length AUDI S8 2015 Owners Manual

AUDI S8 2015 Owners Manual S8 2015 AUDI AUDI https://www.carmanualsonline.info/img/6/57612/w960_57612-0.png AUDI S8 2015 Owners Manual

Page 4 of 312

AUDI S8 2015  Owners Manual 2  Table  of  contents Vehicle  literature  .. .. .. .. .. ... . 
About  this  Owners  Manual . . . 6 
Controls  and equipment  .. ...  . 
Ins truments  and  controls  .. . . 
General  illustratio

Page 53 of 312

AUDI S8 2015  Owners Manual .. Turn  the  knob  to  the  desired  vehicle  area 
and press the  knob . The bar that  appears in­
dicates  the  selected  brightness  . 
..  To increase or  reduce the  brightness,  turn 
the  kno

Page 70 of 312

AUDI S8 2015  Owners Manual 68  Seats and  storage 
@ Tips 
When  matching  seat  settings,  the  settings 
for  the  lumbar  support  and  seating  s ur­
face  w ill not  transfer  to  the  front 
passengers  seat. 

Page 77 of 312

AUDI S8 2015  Owners Manual Front cupholder 
• To  open  the  cupholder,  tap  the cover 
¢ fig.  80, ¢ _&. 
Rear cupholder 
• To  open  the  cupholder,  tap  the  front  strip 
¢fig.  81, ¢ _&. 
In  vehicles with  a ful

Page 210 of 312

AUDI S8 2015  Owners Manual 208  Driving  and  en vir onm ent 
The consumption  estimates  as  published 
(EPA) and Transport  Canada  may not  corre­
spond  to  your actual  consumption  on

Page 264 of 312

AUDI S8 2015  Owners Manual 26 2  T ire s and  wheel s 
chains  because  the  vehicle  will  be  ex­
tremely  low.  If  you  do  drive  with  snow 
chains  on  while  the  vehicle  is at  this  lev­
el,  the  snow  chains  mig

Page 290 of 312

AUDI S8 2015  Owners Manual 288  Techni cal  Dat a 
Gross Ax le  Weight  R atin g 
The Gross Axle Weight  Rating  is the  maximum 
l oad that  can be applied  at  each axle of  the 
c::> &. . 
Vehicle capacity weight