cruise control Peugeot 307 SW 2007.5 Owner's Manual

Peugeot 307 SW 2007.5 Owner's Manual 307 SW 2007.5 Peugeot Peugeot Peugeot 307 SW 2007.5 Owner's Manual

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Peugeot 307 SW 2007.5  Owners Manual FAMILIARISATION
  Dual-zone automatic air  
� �T�h�i�s�  �e�q�u�i�p�m�e�n�t�  �p�e�r�m�i�t�s�  �t�h�e�  �s�e�t�t�i�n�g�  �o�f�  �a�  
different  comfort  level  for  the  driver  and 

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Peugeot 307 SW 2007.5  Owners Manual FAMILIARISATION
1. � �  �S�p�e�e�d� �l�i�m�i�t�e�r� �m�o�d�e� �S�e�l�e�c�t�i�o�n�/
2. � �  �D�e�c�r�e�a�s�i�n�g� �o�f� �t�h�e� �p�r�o�g�r�a�m�m�e�d� 
3. � �  �I�n�c�r�e�a�s�i�n

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Peugeot 307 SW 2007.5  Owners Manual 102
� �T�h�i�s� �c�r�u�i�s�e� �c�o�n�t�r�o�l�,� �o�f� �t�h�e� �n�e�w� �g�e�n�e�r�a�- 
�t�i�o�n�,� �i�s� �l�i�n�k�e�d� �w�i�t�h� �t�h�e� �s�p�e�e�d� �l�i�m�i�t�e�r�.� �I�t� 
�h�a�s� �a� �d�i�s�

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Peugeot 307 SW 2007.5  Owners Manual DRIVING
  Cancelling the memorised  
reference speed  
�    When  the  vehicle  becomes 
�s�t�a�t�i�o�n�a�r�y�,�  �a�f�t�e�r�  �s�w�i�t�c�h�i�n�g�  �o�f�f�  �t�h�e�  
ignition,  the  system  no

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Peugeot 307 SW 2007.5  Owners Manual 104
� �T�h�i�s�  �c�r�u�i�s�e�  �c�o�n�t�r�o�l�  �h�a�s�  �a�  �d�i�s�p�l�a�y�  �o�n�  
�t�h�e�  �i�n�s�t�r�u�m�e�n�t�  �p�a�n�e�l�  �t�o�  �i�n�d�i�c�a�t�e�  �t�h�e� 
�m�e�m�o�r�i�s�e�d� �r�e

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Peugeot 307 SW 2007.5  Owners Manual DRIVING
  Reactivating the cruise control  
� �A�f�t�e�r�  �c�a�n�c�e�l�l�a�t�i�o�n�  �o�f�  �t�h�e�  �c�r�u�i�s�e�  �c�o�n�- 
trol,  press   button   4� �.� �Y�o�u�r� �v�e�h�i�c�l�e� �w�i�l�l� 