Hyundai Azera 2015 Owner's Manual

Hyundai Azera 2015 Owner's Manual Azera 2015 Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Azera 2015 Owner's Manual
Trending: parking sensors, set clock, snow chains, tire type, engine oil, lumbar support, roof

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Hyundai Azera 2015  Owners Manual Driving your vehicle
8 5
Press the ENGINE START/STOP button
while it is in the OFF position without
depressing the brake pedal.
The steering wheel unlocks (if equipped
with anti-theft s

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Hyundai Azera 2015  Owners Manual 59
Driving your vehicle
To start the engine, depress the brake
pedal and press the ENGINE START/
STOP button with the shift lever in the P
(Park) or the N (Neutral) position. For
your safety

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Hyundai Azera 2015  Owners Manual Driving your vehicle
10 5
Starting the engine✽ NOTICE - Kick down mecha-
nism (if equipped)
If your vehicle is equipped with a kick
down mechanism in the accelerator
pedal, it prevents you from driv

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Hyundai Azera 2015  Owners Manual 511
Driving your vehicle
• Even if the smart key is in the vehicle,
if it is far away from you, the engine
may not start.
• When the ENGINE START/STOP but-
ton is in the ACC position or above, if

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Hyundai Azera 2015  Owners Manual Driving your vehicle
12 5
Automatic transaxle operation
The automatic transaxle has 6 forward
speeds and one reverse speed. The indi-
vidual speeds are selected automatically,
depending on the positio

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Hyundai Azera 2015  Owners Manual 513
Driving your vehicle
For smooth operation, depress the brake
pedal when shifting from N (Neutral) to a
forward or reverse gear.Transaxle ranges
The indicator in the instrument cluster
displays the

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Hyundai Azera 2015  Owners Manual Driving your vehicle
14 5
R (Reverse)
Use this position to drive the vehicle
N (Neutral)
The wheels and transaxle are not
engaged. The vehicle will roll freely even
on the slightest incline

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Hyundai Azera 2015  Owners Manual 515
Driving your vehicle
• In sports mode, the driver must exe-
cute upshifts in accordance with road
conditions, taking care to keep the
engine speed below the red zone.
• In sports mod

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Hyundai Azera 2015  Owners Manual Driving your vehicle
16 5
Ignition key interlock system 
(if equipped)
The ignition key cannot be removed
unless the shift lever is in the P (Park)
Good driving practices
• Never move the

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Hyundai Azera 2015  Owners Manual 517
Driving your vehicle
Moving up a steep grade from a stand-
ing start
To move up a steep grade from a stand-
ing start, depress the brake pedal, shift
the shift lever to D (Drive). Select the
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