AFTER REPAIRCarry out a road test followed by a check with the diagnostic tool.
V1 MR-376-X76-36B000$150.mif
Fault finding – Fault Finding Chart36B
Vdiag No.: 04
ALP4 Assistance available without starting vehicle engine
NOTESOnly consult this customer complaint after a full check with the diagnostic tool.
Special note:
Use the Wiring Diagrams Technical Note for Thalia 2/Symbol 2 and Kangoo VLL.
Check the condition of the connection of the alternator signal connector, on the vehicle alternator, component code
If the connector is faulty and there is a repair procedure (see Technical Note 6015A, Electrical wiring repair,
Wiring: Precautions for repair), repair the connector, otherwise replace the wiring.
Check the charging circuit if necessary (see Technical Note 6014A, Checking the charging circuit).
Check that the battery charge warning light illuminates on the instrument panel during + after ignition with the
vehicle engine stopped.
Check the insulation, continuity and absence of interference resistance on the following connection:
●2A between components 186 and 103.
If the connection is faulty and there is a repair procedure (see Technical Note 6015A, Electrical wiring repair,
Wiring: Precautions for repair), repair the wiring, otherwise replace it.
If the fault is still present, contact the techline.