VIN MITSUBISHI PAJERO 1996 2.G Owners Manual

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Downloaded from manuals search engine & VAROITUS (1) Varmista aina oman ja matkustajiesi turvallisuuden takia, etta ovet ovat kunnolla kiinni. (2) Ala jata lasta koskaan yksin autoon.
Lapsilukolla varustetut takaovet Hf 1 :~c A
1 -Lukltseminen 2 Lukon avaaminen
Kun vipu asetetaan lukkoasentoon. ei takaovia voi avata auton sisapuolelta Takaovet voidaan kuitenkin avata ulkoapain, ellei niita ole lukittu lukitusnappuloilla.
& VAROITUS Vipu sijaitsee seka oikeanpuolei­sessa etta vasemmanpuoleisessa takaovessa. Kun laitat lapsen istumaan ta­kaistuimelle, lukitse ovet lapsilu­kolla turvallisuuden takaamiseksi. Ovi avataan lapsilukosta ve­tamalla ulkokahvasta.
1 6
it CAUTION (1) Make sure the doors are closed: driving with doors incompletely closed is very dangerous. (2) Never leave a child in the vehicle unattended.
"Child-protection" rear doors ITI2C l.
1 -Lock 2 -Unlock
If th e lever is set to th e locked position, the rear doors cannot be opened from inside the vehicle. However, the rear doors can still be opened from outside the vehicle unless they are locked by the lock buttons.
& CAUTION If adults are to sit in the rear seat,
release the child-protection lock in order to provide emergency exit from the vehicle in the event of an accident. This is especially impor­tant if the vehicle is equipped with the optionally available electric window control because it may not be possible to operate the window in an emergency.

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Downloaded from manuals search engine LUKITSEIVIIENEN'JA,AVAAMINEN '" ' p' ,',~: '" LOCKING AND UNLOCKING , " '.' • • -',. , r " • ," ~ ~, '" - _
&. VAROITUS Ennen ajoa varmistakaa etta konepelti on kunnolla lu­kittu. Vaillinaisesti lukittu konepelti saattaa kesken ajon avautua. mika on erittain vaarallista.
Takaovi HF05CD
Avaaminen ulkopuolelta
1-Avaimen sisaanpano ja poisotto­
2 -Lukossa 3 -Auki
Vetakaa ulkokahvaa itseenne pain ava­taksenne takaoven,
& VAROITUS Pimealla tielli:i pysahtyessanne i:ilkaa unohtalw. etta takaovea avatessa peittyy takavalo. vaan huolehtikaa sopivin toimenpitein siita. etta takaatulevat ajoneuvot huomaavat teidat.
&. CAUTION Before driving. be sure that the bonnet is securely locked. An incompletely locked bonnet can suddenly open while driving. This is very dangerous.
Backdoor EF05CD
Operation from outside the vehi­
1-Insert or remove the key, 2-Lock 3 -Unlock
Pull the outside handle toward you to open the backdoor,
&. CAUTION If the back door is opened at night. the tail lamp will be concealed by the door. so take some measure to assure that the vehicle can be seen by vehicles approaching from be­

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Downloaded from manuals search engine tUKITSEMIENEN JA AVAAMINEN . , '. LOCKING AND ~ONtbCK'ING
Lukitus kytkin
5-Kun tata kytkinta kaytetaan, matkustajan kytkinta ei voi
kayttaa ovilasien avaamiseen tai sulkemiseen eika ajajan
kytkinta voi kayttaa
muiden kuin ajajan ja etumatkustajan
lasin sulkemiseen ja avaamiseen . Lukko avautuu, kun kyt­kinta painetaan uudemman kerran .
& VAROITUS (1) Varokaa, ettei kasi tai paa jaa sulkeutuvan lasin valiin. (2) Lapsi saattaa koskea kytkimeen silla riskilla etta hanen paansa tai sormensa juuttuvat kiinni ikkunan valiin. Kun ajatte lapsi mukananne autossa, nuista­kaa painaa ikkunan lukkokytkinta niin etta mat­kustajan kytkimet eivat toimi. (3) Jos jatatte lapsen (tai henkilon joka ei pysty turval­lisesti kayttamaan ikkunakatkaisimia) yksin ajo­neuvoon, katkaiskaa aina virta ja irrottakaa avain.
(4) Alkaa koskaan yrittako samanaikaisesti kayttaa
aJaJan ja matkustajan lasinkatkaisinta pam­vastaisiin suuntiin. Jos teette niin, pysahtyy lasi eika sita voi liikuttaa ylos eika alas.
'. ."
Lock switch
5 -When this switch is operated , the passenger's switches cannot be used to open or close the door windows and the
driver's switch cannot open or close any door windows other than the driver's or front passenger's door window. To unlock, press it once again.
& CAUTION (1) Be careful that either head or hands are not trapped by a closing window. (2) A child may tamper with the switch at the risk of its hands or head becoming trapped by the win­dow. When driving with a child in the vehicle, be
sure to press the window lock switch to make the passenger's switches inoperative. (3) If a child (or other person who might not be capa­ble of safe operation of the electrical window switches) is to be left in the vehicle alone, always be sure to turn off the ignition switch and remove the key. (4) Never try to operate a driver's switch and a pas­senger's switch in opposing directions at the same time; the window will stop, and then cannot be opened or closed.

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Liukuikkuna* HFOSC-A
Liu'uttakaa ikkun alasia taaksepain p ai­
naen lukkonuppia_
Sulke kaa ik k un a koko naan ja se lukittuu automaattisesti _
Ka II istettava
kattoluukku* HF09J-A
Saato nappu laa kaantamalla kattolu uku n
takaosa nousee (avautuu) ja laske utuu
(s ulke utuu)_
1 -Avautuu 2-Sul keut uu
& VAROITUS (1) Varmistakaa etta yhteen asetettavat merkit (A) ovat oikein kattoluukun ollessa kiinni. (2) Kun ajatte kattoluukun takaosa auki. alkaa var­masti koskeko liukulukkoi-hin (8) tai turvakouk­
kuun (C).
Sliding window* FF()SC 1
To open
S lide the window glass r earward while
pr essin g t he lock knob.
To close
Slid e th e w indow g lass all th e way an d it will automa tica lly lock.
Tilt up sunroof* rro'j J ,..
By tu ning th e regulato r kn ob. the rear
end of the sunroof can be raised (opened) an d lowered (closed) .
1 - Ope n
2-C lose
& CAUTION (1) Confirm that the aligning marks (A) are in proper alignment when the sunroof is fully closed. (2) While driving with the rear of the sunroof open. be sure not to touch either the slide locks (8) o r the
safety hook (C).

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Downloaded from manuals search engine LUKITSEMIENEN JA AVAAMINEN .' _ LOCKING AND UNLOCKING . . " "
& VAROITUS Kun ajatte kattoluukkuirti. laske­
kaa tuuletusikkunaa kaantamalla
saatonappula vasemmanpuolei­
simpaan asentoonsa. Taman
jalkeen varmistakaa.
etta tuuletu­sikkuna ei tyonny ulos kattopa­neelin tason yli.
Kattoluukun asentaminen HF09L·A
1. Sovittakaa kattoluukun etupaassa
olevat mol em mat liuskat tiukasti kattopaneelin reikiin.
2 . Kiinnittakaa turvakoukku kunnolla painamalla kattoluukun takaosan
keskustaa .
& CAUTION When driving with the sunroof re­
moved, lower the regulator by turning the regulator knob all the way to the left. After doing this. confirm that the regulator does not protrude above the lever of the roof panel.
Mounting of the sunroof EF09L·A
1. Fit the two tabs on the front end of the sunroof securely into the two holes in the roof panel. 2. Connect the safety hook securely , pushing downward on the centre of the rear end of the sunroof.

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Downloaded from manuals search engine LUKITSEMIENEN iA ~VAAIVIINEN '" LOCKING·AN'D U~LOq~ING,
& ' VA R01TVS ,
'(1) . Kun'olette' poissa ajoneu­
vonne !"!ota. varmista~aa etta kattoluukun lasi .on 'paikoil­
laan ja kunnolla kiinni. (2) Alkali kos'kaan yr,ittako irrot­taa tai asentaa kattoluukun la­sia ajoneuvon o'llessa liik­keella. silla putoava, lasi saattaa osua jalankulkijaan tai muihin ajoneuvoihin ja ai­heuttaa vahinkoa. (3) Auton pesun ja ~ateen jalkeen taytyy kattoluukku pyyhkia ennen sen kayttoa. '
(4) Alkaa ,Iaittako mat~atavaraa tai mitaan muuta painavaa itse kattoluukulle tai sen ym­parille. . (5) Alkaa tyontako paatanne, ka­sianne tai mitaan muuta kat­toluukun aukon lapi ajoneu­von ollessa Iiikkeessa.
& CAUTION (1 )
Be sure, when you are away from the vehicle. that the sun­roof is installed and is com­pletely and securely closed. Never try to remove or install the sunroof while the vehicle is moving. because if the sun­roof fell and hit a pedestrian or other vehicle an injury might result. After washing the vehicle or after it has rained, be sure to wipe off any water that is on the sunroof before operating it. Do not place luggage or any heavy object on the sunroof itself. or the area around it . Do not stick head, hands or anything else out of the sun­roof opening.
Especially while the vehicle is in motion.

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Downloaded from manuals search engine tUK'TSEMI.ENEN,JA,AVAAMiNEN· '., .' , :':',,:. ',::" ".,""I-'QGKiNG'A~D:U'NLP,b~~~C¥ • • ~ • \'. , " f: < • " " • - , ' ' ....... <, ~ ~ • ,"
& VAROITUS (1) Henkilovahinkojen valttamiseksi paa Ja kadet on pidettava poissa kattoluukun lahettyvilta sita avat­taessa ja suljettaessa, (2) Paata, kasia tai mitaan esinetta ei saa tyontaa kattoluukun aukon lapi ajon aikana. (3) Virta-avainta ei saa jattaa ACC-tai ON-asentoon lapsen (tai muun kattoluukun turvalliseen kayttoon kykenemattoman henkilon) jaadessa yk­sin autoon. (4) Kun poistut autosta sulje katto luukku ja irrota virta-avain. (5) Auton pesun tai sateen jalkeen pyyhi vesi kattoluu­kulta ennen sen kayttoa. (6) Ala yrita kayttaa kattoluukkua, jos se on jaatynyt kiinni.(lumisateen jalkeen tai pakkaselJa). (7) Ala laita matkatavaroita tai mitaan muuta painavaa kattoluukun paalle tai sen ymparille. (8) Vahatessasi autoa varo vahan joutumista kattoluu­kun reunojen tiivisteeseen (mustaa kumia). Vaha heikentaa sen tiivistyskykya.
& CAUTION (1) To avoid personal injury, keep the head and hands clear of the sunroof when it is opened or closed, (2) Do not stick head, hands or anything else out of the sunroof opening while driving the vehicle. (3) Do not leave the key in the" ACC" or "ON" position when a child (or other person Who might be hand­icapped for safe operation of the sunroof switch) is to be left in the vehicle alone. (4) When leaving the vehicle unattended, be sure to close the sunroof and remove the ignition key. (5) After washing the vehicle or after it has rained, wipe off any water that is on the sunroof before operating it. (6) Do not try to operate the sunroof if it is frozen closed (after snow fall or during extreme cold). (7) Do not place luggage or any heavy objects on the sunroof itself, or the area round it, (8) Be careful, when waxing the vehicle, not to put any wax on the weatherstrip (black rubber) around the sunroof opening. If stained with wax, the weather­strip cannot maintain a weatherproof seal with the sun roof.

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Downloaded from manuals search engine LUKITSEMIENEN JA AVAAMINEN LOCKING AND UNLOCKING '" (¥ " •
Korkealuokkainen lavara-
peite HFOliH-.'"
Korkealuokkainen lavarapeite, joka ei ai­
noastaan ole helpompi kayttaa vaan
myos kestavampi_ Tisavarusteena on
la myos elektronisaatoinen etuo­
san tavarapeite _
& VAROITUS Kun ulkolampotila on alhainen (aile 5 astetta), valtta­kaa tavarapeitteen avaamista ja sulkemista, koska ku­dos saattaa siita siita vaurioitua.
1. Myrskyn tai rankan sateen aikana tai silloin kun ajoneuvo jatetaan seisomaan pitkaksi aikaa, laittetaa nsen paalle ko­rinsuojus seka estamaan vesivaurioila etta suojaamaan
lavarapeitetta ja ajoneuvon korin maalia. 2. Pitkina sailytysaikoina tavarapeite pidetaan kiinni. J os ta­
varapeite laitetaan talteen taitettuna , se saattaa rypistya.
Canvas top EF04HA
The canvas top designed rear canvas top that will not only be much easier to fold down, but much more durable as well.
An electronically controlled front canvas sunroof also is optionally available _
& CAUTION When the ambient temperature is low (approximately 5·C or less), avoid opening and closing the canvas, as there is danger of damage to the texture.
To store
1 _ During a storm or heavy rain or when leaving the vehicle
for a long period, place a body cover to both prevent water entry and protect the canvas and vehicle body paint. 2_ For long storage periods, keep the canvas closed. If the
canvas is folded and left stored , it may wrinkle.

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Downloaded from manuals search engine .LUKITSEMIENEN JA AVAAMINEN.· LOCKING AND UNLOCKING'; ; ." "'., . " _!,.
& VAROITUS (1) Henkilovahinkojen valttamiseksi pitakaa paa Ja kadet pois etutavarapeitteen lahettyvilta sita avat­taessa ja suljettaessa. (2) Alkaa tyontako paatanne, kasianne tai mitaan muuta peitteen lapi ajaessanne ajoneuvoa. (3) Alkaa jattako virtalukkoa "ACC" tai "ON" asen­toon lapsen (tai muun etutavarapeitteen turvalli­seen kayttoon kykenemattoman henkilon) jaadessa yksin ajoneuvoon. (4) Kun lahdette ajoneuvonne luota, sulkekaa etutava­rapeite ja irrottakaa virta-avain. (5) Ajoneuvon pesun tai sateen jalkeen pyyhkikaa peit­teeJla oleva vesi enn.en kuin kaytatte sita. (6) Varmistakaa etta ajoneuvon nopeus on vahemman kuin 80 km/h avatessanne etupeitetta. (7) Alkaa laittako matkatavaraa tai muita painavia esi­neita peitteen paaJle tai sen lahetyville.
Kattoluukun avaaminen ja sulke­
minen kasin* HF04J -A
Mikali sahk6iserssa toiminnassa ilmenee
hairi6ita, voidaan etukangastatto avata
tai sulkea kasin seuraavasti:
1 . Ota esiin etukangaskaton avain ja
mutteriavain ty6kalulaatikosta .
& CAUTION (1) To avoid personal injury, keep the head and hands clear of the front canvas sunroof when it is opened or closed. (2) Do not stick head, hands or anything else out of the front canvas sunroof opening while driving the _ vehicle. (3) Do not leave the key in the" ACC" or "ON" position when a child (or other person who might be hand­icapped for safe operation of the front canvas sunroof switch) is to be left in the vehicle alone. (4) When leaving the vehicle unattended, be sure to close the front canvas sunroof and remove the ignition key. (5) After washing the vehicle or-after it has rained, wipe off any water that is on the front canvas sunroof before operating it. .
(6) Make sure that the vehicle speed is 80 km/h (50 mph) or less when opening or closing the front canvas sunroof. (7) Do not place luggage or any heavy objects on the front canvas sunroof itself, or the area round it.
Manual operation of front canvas
sunroof* EF04J-A
If the switch develops a malfunction and
the front canvas sunroof will not move ,
use the following procedure to open and
close it:
1. Take the
sunroof wrench and the
screwdriver out of the tool box.

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Downloaded from manuals search engine LUKITSEMIENEN .iA AVAAMINEN' ""', ',LOCKING. AND UNLOCKING ~ . " ~ ~, -'. ~
Liuuttakaa etulistaa alas irrottaaksenne sen eturaiteesta.
Liuuttakaa alalistaa taaksepain irrottaak­
senne sen alaraiteesta .
Takasuojuksen irrottaminen HF04('B
1-Lukkonappulat 2-Suojuksen kehys 3-Lukkovipu 4 -Koukku 5 -Avausnappula Slide
front trim down to remove it
from the front rail.
Slide the under trim rearward
to remove
it from the under rail.
Removing the rear canvas top EF04C·B
1-Lock knobs 2-Canvas top frame 3-Lock lever 4-Hook 5-Open button

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