed, check the following
rtems:- The MIL has not been reported on.
- lgnition timing
- Spark Plugs- Air clean€r
- PCV svstem
'1. Connect a tachometer.
2. Stan the engine. Hold the engine at 3,000 rpm w'th
no load (transmission in E or E] position) until the
radiator Jan comes on, then let it idle.
3. Check the idle speed under no-load conditions:
head lights, blower fan, rear defogger, radiator fan,
and air conditioner are not operatlng.
ldlo spaod ehould bo: 700 t 50 rpm
. lf the idle speed is within the specification, the
procedure is comPlete.
. lf the idle sDeed is out of specitication, 9o to step 4'
4. tf the idle speed is 810 1 50 rpm, this means the
EVAP system is purging the canister. To stop the
purging temporarily, raise the engine speed above
l,OO0 rgm with the accelsrator pedal. Slowly release
the pedal. and rscheck the idl€ speed.
. tf the idle speed is within the specificstion, the
Drocedure is comPlete.
. lf the idle sp€ed is out of spocification, go to step 5.
5. Disconnect th€ EVAP purgs control solenoid valve
2P connector.
6. Remove the cap and turn the idle adiusting screw
1/2-turn clockwise or counterclockwlse
7.After turning the idle adjusting screw 1/2-turn, check
the idl€ speed again. lf it is out of spec, turn the idle
adjusting screw 1/2-turn again.
NOTE: Do not turn the idle adjusting screw more
than 1/2-turn without checking the idle speed.
Turn the ignition switch OFF. Reconnect the EVAP
purge control solenoid valve 2P connector' then do
the ECM reset Procedure.
Start the engine. ldle the engine for one minute with
heater fan switch at Hl and air conditioner on, then
check the idle speed.
ldle spaed should be:
810 t 50 rpm (in El or E Posiiion)
lf the idle speed is not within specification, see
Svmptom Chart on Page 11-84.
Page 871 of 2189
Continuously Variable Transmission (CVTI
Special Tools ................ 14-194
Description .................... 14-195
Clutches/Reverse Brake/Planetary
Gear/Pulleys .......... 14-198
power Flow ..............,..... 14-200
Electronic Control SYstem(,96 - 98 Modets) ......14-203
Electronic Control System
('99 - oo Models) " 14-205
Hydraulic Control '....... 14-208
Hydraulic Flow .'..-.....'... '14-212
Park Mechanism .....-...'.' 14-222
Eleqtrical Systom
Component Locations'96 - 98 Models """"""' 14-224,99 - 00 Modets ............. 14-225
TCM Circuit Diagram ('96 - 98 Models) ............. 14-226
TCM Terminal Voltage/Measuring Condiiions ('96 - 98 Models) '.... 14-228
PcM Circuit Oiaqram{A/T Control System: '99 - 00 Models} ...--.... 14-230
PCM Terminal Voltage/Measuring Conditions('99 - 00 Models)
A/4 Control System .'.'...14-232
Troubleshooting Procedures ... . .... .....',........."' '14-234
Symptom-to-ComPonent Chart
Electrical System - '96 - 98 Models ......'..... '14-234
Electrical System -'99 - 00 Models ..'....-..-. '11-210
Electrical Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Flowcharts('96 - 98 Models) """'11-242
Troubleshooting Flowchart
('99 - 0O Modets) ...... 14-265
Linear Solenoids/lnhibitor Solenoid
Test ......................... . ...... 14-29f
Drive Pulley/Driven Pulley/Secondary Gear
Shaft Speed Sensors
Replacement .........'...... .14-292
Start Clutch Control
Start Clutch Calibration Procedure ....... ....,. 14-293
Hydraulic SYstem
Symptom-to-ComPonent Chart
Hydraulic System '.'.......14-294
Road Test ............................ 14-296
Stall Speed
Test......................... ...... 14-294
Fluid Level
Checking/Changing ....... 14-299
Pressure Testing ................. 14-300
Lower Valve BodY AssemblY
Replacement ..........,... 14-302
ATF Filter
Removal/lnstallation ..... 14-303
Removal ........... . 14-304
lllustrated Index
Transmission/Lower Valve BodY
Assembly ................. 14-308
Transmission Housing/Flywheel Housing ... 14-310
End Cover/f ntermediate Housing ..........'.'.... 14-312
Transmission Housing/Lower Valve Body Assembly
Removal ..........'.... .. " 14-314
Transmission Housing/Flywhesl Housing
Removal ................. ........ 1+316
End Cover/lntermediate Housing
14-318Removal .........,...............
Manual Valve Body
Disassembly/lnspection/Reassemblv .'.'.'..... 1 4-320
Forward Clutch
lltustrated Index ........................................ 14-321
Disassemblv .................. 14-322
Reassemblv , ,, . ',','......14-324
Secondary Gear Shaft
25 x 35 mm Thrust Shim Selection ..'.'....-... 14-324
lllustrated lndex ...,.....................,.,...-.-.-...'... 14-329
Backlash Inspection .-....14-329
Bearing Replacement ......'........'....'... ....'... 14-330
Differential Carrier Replacement ........'........ 14-330
Oil Seal Removal ........... 14-331
Oil Seal Installation/Side Clearance ....... . . 14-331
Flywheel Housing Input Shaft Oil Seal
Replacement .....,.... ...'.'.. 14-333
Transmission Housing Bearings
Driven Pulley Shaft Bearing
Replacenient ...................'. . ...................'.. 14-334
Secondary Gear Shaft Bearing
Reolacbment ...................... . .......... . ........ 14-335
Flywheel Housing Beating
Secondary Gear Shaft BearingReo1acement..................,........................... 14-335
Ring Gear Bearing
Replacement......... ........ 14-336
Control Shaft Assembly
Removal/lnstallation ....................'........... 14-336
Reassembly .................. 14-338
Flywheel/Drive Plate .. . ...... . ...... ... . ....-.....'.'...14-341
lnstalation ..................... 14-348
Cooler Flushing .'......... 14-352
shift cable
Removal/lnstallation....'........." """ 14-354
Adjustment .......'........ 14-355
Shift Lever ........................,. 14'356
Shift Indicator Panel
Adjustment ................ 14-357
ATF Cooler/Hoses
lnsta llation ......,,...... .... 14-357
Page 873 of 2189
The Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) is an electronically controlled automatic transmission with drive and driv
en Oullevs, and a steel belt. The CVT provides non stage speeds forward and one reverse. The entire unit is positioned in
line with the engine.
Around the outside of the flywheel is a ring gear which meshes with the starter pinion when the engine is being staned.
The transmission has four parallel shafts: the input shaft, the drive pulley shaft. the driven pulley shaft, and the secondary
gear shaft. The input shaft is in line with the engine crankshaft. The drive pulley shaft and the driven pulley shaft consist of
movable and fixed face pulleys. Both pulleys are linked by the steel belt.
The input shaft includes the sun gear. The drive pulley shaft includes the forward clutch which mounts the carrier assem-
bly on the forward clutch drum. The carrier assembly includes the pinion gears which mesh with the sun gear and the ring
gear. The ring gear has a hub-mounted reverse brake disc.
The driven pulley shaft includes the start clutch and the secondary drive gear which is integral with the park gear' The sec-
ondary gear shaft is positioned between the secondary drive gear and the final driven gear. The secondary gear shaft
includes the secondary driven gear which serves to change the rotation direction. because the drive pulley shaft and the
driven oullev shaft rotate the same direction. When certain combinations of planetary gears in the transmission are
engaged by the clutches and the reverse brake, power is transmitted from the drive pulley shaft to the driven pulley shaft
to provide E, E, E, and El.
Electronic Control'96 - 98 Models:
The electronic control system consists of the Transmission Control Module (TCM), sensors, three linear solenoids, and a
inhibitor solenoid. Shifting is electronically controlled under all conditions'
The TCM is located below the dashboard, behind the kick panel on the driver's side.'99 - 00 Models:
The electronic control svstem consists of a Powertrain Control Module (PCM), sensors, three linear solenoids and an
inhibitor solenoid. Shifting is electronically controlled under all conditions. A Grade Logic Control System to control shift-
ing in E position while the vehicle is ascending or descending a slope.
The PCM is located below the dashboard, under the kick panel on the passenger's side.
Hydraulic Control
The lower valve body assembly includes the main valve body, the Pressure Low (PL) reguiator valve body, the shift valve
body, the start clutch control valve body, and the secondary valve body. They are positioned on the lower part of the
transmission housing.
The main valve body contains the Pressure High (PH) control valve, the lubrication valve, and the pitot regulator valve.
The secondary valve body contains the PH regulator valve, the clutch reducing valve, the start clutch valve accumulator,
and the shift inhibitor valve. The PL regulator valve body contains the PL regulator valve and the PH-PL control valve
which is ioined to the PH,PL control linear solenoid. The inhibitor solenoid valve is bolted on the PL regulator valve body.
The shift valve body contains the shift valve and the shift control valve. which is joined to the shift control linear solenoid.
The start clutch control valve body contains the start clutch control valve, which is joined to the start clutch control linear
solenoid. The linear solenoids and the inhibitor solenoid are controlled by the TCM or PCM. The manual valve body which
contains the manual valve and the reverse inhibitor valve, is bolted on the intermediate housing.
The ATF pump assembly is located on the transmission housing, and is linked with the input shaft by the sprockets and
the sprocket chain. The pulleys and the clutch receive fluid from their respective feed pipes, and the reverse brake receives
fluid from internal hydraulic circuit.
Shift Control Mechanism
Input from various sensors located throughout the vehicle determines which linear solenoid the TCM or PCM will activate.
Activating the shift control linear solenoid changes the shift control valve pressure, causing the shift valve to move. This
pressurizes the drive pulley pressure to the drive pulley and the driven pulley pressure to the driven pulley and changes
their effective pulley ratio. Activating the start clutch control linear solenoid moves the start clutch control valve. The start
clutch control valve uncovers the port, providing pressure to the start clutch to engage it(cont'd)
Page 876 of 2189
Clutches/Reverse Brake/Planetary Gear/Pulleys
Clulches/Reverse Brake
The CVT uses the hydraulically-actuated clutches and brake to engage or disengage the transmission gears. When
hydraulic pressure is introduced into the clutch drum and the reverse brake piston cavity, the clutch piston and the reverse
brake piston move. This presses the friction djscs and the steel plates together, locking them so they don't slip. Power is
then transmitted through the engaged clutch pack to its hub-mounted gear. and through engaged ring gear to pinion
Likewise, when the hydraulic pressure is bled from the clutch pack and the reverse brake piston cavity, the piston releases
the friction discs and the steel plates, and they are free to slide past each. This allows the gear to spin independently on its
shaft, transmitting no power.
Start Clutch
The start clutch, which is located at the end of the driven pulley shaft, engages/disengages the secondary drive gear.
The start clutch is supplied hydraulic pressure by its ATF feed pipes within the driven pulley shaft.
Forward Clutch
The forward clutch, which is located at the end of the drive pulley shaft, engages/disengages the sun gear.
The forward clutch is supplied hydraulic pressure by its ATF feed pipe within the drive pulley shaft.
Reverse Brake
The reverse brake, which is located inside the inte.mediate housing around the ring gear, locks the ring gear in E posi-
tion. The reverse brake discs are mounted to the ring gear and the reverse brake plates are mounted to the intermediate
housing. The reverse brake is supplied hydraulic pressure by a circuit connected to the internal hydraulic circuit.
Planetary Gear
The planetary gear consists of a sun gear, a carrier assembly, and a ring gear. The sun gear is connected to the input shaft
with splines. The pinion gears are mounted to the carrier which is mounted to the fo.ward clutch drum. The sun gear
inputs the engine power via the input shaft to the planetary gear, and the carrier outputs the engine power. The ring gear
is only used for switching the rotation direction of the pullev shafts,
In E. E, and E positions (forward range), the pinion gears don't rotate and revolve with the sun gear, so the carrier
rotates. In E] positjon {reverse range), the reverse brake locks the ring gear and the sun gear drives the pinion gears to
rotate. The pinion gears rotate and revolve in the opposite direction from the rotation direction of the sun gear, and the
carrier rotates with pinion gear revolution.
Each pulley consists of a movable face and a fixed face, and the effective pulley .atio changes with engine speed. The
drive pulley and the driven pulley are linked by the steel belt.
To achieve a low pulley ratio, high hydraulic pressure works on the movable face of the driven pulley and reduces the
effective diameter of the drive pulley. and a lower hydraulic pressure works on the movable face of the drive pulley to
eliminate the steel belt slippage. To achieve a high pulley ratio, high hydraulic pressure works on the movable face of the
drive pulley and reduces the eifective diameter of the driven pulley, and a lower hydraulic pressure works on the movable
face of the driven pulley to eliminate the steel belt slippage.
Page 970 of 2189
Start Clutch Control@
Start Clutch Calibration Procedure
NOTE: When the following parts are replaced, the TCM
must memorize the feedback signal for the start clutch
. Transmissionassembly
. Stan clutch assembly
. Lower valve bodv assembly
. Engine assembly or overhaul
'96 Model Only
CAUTION: Do not uso this procsdure on'97 - (X) mod-
els or you will damage the transmission. On '97 - 00
models, the TCM or PCM memorizes ths loodback sig'
nals when you drive the vehicle.
1. Engage the parking brake, and block the front
wheels securely.
2. Connect the SCS service connector to the Service
Check Connector as shown. (The Service Check
connector (2P) is located under the dash on the
passenger's side of the vehicle.)
Start the engine, and warm it up to normal operat-
ing temperature (the radiator fan comes on twice).
Fully depress the brake pedal and accelerator for 20
seconds in the E] position.
rl ,
Shift into E o|. E position. To store the engine
negative pressure in memory. Iet the engine idle in
E or E position for one minute under the follow-
ing conditions:
. With the brake pedal depressed,
. with the y'\/c switch oFF.
. With the combination light switch OFF.
. With the heater fan switch OFF.
. Turn OFF all other electrical systems
NOTE: Start step 5 within 60 seconds after the radi-
ator fan goes off.
Shift into E position, and let the engine idle for two
minutes to store the feedback signal in memory
under the same conditions as in step 5.
Connect the Honda PGM Tester. Check that the TCM
has completed the start clutch calibration.
. The TCM will not store the feedback signal when
the CVT fluid temperature is below 40"C (104'F)
even if the engine coolant temperature reaches
the normal operating temperature.
. Repeat these procedures until the start clutch
calibration is completed-
Disconnect the SCS service connector from the
Service Check Connector.
'97 - 00 Models
The TCM ('97 - 98 models) and PCM ('99 - 00 models)
memorize the feedback signal when you drive the
vehicle as follows:
. After warming up the engine (the radiator fan
comes onl.
. Shift into E position.
. Turn OFF all electrical systems,
. Drive the vehicle up to the speed 37 mph (60
. After the speed reaches 37 mph (60 km/h),
release the accelerator for 5 seconds.
Page 976 of 2189
Fluid Level
CAUTION: while chscking and changing, be sure not to
allow dust and other toreign particles to ent€l inlo the
NOTE: Check the fluid level with the engine at normal
operating temperature (the radiator fan comes on).
'1. Park the vehicle on the level ground. Turn oft the
2. Remove the dipstick (yellow loop) from the trans-
mission, and wipe lt with a clean cloth.
NOTE: Check the transmission fluid 50 to 90 sec-
onds after shutting off the engine.
3. Insert the diDstick into the transmission.
Remove the dipstick and check the fluid level.
should be between the uDDer and lower mark.DIPSTICK
5. lf the level is below the lower mark, add fluid into
the filler hole to bring it to the upper mark. Use
Genuine Honda CW Fluid only.
6. Insert the dipstick into the transmission.
1. Bring the transmission up to normal operating tem-
perature (the radiator fan comes on) by driving the
vehicle. Park the vehicle on the level ground, and
turn off the engine.
2. Bemove the drain plug, and drain the CVT fluid.
NOTE| lf a cooler flusher is to be used, see page 14-
352 and 14-353.
Reinstall the drain plug with a new sealing washer,
then refill the transmission with Genuine Honda
CVT Fluid to the upper mark on the dipstick.
Automatic Transmission Fluid CaPacity:
3.9 i (4.r US qt. 3.4 lmp qt) 8t chlnging
6.4 I (6.8 US qt, 5.6 lmp qt) 8t ov€lhaul
Rscommended Automatic Transmission Fluid:
Genuine Honda CVT Fluid-
Use Genuine Honda CW fluid only. Using other flu-
ids can affect transmission operation and may
reduce transmission liJe.
Change Interval:
Normal Condition: 30, 000 miles 148,000 km)
Severe Condition: 30,000 miles (48,000 km), but it
you drive at high sPeeds in high
t90"F (32'C) and abovol temper-
atures, the ttansmission fluid
should be changed evsrY 15,000
miles 124,000 km).
ORAIN PLUG18 x 1.5 mma9 N.7n (5.0 kgl.m, 36 lb{'ftl
Page 979 of 2189
Lower Valve Body Assembly
@ Make sure lifts, iacks, and saf€ty stands
are placsd prop€rly {sea section 1).
CAUTION: While removing and installing th6 lower
valve body asssmbly, b€ sule not to allow dust and
other for€ign particles to entsr inio the transmksion.
1. Raise the front of the vehicle, and support it with
safetv stands (see section 1).
2. Set the parking brake, and block both rear wheels
Remove the drain plug, and drain the CVT fluid.
Reinstall the drain plug with a new sealing washer(see page 1+299).
CAUTION: Keop all of other toreign parliclos out of
the transmission.
Disconnect the 8P connector from the solenoid har-
ness connector.
Remove the ATF cooler hoses at the ATF cooler
lines. Turn the ends of the ATF cooler hoses up to
prevent ATF from flowing out, then plug the ATF
cooler noses.
CAUTION: Keep all of other foroign particlo3 out of
tho transmission.
Remove the right front mounvbracket.
10 x 1.25 mmila N.m (,1.5 kgf.m, 33 lbtft)
10 x 1.25 mmsil N.m 15.5 kgf.m,40 rbr.ft)
7. Remove the ATF cooler outlet line.
8. Remove the ATF cooler line bracket bolt.
9. Remove the ATF pan (fourteen bolts).
10. Remove the ATF strainer (two bolts).
1 l. Remove the one bolt securing the solenoid harness
12. Remove the
lower valve body assembly (eight
LINE BOLT28 N.m (2.9 kgtm,21 lbtft)SEALINGReplace.
5x1.0mm12 N.m 11.2 kgt.m,8.7 tbt.ftlO.RINGReplace.ATFSTNAINER
6x1.0mm12 N.m 11.2 kgt m,E.7 tbt'ft)
6x1.0mm12 N.m 11.2 kgf.m,8.7 rbf.ft)
ATF COOLER INLETUNE BRACKET BOLT8 x 1,25 mm26 N.m {2.7 kgf.m,20
ATF PANx 1.0 mm12 N.m 11.2 kgf.m, E.7 lbf.ftl
Install the new lower valve bodv in the reverse
ordgr of the removal orocedure.
CAUTION: Koep all ot other fo.oign particles out of
ths transmission.
. Replace the following parts:
- O-rings on the solenoid harness connector
and the ATF strainer- ATF pan gasket- Sealing washers
. lf the ATF cooler inlet line bracket is bent or
warped, put it back to the original position.
Perform the start clutch calibration orocedure on
page 14-293.