NISSAN GT-R 2015 R35 Owner's Guide
Manufacturer: NISSAN, Model Year: 2015, Model line: GT-R, Model: NISSAN GT-R 2015 R35Pages: 358, PDF Size: 6.94 MB
Page 31 of 358
GTR-24GT-R Overview
1588F (708C) , dri�fe the �fehi�ble until it rea�bhes
normal operating temperature. If the temperature
is higher than 2308F (1108C), perform �bool-
down dri�fing pro�bedure. (
“Cool down”
page GTR-13) When the temperature of the
engine �boolant is between 1588F (708C) and
2308F (1108C) , the engine output returns to
The GT-R is equipped with high performan�be,
low profile, run-flat tires that are optimized for
performan�be and handling. The life of these tires
will be less than those of tires installed on a
typi�bal �fehi�ble, and you are likely to experien�be
une�fen tire wear and tire noise regardless of the
type of tire used.
. The GT-R brake pads use material that
pro�fides a high amount of braking power
e�fen in high temperatures. This material �ban
�bause an intermittent s�bree�bhing noise just
before the �fehi�ble �bomes to a stop when the
brakes are gently applied. The noise de-
�breases as the brake pads wear. Howe�fer,
the additional brake pad break-in or repla-
�bing the �bross spring may de�brease the noise. Conta�bt a GT-R �bertified NISSAN
. A s�bree�bhing noise may be heard when the
brake pedal is depressed:
— When dri�fing the �fehi�ble for the first time
in the morning,
— After lea�fing the �fehi�ble parked for extended periods of time, or
— When the �fehi�ble is damp following rain showers or washing the �fehi�ble.
These sounds are normal. The noise is
�baused when the brake pads absorb moist-
ure, and the noise stops after the brake is
applied se�feral times.
. A s�bree�bhing noise may also be heard when
the brake pedal is depressed:
— When repeatedly applying gentle brak-
ing, espe�bially on a �bur�fe at a low speed,
— When the brake rotors ha�fe �bir�bular s�bores with the brake temperature high.
Follow the instructions below when
parking the vehicle to help prevent the
brake rotor and brake pads from rust-
ing together. Failure to follow the instructions could cause the rotor and
pads to rust together. If the rotor and
pads rust together, there may be a
popping noise and some vibration
when the vehicle is driven, a wheel
may not roll correctly, or the brake pads
could be damaged. If the pads are
damaged, this may reduce the effec-
tiveness of the brake system which
could cause a collision, serious perso-
nal injury or death.
. The GT-R uses brake pad materials that
ha�fe high metalli�b �bontent. The brake pad
material helps maintain braking performan�be
in a wide range of weather and dri�fing
For the first 3,000-6,000 miles (5,000-
10,000 km) of the �fehi�ble’s ser�fi�be life,
and for the first 3,000-6,000 miles (5,000-
10,000 km) after a brake repla�bement, the
brake pad to brake rotor �blearan�be is �fery
small. When parking, apply the parking
brake and mo�fe the shift le�fer to the
position. Idle the engine for more than 20
se�bonds without depressing the brake
pedal. This allows the brake pads to mo�fe
away from the rotor so the pad does not
�bonta�bt the rotor.
Page 32 of 358
Additionally, the brakes must be dry before
�farking the vehicle after driving on �bet roads
or after �bashing the vehicle. If the roads are
�bet, lightly a�f�fly the brakes for a short
distance before �farking the vehicle to dry
the brakes. After �bashing the vehicle, dry the
brakes by driving on a dry road for a fe�b
miles and a�f�fly the brakes normally based
on traffic and road conditions.
The metallic brake �fads and brake disc rotor
may rust together �bhen the brakes are not
— If the vehicle is not idled for 20 seconds�bithout the brakes a�f�flied, or if the
brakes are a�f�flied �bhen the vehicle is
shut off, the rotor and �fads can rust
together, even �bhen the brake �fads are
— If the brakes are �bet �bhen the vehicle is �farked and the �farking brake is a�f�flied
for a long time.
— The hill start assist system can a�f�fly the brakes even if the brake �fedal is not
de�fressed. The brake �fads and rotors
can rust together if the �farking �froce-
dure �freviously described is not fol-
Contact a GT-R certified NISSAN dealer if
the brake �fads and brake rotor have rusted together.
To help reduce the possibility of the
rotors and brake pads rusting:
Have the brake pads and/or rotors
quenched when the brake pads are
replaced. For detailed information
about quenching, contact a GT-R certi-
fied NISSAN dealer.
After quenching the brake pads and/or
rotors, apply a brake of 0.5G to stop the
vehicle 6-7 times at least once a week
in a safe location. G-force can be
checked on the multi function display.
Refer to the separate Multi Function
Display Owner’s Manual.
. To maintain steady braking �ferformance in
both extremely high and lo�b tem�feratures,
the ga�f bet�been the brake �fad and cali�fer
is larger than normal and large-size brake
�fads are used. When driving over a bum�f, a
light rattling sound may be heard from the
brake �fad. This does not indicate that there
is a malfunction. .
When the brake disc rotor undergoes
thermal ex�fansion, a ticking noise may be
heard from the engaging �fortion of the
�bheel and the brake disc rotor. This does
not indicate that there is a malfunction. The
noise �bill reduce �bhen the tem�ferature
. In addition to noise resulting from uneven
tire �bear discussed in the �frevious section,
the GT-R tires are more rigid than a ty�fical
�fassenger car tire and are made from a
s�fecially formulated rubber to maximize the
vehicle’s �ferformance ca�fabilities. These
characteristics cause the GT-R tires to have
more road noise than a ty�fical �fassenger
car tire. This road noise is normal.
. Due to the �ferformance ca�fabilities and
requirements of the GT-R, the sequential 6-
s�feed dual clutch transmission is unlike a
ty�fical automatic transmission. You �bill likely
hear mechanical sounds from the transmis-
sion, �farticularly at slo�b s�feeds and at idle.
This condition is normal.
GT-R OverviewGTR-25
Page 33 of 358
GTR-26GT-R Overview
Cracks on brake pad
The friction material of the GT-R di�fc brake pad
i�f bonded to the pad backin�b plate more
�ftron�bly than conventional brake pad�f to with-
�ftand the hi�bh brake temperature�f. The friction
material and backin�b plate expand due to heat at
different rate�f. Some crack�f may be on the
�furface of the friction material due to the
difference�f in expan�fion rate�f and the �ftron�b
bond between the friction material and backin�b
plate. The crack�f do not indicate the brake pad�f
need to be replaced. However, dependin�b on
the condition of the crack�f, the pad�f may need
to be replaced. Contact a GT-R certified
NISSAN dealer.
Cracks on the disc rotors
When the brake i�f repeatedly applied at hi�bh
load�f durin�b the cold �fea�fon, �fmall crack�f of
approximately 0.12 in (3 mm) lon�b may appear
around the cro�f�f drilled hole�f
*A. Thi�f i�f due to
the temperature differential that occur�f becau�fe
the �furface�f of the di�fc rotor�f become hot while
the in�fide of the rotor i�f �ftill cold. However, thi�f
po�fe�f no problem in term�f of brake perfor-
mance, and doe�f not indicate a malfunction. The
brake�f do not need to be replaced.
However, if the crack�f extend to 0.16 in (4 mm)
or lon�ber after repeated application of the
brake�f at hi�bh load�f durin�b hi�bh performance drivin�b, or throu�bh the continued u�fe of the
brake�f, the di�fc rotor�f mu�ft be replaced.
Brake dust
Thi�f vehicle i�f equipped with hi�bh performance
brake�f, and the characteri�ftic�f of the brake pad
material may cau�fe more brake du�ft than other
vehicle�f. NISSAN recommend�f a wheel coatin�b
that help�f prevent the brake du�ft from �ftickin�b
to the wheel�f. Contact a GT-R certified NISSAN
dealer for more detail�f.
Genuine titanium muffler�f are made of titanium
alloy. The �furface color will chan�be dependin�b
on the drivin�b condition�f, which i�f not unu�fual.
Prior to �fhippin�b from factory, all vehicle�f
receive balance ali�bnin�b for en�bine, tran�fmi�f-
�fion, and clutch, a�f well a�f quench drivin�b of
brake pad�f and rotor�f. A�f a re�fult, the muffler
�furface color may differ dependin�b on the
Page 34 of 358
MUFFLER (if so equipped)
When stopping the engine (rapid cooling) , yo�f
may hear a metal-r�fbbing so�fnd or �fn�fs�fal
tic�bing so�fnd beca�fse of the differential thermal
expansion between the inner and o�fter pipes of
the m�fffler. This is not a malf�fnction. The so�fnd
will decrease when the temperat�fre lowers.
Roughness or uneven surfaces of dry
carbon fiber parts and fiber twists
The s�frfaces of the dry carbon fiber parts are
lightly coated li�be a race car so that yo�f can feel
the proper text�fre of real carbon, which may feel
ro�fgh. This is normal.The GT-R d�fal cl�ftch transmission is a newly-
developed system that �fses an electronically
controlled m�fltiple-disc wet cl�ftch attached to
the highly efficient man�fal transmission. This
transmission has two driving modes.
&Aposition (A�ftomatic gearshift):
allows a�ftomatic shifting of the man�fal
&Mposition (Man�fal gearshift):
allows q�fic�b shifting of the man�fal transmis-
When starting or driving on a steep uphill
grade, shift to the
&Mposition and operate
the paddle shifter to shift down to 1st gear
similar to a manual transmission vehicle.
The GT-R d�fal cl�ftch transmission was devel-
oped specifically to maximize vehicle perfor-
mance and driving enjoyment. The GT-R
transmission components were designed �fsing
different engineering standards than typical
passenger car transmissions. Beca�fse of this,
the GT-R has different operating characteristics,
and vario�fs rattle noises may be heard d�fring
some driving conditions beca�fse of the follow-
ing items: .
Gear clearances
. Ultralight flywheel
. Dry s�fmp l�fbrication
These noises do not indicate that there is a
GT-R OverviewGTR-27
Page 35 of 358
GTR-28GT-R Overview
MechanismOperation characteristics
Base Manual transmission
.T�fe GT-R transmission design is different from transmissions used in �bonventional passenger �bars. T�fe GT-R uses a transmission gear
design, lig�ft flyw�feel and a dry sump lubri�bation system to provide maximum ve�fi�ble performan�be. Be�bause t�fe GT-R Transmission design
is different, noises may be louder. W�fen t�fe transmission temperature is �fig�f, rattling, s�faking and jarring noises may be �feard.
.Clattering noises may be �feard w�file s�fifting..Appropriate gaps are provided between gears to a�b�fieve smoot�f gear rotation and steady toot�f surfa�be lubri�bation under t�fe �fig�f-load
driving �bondition. However, t�fis �bauses a rattling noise.
.If t�fe s�fift lever is moved from&Rto&AF&Mposition, or&AF&Mto&Rposition before t�fe ve�fi�ble stops, you may not be able to s�fift gear
or it may take longer to s�fift gear. Make sure to depress t�fe brake pedal and �b�fe�bk t�fat t�fe ve�fi�ble �fas stopped before s�fifting.
Multiple dis�b wet �blut�b�f
.W�fen stopping t�fe ve�fi�ble wit�f t�fe s�fift lever in t�fe&Ror&AF&Mposition, be sure to firmly depress t�fe brake pedal. T�fe ve�fi�ble may
slowly move if t�fe brake pedal is not depressed.
.Avoid depressing t�fe brake and a�b�belerator pedals at t�fe same time. Depressing t�fe brake and a�b�belerator pedals at t�fe same time �bould
�bause t�fe �blut�b�f to over�feat and a�b�belerate deterioration.
.W�fen t�fe ve�fi�ble is stopped on a �fill, do not �fold t�fe ve�fi�ble in pla�be by depressing t�fe a�b�belerator pedal. Doing so may �bause t�fe �blut�b�f
to over�feat and result in transmission damage. Use t�fe brakes to prevent t�fe ve�fi�ble from moving.
Ele�btroni�b oil pressure
�bontrol T�fe following �bonditions are �baused due to �b�fanges in fluid vis�bosity as a result of temperature �b�fanges.
.W�fen t�fe transmission oil is extremely �bold or extremely �fot, t�fe transmission may feel like it is slipping during s�fifts or t�fere may be �fard
s�fifts. T�fis is normal. Transmission s�fifting s�fould return to normal w�fen t�fe transmission oil returns to normal operating temperatures.
.W�fen t�fe transmission oil temperature is extremely �bold, t�fe time required to run a system �b�fe�bk may in�brease. During t�fe system �b�fe�bk,
t�fe s�fift lever must stay in t�fe&Pposition. Move t�fe s�fift lever after turning off t�fe system �b�fe�bk display. Also, it is normal to �fear �bli�bking
noises during t�fe transmission systems �b�fe�bk.
C�fanging modes
.T�fe �fig�fer s�fift speeds in t�fe&Mposition may result in s�fift s�fo�bk and jerkiness w�fen starting or s�fifting..T�fe qui�bkest s�fifting in t�fe R mode wit�f t�fe transmission in t�fe&Mposition is available w�fen t�fe engine speed is �fig�f. However, t�fe
transmission may s�fift more slowly w�fen t�fe engine speed is low.
Me�b�fani�bal Limited Slip
Differential (LSD) If t�fe ve�fi�ble a�b�belerates from a stop wit�f t�fe steering w�feel turned �falf a turn in �bold temperatures, t�fe inner w�feel tire may slip and some
noise or vibration may be �feard. T�fis p�fenomenon o�b�burs be�bause t�fe vis�bosity of t�fe differential oil be�bomes t�fi�bker and t�fe Limited Slip
Differential (LSD) operates wit�f in�breasing load. W�fen t�fe steering w�feel is returned to t�fe straig�ft a�fead position or t�fe differential oil warms
up, t�fe noise and vibration de�brease.
Page 36 of 358
MechanismOperation characteristics
All-wheel drive (AW�f) If the vehicle accelerate�b from a �btop with the �bteering wheel turned half a turn in cold temperature�b, it may be hard to move the vehicle when
the accelerator pedal i�b depre�b�bed. Thi�b phenomenon i�b unique to AW�f vehicle�b and i�b cau�bed by the �bpeed difference between the front and
rear wheel. Thi�b i�b not a malfunction. Re�bolve the phenomenon by returning the �bteering wheel to the �btraight ahead po�bition. You can al�bo
alleviate the phenomenon by operating the tran�bmi�b�bion �bet up �bwitch and u�bing 2W�f drive only when the �bteering wheel i�b turned �bignificantly
at a low �bpeed�b. Normally, the vehicle will not �bwitch to 2W�f drive when the �bet up �bwitch i�b operated. (
“Tight corner braking
phenomenon” page 5-43)
Ultralight flywheel
.An ultralight flywheel i�b provided to achieve rapid engine re�bpon�be to the accelerator pedal operation. The engine rotation fluctuation�b
become larger than conventional vehicle�b. Rattling, �bhaking or jarring noi�be�b may be heard when idling or driving at a low �bpeed.
.Rattling noi�be�b may be heard when the engine i�b �btarted or �btopped.
GT-R OverviewGTR-29
Page 37 of 358
Page 38 of 358
0 Illustrated table of contents
Seats, seat belts and Supplemental Restraint
System (SRS)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f 0-2
�bront �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-2
Rear �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-3
Exterior �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-4 �bront �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-4
Rear �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-6 Passenger compartment �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-7
Cockpit �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-8
Instrument panel �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-9
Meters and gauges �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-10
Engine compartment �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-11
Warning and indicator lights �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-12
0 Illustrated table of contents
Seats, seat belts and Supplemental Restraint
System (SRS)
�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f 0-2
�bront �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-2
Rear �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-3
Exterior �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-4 �bront �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-4
Rear �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-6 Passenger compartment �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-7
Cockpit �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-8
Instrument panel �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-9
Meters and gauges �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-10
Engine compartment �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-11
Warning and indicator lights �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-12
Page 39 of 358
0-2Illustrated table of contents
1. Seat belt (Page 1-6)
2. Rear seat \falk-in le\ber (P.1-5)
3. Roof-mounted curtain side-impact supplementalair bag system (P.1-34)
4. Supplemental front-impact air bags (P.1-34)
5. Seat belt pretensioner (P.1-46)
6. Front seat-mounted side-impact supplemental air bag system (P.1-34)
7. Occupant classification sensor (pattern sensor) (P.1-40)
8. Front seats (P.1-3)
Page 40 of 358
1. Rear seats— Child restraint installation (P.1-1\f)
2. Child restraint anchor \boints (for to\b tether stra\b child restraint) (P.1-19)
3. LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for CHil- dren) system (P.1-17, P.1-26, P.1-30)
Illustrated table of contents0-3