ignition RENAULT KANGOO 2012 X61 / 2.G Owners Manual

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child safety............................................................. (current page)
remote control electric door locking ....................... (current page)
radio frequency remote control/key use ................................................................... (current page)
Clé, télécommandes à radiofréquence : généralités (X61 - F61 - K61 - Renault)
Jaune NoirNoir texte
Key/radio frequency remote control: general information, use, deadlocking
Key, RADIO FReQUeNCy ReMOTe CONTROL: general information (1/2)
Radio frequency remote
control unit
1 Locking all the opening elements.
2 Unlocking all the opening elements.
3 Coded key for ignition switch, driv -
er’s door and fuel filler cap.
The key must not be used for any
function other than those described
in the handbook (removing the cap
from a bottle, etc.).
Avoid leaving the remote control in
hot, cold or humid areas.
Driver’s responsibility
Never leave your vehicle
with the card inside the
vehicle and never leave a
child (or a pet) unsupervised. With
the card in the reader, it would be
possible to start the engine or oper-
ate electrical equipment such as the
electric windows and there is a risk
that part of their body may become
trapped (neck, arm, hand, etc.).
Risk of serious injury.

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doors..................................................... (up to the end of the DU)
locking the doors .................................. (up to the end of the DU)
unlocking the doors .............................. (up to the end of the DU)
Verrouillage des portes (X61 - F61 - K61 - Renault)
Locking the opening
elements without the remote
With the engine and ignition off, the
sliding side doors closed and a front
door open, press switch 1 for more than
five seconds.
Make sure you have your key with you
before you leave your vehicle.
When the door is closed, all the doors
and tailgate will be locked.
Unlocking from outside the vehicle will
only be possible with the key for the
driver’s door.
Doors and tailgate status
indicator light
When the ignition is on, the indicator
light integrated in switch 1 informs you
of the status of the doors and tailgate:
– indicator light on, the doors and tail-
gate are locked;
– indicator light off, at least one door is
When you lock the doors, the indicator
light remains lit and then goes out.
Control for locking and
unlocking from the inside
This enables all the doors to be locked
Lock or unlock the doors by pressing
switch 1.
If a door or the tailgate is open or not
closed properly, the doors and tailgate
lock/unlock quickly.
Locking/unlocking the doors
Never leave your vehicle
with the key inside the ve -
Driver’s responsibility
If you decide to keep the
doors locked when you are
driving, remember that it
may be more difficult for those as -
sisting you to gain access to the
passenger compartment in the
event of an emergency.

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air bag................................................... (up to the end of the DU)
seat belts .............................................. (up to the end of the DU)
air bag ................................................... (up to the end of the DU)
methods of restraint in addition to the front seat belts
(up to the end of the DU)
pretensioners ......................................................... (current page)
methods of restraint in addition to the seat belts
(up to the end of the DU)
Dispositifs complémentaires à la ceinture avant (X61 - F61 - K61 - Renault)
Methods of restraint in addition to the front seat belts
Depending on the vehicle, they are
composed of:
– seat belt pretensioners;
– air bags 1 for driver and front pas-
These systems are designed to act in-
dependently or together when the vehi-
cle is subjected to a frontal impact.
Depending on the severity of the
impact, the system can trigger:
– seat belt 2 locking;
– the seat belt pretensioner (which en-
gages to correct seat belt slack);
– the front air bag.
The pretensioners hold the seat belt
against the body, holding the occupant
more securely against the seat, thus in-
creasing the seat belt’s efficiency.
With the ignition on, following a signif -
icant frontal impact and depending on
the severity of the impact, the system
may trigger the seat belt pretensioner
which instantly retracts the seat belt.
– Have the entire restraint
system checked following
an accident.
– No operation whatso -
ever is permitted on any part of
the system (pretensioners, air
bags, computers, wiring) and the
system components must not
be reused on any other vehicle,
even if identical.
– To avoid incorrect triggering of
the system which may cause
injury, only qualified personnel
from an approved dealer may
work on the pretensioner and air
bag system.
– The electric trigger system may
only be tested by a specially
trained technician using special
– When the vehicle is scrapped,
contact an approved dealer for
disposal of the pretensioner and
air bag gas generators.

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Dispositifs complémentaires à la ceinture avant (X61 - F61 - K61 - Renault)
Jaune NoirNoir texte
Air bags for driver and front
It is fitted to the front seats on the driv-
er’s side and, depending on the vehicle,
on the passenger’s side as well.
Depending on the vehicle, the pres -
ence of this equipment is indicated by
the word “air bag” on the steering wheel
and dashboard (air bag zone A ) and
a symbol on the lower section of the
Each air bag system consists of:
– an air bag and gas generator fitted
on the steering wheel for the driver
and in the dashboard for the front
– an electronic unit for system monitor-
ing which controls the gas generator
electrical trigger system;
– a single indicator light
å on the
instrument panel;
– remote sensors.
This system is only operational when
the ignition is switched on.
In a severe frontal impact, the air bags
inflate rapidly, cushioning the impact
of the driver’s head and chest against
the steering wheel and of the front pas-
senger against the dashboard. The air
bags then deflate immediately so that
the passengers are not in any way hin-
dered from leaving the vehicle.
Load limiter
Above a certain severity of impact, this
mechanism is used to limit the force of
the belt against the body so that it is at
an acceptable level.
The air bag system uses
pyrotechnic principles. This
explains why, when the air
bag inflates, it will gener -
ate heat, produce smoke (this does
not mean that a fire is about to start)
and make a noise upon detonation.
In a situation where an air bag is
required, it will inflate immediately
and this may cause some minor, su-
perficial grazing to the skin or other

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air bag................................................... (up to the end of the DU)
seat belts .............................................. (up to the end of the DU)
air bag ................................................... (up to the end of the DU)
additional methods of restraint ............. (up to the end of the DU)
methods of restraint in addition to the seat belts
(up to the end of the DU)
Dispositifs de retenue complémentaires (X61 - F61 - K61 - Renault)
Additional methods of restraint
The air bag is designed to complement the action of the seat belt. Both
the air bags and seat belts are integral parts of the same protection
system. It is therefore essential to wear seat belts at all times. If seat belts
are not worn, the occupants are exposed to the risk of serious injury in
the event of an accident. It may also increase the risk of minor superficial injuries
occurring when the air bag is deployed, although such minor injuries are always
possible with air bags.
If the vehicle should overturn or suffer a rear impact, however severe, the pre-
tensioners and air bags are not always triggered. Impacts to the underside of the
vehicle, eg. from pavements, potholes or stones, can all trigger these systems.
– No work or modification whatsoever may be carried out on any part of the air
bag system (air bags, pretensioners, computer, wiring harness, etc.), except
by qualified personnel from an approved Dealer.
– To ensure that the system is in good working order and to avoid accidental trig-
gering of the system which may cause injury, only qualified Network personnel
may work on the air bag system.
– As a safety precaution, have the air bag system checked if your vehicle has
been involved in an accident, or is stolen or broken into.
– When selling or lending the vehicle, inform the user of these points and hand
over this handbook with the vehicle.
– When scrapping your vehicle, contact your approved Dealer for disposal of the
gas generator(s).
Operating faults
Warning light 1 will light up on the in -
strument panel when the ignition is
turned on and then go out after a few
If it does not come on when the ignition
is switched on, or if it comes on when
the engine is running, there is a fault
with the system (air bags, pretension -
ers, etc.) in the front and/or rear seats.
Contact your approved dealer as soon
as possible. Your protection will be re-
duced until this fault is rectified.
1All of the warnings below are given so that the air bag is not obstructed in any
way when it is inflated and also to prevent the risk of serious injuries caused
by items which may be dislodged when the air bag inflates.

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air bagdeactivating the front passenger air bags
(up to the end of the DU)
air bag activating the front passenger air bags
(up to the end of the DU)
child safety ............................................ (up to the end of the DU)
child restraint/seat ................................ (up to the end of the DU)
transporting children ............................. (up to the end of the DU)
front passenger air bag deactivation .... (up to the end of the DU)
child restraint/seat ................................ (up to the end of the DU)
Sécurité enfants : désactivation/activation airbag passager avant (X61 - F61 - K61 - Renault)
Jaune NoirNoir texte
Deactivating/activating the front passenger airbag
Deactivating the front
passenger air bags
(on equipped vehicles)
You must deactivate the devices in ad-
dition to the front passenger seat belt
before fitting a child seat in the front
passenger seat. To deactivate the air bags: with the
vehicle stopped and the ignition off,
press and turn lock 1 to the
OFF posi-
With the ignition on, you must check
that warning light 2 is lit on the central
display and, depending on the vehicle,
that the message “passenger air bag
off” is displayed.
Note: on equipped vehicles, the side
air bag is also deactivated.
This light remains permanently lit to
let you know that you can fit a child
CHILD SAFeTy: deactivating/activating the front passenger air bag (1/3)
The passenger air bag must
only be deactivated or acti-
vated with the ignition off.
If it is interfered with when
the vehicle is being driven, indicator
å and © will come
Switch the ignition off then on again
to reset the air bag in accordance
with the lock.

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Sécurité enfants : désactivation/activation airbag passager avant (X61 - F61 - K61 - Renault)
The passenger air bag must
only be deactivated or acti-
vated with the ignition off.
If it is interfered with when
the vehicle is being driven, indicator
å and © will come
Switch the ignition off then on again
to reset the air bag in accordance
with the lock.
Operating faults
In the event that the front passenger air
bag activation/deactivation system is
faulty, child seats must not be fitted to
the front seat.
Allowing any other passenger to sit in
that seat is not recommended.
Contact your approved Dealer as soon
as possible.
Activation of the front
passenger air bag
You should reactivate the air bag as
soon as you remove the child seat from
the front passenger seat to ensure the
protection of the front passenger in the
event of an impact.
To reactivate the air bags: with the
vehicle stopped and the ignition off,
press and turn lock 1 to the ON posi -
With the ignition on, you must ensure
that warning light 2 is off.
The front passenger seat belt additional
restraint systems are activated.
CHILD SAFeTy: deactivating/activating the front passenger air bag (3/3)
S i n c e f r o n t p a s s e n g e r
airbag triggering and the
position of a rear-facing
child seat are incompatible, NeveR
use a restraining device for rear -
facing children on a seat with an
ACTI vAT eD AIRBAG in front of it.
This provides a risk of DeATH or

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rear view mirrors ................................... (up to the end of the DU)
Rétroviseurs (X61 - F61 - K61 - Renault)
Rear-view mirrors
Interior rear view mirror
The interior rear view mirror is adjusta-
ble. When driving at night, tilt lever 1 to
avoid being dazzled by the headlights
of the vehicle behind.
Heated door mirrorsWith the engine running, mirror de-icing
is activated with the rear screen de-ic-
Folding door mirrorsMove button 2 to position D to fold the
door mirrors in. To reset them for driv-
ing, return to position B.
If you fold the door mirrors in manually
before resetting them to driving posi -
tion B , you must first turn button 2 to
position D.
Door mirrors with electrical
With the ignition on, turn button 2:
– position A to adjust the left-hand
door mirror;
– position C to adjust the right-hand
door mirror.
B is the inactive position.
Door mirrors with manual
To adjust the door mirror, move
switch 3.

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JauneNoirNoir texte
Poste de conduite direction à gauche (X61 - F61 - K61 - Renault)
22 Gear lever.
23 Remote control/location for radio,
navigation system.
24 Cruise control/speed limiter con -
25 Bonnet release control.
26 Controls for:
– headlight beam adjustment;
– activating/deactivating the trac -
tion control system;
– deactivating/activating the Stop
and Start function.
27 Parking distance control, cruise
control/speed limiter control.

1 Stalk for:
– direction indicators,
– exterior lights,
– front fog lights,
– rear fog lights.
2 – Horn,
– location for driver’s air bag.
3 Instrument panel.
4 Stalk for:
– wipers,
– windscreen washer,
– trip computer and warning
5 Ignition switch.
6 Central display:
– seat belt reminder warning light,
– air bag deactivation warning
– navigation,
– clock,
– exterior temperature.
7 Centre air vent.
8 Controls for ventilation, heating
and de-icing. 9 Windscreen demister outlet.
10 Location for passenger air bag.
11 Speaker.
12 Side air vent.
13 Side window demister outlet.
14 Glove box.
15 Storage space or accessories
16 Hazard warning lights switch.
17 Central door locking/unlocking
18 Cigar lighter/12V socket.
19 Cup holder.
20 Central storage compartment.
21 Handbrake.
The equipment fitted, described below, DepeNDS ON THe veRSION AND COUNTR y.

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JauneNoirNoir texte
Poste de conduite direction à droite (X61 - F61 - K61 - Renault)
16 Location for radio, navigation
17 Gear lever.
18 Cigarette lighter/12 V socket.
19 Central storage compartment.
20 Cup holder.
21 Handbrake.
22 Door electric locking/unlocking
23 Hazard warning lights switch.
24 Storage space or accessories
25 Glovebox
26 Bonnet release control.

10 – Horn.
– Location for driver’s air bag.
11 Instrument panel.
12 Ignition switch.
13 Stalk for:
– wipers,
– windscreen washer,
– trip computer and warning
14 Controls for:
– cruise control/speed limiter;
– parking distance;
– deactivating/activating the Stop
and Start function;
– activating/deactivating the trac -
tion control system.
– headlight beam adjustment
15 Cruise control/speed limiter con -

1 Side window demister outlet.
2 Side air vent.
3 Speaker.
4 Location for passenger air bag.
5 Windscreen demister outlet.
6 Controls for ventilation, heating
and de-icing.
7 Centre air vent.
8 Central display:
– seat belt reminder warning light,
– air bag deactivation warning
– navigation,
– clock,
– exterior temperature.
9 Stalk for:
– direction indicators,
– exterior lights,
– front fog lights,
– rear fog lights.
The equipment fitted, described below, DepeNDS ON THe veRSION AND COUNTR

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