AFTER REPAIRDeal with any other faults. Clear the fault memory.
Switch off the ignition until the end of the power-latch phase, and carry out a road test
followed by a check with the diagnostic tool.
V12 MR-372-J84-13B300$073.mif
Fault finding – Interpretation of faults13B
1. DEF: Absent
NOTESConditions for applying fault finding procedures to stored faults:
The fault is declared present after the engine is started or following a road test.
Special notes:
If the fault is present:
– particle filter regeneration is inhibited,
– blue/white smoke and black particles coming from the exhaust,
– the EOBD (European On Board Diagnostic) warning light will come on after three
consecutive driving cycles (starting + 5 seconds + switch off the ignition and wait
40 seconds).
–The level 1 warning light is lit (for Vdiag 20, 24, 58, 5C, 26, 28, 60 and 62).
Priorities when dealing with a number of faults:
– DF315 Particle filter diff. pressure sensor if present or stored.
– DF717 Particle filter upstream pressure if it is present or stored.
In the long term, this fault may lead to premature wear and a greater risk of turbocharger
Check the condition of the differential pressure sensor connector (see Wiring Diagram Technical Note, Laguna
II ph2, Vel Satis ph2, Espace IV ph2, Mégane II ph2, Scénic II ph2, component code 1290).
Check the condition of the engine management computer connector (see Wiring Diagram Technical Note,
Laguna II ph2, Vel Satis ph2, Espace IV ph2, Mégane II ph2, Scénic II ph2, component code 120).
If the connector or connectors are faulty and if there is a repair procedure (see Technical Note 6015A, Repairing
electrical wiring, Wiring: Precautions for repair), repair the connector, otherwise replace the wiring.
EDC16CP33_V18_DF297 / EDC16CP33_V1C_DF297 / EDC16CP33_V54_DF297 / EDC16CP33_V20_DF297 / EDC16CP33_V58_DF297 /
EDC16CP33_V5C_DF297 / EDC16CP33_V24_DF297 / EDC16CP33_V28_DF297 / EDC16CP33_V62_DF297 / EDC16CP33_V26_DF297 /
Program No.: C4
Vdiag No.: 18, 1C, 20, 24,
26, 28, 54, 58, 5C, 60, 62