start stop button ISUZU TF SERIES 2004 Workshop Manual
[x] Cancel search | Manufacturer: ISUZU, Model Year: 2004, Model line: TF SERIES, Model: ISUZU TF SERIES 2004Pages: 4264, PDF Size: 72.63 MB
Page 2106 of 4264

Step Action Value(s) YES NO
1. Connect the 5–8840–2618–0 Fuel Injector Tester
and 5–8840–2635–0 Injector Switch Box the fuel
injector harness connector.
2. Set the amperage supply selector switch on the
fuel injector tester to the “Balance Test" 0.5-2.5
amp position.
3. Using the Tech 2 turn the fuel pump “ON" then
“OFF" in order to pressurize the fuel system.
4. Record the fuel pressure indicated by the fuel
pressure gauge after the fuel pressure stabilizes.
This is the first pressure reading.
5. Energize the fuel injector by depressing the “Push
to Start Test" button on the fuel injector tester.
6. Record the fuel pressure indicated by the fuel
pressure gauge after the fuel pressure gauge
needle has stopped moving. This is the second
pressure reading.
7. Repeat steps 1 through 6 for each fuel injector.
8. Subtract the second pressure reading from the first
pressure reading for one fuel injector. The result
is the pressure drop value.
9. Obtain a pressure drop value for each fuel injector.
10. Add all of the individual pressure drop values.
This is the total pressure drop.
11. Divide the total pressure drop by the number of
fuel injectors. This is the average pressure drop.
Does any fuel injector have a pressure drop value that
is either higher than the average pressure drop or
lower than the average pressure drop by the specified
value? 10 kPa
(1.5 psi) Go to Step 10 Go to OBD
System Check
10 Re-test any fuel injector that does not meet the
specification. Refer to the procedure in step 11.
Do not repeat any portion of this test before running
the engine in order to prevent the engine from
Does any fuel injector still have a pressure drop value
that is either higher than the average pressure drop or
lower than the average pressure drop by the specified
value? 10 kPa
(1.5 psi) Go to Step 11 Go to
11 Replace the faulty fuel injector(s). Refer to Fuel
Is the action complete? — Verify repair —
Page 2678 of 4264

9 1. Connect the 5-8840-0378-0 Fuel Injector Tester
and 5-8840-2589-0 Injector Adapter Cable to the
fuel injector harness connector.
2. Set the amperage supply selector switch on the
fuel injector tester to the “Balance Test” 0.5-2.5
amp position.
3. Using the Scan Tool turn the fuel pump ON then
OFF in order to pressurize the fuel system.
4. Record the fuel pressure indicated by the fuel
pressure gauge after the fuel pressure stabilizes.
This is the first pressure reading.
5. Energize the fuel injector by depressing the “Push
to Start Test” button on the fuel injector tester.
6. Record the fuel pressure indicated by the fuel
pressure gauge after the fuel pressure gauge
needle has stopped moving. This is the second
pressure reading.
7. Repeat steps 1 through 6 for each fuel injector.
8. Subtract the second pressure reading from the
first pressure reading for one fuel injector. The
result is the pressure drop value.
9. Obtain a pressure drop value for each fuel injector.
10. Add all of the individual pressure drop values.
This is the total pressure drop.
11. Divide the total pressure drop by the number of
fuel injectors. This is the average pressure drop.
Does any fuel injector have a pressure drop value that
is either higher than the average pressure drop or
lower than the average pressure drop by the specified
(1.5psi) Go to Step 10Go to OBD
System Check
10 Re-test any fuel injector that does not meet the
specification. Refer to the procedure in Step 11.
NOTE: Do not repeat any portion of this test before
running the engine in order to prevent the engine from
Does any fuel injector still have a pressure drop value
that is either higher than the average pressure drop or
lower than the average pressure drop by the specified
(1.5psi) Go to Step 11Go to
11 1. Replace the faulty fuel injector(s). Refer to Fuel
2. Disconnect the 5-8840-2589-0 Injector Adapter
Cable for F/I check and re-connect the original F/I
check connector.
Is the action complete?—Veri fy repai r— Step Action Value(s) Yes No
Page 3663 of 4264

Step 4-3: (Same procedure as the step 3-3)
Stop the vehicle (close the accelerator and decrease the engine speed to L4: 3000rpm V6: 2000rpm or
(In case of AT): Set the transmission select lever to the N position.
(In case of MT): Set the transmission lever to the neutral position (stepping on the clutch lever is
Push the 4H button.
If the shifting is not completed (indicator flashes at 2Hz), go to the step 4-1.
5. When shifting from 4H or 4L to neutral
(Same procedure is required when shifting from 2H but in such a case, requirements for shifting from
2H to 4H are also applied.)
5-1 Neutral indicator continues flashing at 2Hz
The neutral indicator continues flashing at 2Hz until 4H (4L) is completely separated in the transfer. If
torsional torque has accumulated between the transmission and road surface, separation may be difficult.
Step 5-1:
If the operation is not completed, execute the step 7 for confirmation.
(In case of AT): Set the transmission select lever to the D position.
After confirming that the gears are at the neutral position, return the lever to the N
(In case of MT): Set the transmission lever to a vehicle running position and engage the clutch gently.
After confirming that the gears are at the neutral position, return the lever to the
neutral position
5-2 When the neutral indicator flashes at 4Hz
As in the case of shifting from 4L to 4H, restriction is imposed to the operation from 4L or 4H (including 2H).
If the transmission lever is at a running range and engine speed is high (L4: 3000rpm, V6: 2000rpm or more)
while the vehicle is running, operation from the 4L or 4H (including 2H) of the transfer to the neutral is
impossible (restriction on operation).
Step 5-2:
Stop the vehicle.
(In case of AT): Set the transmission select lever to the N (or P) position.
(In case of MT): Set the transmission lever to the neutral position (at this time, stepping on the clutch
is recommended).
Keep pushing the 2H and 4L button for 10 second.
Follow the start procedure for confirmation. (Confirmation of drive force not transferred; same as in the
step 5-1)
After the confirmation, set the transmission to the neutral position in case of MT or to the neutral
position in case of AT.