NISSAN GT-R 2015 R35 Multi Function Display Service Manual

NISSAN GT-R 2015 R35 Multi Function Display Service Manual GT-R 2015 R35 NISSAN NISSAN NISSAN GT-R 2015 R35 Multi Function Display Service Manual
Trending: lights, transmission, fuel consumption, brake light, fuel, oil pressure, fuses

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NISSAN GT-R 2015 R35 Multi Function Display Service Manual 2-16Navigation
1. Highlight [Map Color] and push<ENTER>.
2. Highlight the preferred map color and push
<ENTER>. The indicator light of the se-
lected color illuminates.
Available map colors
The follow

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NISSAN GT-R 2015 R35 Multi Function Display Service Manual 2. Highlight the preferred map setting andpush <ENTER>.
3. Push <MAP>to return to the current
location map screen.
Available setting items
. [Map Orientation]:
The map direction can be selected as

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NISSAN GT-R 2015 R35 Multi Function Display Service Manual 2-18Navigation
3. Highlight the preferred icon and push<ENTER>. The icon display setting toggles
between on and off each time <ENTER>is
pushed. The indicator of the selected icon
4. Push

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NISSAN GT-R 2015 R35 Multi Function Display Service Manual 3. Highlight [Others] and push<ENTER>.
4. Highlight [Map Scrolling Information] and
push <ENTER>.
5. Highlight the preferred information item and
push <ENTER>. The indicator of the
selected informatio

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NISSAN GT-R 2015 R35 Multi Function Display Service Manual 2-20Navigation
location map screen is displayed, the following
options are available.
.[Store Location]:
Stores the current vehicle location in the
Address Book. The stored location can be
retrieved a

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NISSAN GT-R 2015 R35 Multi Function Display Service Manual INFO:
Incident details are a feature of Traffic Informa-
tion, and that a NavTraffic subscription is
required in order to receive Traffic Information.

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NISSAN GT-R 2015 R35 Multi Function Display Service Manual 2-22Navigation
This navigation system uses symbols to display facilities.
2-dimensional icons (Plan View)

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NISSAN GT-R 2015 R35 Multi Function Display Service Manual Road color
The road types are differentiated by colors.
(Red or light red (zoomed in))
Main road:
(Brown or dark yellow)
Narrow street:
Road with incomplete map data:
(Dark green)

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NISSAN GT-R 2015 R35 Multi Function Display Service Manual 2-24Navigation
Searches for a route from the current
location to the previously stored home
. Address Book:
Searches for a destination from the list of the
stored locations.
. Prev

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NISSAN GT-R 2015 R35 Multi Function Display Service Manual .Puerto Rico
. Virgin Islands
. It is also possible to select a region by
touching the map on the right side of the
. It is not possible to search for a route from
the continental United
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