reset AUDI TT COUPE 2009 Owners Manual

AUDI TT COUPE 2009 Owners Manual TT COUPE 2009 AUDI AUDI AUDI TT COUPE 2009 Owners Manual

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AUDI TT COUPE 2009  Owners Manual Inst rum ent s  a nd  warning /indi cato r  li ghts 
Instruments  and  warning/indicator  lights 
Instrument  cluster  and  controls 
The instrument  cluster  is  your  central  source  o

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AUDI TT COUPE 2009  Owners Manual Instruments  and  warning/indicator  lights 
•  Always  observe the  warning  in =;, page 209 , "Engine compart ­
ment"  before  opening  the  engine  hood and  checking  the  engine 

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AUDI TT COUPE 2009  Owners Manual Driver  inf ormation  sy ste m 
Driver  information  system 
The Driver  information  display  inside  the  instrument 
cluster  provides  you,  the  driver,  with  importan t informa ­

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AUDI TT COUPE 2009  Owners Manual Driver  information system 
The service  interval  display  determines  when  a service  procedure  is 
needed  for your  vehicle . It  operates  in  two  stages: 
•  Service  reminder : Before  rea

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AUDI TT COUPE 2009  Owners Manual In order  to  connect  the  special  diagnostic  equipment,  push  the  plug 
into  the Data  Link Connector  (DLC). The  DLC is located  to  the  right  of 
the  hood  release  => 
page 24, fig.  10.

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AUDI TT COUPE 2009  Owners Manual Driver  inf ormation  sy ste m 
You can tell  which  memory  level  is currently  active  by the  number  in 
the  display => 
page 25, fig.  11. The data  from  the  single -trip  memory 
(memory  le

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AUDI TT COUPE 2009  Owners Manual Sele cting  the  fun ctions 
- Push  in  the  uppe r (lower)  protrusion  on  the  function 
se lector  switch 
@ =>page  26, fig.  12. The  functions  for 
the  trip  compu ter  are  d isp layed  in

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AUDI TT COUPE 2009  Owners Manual Driver  inf ormation  sy ste m 
The Sta rt  m enu shows  you  the  different  disp lay types: 
Se t 
M enu  off 
Each display  type  in  the  Start  menu  contains  a submenu  with  addi ­

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AUDI TT COUPE 2009  Owners Manual Selections  and  settings 
-Press the  rocker  switch @ to  reach  a  menu  display.  The 
switch  is operated  the  same  as the  display  (up/downl. 
Entering  and  confirming 
- Press the  (Reset]

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AUDI TT COUPE 2009  Owners Manual Driver  inf ormation  sy ste m 
Speed  warning  system 
The speed  warning  system  helps  you  to  keep  your  driving 
speed  below  a set  speed  limit. 
Fi g.  18  D isplay: s pee d 
w a
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