emergency towing NISSAN VERSA SEDAN 2015 2.G Towing Guide

NISSAN VERSA SEDAN 2015 2.G Towing Guide VERSA SEDAN 2015 2.G NISSAN NISSAN https://www.carmanualsonline.info/img/5/413/w960_413-0.png NISSAN VERSA SEDAN 2015 2.G Towing Guide

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NISSAN VERSA SEDAN 2015 2.G Towing Guide  2015 NISSAN Towing Guide    7 stamped on the top of the ball.   The required hitch ball size is stamped on most trailer 
couplers.  Always make sure the hitch ball selected has the proper shank diame

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NISSAN VERSA SEDAN 2015 2.G Towing Guide  2015 NISSAN Towing Guide    8
will allow the chains/cables to drag on the ground.  
 WARNING- Do not use S-hooks for attaching the safety chains as they may become un-
hooked while towing.  If the em

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NISSAN VERSA SEDAN 2015 2.G Towing Guide  2015 NISSAN Towing Guide    17
 CAUTION - DO NOT modify your vehicle beyond those required for proper hitch 
installation, wiring hook-up, or adding extended mirrors on any N

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2.  Turn off the air conditioning and, after opening all the windows, turn the heater on to 
maximum hot and the fan to its highest speed, and exit the vehicle. The hea

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NISSAN VERSA SEDAN 2015 2.G Towing Guide  2015 NISSAN Towing Guide    23
 A ball that connects the trailer to the tow vehicle hitch that provides the 
means by which the trailer pivots during cornering.  Available in a number