You can turn off the traction control
system by pushing the ºTRAC OFFº
switch. The ºTRAC OFFº indicator/warn-
ing light will come on. Pushing the
ºTRAC OFFº switch a second time
turns on the traction control system
and the ºTRAC OFFº indicator/warning
light will go off.
Under certain slippery road condi-
tions, full traction of the vehicles and
power to the front wheels may not be
maintained, even though the traction
control system is in operation. Do not
drive the vehicle at any speed or con-
duct any during maneuver which will
cause the vehicle to lose traction. In
situations where the road surface is
covered with ice or snow, your ve-
hicle should be fitted with snow tires
or tire chains. Always drive at an ap-
propriate and cautious speed for the
road conditions present.
Floor mat
Use a floor mat of the correct size.
If the floor carpet and floor mat have a
hole, then it is designed for use with a
locking clip. Fix the floor mat with locking
clip into the hole in the floor carpet.