RENAULT KANGOO 2013 X61 / 2.G Wipers And Washers User Guide
Manufacturer: RENAULT, Model Year: 2013, Model line: KANGOO, Model: RENAULT KANGOO 2013 X61 / 2.GPages: 29, PDF Size: 0.22 MB
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85A-11V1 MR-376-X76-85A000$050.mif
Vdiag No.: 0F
Wiper function configurations in the UCH
Configuration readings and configuration available on the diagnostic tool: Equipment required:
CLIP diagnostic tool
readingName of configuration Option Configuration
LC064 Rear screen wiper WITH or WITHOUT SC008 UCH type
Fault finding – Configuration
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85A-12V1 MR-376-X76-85A000$060.mif
Vdiag No.: 0F
Tool fault Diagnostic tool title
DF040Rear screen wiper park position
DF097Windscreen wiper park position control
Fault finding – Fault summary table
Page 13 of 29
AFTER REPAIRFollow the instructions.
Deal with any other faults.
Clear the stored faults.
V1 MR-376-X76-85A000$070.mif
Vdiag No.: 0F
NOTESThe fault is declared present following operation of the rear screen wiper.
Special notes: random operation of screen wiping in intermittent speed position (time
delay not respected).
Special Note:
Use Wiring Diagrams Technical Note for Kangoo VLL.
Check that the rear screen park position status ET097 Rear screen park position is ACTIVE each time the wiper
blade arrives at the park position and then changes back to INACTIVE.
Check the connection and condition of the connectors of the UCH, component code 645, of the passenger
compartment fuse and relay box, component code 260, of the rear screen wiper relay, component code 1041, of
the rear screen wiper motor, component code 21 and of the wiper stalk, component code 145.
If the connector(s) are faulty and there is a repair procedure (see Technical Note 6015A, Electrical wiring repair,
Wiring: Precautions for repair), repair the connector, otherwise replace the wiring.
Check the insulation, continuity and the absence of interference resistance on the following connections:
•AP7 between components 1041 and 260,
•36A between components 1041 and 645,
•36G of component 1041 and 36A of component 211,
•NA between component 1041 and earth,
•36C of component 645 and AP3 of component 211,
•MG between component 211 and earth.
If the connection or connections are faulty and if there is a repair procedure (see Technical Note 6015A,
Electrical wiring repair, Wiring: Precautions for repair), repair the wiring, otherwise replace the wiring.
Check the connection and condition of the rear screen wiper motor connector, component code 211.
If the connector is faulty and there is a repair procedure (see Technical Note 6015A, Electrical wiring repair,
Wiring: Precautions for repair), repair the connector, otherwise replace the wiring.
Check the operation and fitting of the rear screen wiper motor.
The rear screen wiper motor may need to be replaced (see MR 374 Mechanical, 85A, Wiping - Washing, Rear
screen wiper motor: Removal - Refitting).
If the fault is still present, contact the Techline.
Fault finding – Interpretation of faults
Page 14 of 29
AFTER REPAIRFollow the instructions.
Deal with any other faults.
Clear the stored faults.
V1 MR-376-X76-85A000$070.mif
Fault finding – Interpretation of faults85A
Vdiag No.: 0F
NOTESConditions for applying the fault finding procedure to stored faults:
The fault is declared present following operation of the windscreen wiper.
Special notes: random operation of the wipers in intermittent speed position (time
delay not respected).
Special Note:
Use Wiring Diagrams Technical Note for Kangoo VLL.
Check that the windscreen park position status ET027 Windscreen park position is ACTIVE each time the wiper
blade arrives at the park position and then changes back to INACTIVE.
Check the connection and condition of the connectors of the UCH, component code 645, of the combined wiper-
washer, component code 145 and of the windscreen wiper motor, component code 212.
If the connector(s) are faulty and there is a repair procedure (see Technical Note 6015A, Electrical wiring repair,
Wiring: Precautions for repair), repair the connector, otherwise replace the wiring.
Check the insulation, continuity and the absence of interference resistance of the following connections:
•14L between components 645 and 212,
•AP7 between components 145 and 212,
•MQ between component 212 and earth,
•14C between components 145 and 645,
•14D between components 145 and 645.
If the connection or connections are faulty and if there is a repair procedure (see Technical Note 6015A,
Electrical wiring repair, Wiring: Precautions for repair), repair the wiring, otherwise replace the wiring.
Check the connection and condition of the windscreen wiper motor connector, component code 212.
If the connector is faulty and there is a repair procedure (see Technical Note 6015A, Electrical wiring repair,
Wiring: Precautions for repair), repair the connector, otherwise replace the wiring.
Check the operation and fitting of the windscreen wiper motor.
The windscreen wiper motor may need to be replaced (see MR 374 Mechanical, 85A, Wiping - Washing,
Windscreen wiper motor: Removal - Refitting).
If the fault is still present, contact the Techline.
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85A-15V1 MR-376-X76-85A000$080.mif
Vdiag No.: 0F
NOTESOnly perform this conformity check after a complete check with the diagnostic tool.
The values indicated in this conformity check are given as examples.
Test conditions: Engine stopped, ignition on.
FunctionParameter or status
Checked or actionDisplay
and notesFault finding
wiperET027:Windscreen wiper
park positionActive when the wiper
control is in the
intermittent speed
position at each wiper
stop.In the event of a fault,
apply the interpretation of
the fault DF097
Windscreen wiper park
ET097:Rear screen wiper
park positionActive when the wiper
control is in the
intermittent speed
position at each wiper
stop.In the event of a fault,
apply the interpretation of
fault DF040 Rear screen
wiper park position.
ET558:Windscreen wiper
speed setting
selectionYes when the wiper
control is in the
intermittent speed
position.In the event of a fault,
apply the interpretation of
status ET558.
ET555:Rear screen wiper
signalPresent during the rear
screen wiper command.In the event of a fault,
apply the interpretation of
status ET555
washer signalPresent during the
windscreen washer/wiper
command.In the event of a fault,
apply the interpretation of
status ET492
ET557:Rear screen
washer signalPresent during the rear
screen washer/wiper
command.In the event of a fault,
apply the interpretation of
status ET557
Fault finding – Conformity check
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85A-16V1 MR-376-X76-85A000$090.mif
Vdiag No.: 0F
Tool status Diagnostic tool title
ET027Windscreen wiper park position
ET097Rear screen wiper park position
ET492Windscreen washer signal
ET555Rear screen wiper signal
ET557Rear screen washer signal
ET558Windscreen wiper speed setting selection
Fault finding – Status summary table
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AFTER REPAIRCarry out another fault finding check on the system.
Deal with any other faults.
Clear the stored faults.
V1 MR-376-X76-85A000$100.mif
Vdiag No.: 0F
NOTESThere must be no present or stored faults.
Switch on the ignition.
Activate the windscreen washer control.
The status should be PRESENT.
Special Note:
Use Wiring Diagrams Technical Note for Kangoo VLL.
"ABSENT"Check for the presence and condition of fuses F14 (15A) and F15 (20A) on the passenger
compartment fuse and relay box, component code 260 (see MR 374, Mechanical, 81C,
Fuses, Fuses: List and location of components).
Check the condition and connection of the combined wiper-washer connector, component
code 145, and check the front and rear bidirectional washer pump connector, component
code 677 (bent, broken tabs etc.).
If the connector(s) are faulty and there is a repair procedure (see Technical Note 6015A,
Electrical wiring repair, Wiring: Precautions for repair), repair the connector, otherwise
replace the wiring.
Check the condition and connection of the UCH connector, component code 645 (tabs bent,
broken, etc.).
If the connector is faulty and there is a repair procedure (see Technical Note 6015A,
Electrical wiring repair, Wiring: Precautions for repair), repair the connector, otherwise
replace the wiring.
Check for an earth on the following connection:
•NA of component 145.
If the connection is faulty and there is a repair procedure (see Technical Note 6015A,
Electrical wiring repair, Wiring: Precautions for repair), repair the wiring, otherwise
replace the wiring.
Fault finding – Interpretation of statuses
Page 18 of 29
AFTER REPAIRCarry out another fault finding check on the system.
Deal with any other faults.
Clear the stored faults.
V1 MR-376-X76-85A000$100.mif
Fault finding – Interpretation of statuses85A
Vdiag No.: 0F
Check the operation of the screen washer control.
Check the continuity between connections NA and 16A of the combined wiper-washer,
component code 145.
If the connection or connections are faulty and if there is a repair procedure (see Technical
Note 6015A, Electrical wiring repair, Wiring: Precautions for repair), repair the wiring,
otherwise replace the wiring.
Check the insulation, continuity and the absence of interference resistance on the
following connection:
•16A between components677 and 145.
If the connection is faulty and there is a repair procedure (see Technical Note 6015A,
Electrical wiring repair, Wiring: Precautions for repair), repair the wiring, otherwise
replace the wiring.
If the fault is still present, contact the techline.
Page 19 of 29
AFTER REPAIRCarry out another fault finding check on the system.
Deal with any other faults.
Clear the stored faults.
V1 MR-376-X76-85A000$100.mif
Fault finding – Interpretation of statuses85A
Vdiag No.: 0F
NOTESThere must be no present or stored faults.
Switch on the ignition.
Activate the rear screen wiper control.
The status should be PRESENT.
Special Note:
Use Wiring Diagrams Technical Note for Kangoo VLL.
"ABSENT"Check for the presence and condition of fuse F15 (20 A) in the passenger compartment fuse
and relay box, component code 260 (see MR 374 Mechanical, 81C, Fuses, Fuses: List and
location of components).
Check the connection and condition of the rear screen wiper relay connector, component
code 1041 and check the rear screen wiper motor connector, component code 211.
If the connector(s) are faulty and there is a repair procedure (see Technical Note 6015A,
Electrical wiring repair, Wiring: Precautions for repair), repair the connector, otherwise
replace the wiring.
Check the operation of the rear screen wiper.
Check the continuity between connections 36G and AP7 of the rear screen wiper relay in the
intermittent speed position.
If the connection or connections are faulty and if there is a repair procedure (see Technical
Note 6015A, Electrical wiring repair, Wiring: Precautions for repair), repair the wiring,
otherwise replace the wiring.
Check the continuity and insulation of the following connections:
•AP7 between components 1041 and 260,
•36A between components 1041 and 645,
•36G of component 1041 and 36A of component 211,
•36C of component 645 and AP3 of component 211.
If the connection or connections are faulty and if there is a repair procedure (see Technical
Note 6015A, Electrical wiring repair, Wiring: Precautions for repair), repair the wiring,
otherwise replace the wiring.
If the fault is still present, contact the techline.
Page 20 of 29
AFTER REPAIRCarry out another fault finding check on the system.
Deal with any other faults.
Clear the stored faults.
V1 MR-376-X76-85A000$100.mif
Fault finding – Interpretation of statuses85A
Vdiag No.: 0F
NOTESThere must be no present or stored faults.
Switch on the ignition.
Activate the rear screen washer control.
The status should be PRESENT.
Special Note:
Use Wiring Diagrams Technical Note for Kangoo VLL.
"ABSENT"Check the presence and condition of fuse F14 (15 A) in the passenger compartment fuse and
relay box, component code 260 (see MR 374 Mechanical, 81C, Fuses, Fuses: List and
location of components).
Check the condition and connection of the combined wiper-washer connector, component
code 145, and check the bi-directional washer pump connector, component code 677 (tabs
bent, broken, etc.).
If the connector(s) are faulty and there is a repair procedure (see Technical Note 6015A,
Electrical wiring repair, Wiring: Precautions for repair), repair the connector, otherwise
replace the wiring.
Check the condition and connection of the UCH connector, component code 645 (tabs bent,
broken, etc.).
If the connector is faulty and there is a repair procedure (see Technical Note 6015A,
Electrical wiring repair, Wiring: Precautions for repair), repair the connector, otherwise
replace the wiring.
Check for an earth on the following connection:
•NA of component 145.
If the connection is faulty and there is a repair procedure (see Technical Note 6015A,
Electrical wiring repair, Wiring: Precautions for repair), repair the wiring, otherwise
replace the wiring.