engine overheat NISSAN 350Z 2008 Z33 Owners Manual

NISSAN 350Z 2008 Z33 Owners Manual 350Z 2008 Z33 NISSAN NISSAN https://www.carmanualsonline.info/img/5/792/w960_792-0.png NISSAN 350Z 2008 Z33 Owners Manual

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NISSAN 350Z 2008 Z33 Owners Manual CAUTION
If the gauge indicates a coolant tem-
perature near the hot (H) end of the
normal range, reduce vehicle speed to
decrease the temperature. If the gauge
is over the normal range, stop the ve-

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NISSAN 350Z 2008 Z33 Owners Manual The exhaust system and body should
be inspected by a qualified mechanic
•The vehicle is raised for service.
•You suspect that exhaust fumes
are entering into the passenger

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NISSAN 350Z 2008 Z33 Owners Manual BRAKING PRECAUTIONSThe brake system has two separate hydraulic
circuits. If one circuit malfunctions, you will still
have braking at two wheels.Vacuum assisted brakesThe brake booster aids braking by

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NISSAN 350Z 2008 Z33 Owners Manual 7. After starting your engine, carefully discon-
nect the negative cable and then the positive
8. Replace the vent caps (if so equipped). Be
sure to dispose of the cloth used to cover the

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NISSAN 350Z 2008 Z33 Owners Manual windows, and move the temperature control
to maximum hot and the fan control to high
3. If engine overheating is caused by climbing a
long hill on a hot day, run the engine at a fast
idle (appr

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NISSAN 350Z 2008 Z33 Owners Manual The engine cooling system is filled at the factory
with a high-quality, year-round, anti-freeze cool-
ant solution. The anti-freeze solution contains
rust and corrosion inhibitors, therefore additiona

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NISSAN 350Z 2008 Z33 Owners Manual If the engine cooling system frequently
requires coolant, have it checked by a
NISSAN dealer.CHANGING ENGINE COOLANTContact a NISSAN dealer if replacement is
Major cooling system repairs sh

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NISSAN 350Z 2008 Z33 Owners Manual hibitors. If not properly formulated with
appropriate cosolvents and corrosion
inhibitors, such methanol blends may
cause fuel system damage and/or ve-
hicle performance problems. At this
time, suffic

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NISSAN 350Z 2008 Z33 Owners Manual the proper equipment and to have it
Trailer lights should comply with federal and/or
local regulations. When wiring the vehicle for
towing, connect the stop and tail light pickup
into the v

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NISSAN 350Z 2008 Z33 Owners Manual opening the windows, switching the fan con-
trol to high and setting the temperature con-
trol to the HOT position.
Trailer towing consumes more fuel than nor-
mal circumstances.
Avoid towing a trai
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