radiator DODGE VIPER 2015 VX / 3.G Owners Manual

DODGE VIPER 2015 VX / 3.G Owners Manual VIPER 2015 VX / 3.G DODGE DODGE https://www.carmanualsonline.info/img/12/5695/w960_5695-0.png DODGE VIPER 2015 VX / 3.G Owners Manual

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DODGE VIPER 2015 VX / 3.G Owners Manual •If your air conditioner (A/C) is on, turn it off. The A/C
system adds heat to the engine cooling system and
turning the A/C off can help remove this heat.
•You can also turn the temperature contr

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DODGE VIPER 2015 VX / 3.G Owners Manual 4. Clean any remaining sealant from the Tire Service Kit
5. Position the new Sealant Bottle (1) in the housing so
that the Sealant Hose (6) aligns with the hose slot in
the front of the housi

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DODGE VIPER 2015 VX / 3.G Owners Manual To minimize the possibility of catalytic converter dam-
•Do not shut off the engine or interrupt the ignition,
when the transmission is in gear and the vehicle is in
•Do not try to st

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DODGE VIPER 2015 VX / 3.G Owners Manual Coolant Checks
Check engine coolant (antifreeze) protection every 12
months (before the onset of freezing weather, where
applicable). If the engine coolant (antifreeze) is dirty, the
system should be

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DODGE VIPER 2015 VX / 3.G Owners Manual Selection Of Coolant
Refer to “Fluids, Lubricants, and Genuine Parts” in
“Maintaining Your Vehicle” for further information.
•Mixing of engine coolant (antifreeze) other than

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DODGE VIPER 2015 VX / 3.G Owners Manual •Mixing engine coolant (antifreeze) types is not recom-
mended and can result in cooling system damage. If
HOAT and OAT coolant are mixed in an emergency,
have a authorized dealer drain, flush, and

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DODGE VIPER 2015 VX / 3.G Owners Manual rules for your community. To prevent ingestion by ani-
mals or children, do not store ethylene glycol-based
engine coolant (antifreeze) in open containers or allow it
to remain in puddles on the groun

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DODGE VIPER 2015 VX / 3.G Owners Manual If an examination of your engine compartment shows no
evidence of radiator or hose leaks, the vehicle may be
safely driven. The vapor will soon dissipate.
•Do not overfill the coolant expansion bott

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DODGE VIPER 2015 VX / 3.G Owners Manual CAUTION!(Continued)
•When replacing a blown fuse, it is important to use
only a fuse having the correct amperage rating. The
use of a fuse with a rating other than indicated may
result in a dangerou

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DODGE VIPER 2015 VX / 3.G Owners Manual CAUTION!
•Mixing of engine coolant (antifreeze) other than
specified Organic Additive Technology (OAT) en-
gine coolant (antifreeze), may result in engine
damage and may decrease corrosion protectio
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