Hyundai Matrix 2005 Owner's Manual
Manufacturer: HYUNDAI, Model Year: 2005, Model line: Matrix, Model: Hyundai Matrix 2005Pages: 407, PDF Size: 10.31 MB
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This Owners Manual should be considered a part of the car and remain with it when it is sold for the use of the next owner.
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The information in this Owner's Manual is current at the time of publication. However, the right to amend specifications without notice or obligation to incorporate such amendments into vehicles already produced is reserved. This manual applies to all markets and includes descriptions and explanations of optional as well as standard equipment. As a result,
some of the equipment operating descriptions referred to may not apply to the particular vehicle with which this manual is supp lied.
Please refer to the nearest franchised Hyundai authorised repairer for information regarding current standard and optional equi pment
levels. SA010A1-E OWNER'S MANUAL Operation MaintenanceSpecifications
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SA020A1-EResponsibilty For Maintenance
It is the responsibility of the vehicle owner/driver to ensure that all routine mainte- nance services are undertaken in line with the recommendations specified inSection 5 of this manual. In addition, in order to ensure continued validity of the new vehicle warranty and safe operation of the vehicle, non scheduled maintenance/ running repairs should be undertaken at the earliest available opportunity.Under severe operating conditions, more frequent maintenance is required. Details of the maintenance schedule for such conditions are also given in section 5.It is recommended that all maintenance operations and repairs are entrusted to a franchised Hyundai authorised repairer to ensure that the latest repair methods, specialised tooling and genuine Hyundai parts are used to ensure the continuedreliability and safety of the vehicle.
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Hyundai Motor Company wish to take this opportunity to thank you for purchasing a Hyundai product and to welcome
you to the ever increasing number of discriminating motorists who drive Hyundai vehicles. The advanced engineering and construction methods employed during both design and production of the Hyundai marque are something of which we are proud, and this commitment to providing a high quality product is supported by a comprehensive after sales and warranty service of which we are equally proud. This owners manual will introduce the operating and maintenance requirements for the vehicle and it is recommended that it is carefully read to ensure that the maximum performance and durability along with safe and satisfactory operation are obtained. The recommended routine maintenance servicing along with any running repairs that may be required should be entrusted to a franchised Hyundai dealer to ensure that only the latest methods and genuine Hyundaireplacement parts are used for the continued reliability, safety and performance of the vehicle. Should any question or query exist regarding any aspect of your Hyundai please contact the nearest Hyundai authorised repairer who will be only too pleased to assist wherever possible. Note: This owners manual should be considered as part of the vehicle and should be kept in the vehicle at all times for
ease of reference. In the event of the vehicle being sold please ensure that this manual is left in the vehicle for the reference of the new owner.
CAUTION: Severe engine and transaxle damage may result from the use of poor quality fuels and lubricants
that do not meet Hyundai specifications. You must always use high quality fuels and lubricants that meet the specifications listed on Page 9-3 in the Vehicle Specifications section of the Owner's Manual. Copyright 2005 Hyundai Motor Company. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any
retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Hyundai Motor Company.
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Modification to the original vehicle specification may invalidate the manufactur- ers warranty and may adversely affect the safety and durability of the vehicle. Components which are subject to modification or are added to the original vehicle specification without the express approval of the manufacturer and resultin consequential loss or damage are not covered by the vehicle manufacturers warranty.
This vehicle is fitted with electronically controlled fuel injection or other micro processor controlled equipment. It is possible for incorrectly installed two way radio equipment including mobile telephones to adversely affect these systems.Before radio equipment of this kind is installed, please contact your Hyundai authorised repairer for recommendation regarding the suitability of the particular radio equipment concerned and the recommended method of installation andequipment location. Incorrectly installed or unsuitable equipment which gives rise to incorrect functioning of or damage to electronic vehicle components will not fall within the scope of the vehicle manufacturers warranty.
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This manual includes information titled as WARNING, CAUTION and NOTE. These titles indicate the following: WARNING: This indicates that a condition may result in harm or injury to you or other persons if the warning is not heeded. Follow the advice provided with the warning. CAUTION: This indicates that a condition may result in damage to your vehicle or its equipment if the caution is not heeded. Follow the advice provided with the caution. NOTE: This indicates that interesting or helpful information is being provided.
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1. CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT........................................................................ 1-1
2. DRIVING YOUR HYUNDAI ............................................................................... 2-1
3. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY ............................................................................. 3-1
4. APPEARANCE CARE ...................................................................................... 4-1
5. VEHICLE MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS.................................................. 5-1
6. OWNER MAINTENANCE ................................................................................. 6-1
7. EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM ...................................................................... 7-1
8. CONSUMER INFORMATION ............................................................................ 8-1
9. VEHICLE SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................... 9-1
10. INDEX ............................................................................................................. 10-1
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Guide to Hyundai Genuine Parts
1. What are Hyundai Genuine Parts? Hyundai Genuine Parts are the same parts used by Hyundai Motor Company to man-ufacture vehicles. They are designed andtested for the optimum safety, performance,and reliability to our customers.
2. Why should you use genuine parts? Hyundai Genuine Parts are engineeredand built to meet rigid original manufactur-ing requirements. Using imitation, counter-feit or used salvage parts is not coveredunder the Hyundai New Vehicle LimitedWarranty or any other Hyundai warranty. In addition, any damage to or failure ofGenuine Hyundai Parts caused by theinstallation or failure of an imitation, coun-terfeit or used salvage part is not coveredby Hyundai Motor Company.
3. How can you tell if you are purchasing Hyundai Genuine Parts? Look for the Hyundai Genuine Parts Logo on the package (see below). The export specifications are written in English only. Hyundai Genuine Parts are only soldthrough Hyundai authorised repairer.
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1- 1
CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENTHowever, care must be exercised when re- fuelling the vehicle tank from jerry cans or bymeans of a funnel that the fuel being used isunleaded. The use of leaded fuel in this vehicle will result in irreversible pollution of the catalyst ele-ment. Such pollution will prevent correct op-eration of the catalyst and give rise to in-creased operating temperatures leading tothe catalyst element melting and restrictingthe exhaust flow along with an increase inexhaust emission levels. CAUTION: The vehicle warranty will not extend to damage arising from the use of incorrectfuels. DIESEL ENGINES Diesel fuel of 52 to 54 cetane is used in diesel engined Hyundai vehicle. If two types of dieselfuel are available, use summer or winter fuelproperly according to the following tempera-ture conditions.
o Above 23°F (-5°C) ... Summer type diesel fuel.
o Below 23°F (-5°C) ... Winter type diesel fuel. Watch the fuel level in the tank very carefully: If the engine stops through fuel failure, the circuits must be completely purged to permitrestarting.
Unleaded fuel with a Research Octane Num- ber (RON) of 91 or higher must be used in thisvehicle.To prevent accidental charging of the fueltank with leaded fuel, a small diameter fillerneck along with a restrictor flap are fitted toensure that only unleaded fuel pump nozzlesmay enter the filler neck. CAUTION: Do not let any petrol or water enter the tank. If this happens, the tank should becompletely drained and the fuel linesshould all be cleaned out. This will stopthe fuel pump from becoming contami-nated.
"Alternative fuels" Fuels which contain methanol or ethanol must
not be used.
Operation in Foreign Countries Drivers of vehicles which are to be operated
in foreign countries must satisfy themselves that:
o The vehicle meets all local regulations with respect to insurance, specifications etc..
o The correct types and grades of fuel are available for satisfactory operation of the vehicle.
Fuels for Cleaner Air To help contribute to cleaner air, Hyundai
recommends that you use fuels treated withdetergent additives, which help to preventdeposit formation in the engine. These fuelswill help the engines run cleaner and theEmission Control System performance.
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1- 2 6SB035A1-FE IMMOBILISER SYSTEM The immobiliser system is an anti-theft de- vice, designed to prevent and deter automo-bile theft. B880B03A-GAT Keys All of the locks fitted to the vehicle are oper- ated by the same key. However, since it ispossible to lock the doors without the use ofthe key, care should be exercised to ensurethat the key does not become locked insidethe vehicle by mistake. NOTE: If you make your own duplicate key, you will not be able to cancel the system orstart the engine.
B020A02FC-EAT RUNNING IN (Petrol Engine) The longevity and performance of the vehicle are greatly affected by the care exercisedduring the first 1,000 miles of motoring. Be-cause of modern manufacturing techniques,rigid guidelines regarding maximum roadspeeds have become unnecessary. However,certain precautions should be observed inorder to obtain the best possible performanceand useful life from the vehicle.
1) Do not race the engine without a load
(i.e revving the engine in neutral).
2) During the first 500 miles the maximum engine speed should be restricted to 3,000 rpm and gradually increased thereafter.
3) Avoid prolonged constant speed operation. The internal components will become run in
more quickly if the operation speed is varied
during the running-in period.
4) Never allow the engine to labour. Use the gearbox freely and avoid large throttle open-ings when the engine speed is below 1,500rpm.
5) Avoid rapid acceleration and maximum throttle openings.
6) Avoid harsh braking during the first 100 miles of urban motoring or 1,000 miles ofmotorway driving to allow the friction fac-ings of the brake pads and shoes to bedagainst the discs and drums properly.
7) No trailer towing should be undertaken during the running in period.
RUNNING IN (Diesel Engine)
The longevity and performance of the vehicle
are greatly affected by the care exercised during the first 1,000 miles of motoring. Be-cause of modern manufacturing techniques,rigid guidelines regarding maximum roadspeeds have become unnecessary. However,certain precautions should be observed inorder to obtain the best possible performanceand useful life from the vehicle.
1) Do not race the engine without a load
(i.e revving the engine in neutral).
2) During the first 600 miles the maximum engine speed should be restricted to 3,000 rpm and gradually increased thereafter.And whilst driving, keep under three quar-ters of maximum vehicle speed.
3) Avoid prolonged constant speed operation. The internal components of the engine willbecome run in more quickly if the operationspeed is varied during the running in period.
4) Never allow the engine to labour. Use the gearbox freely and avoid large throttle open-ings when the engine speed is below 1,500rpm.
5) Avoid rapid acceleration and maximum throttle openings.
6) Avoid harsh braking during the first 100 miles of urban motoring or 1,000 miles ofmotorway driving to allow the friction fac-ings of the brake pads and shoes to bedagainst the discs and drums properly.
7) No trailer towing should be undertaken during the running in period.