warning AUDI RS5 COUPE 2015 Owners Manual
[x] Cancel search | Manufacturer: AUDI, Model Year: 2015, Model line: RS5 COUPE, Model: AUDI RS5 COUPE 2015Pages: 254, PDF Size: 64.12 MB
Page 4 of 254

Table of contents
Owner's Literature
About this Owner's Manual ... .. .
Operation ....... ........... .. .. .. .
Cockpi t ... .. ...... ......... .. .. .. .
Gene ral illus tra tion . ..... ... .. .. .. .. .
Instrument s and indicator lights 10
Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Indicator ligh ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3
Driver information sy stem . . . . . . 23
In trodu ct ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Trip computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Service interva l disp lay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
E ng ine oil temperature indicator . . . . . . . 26
Lap t imer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
O n Board Diag nostic System (080) . . . . . . 28
Open ing and closing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Centra l locking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Luggage compartment lid . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Powe rW indows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
P anorama roof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Va let par king . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
G arage door ope ner (Home Link) . . . . . . . .
Light s and Vi sion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
E xte rio r li ghting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
I n terior light ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
V1s1on ... . ... ... .. .. ..... ... .. .. .. .
W indshield wipers .. ..... ... .. .. .. .. . 46
Dig ita l compass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Seat s and storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Gene ral i nfo rmation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Front seats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
H ead restrain ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Memory funct ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Ashtray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Ciga rette lig hte r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
S to ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Roof rac k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 1
Luggage compartmen t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2
Warm and cold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Climate con tro l sys tem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 7
Driving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Steering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Ign it ion loc k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Convenience key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Driver messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
E lectromechan ical pa rking brake . . . . . . . 75
Speed warning system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cru ise cont ro l system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Automatic transmission . . . . . . . . . 81
S tronic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Audi adaptive crui se control and
braking guard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
General informa tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Audi ad aptive cruise cont ro l . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Audi braking guar d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Audi side as sist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Si de assis t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Audi drive select . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Driving settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Parking Sy stem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Pa rking system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Pa rking system pl us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Parking system pl us w it h rea rv iew camera 105
Adjusting the d isp lay and warn ing tones . 110
Error messages 110
Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Driving safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Bas ics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Correc t passe nger seating posi tions . . . . . 112
D river 's and front passenger 's footwell . . 115
Pedal area . .. .. .. .. .. .... ...... ..... 116
Stor ing ca rgo co rrectly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 7
Re po rt ing Sa fe ty Defe cts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Safety belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
General informa tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 20
Why use safety bel ts? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Safety be lts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Be lt tens ioners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Page 8 of 254

About this Owner's Manual
This manual contains important information,
tips, suggestions and warnings for using your ve h icle.
Keep th is manual in your veh icle at all times. Th is
is especially important if you loan your vehicle to
others or sell it.
This owner's manua l describes the
specified for this mode l at the tim e of
printing. Individua l equipment options described
may only be available at a later date or may only
be offered in certain countries.
Some sect ions in this manua l do not apply to all
vehicles. When this is the case, the beginning of
the section indicates the
validity, for example
"Applies to vehicles: with Audi s ide ass ist". Op
tional or vehicle-spec ific equipment is a lso identi
fied with an asterisk"*".
illustrations are designed as a general guide
and on your vehicle may look slight ly different
than what is illustrated.
There is a
Table of Contents at the beginning of
this owner's manua l that lists all of the topics
covered in this book in the order that they ap
pear. There is also an alphabetical
Inde x at the
end of this owner's manual.
directions, such as "left", "right", "front" and
"rear", are based on the vehicle's direction of
* Optiona l or vehicle -specific equipment
.,._ The section continues on the next page.
~ .&. Cross reference to a "WARNI NG" w ith in a
section. If a page number is indicated, the
WARNING is located outs ide of the sect ion.
Text with this symbol contains information
about safety and how to reduce the risk of se
rious persona l injury or death.
([) Note
Text with this symbol contains information
about reducing the risk of damage to your ve
® For the sake of the environment
Text with this symbo l contains information on
protecting the environment.
@ Tips
Text with this symbo l contains additional use
ful information.
Page 12 of 254

Instruments and indicator Lights
Instruments and indicator Lights
Instrument cluster and controls
The instrument cluster is your central source of information.
Fig. 3 Overv iew of t he inst rument cluste r
CD Coolant temperature gauge .. .. .
@ Tachome ter .... .. .. ..... .... .
@ War ning/ indicator lights . .. ... .
@ ISETI button .............. ... ·
® D isp lay
- Driver informat io n system .... .
- Time and date d isp lay . .. .. ... .
- Odometer .... .. .... ... . ... .
@ Reset b utton for trip odometer
1 3
1 2
1 2
- When swit ching the ignition o n, the need les
i n the instrument clus ter swi ng upward
b rief ly .
- The ill umination for the inst rument cluste r
li ghts up whenever you switch on the igni
tion with the
vehicle headlights off . As the
day light fades, the instrument cluster illu
mination likewise d ims automatically and
will go out completely whe n the o utside
li ght is very low. This feature is meant to re
mind you to swi tch on the headlights when
outside light con ditions become poor.
Engine coolant temperature gauge
The engine coolant gauge ¢ page 10, fig. 3 CD
only works when t he ignition is on. To prevent
damage to your engine, please note the follow
ing important points :
Engine cold
If the needle is at or close to the bottom o f the
gauge, the engine has not yet reached its operat
i ng temperature. Avo id h igh engine speeds,
heavy engine loads, and heavy thrott le applica
tions .
Normal temperature
When the engine has reached its operating tem
perature, the needle will move to the middle of
the ga uge and rema in there. I f the engine is
working hard at hig h outs ide temperatures, t he
needle may move higher on the gauge. This is not
a cause for concern as long as the. warning
li ght i n the inst rumen t cluste r display does no t il
l u m inat e. If the . warning lig ht in the inst ru
ment cluster d isp lay flashes, th is can me an one
of two th ings : ei th er the coolan t
temperature is
too h igh, or t he coo lant
level is too low
¢ page 17 .,._
Page 13 of 254

"' N
0:: loo
rl I.O
"' N
"' rl
-Always observe the warning in¢ page 187,
before open ing the hood and check ing the
engine coolant level.
- Never open the engine hood if you see or
hear steam, or if you see engine coolant
dr ipping from the engine compartment. You
cou ld burn yourself. Let the eng ine cool off
first so that you cannot hear o r see any
steam o r engine coo lant.
0 Note
- Mount ing additional lights or accesso ries in
fron t of the a ir inlets reduces the cooling ef
fect of the radia to r. A t high outside temper
atu res or high e ngine load, the eng ine could
- The front spo iler has been designed to prop
erly distribute the cooling air when the veh i
cle is moving. If the spo iler is damaged, this
could reduce the cooling effect and the en
gine could then overheat. Ask your author ized Audi dealer for assistance.
Tachometer (engine rev counter)
The tachometer indicates the engine RPM (revo
lutions per minutes).
If engine RPM drops be low 1,5 00, you should
downshift to the next lower gea r. T he red area at
the end of the scale indicates max imum permis
sible eng ine RPM after the break-in period . Be
fore reachi ng this area, move the selector lever to
position D/S or ease your foot off the accelerator
(D Note
The tachometer needle@¢ page 10, fig. 3
should o nly briefly be in the red zone: you
co uld damage your eng ine! The beginn ing of
the r ed zone varies depending on the engine.
@ For the sake of the environment
Upshift ing early saves fuel and reduces eng ine
noise .
Instrument s and indi cator ligh ts
~ button
Fig. 4 SET butto n in the instrument cluste r
The lsET j button performs the following func
t ions:
Switching on t ime, date , temperature
display and odometer
The display appears for approximate ly 30 sec·
onds when you press the
! SE T! button c;, fig . 4
with the igni tion off .
Starting the Auto-Check sequence
The Auto-Check system constantly monitors cer
tain individual functions and components of the
vehicle when the ignition is turned on and when
the vehicle is moving .
With the ign ition turned on, you can start the
"Auto-Check sequence" by pressing the
I SE TI but
ton. You can perform an Auto-Check sequence
when the vehicle is sta tionary and the ign it ion is
tu rned on o r whe n th e vehicle is moving slowe r
t h an 3 mph (5 km/ h).
In add ition , the number of keys init ia lised for
your vehicle is disp layed .
L2 3/3 means that
th ree keys have be en initialised. This feature ena
bles used car buye rs to make sure they have r e
c e ived all of the keys.
If you are g iven only two keys, for instance, you
should take the vehicle and the existing keys to
an a utho rized Aud i dea le r to have the miss ing key
It i s also important to no tify your insur
ance company abo ut the loss.
Setting the sp eed warning
By pressi ng the !SET ! button briefly, you can set
th reshold 1 of the speed wa rn ing while you are
dr iv ing ¢page 78. By ma intai ning pressure on
Page 14 of 254

Instruments and indicator Lights
the I SET! button, you delete the warning thresh
Digital clock with date display and
Fig. 5 Instrument cluster: odometer
Fig. 6 Instrument cluster: reset button
Digital clock/GPS controlled clock*
Depending on the vehicle equipment level, you
may choose between the quartz clock or the GPS
controlled clock*~ in the radio or in the MMI*.
You can learn more about this in the MMI manual
or in the radio user's manual.
Odometer/trip odometer
The display of distance driven is shown in kilome
ters "km" or in miles "mi".
- USA models -Miles
- Canada models - Kilometers
The units of measure (kilometers/miles) can be changed in the radio or MMI* . You can learn more
about this in the MMI manual or in the radio us
er's manual.
The odometer @ shows the total number of kilo
meters or miles that have been driven on the ve
hicle .
The trip odometer @ shows the distance driven
since it was last reset.
It can be used to measure
short distances. The last digit shows distances of
100 meters or 1/10 of a mile .
The trip odometer can be reset to zero by press
ing the reset button
!O.OI ~ fig. 6.
Malfunction message
If there is a malfunction somewhere in the in
strument cluster,
DEF will appear in the tripod
ometer and will stay on. Contact your authorized
Audi dealer to have the problem corrected.
When the ignition is switched on, the data on the
ignition key are scanned automatically.
If an unauthorized key was used,
SAFE is dis
played permanently in the odometer display
field . The vehicle cannot be operated
¢page 31.
{i) Tips
-When you switch off the ignition or open
the driver door, the time, date, odometer
and temperature are displayed for an addi
30 seconds.
- You can also call up the display with the
!SET ! button¢ page 11 while the ignition is
switched off.
Fuel gauge
The fuel gauge works only when the ignition is on.
When the needle reaches the red area, the warn
lightliD in the instrument cluster will illumi
page 20. Time to refuel!
The total tank capacity of your vehicle is listed in
¢page 234.
(D Note
Never run the tank completely dry! An irregu
lar supply of fuel can cause engine misfiring
and fuel could enter into the exhaust system.
The catalytic converter could then overheat
and be damaged.
Page 15 of 254

0:: loo ,...., \!) 1.1"1
N 1.1"1 ,....,
Indicator lights
The indicator lights in the instrument cluster
blink or turn on. They indicate functions or mal
functions¢ &.
Messages may appear with some indicator lights .
A warning signal will sound at the same time.
The messages disappear again after a short time.
To display a message again, press the
I SE TI but
ton ¢
page 11. If several malfunctions occur,
each of the indicator/warning lamps will be dis
p layed in succession for about two seconds at a
Some indicators lights in the display can turn on
in several colors.
- Failure to heed warning lights and other im
portant vehicle information may resu lt in
serious personal injury or vehicle damage.
- Whenever sta lled or stopped for repa ir,
move the vehicle a safe distance off the
road, stop the engine, and turn on the emer
gency flasher¢
page 45.
- The engine compartment of any motor vehi
cle is a potentially hazardous area. Before
you check anything in the engine compart
ment, stop the engine and let it cool down.
Always exercise extreme caution when work
ing under the hood¢
page 187.
Some indicator lights turn on briefly to check the
function of that system when you switch the igni
tion on . These systems are marked with a./ in
the following tables .
If one of these indicator
lights does not turn on, there is a malfunction in
that system.
Red indicator light s
US A models:
Brake system./
¢page 15 Instruments
and indicator lights
Canada models:
Brake system./
¢page 15
USA models:
Electromechanical parking brake
¢ page 16
Canada models:
Electromechanical parking brake
¢ page 16
Safety belts
¢page 16
Electromechanical steering./
¢page 174
¢page 16
Engine oil pressure
¢page 16
Engine oil level
¢page 17
Engine cooling system
¢page 17
Steering column lock
¢page 17
Ign it ion lock
¢ page 18
USA models:
Speed warning system
¢page 77
Canad a models:
Speed warning system
¢page 77
Adaptive cruise control./
¢page 90
Yellow indicator lights
Electronic Stabilization Contro l
(ESC) ./
¢page 18
Electronic Stabilization Contro l
(ESC) ./
¢page 18
Electronic Stabilization Control
¢page 169
Page 16 of 254

Instruments and indicator lights
"O~ I I ~ .,
14 USA m
odel s:
Anti-loc k braking system (ABS) de
¢ page 18
Canada mod els :
Anti-lock braking system (ABS) de
¢ page 18
USA models :
Safety systems,/
¢page 19
Canada model s:
Safety systems ./
¢page 19
Worn brake pads
¢ page 19
Electromechanical parking b rake
¢page 16
Tire pressure monitoring
¢ page214
Tire pressure monitoring system
Electronic power control./
Malf unct ion ind icator Lamp (MIL)
c::>page 20
Engine speed limitat ion
c::> page20
Engine oil level
c::> page 17
Engine oil sensor
c::>page 16
Tank system
Windshield washe r fl uid leve l
Wi ndshield wipers
Remote control key
c>page 73
Battery in remote control key
¢ page32
Defect ive light bulb warning
¢ page 21
Rear fog lig ht(s)*
<=> page 21
Headlight range control
¢page 21
Adaptive l ight*
c> page 21
Light -/ rain senso r*
c> page 21
Sport d iffe rential*
c> page 21
Ignition lock
Steering co lumn lock
c> page 17
Electromechanica l steer ing, dy
namic steering*,/
c>page 174
Rear spo ile r
c> page 171
c>page 86
Other indicator light s
--------------Turn signals
USA models: Cruise contro l
c>page 78
Canad a model s: C ru ise contro l
c>page 78
Adaptive c ruise cont rol*
c> page 90
Adaptive c ruise control*
c> page 90
High beam
Page 17 of 254

0:: loo ,...., \!) 1.1'1
N 1.1'1 ,....,
BRAKE /((f) ) Brake system
The ligh t illu min ates when t he igni tion is switch
ed on.
It goes ou t after the engine h as bee n
started . This indicates t hat the brake war ning
light is f unctioning p ro p er ly .
If the brake warning light doe s not light up
when the engine is cranking, there may be a malfunction in the electrical system . In this
case , contact your authorized Audi dealer.
If the b rake system wa rning/ind icator light tu rns
on, there is a br ak e system malfunc tion.
1111 (USA mod els )/ . (Canada models) Stop
vehicle and check brake fluid level
If the indicator light turns on and the message
appears, proceed as follows:
~ P ull off the road.
~ Stop the vehicle.
~ Turnoff the engine.
~ Check the brake fluid level c::> page 195.
~ Contact you r nearest author ized repa ir facility if
n ecessary .
Warning! Fault in brake system. Contact dealer
If the ABS indicator light ~ (U SA mode ls)l [i]
(Canada models), the ESC indicato r light
J.i) and
the brake system indicator light
1111 (USA mod
e ls)/ . (Canada models) turn on and the mes
sage appears, the ABS, ESC and braking d istribu
tion are not wor king
c::> .&. .
Carefully drive to your authorized Audi dealer im
mediately to have the malfunct io n corrected
c::> .&. .
1111 (USA models )ta (Canada models ) Park
ing brake system fault ! See owner's manual
- If the indicator light and the message appear
when stationary or after switching the ign i·
tion on ,
check if you can re lease the park ing
brake. After releasing the parking brake, care
fully drive to your authorized Aud i dealer im
med iate ly to have the malfunction corrected . If
yo u cannot release the pa rking brake, see k pro
fessional ass ista nce.
- If the indicator light and the message appear
while driving , the emergency b ra ki ng funct io n
Instruments and indicator lights
may no t be ava ilable . It may not be possible to
set the parking brake or re lease it once it has
been set. Seek professiona l assistance .
( U SA mode ls):
If the war ning ligh t 1111 and the
warning light
Ill appear togethe r, immedia tely
contact your authorized Audi dealer or qua lified
wor kshop to have all b rake pads inspected
c::> page 19.
When the light comes on, an au dible warning sig
nal is also given.
-- Always observe the warn ings in
c::> page 187, before opening the h ood and
checking the brake flu id.
- Driving with low brake fluid is a safety haz
ard. Stop the car and get professional ass is
- If the 1111 (USA models) . (Canada mod
e ls) brake system indicator light turns on to
gether with t he ABS and ESC ind icator
lig hts, the ABS/ESC regulat ing funct ion may
have fa iled. Functions that stabilize the ve
h icl e are no longe r available. This co uld
c a use t he ve hicle to swerve and increas e t he
ris k of s liding. Drive carefu lly to the neares t
author ized Audi dealer or other qualified
wo rkshop and have the malf unct ion co rrect
- If the b rake wa rning/in dicator light does
not go out after a few seconds and the pa rk
ing brake is released, or lights up wh ile you
are driving, the fl uid level in the brake f lu id
rese rvoir is too low. If y ou believe t hat it is
safe to do so, proceed immediately at low
speed to the nea rest authorized A udi dealer
or qualified workshop and have t he b rake
sy stem inspec ted.
- Always keep in min d that after s evera l brak e
a pplicat ions, you wi ll n eed gre ate r pr essure
o n th e br ake pe dal t o s to p you r ve hicle . Do
no t rely on st rained bra kes to respond with
maxim um stop ping power i n cr itica l s itua
tions . You must a llow for increased braking
d istances. The extra d istance used up by
fading brakes could lead to an accident .
Page 18 of 254

Instruments and indicator lights
l:.'J,/(® ) Electromechanical parking brake
Th e w arning/indicator light monitors th e elec
tromechanical parking brake.
If the indicator light . (USA models)/ . (Cana
da models) turns on, the parking brake was set.
The warning/indicator light will go o ut when the
parking brake is re leased.
• (USA models) ;a (Canada model s) Ca u
tion : Vehicle parked too steep
If th e i nd ic ator lig ht blinks and t he message ap
pe ars, there is not enoug h brak ing power to keep
t he vehicle from roll ing. The b ra kes have over
heated . The vehicle cou ld roll away even on a
sma ll incline.
Press brake p edal to relea se parking brake
To release the parking brake, press t he brake ped
a l and press the button(®) or start driving with
start ing assist at the same time ~
page 76.
Ple ase release park ing brake
To release the parking brake man ua lly, press the
brake peda l and press the button(®) at the same
time. The park ing brake only releases automat i
cally if the driver's safety be lt is fastened.
l'iJ Parking brake!
If th e II indicator ligh t turns on and thi s mes
sage ap pears , the re is a parking b rake ma lf u nc
tion. D rive to your authorized A udi dealer o r
qualified wor kshop immediate ly to have the mal
function corrected .
t Safety belts
This warning/indicator light reminds you to put
on your safety belt.
The . warning/in dicator light ill uminates when
the ignition is switched on to remind the drive r
and (on USA models on ly) any front passenger to
put on the safety belt. Add itionally, an acoustic
warn ing (gong) will also sound.
F or mo re Information ~
page 120, Safety belt
warning light.
0 Battery
The . war ning/ indica to r li ght illum ina tes w hen
yo u sw itch on the ig nition and m ust go ou t aft er
the engine has star ted.
• Alternator fault : Battery is not being charg·
If the indicato r light turns on and the message
appears, there is a malfunct io n in the gene rator
o r vehicle e lectr ica l system .
Drive to your authorized A udi dealer or qualified
workshop immediately . Beca use the vehicle bat
te ry is d ischarging, tur n off all unnecessary elec
t rical eq uipme nt such as th e radio. Se ek prof es
s io nal assis tance if the battery cha rge leve l is too
l ow .
(•) low battery: Battery will be charged while
If the indicator light turns on and the message
appears , there may be limited starting ab ility .
If this message t urns off after a little while , the
battery charged eno ugh while dr iv ing .
If the message does not turn off, have yo ur au
thorized Audi dea ler or qualified workshop co r
r ect the malfunction .
~ Engine oil pressure
The red engine oil pressure warning symbol re
quires immediate service or repair. Driving with a
low-oil-pressure indication is likely to inflict se
vere damage to the engine .
• Turn off engine! Oil pressure too low
If the indic ator li ght turns on and the message
appe ars, the o il pressure is too low.
~ Pull off the road .
~ Stop the vehicle .
~Tur noff the engi ne.
~ Che ck the engine oil level~ page 191.
~ If the eng ine o il level is too low, add eng ine oil
~ page 191. M ake sure that the oil p ress ure
warning symbol. appears no longer in the
disp lay before you start driving aga in. ..,_
Page 19 of 254

0:: loo ,...., \!) 1.1'1
N 1.1'1 ,....,
~ If the engine oil level is correct and the indica
tor light still turns on, turn the engine off and
do not continue driving. Seek profess ional as
(D Tips
- The engine oil pressure symbol. is not
an indicator for a low engine oil level. Do
not rely on it. Instead, check the oil level in
your engine at regular intervals, preferably
each time you refuel, and always before
going on a long trip.
- The yellow oil level warning indication
requires oil refill or workshop service with
out delay. Do not wait until the red oil
pressure warning. starts to flash before
you respond to the low oil level warning
m. By then, your engine may already have
suffered serious damage.
'1::1'., Engine oil level
• WARNING : Please add oil immediately
If the indicator light and the message appear,
add engine oil immediately ¢ page 189.
l!I Add oil, max XXXX l. You may cont . driv.
When the symbol Ill and driver message appea r,
add the amount of oil appearing in the display at
the next opportun ity ¢
page 189 .
-L Engine cooling system
A malfunction in the engine cooling system must
be repaired as soon as possible .
• Turn off engine and check coolant level
If the indicator light turns on and the message
appears , the coolant temperature is too high or
the coolant level is too low .
~ Pull off the road.
~ Stop the vehicle .
~T urnoff the engine.
~ Check coolant level.
~ Add coolant if necessary¢ page 193 .
~ Continue driving only after the eng ine coolant
warning/indicator light goes out .
Instruments and indicator lights
~ Contact your authorized Audi dealer for assis
tance if necessary .
If the engine coolant level is cor rect, then the ra
diator fan may be the cause o f the malfunction .
--If your vehicle should break down for me
chanica l or other reasons, park at a safe dis
tance from moving traffic, turn off the en
gine and turn on the hazard warn ing lights
¢ page 45, Emergency flashers .
-Never open the hood if you see or hear
steam or coolant escaping from the eng ine
compartment -you risk being scalded . Wait
until you can no longer see or hear steam or
coolant escaping.
- The engine compartment of any vehicle is a
dangerous area. Before you perform any
wo rk in the eng ine compartment, turn of
the engine and allow it to cool. Follow the
warn ing stickers
¢ page 187 .
d) Note
Do not continue dr iv in g if the . symbol illu
minates. There is a malfunction in the engine
cooling system -you could damage your en
iii! -Steering column lock
• Steering defective! Do not d rive vehicle!
If the indicator light turns on and the message
appea rs, there is an electronic steering column
lock malfunction. You cannot switch the ignition
on .
not tow your vehicle because it cannot be
steered . Seek professiona l assistance.
1!;11 Steering lock : Contact dealer!
If the indicator light turns on and the message
appears, there is an elec tronic steering column
lock malfunction .
Drive to your authorized Audi dealer immediate ly
to have the malfunction corrected. ..,.