catalytic converter Hyundai Sonata 2017 Owner's Manual

Hyundai Sonata 2017 Owner's Manual Sonata 2017 Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Sonata 2017 Owner's Manual

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Hyundai Sonata 2017  Owners Manual 3-72
Convenient features of your vehicle
Fuel Gauge
This gauge indicates the approxi-
mate amount of fuel remaining in the
fuel tank.
• The fuel tank capacity is given inchapter 8.
• T

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Hyundai Sonata 2017  Owners Manual 3-102
Convenient features of your vehicle
Engine Oil PressureWarning Light
This warning light illuminates:
 Once you set the ignition switch or
the Engine Start/Stop button to the
ON position.
- It re

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Hyundai Sonata 2017  Owners Manual 7-92
Maintenance Do not operate the engine in con-fined or closed areas (such as
garages) any more than what is
necessary to move the vehicle in or
out of the area.
 When the vehicle is stopped in an

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Hyundai Sonata 2017  Owners Manual 7-93
Your vehicle is equipped with a cat-
alytic converter emission control
To prevent damage to the catalytic
converter and to your vehicle, take
the following precautions: