child seat CADILLAC CTS 2006 1.G Owners Manual

CADILLAC CTS 2006 1.G Owners Manual CTS 2006 1.G CADILLAC CADILLAC CADILLAC CTS 2006 1.G Owners Manual

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CADILLAC CTS 2006 1.G Owners Manual Seats and Restraint Systems........................... 1-1
Front Seats
............................................... 1-2
Rear Seats
............................................... 1-9
Safety Belts

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CADILLAC CTS 2006 1.G Owners Manual Front Seats......................................................1-2
Manual Seats................................................1-2
Power Seats..................................................1-3

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CADILLAC CTS 2006 1.G Owners Manual Q:If I am a good driver, and I never drive far from
home, why should I wear safety belts?
A:You may be an excellent driver, but if you are in an
accident — even one that is not your fault — you

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CADILLAC CTS 2006 1.G Owners Manual {CAUTION:
You can be seriously hurt if your shoulder belt
is too loose. In a crash, you would move
forward too much, which could increase injury.
The shoulder belt should �t against your body.
To unla

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CADILLAC CTS 2006 1.G Owners Manual Safety Belt Pretensioners
Your vehicle has safety belt pretensioners for the driver
and right front passenger. Although you cannot see
them, they are located on the buckle end of the safety
belts. The

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CADILLAC CTS 2006 1.G Owners Manual Child Restraints
Older Children
Older children who have outgrown booster seats should
wear the vehicle’s safety belts.
Q:What is the proper way to wear safety belts?
A:An older child should wear a l

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CADILLAC CTS 2006 1.G Owners Manual {CAUTION:
Never do this.
Here two children are wearing the same belt.
The belt can not properly spread the impact
forces. In a crash, the two children can be
crushed together and seriously injured. A

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CADILLAC CTS 2006 1.G Owners Manual {CAUTION:
Never do this.
Here a child is sitting in a seat that has a
lap-shoulder belt, but the shoulder part is
behind the child. If the child wears the belt in
this way, in a crash the child might

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CADILLAC CTS 2006 1.G Owners Manual For most basic types of child restraints, there are
many different models available. When purchasing a
child restraint, be sure it is designed to be used
in a motor vehicle. If it is, the restraint wi

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CADILLAC CTS 2006 1.G Owners Manual Child Restraint Systems
An infant car bed (A), a special bed made for use in a
motor vehicle, is an infant restraint system designed
to restrain or position a child on a continuous �at
surface. Make s
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