battery MITSUBISHI L200 2018 Owner's Manual (in English)

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Entering or leaving the
vehicle E00205800022CAUTIONlTo avoid slipping and damaging the painted
surface, do not step on the cover of the side
step (A).Installation of accessories
We recommend you to consult yourMITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Service
CAUTIONl Your vehicle is equipped with a diagnosis
connector for checking and servicing theelectronic control system.
Do not connect a device other than a diagno-
sis tool for inspections and service to this
Otherwise, the battery could be discharged,
the electronic devices of the vehicle could malfunction, or other unexpected problems could result.
In addition, malfunctions caused by connect-
ing a device other than a diagnosis tool may not be covered under warranty.
l The installation of accessories, optional
parts, etc., should only be carried out
within the limits prescribed by law in your country, and in accordance with the
guidelines and warnings contained with-
in the documents accompanying this ve- hicle.
l Improper installation of electrical parts
could cause fire, please refer to the Mod-
ification/ alteration to the electrical or fuel systems section within this owner’smanual.
l When installing the radio, for the re-
quired information (frequency, transmis-
sion output, installing procedure), con-
ized Service Point.
If the frequency, transmission output and
installing condition are not appropriate, it can adversely affect the electronic de-vices and could lead to unsafe vehicle
l Using a cellular phone or radio set inside
the vehicle without an external antenna
may cause electrical system interference,
which could lead to unsafe vehicle oper- ation.
l Tyres and wheels which do not meet
specifications must not be used.
Refer to the “Specifications” section for information regarding wheel and tyre
Important points!
Due to a large number of accessories and re-
placement parts of different manufactures available in the market, it is not possible, not
only for MITSUBISHI MOTORS , but also
for a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized
Service Point, to check whether the attach- ment or installation of such parts affects the
overall safety of your vehicle.

Entering or leaving the vehicle
2-05OKTE18E1General information2

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NOTE•The number of times the turn-signal
lamps are flashed by the confirmation function can be changed.
Operation of the Dead Lock
With a vehicle that has a Dead Lock System, it is possible to set the Dead Lock System by
pressing the LOCK switch (1) two times.
Refer to “Dead Lock System*” on page 3-18 for details.
Operation of the outside rear-
view mirrors (Vehicles equip- ped with mirror retractor
To fold
Locking the doors using the LOCK switch
(1), the outside rear-view mirrors are folded
To extend
Unlocking the doors using the UNLOCK
switch (2), the outside rear-view mirrors are
extended automatically.
NOTEl Functions can be modified as stated below.
Please consult a MITSUBISHI MOTORS
Authorized Service Point.
• Automatically extend when the driver’s
door is closed, and then the following op- eration is performed.
[Except vehicles equipped with keyless operation system]
Turn the ignition switch to the “ON” or
“ACC” position.
[Vehicles equipped with keyless operation
Put the operation mode in ON or ACC.
• Automatically retract when the ignition
switch is turned to the “LOCK” position
or the operation mode is put in OFF, and the driver’s door is then opened.
• Automatically extend when the vehicle
speed reaches 30 km/h. NOTE• Deactivate the automatic extension func-

The outside rear-view mirrors can be fol-
ded or extended by the following opera-
tions, even if changing to any of the above.
After pressing the “LOCK” switch to lock
the doors, if the “LOCK” switch is press- ed again twice in a row within about 30
seconds, the outside rear-view mirrors will retract.
After pressing the “UNLOCK” switch to
unlock the doors, if the “UNLOCK”
switch is pressed again twice in a row within about 30 seconds, the outside rear-
view mirrors will extend again.
l The keyless entry system does not operate in
the following conditions:
• The key is left in the ignition switch. (ex-
cept for vehicles with keyless operation system)
• The operation mode is not in OFF. (vehi-
cles with keyless operation system)
• The door is open.
l The key switch will operate within approxi-
mately 4 m from the vehicle. However, the operating range of the key switch may
change if the vehicle is located near a TV
transmitting tower, power station, or radio
broadcasting station.
l If either of the following problems occurs,
the battery may be exhausted.
Keyless entry system*
3-05OKTE18E1Locking and unlocking3

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NOTE•The key switch is operated at the correct
distance from the vehicle, but the doorsare not locked/unlocked in response.
• The indication lamp (3) is dim or does not
come on.

For further information, please contact a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized
Service Point.
If you replace the battery yourself, refer to
“Procedure for replacing the key battery” on page 3-06.
l If your key is lost or damaged, please con-
tact a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized
Service Point for a replacement key.
l If you wish to add key, please contact a
ice Point.
The following numbers of the keys are avail- able.
• Keyless entry key: up to 4 keys.
• Keyless operation key: up to 4 keys.Procedure for replacing the
key battery
Before replacing the battery, remove static
electricity from your body by touching a met- al grounded object.
WARNINGl Danger of explosion if battery is incor-
rectly replaced.
Replace only with the same battery or an equivalent type.CAUTIONl When the key case is opened, be careful to
keep water, dust, etc. out. Also, do not touch
the internal components.NOTEl You may purchase a replacement battery at
an electric appliance store.
l A
Service Point can replace the battery for you
if you prefer.
1. Remove the screw (A) from the key.
(Keyless entry key only)
2. Remove the emergency key from the
key. (Keyless operation key only)
Refer to “Emergency key” on page
3. With the MITSUBISHI mark facing
you, insert the cloth-covered tip of a
straight blade (or minus) screwdriver in-
to the notch in the key case and use it to open the case.
Keyless entry system*
3-06OKTE18E1Locking and unlocking3 Keyless entry key Keyless entry key Keyless operation key

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NOTElBe sure to perform the procedure with the
MITSUBISHI mark facing you. If the
MITSUBISHI mark is not facing you when
you open the key case, the switches may
come out.
4. Remove the old battery.
5. Install a new battery with the + side (B)
6. Close the key case firmly.
7. Attach the screw (A) removed in step 1.
(Keyless entry key only)
8. Install the emergency key removed in
step 2. (Keyless operation key only)
9. Check the keyless entry system to see
that it works.Keyless operation system*
The keyless operation system allows you tolock and unlock the doors, start the engine
and change the operation mode simply by
carrying the keyless operation key with you. The switches on the keyless operation key can also be used as the key switch of keyless
entry system.
Refer to “Starting and stopping the engine” on page 6-18.
Refer to “Keyless entry system*” on page 3-04.

The driver should always carry the keyless operation key. This key is necessary for lock- ing and unlocking the doors, starting the en-
gine and otherwise operating the vehicle, so before locking and leaving the vehicle, be
sure to check that you have the keyless oper- ation key.
WARNINGl People with implantable cardiac pace-
makers or implantable cardiovascular-de- fibrillators should not go near the exterior
transmitters (A) or the interior transmit-
ters (B). The radio waves used by the key-
less operation system could adversely af- fect implantable cardiac pacemakers orimplantable cardiovascular-defibrillators.
Keyless operation system*
3-07OKTE18E1Locking and unlocking3 Keyless entry key+ side - side
Coin type battery CR1620 Keyless operation key+ side - side
Coin type battery CR2032 Club cab

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WARNINGlWhen using electro-medical devices other
than implantable cardiac pacemakers or implantable cardiovascular-defibrillators,
contact the electro-medical device manu- facturer ahead of time to determine theaffects of radio waves on the devices. Elec-
tro-medical device operations could be af- fected by radio waves.
You can limit the possible operations of the
keyless operation system in the following ways. (The keyless operation system can be
used as a keyless entry system.) Please con-
sult a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized
Service Point.
l You can limit operations to locking and
unlocking the doors.
l You can limit operations to starting the
l The keyless operation system can be dis-
When keyless operation system operations are modified, the operating transmitters are as
l Only locking and unlocking doors: exte-
rior transmitter and interior transmitter
l Only starting the engine: interior trans-
mitterNOTEl The keyless operation key uses an ultra-
weak electromagnetic wave. In the following
cases, the keyless operation system may not
operate properly or may be unstable.
• When there is equipment nearby that
emits strong radio waves, such as: a pow-
er station, a radio/TV broadcasting station or an airport.
• The keyless operation system is carried
together with a communications device such as a cellular phone or radio set, or
with an electronic device such as a per- sonal computer.
• The keyless operation key is touching or
covered by a metal object.
• A keyless entry system is being used
• When the keyless operation key battery is
worn out.NOTE• When the keyless operation key is placed
in an area with strong radio waves or noise.
In such cases, use the emergency key.
Refer to “To lock/unlock without using
the keyless operation function” on page 3-11.
l Because the keyless operation key receives
signals in order to communicate with the transmitters in the vehicle, the battery con-tinually wears down regardless of keylessoperation key use. The battery life is 1 to 2
years, depending on usage conditions. When the battery wears out, replace the battery ac-cording to the description in this manual or
have it replaced a MITSUBISHI MOTORS
Authorized Service Point.
Refer to “Procedure for replacing the key battery” on page 3-06.
l Because the keyless operation key continual-
ly receives signals, strong radio wave recep- tion could affect battery wear. Do not leave
the key near a TV, personal computer, or
other electronic device.Operating range of the keyless
operation system
If you are carrying the keyless operation key, enter the operating range of the keyless oper-ation system, and press the driver’s or front
passenger’s door lock/unlock switch, the ID
code for your key is verified.
Keyless operation system*
3-08OKTE18E1Locking and unlocking3Double cab

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You can lock and unlock the doors, start theengine and change the operation mode only if
the ID codes of your keyless operation key
and the vehicle match.NOTEl If the keyless operation key battery is wear-
ing out or there are strong electromagnetic
waves or noise present, the operating range
may become smaller and operation may be-
come unstable.Operating range for locking
and unlocking the doors
The operating range is approximately 70 cm from the driver’s or front passenger’s door
lock/unlock switch.
*: Forward direction: Operating rangeNOTEl Locking and unlocking operates only when
you press a door switch that detects the key-
less operation key.
l Operation may not be possible if you are too
close to the front door, door window.
l Even if the keyless operation key is within
70 cm of the driver’s or front passenger’s
door lock/unlock switch, if the key is near to the ground or high up, the system may not operate.
l If the keyless operation key is within the op-
erating range, even someone not carrying the key can lock and unlock the doors by press-ing the driver’s or front passenger’s door
lock/unlock switch.Operating range for starting the
engine and changing the opera-tion mode
The operating range is the interior of the ve-
*:Forward direction:Operating rangeNOTEl Even if it is within the operating range, if the
keyless operation key is in a small item
holder such as the glove box, on top of the instrument panel, door pocket or in the lug-gage compartment, it may be impossible to
start the engine and change the operation
Keyless operation system*
3-09OKTE18E1Locking and unlocking3

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ice Point.
• Activating the operation confirmation
function (blinking of the turn-signal
lamps) only during locking, or only dur- ing unlocking.
• Disabling the operation confirmation
function (blinking of the turn-signal
• Changing the number of blinks for the op-
eration confirmation function (blinking of
the turn-signal lamps).To lock/unlock without using
the keyless operation function
Emergency key
The emergency key (A) can only be used to lock and unlock the door. To use the emer-
gency key, unlock the lock knob (B) and re- move it from the keyless operation key (C).
NOTEl Only use the emergency key for emergen-
cies. If the keyless operation key batterywears out, replace it as quickly as possible
so that you can use the keyless operation
l The emergency key is built in the keyless
operation key.
l After using the emergency key, always re-
turn it into the original position.Locking and unlocking the door
Turning the emergency key in the forward di-
rection locks the door, and turning it in the rear direction unlocks the door. Also refer to
“Locking and unlocking: Doors” on page 3-15.
1- Lock
2- Unlock
Operation of the Dead Lock
For vehicles equipped with the Dead Lock System, it is possible to set the Dead Lock
System using the driver’s or front passen- ger’s door lock/unlock switch.
(Refer to “Dead Lock System*” on page
Keyless operation system*
3-11OKTE18E1Locking and unlocking3

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LampBuzzerItemCauseNote (Solution)Blinks.Outer buzzer soundsapproximately 3 sec-ondsKey lock-in preven-
tion systemWhen the operation mode is in OFF, if you close all the doors with the keyless opera-
tion key left in the vehicle and you try to lock the doors by pressing the driver’s or
front passenger’s door lock/unlock switch.Make sure you have the keyless op- eration key with you before locking
the doors. Even if you leave the keyless operation key inside the ve-
hicle, it is possible that the doors
will lock depending on the sur- rounding environment and wireless
signal conditions.Blinks.Outer buzzer sounds approximately 3 sec-ondsDoor ajar prevention
systemWhen the operation mode is in OFF, if you try to lock the doors by pressing the driv-er’s or front passenger’s door lock/unlock
switch with one of the doors not complete- ly closed.—Blinks.No soundsKeyless operation sys-
temThe battery in the keyless operation key has worn out.Replace the battery as soon as pos- sible at a MITSUBISHI MOTORS
Authorized Service Point.Illuminates.A power supply is not switched over from OFF because the keyless operation key in
the vehicle cannot be detected.
When a warning is issued while being in the vehicle, it is because the battery of the
keyless operation key has worn out or the
state of the surrounding radio wave is bad.Please confirm that the keyless op-
eration key is in the vehicle.
If the key is in the vehicle, insert the slot.
Starting the engine and changing the operation mode should now be possible.
Keyless operation system*
3-13OKTE18E1Locking and unlocking3

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Electric window control switch
Each door window opens or closes while the
corresponding switch is operated.
1- Driver’s door window
2- Front passenger’s door window
3- Rear left door window (Double cab)
4- Rear right door window (Double cab)
5- Lock switch
WARNINGl Before operating the electric window con-
trol, make sure that nothing can get trap-
ped (head, hand, finger, etc.).
l Never leave the vehicle without removing
the key.
l Never leave a child (or other person who
might not be capable of safe operation of the electric window control) in the vehicle alone.WARNINGl The child may tamper with the switch at
the risk of its hands or head being trap-
ped in the window.
Driver’s switches
The driver’s switches can be used to operate
all door windows. A window can be opened or closed by operating the correspondingswitch.
Press the switch down to open the window, and pull up the switch to close it.
If the switch for the driver’s window is fully
pressed down/pulled up, the door window au- tomatically opens/closes completely.
If you want to stop the window movement,
operate the switch lightly in the reverse direc-
Passenger’s switches
The passenger’s switches can be used to op-
erate the corresponding passenger’s door
Press the switch down for opening the win-
dow, and pull up the switch for closing it.NOTEl Repeated operation with the engine stopped
will run down the battery. Operate the win-
dow switches only while the engine is run- ning.
l The rear door windows only open halfway.Lock switch
When this switch is operated, the passenger’s
switches cannot be used to open or close the door windows and the driver’s switch cannot
open or close any door windows other than
the driver’s door window.
Electric window control*
3-22OKTE18E1Locking and unlocking3Driver’s switch
LHDDriver’s switch

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To unlock, press it once again.
1- Lock
2- Unlock
WARNINGl A child may tamper with the switch at the
risk of its hands or head being trapped in the window. When driving with a child in
the vehicle, please press the window lock switch to disable the passenger’s switches.Timer function
The door windows can be opened or closed
for 30 seconds after the engine is stopped.
However, once the driver’s door or the front passenger’s door is opened, the windows can-
not be operated.
Safety mechanism (driver’s
window only)
When the door window is automatically
closed by pulling up the switch fully, if a hand or head is trapped in the closing win-
dow, it will lower automatically.
Nonetheless, make sure that nobody puts
their head or hand out of the window when
closing the driver’s door window.
The lowered window will become operation-
al after a few seconds.
WARNINGl If the battery terminals are disconnected
or the fuse for electric window is replaced,
the safety mechanism will be cancelled. If a hand or head got trapped, a serious injury could result.CAUTIONl The safety mechanism is cancelled just be-
fore the window is fully closed. This allows the window to close completely. Therefore be especially careful that no fingers are trap-
ped in the window.
l The safety mechanism is deactivated while
the switch is pulled up. Therefore be espe-
cially careful that fingers are not trapped in the door window opening.NOTEl The safety mechanism can be activated if the
driving conditions or other circumstancescause the driver’s door window to be subjec- ted to a physical shock similar to that caused
by a trapped hand or head.
l If the safety mechanism is activated five or
more times in a row, the safety mechanism
will be cancelled and the door window will not close correctly.
In such a case, the following procedure
should be implemented to rectify this situa- tion. If the window is open, repeatedly raise
the driver’s door window switch until that window has been fully closed. Following
this, release the switch, raise the switch once
again and hold it in this condition for at least
1 second, then release it. You should now be able to operate in the normal fashion.
l If the battery terminals are disconnected or
the fuse for electric window is replaced, the safety mechanism will be cancelled and the
door window will not automatically open/ close completely.
If the window is open, repeatedly raise the
driver’s door window switch until the win-
dow has been fully closed. Following this, release the switch, raise the switch once again and hold it in this condition for at least
1 second, then release it. You should now be able to operate the driver’s door window in
the normal fashion.
Electric window control*
3-23OKTE18E1Locking and unlocking3

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