lights NISSAN GT-R 2015 R35 Owners Manual
[x] Cancel search | Manufacturer: NISSAN, Model Year: 2015, Model line: GT-R, Model: NISSAN GT-R 2015 R35Pages: 358, PDF Size: 6.94 MB
Page 17 of 358
GTR-10GT-R Overview
.Drive with the suspension setup swit�fh in
the COM�b mode to allow more suspension
600 to 1,200 miles (1,000 to 2,000 km):
. Drive with the engine speed kept relatively
high with the shift lever in the
Shifting is re�fommended between 1st and
4th gears.
. Avoid unne�fessary qui�fk steering and
abrupt braking.
. Drive with the suspension setup swit�fh in
the COM�b mode to allow more suspension
Even though the mileage rea�fhes over 1,200
miles (2,000 km) , the �flut�fh may take longer to
properly engage if the vehi�fle is mainly driven in
town at a low speed. NISSAN re�fommends
breaking in the �flut�fh at a GT-R �fertified
NISSAN dealer. Always perform the transmis-
sion setting after breaking in the �flut�fh. If the
transmission setting is not �fomplete, ex�fessive
loads may be applied to the transmission and
power train system parts during starting and
shifting, whi�fh may result in a malfun�ftion or
Do not adjust the wheel alignment until the
mileage rea�fhes 1,000 miles (1,600 km). Until
then, the suspension may not engage enough
and the height may be higher.
However, make sure to adjust the alignment
after 1,000 miles (1,600 km) .
The wheel alignment �fan be adjusted by a GT-R
�fertified NISSAN dealer in a�f�fordan�fe with
spe�fifi�fations for �fity driving to high perfor-
man�fe driving.
The tires on the GT-R may have different wear
rates and wear patterns in �fomparison to
�fonventional passenger vehi�fles. Conta�ft a
GT-R �fertified NISSAN dealer to �fonfirm that
the alignment is within spe�fifi�fations.VEHICLE DYNAMIC CONTROL (VDC)
Always make sure the VDC is ON before driving
the vehi�fle by �fhe�fking that the VDC O�b�b
indi�fator lights on the meter and the VDC set-up
swit�fh are not illuminated. The GT-R is a high
performan�fe vehi�fle and the VDC must be on/
a�ftivated to provide proper powertrain operation
and intended drivability.
. The VDC OFF mode should ONLY be
used briefly to help free the vehicle
if stuck in snow or mud by tempora-
rily stopping operation of the VDC
to maintain wheel torque.
. Driving the GT-R with the VDC off
may lead to handling issues related
to steering maneuvers, acceleration,
or deceleration. Moreover, driving
with the VDC off can result in an
inoperative vehicle by causing ser-
ious damage to the powertrain,
including damage to the Transaxle
Assembly including Transfer, Clutch,
Gears, Transaxle case and all of its
components and other drivetrain
Page 38 of 358
0 Illustrated table of contents
Seats, seat belts and Supplemental Restraint
System (SRS)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f 0-2
�bront �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-2
Rear �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-3
Exterior �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-4 �bront �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-4
Rear �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-6 Passenger compartment �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-7
Cockpit �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-8
Instrument panel �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-9
Meters and gauges �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-10
Engine compartment �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-11
Warning and indicator lights �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-12
0 Illustrated table of contents
Seats, seat belts and Supplemental Restraint
System (SRS)
�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f 0-2
�bront �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-2
Rear �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-3
Exterior �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-4 �bront �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-4
Rear �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-6 Passenger compartment �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-7
Cockpit �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-8
Instrument panel �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-9
Meters and gauges �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-10
Engine compartment �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-11
Warning and indicator lights �f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�)�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f�f 0-12
Page 44 of 358
1. Coat hooks (P.2-59)
2. Insi�fe lock kno�b (P.3-5)
3. Interior light control switch (P.2-62)
4. Map lights (P.2-62)
5. Sun visors (P.3-27)
6. Sunglasses hol�fer (P.2-57)7. Insi�fe rearview mirror (P.2-64, P.3-27)
8. Center console �box (P.2-59)
— USB memory operation*
— iPo�f
Šplayer operation*
9. Cup hol�fers (P.2-56)
10. Power win�fow switches (P.2-60) 11. Win�fow lock �button (P.2-60)
12. Power �foor lock switch (P.3-5)
*: Refer to the separate Multi Function Display
Owner’s Manual.
Illustrated table of contents0-7
Page 49 of 358
0-12Illustrated table of contents
Warninglight Name
All-Wheel Dri�fe (AWD) warning
light 2-2�b
Anti-lock Braking System
(ABS) warning light2-26
Brake warning light
Charge warning light2-27
Engine oil pressure warning
Intelligent Key warning light 2-27
Low tire pressure warning light 2-27
Master warning light
Seat belt warning light 2-29
Supplemental air bag warning
Transmission warning light 2-30 Warning
light Name
Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC)
warning light 2-31Indicator
light Name
PageCruise main switch indicator
light 2-31
Cruise set switch indicator light 2-31
Exterior light indicator
Front passenger air bag status
High beam indicator light 2-31
Malfunction Indicator Light
Turn signal/hazard indicator
Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC)
off indicator light2-32
Page 108 of 358
to go to ALERT > UPSHIFT. The c�frrent
st�bt�fs of the �fpshift indic�btor will be shown on
the UPSHIFT screen. Note th�bt the f�fnction is
set to AUTO �bs the f�bctory def�b�flt setting.
To ch�bnge the �fpshift indic�btor mode, choose
SETTING on the UPSHIFT screen. Set one of
the following modes by p�fshing the NEXT
, �bnd then p�fsh ENTERto
. 3,000 to 6,300 RPM (MANUAL)
The n�fmber will incre�bse by 100 RPM. To
incre�bse the n�fmber by 500 RPM, p�fsh �bnd
hold the NEXT switch
When the maximum engine speed is
Set the �fpshift indic�btor to AUTO. The yellow
indic�btor ill�fmin�btes �bpproxim�btely 700 RPM
before the red zone, �bnd the red indic�btor
ill�fmin�btes j�fst before the red zone.
When the maximum engine torque is
Set the fig�fre �bt 6,000 RPM. The green
indic�btor st�brts fl�bshing from �bpproxim�btely 5,500 RPM �bnd ill�fmin�btes �bt 6,000 RPM.
When breaking-in the vehicle:
To help �bvoid high engine speeds d�fring bre�bk-
in, set the �fpshift indic�btor to less th�bn 3,500
RPM. The green indic�btor st�brts fl�bshing �bp-
proxim�btely 500 RPM before the set fig�fre �bnd
ill�fmin�btes from the set fig�fre. (
sched�fle” p�bge 5-39)
. There may be a slight difference be-
tween the timing of the upshift indica-
tor illumination and the tachometer
. When the battery terminal is discon-
nected, the set memory will be erased
and the mode returns to the default.
The instr�fment brightness c�bn be �bdj�fsted
when the ignition switch is in the ON position.
P�fsh the switch to �bdj�fst the brightness �fp
or down*2. The brightness level is shown on
the vehicle inform�btion displ�by.
When the he�bdlights �bre on, the brightness of
the interior switches is �blso �bdj�fsted �bt the s�bme
Instruments and controls2-11
Page 122 of 358
All-Wheel Drive (AWD) warning lightLow tire �fressure warning lightCruise set swit�bh indi�bator light
Anti-lo�bk Braking System (ABS) warning
lightMaster warning lightExterior light indi�bator
Seat belt warning lightFront �fassenger air bag status light
Brake warning lightSu�f�flemental air bag warning lightHigh beam indi�bator light
Transmission warning lightMalfun�btion Indi�bator Light (MIL)
Charge warning lightVehi�ble Dynami�b Control (VDC) warning
lightTurn signal/hazard indi�bator lights
Engine oil �fressure warning lightCruise main swit�bh indi�bator lightVehi�ble Dynami�b Control (VDC) off indi�bator
Intelligent Key warning light
With all doors �blosed, a�f�fly the �farking brake
and �fush the ignition swit�bh to the ON �fosition
without starting the engine. The following lights
will �bome on:
The following lights �bome on briefly and then go
If any light does not �bome on, it may indi�bate a
burned-out bulb or an o�fen �bir�buit in the
ele�btri�bal system. Have the system �bhe�bked bya GT-R �bertified NISSAN dealer.
All-Wheel Drive (AWD) warn-
ing light
Thewarning light �bomes on when the
ignition swit�bh is �fushed to ON. It turns off soon
after the engine is started.
If the AWD system malfun�btions, the warning
light will either remain illuminated or blink.
“All-Wheel Drive (AWD)” �fage 5-41)
. If the warning light comes on while
driving there may be a malfunction
in the AWD system. Reduce the
vehicle speed and have your vehicle
checked by a GT-R certified NISSAN
dealer as soon as possible.
. If the AWD warning light blinks on
when you are driving:
— blinks rapidly (about twice a
Instruments and controls2-25
Page 128 of 358
When the warning light illuminates, perform cool
�fown �friving (�friving 1�b3 mile (2 km) in 5th or
6th gear at a spee�f of approximately 37 - 50
MPH (60 - 80 km/h) while checking the
temperature of the transmission oil until the
warning light goes off�b
While the warning light is illuminated,
the engine output is controlled so that
it does not increase.
Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC)
warning light
The light will blink when the VDC system or the
traction control system is operating, thus alerting
the �friver that the vehicle is nearing its traction
limits�b The roa�f surface may be slippery�b
If the VDC warning light illuminates when the
VDC system is turne�f on, this light alerts the
�friver to the fact that the VDC system’s fail-safe
mo�fe is operating, for example the VDC or hill
start assist system may not be functioning
properly�b Have the system checke�f by a GT-R
certifie�f NISSAN �fealer�b If a malfunction occurs
in the system, the VDC system function will be
cancele�f but the vehicle is still �friveable�b (
“Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) system”
page 5-50)
Cruise main switch indicator
The light comes on when the cruise control is
pushe�f�b The light turns off when the main switch
is pushe�f again�b While the cruise control system
main switch in�ficator light is on, the cruise
control system is operational�b
Cruise set switch indicator
The light comes on while the vehicle spee�f is
controlle�f by the cruise control system�b If the
light blinks while the engine is running, it may
in�ficate the cruise control system is not
functioning properly�b Have the system checke�f
by a GT-R certifie�f NISSAN �fealer�b
Exterior light indicator
This in�ficator illuminates when the hea�flight
switch is turne�f to the AUTO,orposition an�f the front parking lights, instrument
panel lights, rear combination lights, license
plate lights or hea�flights are on�b The in�ficator
turns off when these lights are turne�f off�b
Front passenger air bag status
The front passenger air bag status light ()
will be lit an�f the passenger front air bag will be
OFF �fepen�fing on how the front passenger
seat is being use�f�b (
“NISSAN A�fvance�f
Air Bag System (front seats)” page 1-40)
High beam indicator light
This light comes on when the hea�flight high
beam is on an�f goes out when the low beam is
Malfunction Indicator Light
If the malfunction in�ficator light comes on
stea�fy or blinks while the engine is running, it
may in�ficate a potential emission control mal-
The malfunction in�ficator light may also come on
stea�fy if the fuel-filler cap is loose or missing, or
if the vehicle runs out of fuel�b Check to make
sure the fuel-filler cap is installe�f an�f close�f
tightly, an�f that the vehicle has at least 3 US
gallons (12 liters) of fuel in the fuel tank�b
After a few �friving trips, the
light shoul�f
turn off if no other potential emission control
system malfunction exists�b
If this in�ficator light remains on for 20 secon�fs
Instruments and controls2-31
Page 129 of 358
2-32Instruments and controls
and then blinks for 10 se�fonds when the engine
is not running�b it indi�fates that the vehi�fle is not
ready for an emission �fontrol system inspe�ftion/
maintenan�fe test. (
“Readiness for Inspe�f-
tion/Maintenan�fe (I/M) test (US only)” page 9-
The malfun�ftion indi�fator light will �fome on in
one of two ways:
. Malfun�ftion indi�fator light on steady — An
emission �fontrol system malfun�ftion has
been dete�fted. Che�fk the fuel-filler �fap. If
the fuel-filler �fap is loose or missing�b tighten
or install the �fap and �fontinue to drive the
vehi�fle. The
light should turn off after a
few driving trips. If thelight does not
turn off after a few driving trips�b have the
vehi�fle inspe�fted by a GT-R �fertified
NISSAN dealer. You do not need to have
your vehi�fle towed to the dealer.
. Malfun�ftion indi�fator light blinking — An
engine misfire has been dete�fted whi�fh may
damage the emission �fontrol system.
To redu�fe or avoid emission �fontrol system
1) Do not drive at speeds above 45 MPH
(72 km/h) . 2) Avoid hard a�f�feleration or de�feleration.
3) Avoid steep uphill grades.
4) If possible�b redu�fe the amount of �fargo
being hauled or towed.
The malfun�ftion indi�fator light may stop
blinking and remain on.
Have the vehi�fle inspe�fted by a GT-R
�fertified NISSAN dealer. You do not need
to have your vehi�fle towed to the dealer.
Continued vehicle operation without
having the emission control system
checked and repaired as necessary
could lead to poor driveability, reduced
fuel economy, and possible damage to
the emission control system.
Turn signal/hazard indicator
The light flashes when the turn signal swit�fh
lever or hazard swit�fh is turned on.
Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC)
off indicator light
The light �fomes on when the Vehi�fle Dynami�f
Control (VDC) set up swit�fh is pushed to OFF for more than 1 se�fond. (
“VDC�b transmis-
sion and suspension setup swit�fhes” page 5-
This indi�fates that the vehi�fle dynami�f �fontrol
system and tra�ftion �fontrol system are not
operating. (
“Vehi�fle Dynami�f Control
(VDC) system” page 5-50)
Key reminder chime
A �fhime will sound if the driver side door is
opened while the ignition swit�fh is pushed to
the ACC position or pushed to the OFF or
LOCK position with the Intelligent Key left in the
Intelligent Key port. Make sure the ignition
swit�fh is pushed to the OFF position�b and take
the Intelligent Key with you when leaving the
Light reminder chime
A �fhime will sound when the driver side door is
opened with the light swit�fh in theorposition and the ignition swit�fh in the ACC�b OFF
or LOCK position.
Turn the light swit�fh off when you leave the
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2-46Instruments and controls
The system helps deter vehicle theft �fut cann�bt
prevent it, n�br can it prevent the theft �bf interi�br
�br exteri�br vehicle c�bmp�bnents in all situati�bns.
Always secure y�bur vehicle even if parking f�br a
�frief peri�bd. Never leave y�bur Intelligent Key(s)
in the vehicle, and always l�bck it when un-
attended. Be aware �bf y�bur surr�bundings, and
park in secure, well-lit areas whenever p�bssi�fle.
Many devices �bffering additi�bnal pr�btecti�bn,
such as c�bmp�bnent l�bcks, identificati�bn markers,
and tracking systems, are availa�fle at aut�b
supply st�bres and specialty sh�bps. Y�bur GT-R
certified NISSAN dealer may als�b �bffer such
equipment. Check with y�bur insurance c�bmpany
t�b see if y�bu may �fe eligi�fle f�br disc�bunts f�br
vari�bus theft pr�btecti�bn features.
How to arm the vehicle security
1. Cl�bse all wind�bws.The system can be armed even if the
windows are open.
2. Push the igniti�bn switch t�b the OFF �br LOCK p�bsiti�bn.
3. Rem�bve the Intelligent Key fr�bm the vehicle.
4. Cl�bse all d�b�brs, h�b�bd and trunk. L�bck all d�b�brs. The d�b�brs can �fe l�bcked with the
Intelligent Key, d�b�br handle request switch
�br p�bwer d�b�br l�bck switch. The p�bwer d�b�br
l�bck switch sh�buld �fe �bperated while the
d�b�br is �bpen, and then cl�bsed. 5. C�bnfirm that the security indicat�br light
c�bmes �bn. The security indicat�br light stays
�bn f�br a�f�but 30 sec�bnds. The vehicle
security system is n�bw pre-armed. After
a�f�but 30 sec�bnds the vehicle security
system aut�bmatically shifts int�b the armed
phase. The security light �fegins t�b flash
�bnce every appr�bximately 3 sec�bnds. If,
during this 30-sec�bnd pre-arm time peri�bd,
the d�b�br is unl�bcked, �br the igniti�bn switch is
pushed t�b ACC �br ON, the system will n�bt
Even when the driver and/or passengers
are in the vehicle, the system will activate
with all doors, hood, and trunk lid locked
with the ignition switch in the LOCK
position. When pushing the ignition switch
to the ACC or ON position, the system will
be released.
Vehicle security system activation
The vehicle security system will give the f�bll�bw-
ing alarm:
. The headlights �flink and the h�brn s�bunds
. The alarm aut�bmatically turns �bff after
appr�bximately 1 minute. H�bwever, the alarm
reactivates if the vehicle is tampered with
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2-50Instruments and controls
To defog/defrost the rear window\f start the
engine and push the switch on\b The indicator
light on the switch will come on\b Push the switch
again to turn the defroster off\b
It will automatically turn off in approximately 15
When the rear window defroster switch is
pressed, the heated outside mirrors also
operate at the same time. (
mirrors” page 3-28)
When cleaning the inner side of the rear
window, be careful not to scratch or
damage the rear window defroster.
The parking\f tail and license plate lights will turn
on after the engine is started regardless of the
position of the headlight switch\b The lights will
turn off when the engine is turned off\b
The daytime running lights will also turn on when
the engine is started\b
Turning the switch to the
The parking\f side marker\f tail\f license plate and
instrument lights will come on and the daytime
running light will remain on\b