technical data JAGUAR XJ6 1994 2.G Workshop Manual
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This Vehicle Service Manual (VSM) is Dart
of a
set of service literature which covers -. diagnosis and rectification of problems associated with all areas of the X300 family of vehicles.
It is designed to be read in conjunction with other manuals, namely the various Unit Service Manuals (USM) (as
applicable to the particular vehicle under diagnosis/ repair) and the X300 Electrical Diagnostic Manual (EDM); see list
It should be noted that its scope is limited to those areas that are unique to the family, e.g. Remove & Refit procedures
for Body Components, Engine, Transmission etcetera, Fuel, Emissions & Engine Management systems, and so on.
Fault Diagnosis and repair procedures (together
with Technical Data, Recommended Lubricants, Capacities etcetera) for major assemblies such as engines, automatic and manual transmissions, are covered in the separate Unit Service
The Unit Service Manuals are notvehicle
-specific, but are designed to be read in conjunction with this VSM, and, where so equipped, with other Jaguar Vehicle Service Manuals for new models launched subsequent to the X300 family.
The X300 Electrical Diagnostic Manual is the final part of the 'set' of service documentation. This manual
family-specific, and is designed to aid theTechnician to isolate electrical faults and to correct them. It covers all aspects
of electrical fault diagnosis, including:
II Codes and emission control system related fault diagnosis / rectification.
Circuit Diagrams
Component (Relays, fuse boxes, control modules etcetera) Location
/ Harness Diagrams I Ground Locations
Connector Locations.
Service Manuals Required
The Manuals required to service the X300 family of vehicles are as follows:
X300 Vehicle Service Manual
X300 Electrical Diagnostic Manual
Unit Service Manuals:
AJ16 Engine Service Manual
VI2 Engine Service Manual ZF AutomaticTransmissions Service Manual (ZF supplies transmissions for 3.2 liter and 4.0 liter normally aspirated
versions) Powertrain Automatic Transmissions Service Manual (The Powertrain name succeeds that of Hydra
Powertrain are suppliers of the 4L 80 E transmission as fitted to 4.0 litre supercharged and 6.0 litre versions)
of the X3Okpecific manuals is divided into Sections which adopt the same title and number where relevant, i.e. Section 5.1 of both the VSM and the EDM cover Fuel, Emission Control & Engine Management System (AJ16). An
-all contents list showing each section title and number together with its page-edge locator is given in this section
and in the introduction to the EDM.
The VSM (not applicable to the EDM) also contains Appendices which cover specialized areas such as the current
vehicle specification, routine maintenance schedule etc. These are carried at the rear of this Manual, and have their
own contents page within this section.
rapid location of information. The entries are set out as per the following example: @ This manual carries a comprehensive index at the rear, which is designed to save the Technician time by permitting
See also Electrical Diagnostic Manual
Description: Sect. 7.7 - 10
Fault diagnosis: Sect 7.1 - 11
In the example the heading in upper case lettering is to a section title, and it refers to the section number, 14, and also to the EDM as electrical diagnostic information will be found in that manual's section 14. The entry for clutch tells us that the relevant description will be found on page 10 of Section 7.1 of this manual, and
that fault diagnosis procedures start on page 11. In this case there is no reference to the EDM as electrical diagnosis does not apply to this area.
This Section contains a Glossary of general and emissions-related terminology (commencing on page 5).
X300 VSM 1 Issue 1 August 1994