Maintenance schedule Hyundai Azera 2013 Owner's Manual

Hyundai Azera 2013 Owner's Manual Azera 2013 Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Azera 2013 Owner's Manual

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Hyundai Azera 2013  Owners Manual 453
Features of your vehicle
Maintenance system 
The Maintenance system informs the
driver when to replace engine oil and
rotate tires.
1. When the vehicle is at a standstill,
pressing the

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Hyundai Azera 2013  Owners Manual Features of your vehicle
100 4
• Replace the filter according to the
Maintenance Schedule.
If the vehicle is being driven in severe
conditions such as dusty or rough
roads, more frequent a

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Hyundai Azera 2013  Owners Manual 4111
Features of your vehicle
• During cooling operation, you may
occasionally notice a misty air flow
because of rapid cooling and humid air
intake. This is a normal system opera-
tion characterist

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Hyundai Azera 2013  Owners Manual 553
Driving your vehicle
Your vehicles fuel economy depends
mainly on your style of driving, where you
drive and when you drive.
Each of these factors affects how many
kilometers (miles) you can get

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Hyundai Azera 2013  Owners Manual Driving your vehicle
54 5
• Remember, your vehicle does not
require extended warm-up. After the
engine has started, allow the engine to
run for 10 to 20 seconds prior to plac-
ing the vehicle in gea

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Hyundai Azera 2013  Owners Manual 561
Driving your vehicle
Use high quality ethylene glycol
Your vehicle is delivered with high quality
ethylene glycol coolant in the cooling
system. It is the only type of coolant that

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Hyundai Azera 2013  Owners Manual 7
Engine compartment / 7-2
Maintenance services / 7-3
Owner maintenance / 7-4
Scheduled maintenance service / 7-6
Explanation of scheduled maintenance items / 7-24
Engine oil / 7-27
Engine coolant / 7

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Hyundai Azera 2013  Owners Manual 73
You should exercise the utmost care to
prevent damage to your vehicle and
injury to yourself whenever performing
any maintenance or inspection proce-

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Hyundai Azera 2013  Owners Manual 75
Owner maintenance schedule 
When you stop for fuel:
• Check the engine oil level.
• Check coolant level in coolant reser-
• Check the windshield washer fluid
• Look

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Hyundai Azera 2013  Owners Manual Maintenance
6 7
At least once a year:
• Clean body and door drain holes.
• Lubricate door hinges and checks, and
hood hinges.
• Lubricate door and hood locks and
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