Peugeot 207 CC 2010 Manual del propietario (in Spanish)

Peugeot 207 CC 2010 Manual del propietario (in Spanish) 207 CC 2010 Peugeot Peugeot Peugeot 207 CC 2010 Manual del propietario (in Spanish)
Trending: phone, alarm, USB port, airbag, bluetooth, AUX, ABS

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Peugeot 207 CC 2010  Manual del propietario (in Spanish) �1�8�2
�0�3� �M�E�N�Ú� �G�E�N�E�R�A�L� 
� � �F�U�N�C�I�O�N�E�S� �D�E� �A�U�D�I�O�:� �r�a�d�i�o�,� �C�D�,� �U�S�B�,� �o�p�c�i�o�n�e�s�.� 
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Peugeot 207 CC 2010  Manual del propietario (in Spanish) �1�8�3
�0�4� �A�U�D�I�O� 
� �P�u�l�s�e� �l�a� �t�e�c�l�a� �S�O�U�R�C�E� �t�a�n�t�a�s� �v�e�c�e�s� �c�o�m�o� �s�e�a� �n�e�c�e�s�a�r�i�o� �y� �s�e�l�e�c�c�i�o�n�e

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Peugeot 207 CC 2010  Manual del propietario (in Spanish) 184
� �I�n�s�e�r�t�e� �ú�n�i�c�a�m�e�n�t�e� �c�o�m�p�a�c�t� �d�i�s�c�s� �d�e� �f�o�r�m�a� �c�i�r�c�u�l�a�r�.� � �A�l�g�u�n�o�s� �s�i�s�t�e�m�a�s� �a�n�t�i�p�i�r�a�t�e�r�í�a�

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Peugeot 207 CC 2010  Manual del propietario (in Spanish) �1�8�5
� � �E�l� �f�o�r�m�a�t�o� �M�P�3�,� �a�b�r�e�v�i�a�c�i�ó�n� �d�e� �M�P�E�G� �1�,�2� �&� �2�.�5� �A�u�d�i�o� �L�a�y�e�r� �3� � � �E�l� �f�o�r�m�a�t�o� �M�P�3�,� �a�b�r�e�v�i�a�c�i�ó�n� �d

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Peugeot 207 CC 2010  Manual del propietario (in Spanish) �1�8�6
� � �E�l� �s�i�s�t�e�m�a� �c�r�e�a� �l�i�s�t�a�s� �d�e� �r�e�p�r�o�d�u�c�c�i�ó�n� �(�e�n� �l�a� �m�e�m�o�r�i�a� �t�e�m�p�o�r�a�l�)�,� �c�u�y�o� �t�i�e�m�p�o� �d�e� �c�r�

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Peugeot 207 CC 2010  Manual del propietario (in Spanish) 187
� �R�E�P�R�O�D�U�C�T�O�R� �U�S�B� �-� �W�I�P� �P�L�U�G� 
�U�T�I�L�I�Z�A�C�I�Ó�N� �D�E� �L�A� �T�O�M�A� �U�S�B� �-� �W�I�P� �P�L�U�G� 
� � �E�f�e�c�t�ú�e� �u�n�a� �p

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Peugeot 207 CC 2010  Manual del propietario (in Spanish) 188
� �L�a� �v�i�s�u�a�l�i�z�a�c�i�ó�n� �y� �g�e�s�t�i�ó�n� �d�e� �l�o�s� �m�a�n�d�o�s� �s�e� �e�f�e�c�t�ú�a�n� �a� �t�r�a�v�é�s� �d�e�l� �d�i�s�p�o�s�i�t�i�v�o� �p�o�r�t�

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Peugeot 207 CC 2010  Manual del propietario (in Spanish) 189
�S�a�i�s�i�r� �c�o�d�e� �a�u�t�h�e�n�t�i�i�c�a�t�i�o�n�0�1�O�K�D�e�l�2�3�4�5�6�7�8�9�_
� �W�I�P� �B�L�U�E�T�O�O�T�H� 
� � �P�o�r� �m�o�t�

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Peugeot 207 CC 2010  Manual del propietario (in Spanish) 190
� � �R�E�C�I�B�I�R� �U�N�A� �L�L�A�M�A�D�A� 
� � �U�n�a� �l�l�a�m�a�d�a� �e�n�t�r�a�n�t�e� �s�e� �a�n�u�n�c�i�a� �m�e�d�i�a�n�t�e� �u�n� �t�i�m�b�r�e� �d

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Peugeot 207 CC 2010  Manual del propietario (in Spanish) 191
�0�7� �C�O�N�F�I�G�U�R�A�C�I�Ó�N� 
� �P�u�l�s�e� �l�a� �t�e�c�l�a� �M�E�N�Ú�.� � 
� � �S�e�l�e�c�c�i�o�n�e� �c�o�n� �l�a�s� �fl� �e�c�h�a�s� �l�a� �f�u�n
Trending: airbag off, bluetooth, AUX, ESP, spare tire, alarm, USB port