steering wheel adjustment JAGUAR X308 1998 2.G Workshop Manual

JAGUAR X308 1998 2.G Workshop Manual X308 1998 2.G JAGUAR JAGUAR JAGUAR X308 1998 2.G Workshop Manual

Page 61 of 2490

JAGUAR X308 1998 2.G Workshop Manual Suspension System - General Information - Front Camber and Caster 
 eral Procedures 
• NOTE: Before any work is commenced, th e vehicle must be checked to establish that it conform

Page 62 of 2490

JAGUAR X308 1998 2.G Workshop Manual Suspension System - General Information - Front Camber
 , Caster and Toe 
Gen e
 ral Procedures 
NOTE: Before checking or adju sting any alignment, examine 
the vehicle for curb im

Page 63 of 2490

JAGUAR X308 1998 2.G Workshop Manual Suspension System - General Infor
 mation - Front Toe Adjustment 
eral Procedures 
NOTE: Before checking or adju sting front wheel alignment, 
examine the vehicle for curb impact damage on

Page 310 of 2490

JAGUAR X308 1998 2.G Workshop Manual oc
 curs only with the parking brake, th
e concern is in the rear brake system. 
If the concern becomes evident during this  check, verify it fits the description given before the road test. If the co

Page 460 of 2490

JAGUAR X308 1998 2.G Workshop Manual Vehicl
 e wanders from side to
side on the road, when the  vehicle is driven straight ahead and the steering wheel is held in a firm  position  
Incorrect ti re 
 pressure or 
tire size.  

Page 461 of 2490

JAGUAR X308 1998 2.G Workshop Manual sus
pension components 
and for damaged coil  springs in the front  suspension.  
as necessary. For addi tional information,  
 ER to Section  204
 2 Rear Suspension
. I

NSTALL new front su

Page 497 of 2490

JAGUAR X308 1998 2.G Workshop Manual  
Locate the ti
 e rod end into the steering arm.  

all a new nut.  

ten the nut to 22-28 Nm.  
NOTE: Make sure the steering wheel and wheel and tire 
assemblies are i

Page 503 of 2490

JAGUAR X308 1998 2.G Workshop Manual Steering
 Linkage - Steering Linkage 
 n and Operation 
Parts List 
The left- and right-hand tie rod assemblies: 
 ransmit steering forces from the steering rack to the st
eering arm

Page 507 of 2490

JAGUAR X308 1998 2.G Workshop Manual The driver air bag is moun
ted below the horn operat
ing pad area, adjacent to the steering wheel hub. 
For air bag safety and service  information, refer to Section 501
-20A Safety Belt 

Page 508 of 2490

JAGUAR X308 1998 2.G Workshop Manual  
The  te
 lescopic slider provides driver crash 
protection by retracting automatically in  the event of an accident; it is clamped in 
position to a preset torque. 
The motorized upper steering colu
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