steering wheel adjustment MERCEDES-BENZ METRIS 2016 MY16 Operator’s Manual
[x] Cancel search | Manufacturer: MERCEDES-BENZ, Model Year: 2016, Model line: METRIS, Model: MERCEDES-BENZ METRIS 2016Pages: 310, PDF Size: 7.28 MB
Page 85 of 310

Useful information
This Operator's Manual describes all models as
well as standard and optional equipment of your
vehicle that were available at the time of going
to print.Country-specific variation sare possi-
ble. Note that your vehicle may not be equipped
with all of the described functions. This also
applies to system sand function srelevantt o
Read the information on qualified specialist
workshops (
Ypage 29).
Driver' sand front-passenger seat
Important safetyn otes
Children could become trapped if they adjust
the seats, particularly when unattended.
There is arisk of injury.
When leaving the vehicle, always tak ethe
SmartKey with you and lock the vehicle. Never
leave children unsupervised in the vehicle.
You could lose contro lofyour vehicle if you do
the following while driving:
Radjust the driver'ss eat, head restraint,
steering wheel or mirrors
Rfaste nthe seat belt
There is arisk of an accident.
Adjust the driver'ss eat, head restraint,steer-
ing wheel and mirrora nd fastenyour seat belt
before starting the engine.
When you adjust aseat, you or other vehicle
occupants could become trapped, e.g. on the seat guide rail. There is arisk of injury.
Make sure when adjusting aseat that no one
has any body parts in the sweep of the seat.
If the driver'ss eat is not engaged, it could
move unexpectedly while the vehicle is in
motion. This could cause you to lose contro lof
the vehicle. There is arisk of an accident.
Always make sure that the driver'ss eat is
engaged before starting the vehicle.
The front-air bags for could also injure the
vehicle occupants in the frontIft he front
seats are positioned too close to the dash-
board or steering wheel. This poses an
increased risk of injury or even fatal injury.
Always adjust the fronts eats so that they are
as far from the fronta ir bags as possible. Also
observet he notes on the correct adjustment
of the seats.
The seat belt does not offer the intended level of protection if you have not moved the back-
rest to an almost vertical position .When brak-
ing or in the eventofana ccident, you could
slide underneath the seat belt and sustain
abdomen or nec kinjuries, for example. This
poses an increased risk of injury or even fatal injury.
Adjust the seat properly before beginning
your journey. Always ensure that the backrest
is in an almost vertical position and that the
shoulder section of your seat belt is routed
across the center of your shoulder.
If the head restraint sare not installed or not
adjusted correctly, they cannot provide pro-
tection as intended. There is an increased risk
of injury in the head and nec karea, e.g. in the
eventofana ccidentorwhen braking.
Always drive with the head restraint sinstal-
led. Befored rivingoff, make sure for every
vehicle occupant that the center of the head
restraint supportst he back of the head at
about eye level.
Seats, steering wheel and mirrors
Page 86 of 310

!To avoid damage to the seats and the seat
heating, observe the following information:
Rkeep liquids from spilling on the seats. If
liquid is spilledont he seats, dry them as
soon as possible.
Rif the seat covers are damp or wet, do not
switch on the seat heating. The seat heat-
ing should also not be used to dry the seats.
Rclean the seat covers as recommended;
see the "Interior care" section.
Rdo not transport heavy loads on the seats.
Do not place sharp objects on the seat
cushions, e.g. knives, nails or tools. The
seats should only be occupied by passen-
gers, if possible.
Rwhen the seat heating is in operation, do
not cover the seats with insulating materi-
als, e.g. blankets, coats, bags, seat covers,
child seats or booster seats.
Your seat must be adjusted in such away that
you can wear the seat belt correctly.
Observe the following points:
RPosition the backrest in an almost vertical
position so that you are sitting virtually
upright. Do not drive with the backrest
reclined too far back.
RYour arms should be slightly bent when you
are holding the steering wheel.
RAvoid seat positions that prevent the seat belt
from being correctly routed. The shoulder
section of the belt must be routed over the
middle of your shouldera nd be pulled tight
against your upper body. The lap belt must
always pass across your lap as low down as
possible,i .e. over your hip joints.
RAdjust the head restraint so that it supports
the back of the head at eye level.
RThe distance from the pedalss hould be such
that you can depress them fully.
Please also observe the important safety notes
on "Air bags" (
Ypage 48), "Seat belts"
(Ypage 45) and "Child restraint systems"
(Ypage 58).
Adjusting the seat manually
:Seat fore-and-aft adjustment
;Seat cushion angle adjustment
=Seat height adjustment
?Seat backrest adjustment
XTo adjust the seat fore-and-aft position:
pull lever :up.
XSlide the seat forwards or back until you can
depress the pedals.
XRelease lever :.
XSlide the seat forwards or back until you hear
it engage.
XTo adjust the seat height: press or pull lever
= repeatedly until you have reached the
desired seat height.
XTo adjust the backrest: turn handwheel?
towards the front.
The seat backrest moves to avertical posi-
XTurn handwheel ?towards the rear.
The seat backrest tilts towards the rear.
XTo adjust the seat angle: turn handwheel;
towards the front.
The front of the seat cushion tilts down.
XTurn handwheel ;towards the rear.
The front of the seat cushion tilts up.
Adjusting lumbar support
To support the lumbarr egion, you can set the
backrest contour of each front seat (4-way lum-
bar support) electrically.
Seats, steering whee land mirrors
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For this reason, always make sureofthe
actual distance from the roadu sers traveling
behind by glancing over your shoulder.
Rear-view mirror
XAnti-glare mode: push anti-glare lever :
forward sorback.
Exterior mirrors
Adjusting manually
XBefores tarting off, manually adjust the exte-
rio rm irrors in such awaythat yo ucan get a
goodo verviewofroadand traffi cconditions.
Adjusting electrically
XBeforep ulling away ,turn the key to position 1
or 2in the ignition lock.
XPres sthe Z button for the lef texterior
mirro rorthe\ button for the right exterior
The indicator lamp for the button switches on
and the selected exterior mirro rcan be adjus-
The indicator lamp goeso utagai naftersome
XIf the indicator lamp for button Zor\
lights up ,press adjustment button 7up or
down, to the right or left.
Adjus tthe exterior mirrors in such awaythat
yo uh aveag oodo vervie woftrafficcondi-
After the engine has bee nstarted, the exterior
mirrors are automaticall yheated if the rearw in-
dow defroster is switched on and the outside
temperature is low.
Disengaged exterior mirrors
If an exterior mirro rhas bee npushedo utof
position, proceed as follows:
XMove the exterior mirro rinto the correct posi-
tion manually.
The mirro rhousing engages agai nand the
exterior mirrors can be adjuste dagain as
Seats, steering wheel and mirrors
Page 170 of 310

Useful information
This Operator's Manual describes all models as
well as standard and optional equipment of your
vehicle that were available at the time of going
to print.Country-specific variation sare possi-
ble. Note that your vehicle may not be equipped
with all of the described functions. This also
applies to system sand function srelevantt o
Read the information on qualified specialist
workshops (
Ypage 29).
Important safetyn otes
If you operate information system sand com-
munication equipment integrated in the vehi-
cle while driving, you will be distracted from
traffic conditions. You could also lose control
of the vehicle. There is arisk of an accident.
Only operate the equipment when the traffic
situatio npermits. If you are not sure that this
is possible, park the vehicle paying attention
to traffic condition sand operate the equip-
ment when the vehicle is stationary.
If you are drivinga nd reach through the steer-
ing wheel to operate the adjustment knob,
you could lose contro lofthe vehicle. There is
ar isk of an acciden tand injury.
Only operate the adjustment knobs when the vehicle is stationary. Do not reach through the
steering wheel when driving.
You must observet he legal requirements for the
country in which you are currently drivingw hen
operatin gthe on-board computer.
If the instrumentc luster has failed or mal-
functioned, you may not recogniz efunction
restrictions in system srelevanttos afety. The
operatin gsafetyofy our vehicle may be
impaired. There is arisk of an accident.
Driv eonc arefully. Have the vehicle checked
at aq ualified specialist workshop immedi-
The on-board computer display only shows mes-
sages and warnings from certain systems. You
should therefore make sure your vehicle is oper-
ating safely at all times .Ifthe operatin gsafetyo f
your vehicle is impaired, stop the vehicle as
soon as possible, paying attention to road and
traffic conditions. Then consult aqualified spe-
cialist workshop.
The accurac yofthe speedometer and odometer
displays is legally prescribed. Determining the
speed is dependen tonthe wheel size or the
rolling circumference of the wheels. If you
change the wheel size on your vehicle, make
sure it is assigned to the correct wheel size cat-
egory (
Ypage 267). If you change wheel size
category without recoding the contro lunit, the
speedometer indication will be inaccurate. Driv-
ing safetya nd drivings ystemsmay be impaired
or detec tamalfunction and shut down.
An overview of the instrumentc luster can be
found under "Instrumentc luster":
Rfor vehicles without steering wheel buttons
(Ypage 35)
Rfor vehicles with steering wheel buttons
(Ypage 37)
Display and operation
Instrument lighting
Brightness controlkno b( example: vehicle with
steering wheel buttons)
In daylight, the displays in the instrumentc luster
are illuminated. Adimmingf unction is not pos-
sible in daylight.
168Display and operation
On-boardc omputer and displays
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On-boardcomputer (vehicles without
steering wheel buttons)
Operating the on-board computer
:È and 3buttons
=f and gbuttons
XTo activate the on-board computer: turn
the key to position 1in the ignition lock.
If you remove the key, then quickly re-insert it
and turn to position 1,the on-board computer
and instrument cluster are not activated.
You can control the display and the settings in
the on-board computer with buttons :and =
on the instrument cluster.
Buttons on the instrument cluster
If you are driving and reach through the steer- ing wheel to operate the adjustment knob,
you could lose control of the vehicle. There is
ar isk of an accidenta nd injury.
Only operate the adjustment knobs when the vehicle is stationary. Do not reach through the
steering wheel when driving.
ÈPress briefly:
RSelectst he menu or display
RIn theSettingsmenu: exits the
submenu without adopting the last
setting and return stothe menu's
start screen
ÈPress and hold:
RReturns to the standard display or the Distance menu without adopt-
ing the last setting
3Press briefly:
RSelectsas ubmenu or function
RConfirmsthe selected entry in the
list or the display, or confirms the
3Press and hold:
RResets the trip odometer and trip
computer values
RIn the start screen of the Settingsmenu: resetssettings to the fac-
tory settings
RIn the Settingsmenu: resetsv al-
ues and return stothe menu's start
gRSetst he instrument cluster light-
ing (not in the Settingsmenu)
RScrolls through lists
RChanges values or settings
Instrument cluster display
Clock (Ypage 186)
V Cruise control (
Ypage 140)
;Permanen tdisplay: outside temperature or
speed (Ypage 174)
170On-boardc omputer (vehicles without steering wheel buttons)
On-boardcomputer and displays